AyeshaFirdoseW DS Almabetter

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Ayesha Firdose W +917676001922

Results-driven data scientist with expertise in statistical analysis, machine
learning, and data visualization. Seeking a challenging role in a data-driven linkedin.com/in/ayeshafirdosew
organization where I can apply my skills and knowledge to extract actionable
insights from complex datasets. Committed to leveraging my technical skills
and domain expertise to deliver innovative solutions that contribute to github.com/ayeshafirdose31
organizational success in the field of data science.


Netflix Movies and TV Shows Clustering. Business Analyst
Almabetter Verified Project TwoDotSeven
02/2023 - 03/2023, 07/2023 - Present,
Tags: K-Means, NLP, Stemming, PCA, Elbow Method, Silhouette Score. Bangalore
Developed a Recommender System. By leveraging the concept of Cosine Skills - Python, SQL, Data Analysis, Deployment,Predictive DSO,
Similarity, implemented an efficient algorithm that matches similar items Collection Modelling, Sales forecasting.
and provides personalized recommendations based on user preferences. Leveraged Python and SQL for in-depth data analysis,
Employed K-means Clustering to group similar data points together. To providing critical insights for business decision-making.
determine the optimal number of clusters, conducted experiments using Successfully gained knowledge about predictive DSO
techniques such as the Elbow method, Silhouette Method, and models to optimize collections, resulting in improved cash
Dendrogram. flow management.
Utilized Streamlit, to create an interactive application. Integrated the Implemented advanced sales forecasting methods,
IMDbPY library, and finally Deployed the app on the hugging face platform. contributing to more accurate revenue projections and
inventory management.
Coronavirus Tweet Sentiment Analysis
AlmaBetter Verified Project.
01/2023 - 02/2023, TRAINING EXPERIENCE
Tags: Supervised ML, EDA, NLP, SMOTE, Vectorization, SVC, Precision, and Recall.
Developed and deployed a tweet sentiment analysis system utilizing Data Science Trainee
Supervised machine learning, EDA, NLP, SMOTE, Vectorization, SVC,
Precision, and Recall. AlmaBetter
01/2022 - Present,
SMOTE was employed to address the class imbalance, while SVC achieved
accurate sentiment classification. Bangalore, Karnataka
Skills - Excel, SQL, Python, ML, Power BI, Tableau,Team Work,
Evaluated the multi-class– Positive, Neutral, and Negative.Implemented
Communication Skills
Support Vector Machine with the Train Accuracy of 82% and Test Accuracy
Acquired proficiency in Python, SQL, machine learning,
of 98%.
Tableau, Power BI, and Google Analytics.
Got hands-on experience in data cleaning, Pre-processing,
Retail Sales Prediction. EDA, feature engineering, model selection, and
Almabetter Verified Project. evaluation.
12/2022 - 01/2023, Secured a place in the top 3% of students in the cohort of
Tags: Supervised Regression ML, EDA, Linear Regression, Random Forest, IQR, and 300 students, and got selected for the prestigious Star
Deployment. Student Program.
Performed E D A to find the trends, preprocessed data, and developed
model using algorithms, Linear Regression, and Random Forest to predict
Sales of Rossmann Stores.
Observed the Linear Trend Throughout the Sales and the Customer data, ACHIEVEMENTS
various processing techniques were applied, such as Missing Value
Imputations, Outliers Treatment, Feature Transformation, One Hot Gold Badge in Python & SQL
Coding, GridSearchCV, and Feature Scaling. HackerRank
Applied Hyperparameter turning techniques such as Grid search CV and
achieved an R2 Score of 96% using Random Forest. Deployed the app using
Streamlit on the hugging face platform.
Bachelor Of Computer Applications.
TECHNICAL SKILLS Bangalore University
CGPA - 7.7 || 2021
Expertise in Languages & Tools (x/5)
Python - 4.5 || SQL - 4.6 || Power BI - 4.8 || Excel - 4.6 || Tableau - 4.8 || Looker
Studio - 4.8 || DSA- 4.5 || || Pandas 4.5 || Numpy-4.5 || Matplotlib-4.5 || Seaborn-
ML Framework
Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Plotly, Seaborn, Matplotlib, NLTK, TensorFlow, Medium Blog
Keras, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, Computer Vision, Statistical Analysis, AI in Space Exploration
Predictive Modelling 2023

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