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Global Pattern and Controls of Soil Microbial Metabolic Quotient

Article in Ecological Monographs · March 2017

DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1258


109 1,675

10 authors, including:

Xiaofeng Xu Joshua P Schimel

San Diego State University University of California, Santa Barbara


Ivan A. Janssens Xia Song

University of Antwerp Oak Ridge National Laboratory


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Ecological Monographs, 87(3), 2017, pp. 429–441
© 2017 by the Ecological Society of America

Global pattern and controls of soil microbial metabolic quotient

Biology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182 USA
Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China
Department of Ecology, Evolutionary, and Marine Biology, University of California at Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, California 93106 USA
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
Institute of Geology and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 USA
Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Climate Change Science Institute and Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 USA

Abstract. The microbial metabolic quotient (MMQ), microbial respiration per unit of
biomass, is a fundamental factor controlling heterotrophic respiration, the largest carbon flux
in soils. The magnitude and controls of MMQ at regional scale remain uncertain. We compiled
a comprehensive data set of MMQ to investigate the global patterns and controls of MMQ in
top 30 cm soils. Published MMQ values, generally measured in laboratory microcosms, were
adjusted on ambient soil temperature using long-term (30 yr) average site soil temperature and
a Q10 = 2. The area-weighted global average of MMQ_Soil is estimated as 1.8 (1.5–2.2) (95%
confidence interval) lmol Ch1mmol1 microbial biomass carbon (MBC) with substantial
variations across biomes and between cropland and natural ecosystems. Variation was most
closely associated with biological factors, followed by edaphic and meteorological parameters.
MMQ_Soil was greatest in sandy clay and sandy clay loam and showed a pH maximum of
6.7  0.1 (mean  se). At large scale, MMQ_Soil varied with latitude and mean annual tem-
perature (MAT), and was negatively correlated with microbial N:P ratio, supporting growth
rate theory. These trends led to large differences in MMQ_Soil between natural ecosystems
and cropland. When MMQ was adjusted to 11°C (MMQ_Ref), the global MAT in the top
30 cm of soils, the area-weighted global averages of MMQ_Ref was 1.5 (1.3–1.8)
lmol Cmmol MBC1h1. The values, trends, and controls of MMQ_Soil add to our under-
standing of soil microbial influences on soil carbon cycling and could be used to represent
microbial activity in global carbon models.
Key words: basal respiration; edaphic factor; meteorology; microbial metabolic quotient; pH; soil micro-
bial biomass.

The metabolic processes driving heterotrophic respira-

tion depend on many environmental and biological fac-
Soil microbial processes are critical for the global car- tors (Anderson and Domsch 1993, Wardle 1993). The
bon cycle (Schimel and Schaeffer 2012), particularly het- environmental factors include substrate availability and
erotrophic respiration, possibly the largest carbon flux quality (Blagodatskaya et al. 2011, Jiang et al. 2013),
in soils (Bardgett et al. 2008). Respiration rates are soil texture and water content (Van Veen and Kuikman
determined by the biomass and activity of the soil 1990, Jiang et al. 2013), and temperature (Hagerty et al.
microbes (Moorhead et al. 2014). The microbial respira- 2014). Biologically, the MMQ is affected by microbial
tion per unit of microbial biomass is defined as the community structure (Jiang et al. 2013), microbial bio-
microbial metabolic quotient (MMQ; Anderson and mass, and basal respiration (BR; Wardle 1993). The
Domsch 1993). Although the distribution of soil micro- MMQ at global and biome scales in relation to these
bial biomass has been well quantified (Jenkinson 1977, biological, edaphic, and meteorological controls is
Beck et al. 1997, Serna-Chavez et al. 2013, Xu et al. invaluable for understanding and predicting hetero-
2013), the MMQ at various scales is largely unknown trophic respiration within global carbon cycle models
(Anderson and Domsch 1993, Spohn 2015). (Jenkinson and Ladd 1981, Hagerty et al. 2014, Stein-
weg et al. 2014).
The global soil carbon modeling community has long
Manuscript received 24 October 2016; revised 22 February recognized the importance of microbial carbon biogeo-
2017; accepted 6 March 2017. Corresponding Editor: Aimee T.
Classen. chemistry (Parton et al. 1987, Jenkinson et al. 1990,
E-mail: [email protected] Schimel 2001). Traditional ecosystem models implicitly

430 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
Vol. 87, No. 3

simulate the microbial contribution to soil carbon can also be normalized to a global reference temperature
cycling, mostly using first order differential equations for broad comparisons among biomes that differ in plants,
(Parton et al. 1987, Raich et al. 1991, Schimel 2001), microbes, and soil composition.
however, this simple modeling approach does not explic- In this study, we present a comprehensive global syn-
itly consider microbial regulation of soil organic carbon thesis of published MMQs, temperature-adjusted
mineralization (Schimel 2001). In recent years, a number MMQs, global and biome-level MMQs, and the biologi-
of microbial models have been developed that explicitly cal and environmental controls over MMQs. We first
simulate microbial processes and their controls on soil report the global data set of BR, soil microbial biomass
carbon cycling (Schimel and Weintraub 2003, Allison carbon (MBC), and the MMQ. Then we report the tem-
et al. 2010, Wang et al. 2013, Wieder et al. 2013, perature-corrected MMQs at global and biome scales.
Sulman et al. 2014, Xu et al. 2014). Microbial activities Third, we analyze the controls on MMQs at a global
in these models are typically represented as a single scale, with a focus on comparing cropland and natural
parameter, which is determined from microbial biomass ecosystems. Last, we discuss the implications of the
turnover rate measurements, obtained with traditional knowledge for microbial soil carbon models.
soil incubations (Jenkinson and Ladd 1981, Wieder
et al. 2013, Xu et al. 2014). Microbial enzymatic models
simulate microbial control of the carbon cycle with
enzyme kinetics, while the enzyme production rate
Data compilation
depends on MMQ (Allison et al. 2010, Wang et al.
2013). The in-situ microbial biomass turnover rate math- We collected publications by searching for “soil micro-
ematically equals MMQ under steady state conditions, bial turnover rate,” “basal respiration,” “soil microbial
i.e., when there is no net biomass change (Jenkinson and metabolic quotient,” “soil microbial residence time,” and
Ladd 1981, Van Veen et al. 1984). Therefore, the magni- “soil microbial biomass” in Google Scholar in December
tude and controls of MMQs are essential for accurately 2013; in December 2015, we repeated the search to
calibrating these microbial models and assessing their expand the data set to cover the period of 1970–2015.
sensitivity to global change factors (Steinweg et al. Candidate studies were included in this study if (1) soil
2014), within larger scale carbon cycling models. MMQ was reported or both basal microbial respiration
However, traditional incubation methods for estimating and biomass carbon were reported and (2) the incuba-
basal microbial respiration have long been questioned tion period for measuring BR was <40 d. Long incuba-
because the temperature during incubations is typically tion experiments normally result in reduced BR. In
different from the ambient soil temperature (Jenkinson addition, soil MBC is unlikely to change over short peri-
and Ladd 1981). Reported MMQ based on laboratory soil ods, which is the fundamental assumption for the MMQ
incubations become more representative for soil microbial correction based on soil temperature as applied in this
activity, and more useful in process modeling, if they are study. More than 95% of the values identified in our
adjusted to ambient soil temperature (Fig. 1). This tem- search were from the incubation experiments <40 d
perature-corrected MMQ is a more relevant metric for (Appendix S1: Fig. S1). Many studies set 35–42 d as the
assessing the dependency of MMQ on local edaphic, threshold for short-term vs. long-term incubations when
meteorological, and biological factors. In addition, MMQ studying labile carbon limitation to microbial respiration
(Shi et al. 2006, Birge et al. 2015). Basal respiration was
measured without substrate addition, because substrate
addition enhances microbial activity, but not necessarily
microbial biomass, thereby altering MMQ (Lu et al.
2014). The soil microbial biomass, BR, and MMQs data
represent the top 30 cm of soils across the globe; the rea-
sons for using top 30 cm are (1) more than 70% soil
microbial biomass are in top 30 cm (Xu et al. 2013) and
(2) this portion of microbial biomass is the most active
along soil profile (Fierer et al. 2003).
A total of 2444 observations from 14 biomes across
the globe were retrieved from 210 papers (Fig. 2). The
data were further aggregated into 10 biome types: crop-
land (CL), grassland (GL), shrubland (Shr), temperate
FIG. 1. Conceptual framework showing the correlation broadleaf forest (Brof), temperate coniferous forest
between MMQ_Inc, MMQ_Soil, and MMQ_Ref (positions of (Conf), tropical/subtropical forest (T/STF), natural wet-
MMQ_Inc, MMQ_Soil, and MMQ_Ref depend on the temper- land (W), boreal forest (Borf), pasture (P), and bare soil
atures). MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient; MMQ_Inc,
MMQ based on incubation data; MMQ_Soil, adjusted MMQ and others (BS). No data were available for tundra
at long-term average site soil temperature; MMQ_Ref. reference ecosystems (Fig. 2). Metadata for each site included
MMQ based on the global soil MAT of 11°C latitude, longitude, mean annual air temperature, mean

FIG. 2. Distribution of the data points used in this study (2437 out of 2444 data points with geographical coordinates are shown
in this map).

annual precipitation, bulk density, soil pH, vegetation Temperature correction of MMQ
type, incubation temperature, BR, soil MBC, nitrogen,
and phosphorus, soil organic carbon, soil total nitrogen, Temperature correction is necessary for comparing
soil available phosphorus (all reported available phos- MMQ across studies due to the differences between long-
phorus including Olson P, etc.), sampling date, and sam- term average site soil temperature and incubation temper-
pling depth (Data S1). ature. Approximately 91% of the published incubation
Other metadata, not measured in situ, were extracted experiments were carried out at temperatures higher than
from spatial data sets. When not available at a site level, the long-term average ambient soil temperature at the
we extracted point-level soil data (soil pH, soil texture sampling locations (P < 0.001; Fig. 4). We adjusted these
[silt, clay, and sand], and bulk density) from the Re- reported MMQs to their long-term average site soil tem-
gridded Harmonized World Soil Database v1.2 in the perature and to the global-averaged mean soil tempera-
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active ture (Table 1; Appendix S1: Table S1), using a Q10 = 2
Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics (available (Eq. 2). This function has been previously used to mathe-
online).10 Soil temperature and moisture data for the top matically simulate the temperature dependence of micro-
10 cm were downloaded from the NCEP/DOE AMIP-II bial respiration (Rey and Jarvis 2006, Wei et al. 2014).
Reanalysis (Reanalysis-2) Monthly Average data set on
12 June 2015 (available online).11 The corresponding grid
values were extracted based on geographical coordinates.
The extraction of soil temperature and moisture was
based on a 30-yr average of 1981–2010; the retrieved cli-
mate data are from CRU TS version 3.23 on 30 March
2016, the 30-yr average was used to represent the site-
level meteorology condition (data available online).12
Eq. 1 was used to compute MMQ from BR and MBC
if MMQ was not reported in the literature. The 3D scatter
plots for BR, MBC, and MMQ_Inc, MMQ based on
incubation data, are shown in Fig. 3.
MMQ ¼ (1)

http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanaly FIG. 3. The 3D diagram showing the correlation between
sis.derived.surfaceflux.html MMQ_Inc, basal respiration, and microbial biomass carbon.
https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_3.23/ MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient.
432 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
Vol. 87, No. 3

Q10 = 2 is indeed the best value for the temperature sen-

sitivity of microbial activities (Fierer et al. 2006, Koch
et al. 2007); (2) an incubation experiment under a gradi-
ent of temperatures further supported the Q10 = 2 of BR
(Xu et al. 2015a; Appendix S1: Fig. S2); and (3) a sensi-
tivity analysis confirmed that Q10 for MMQ has a
median value of 2, albeit ranging between 1.5 and 3.0
(Appendix S1: Table S2, Fig. S3).

Correlations between MMQs

Due to the temperature correction, there are three
terms for MMQ in this study. (1) The MMQ_Inc, i.e.,
MMQ based on incubation data, is the reported MMQ;
(2) MMQ_Soil is the adjusted MMQ at long-term aver-
age site soil temperature; and (3) MMQ_Ref is the refer-
ence MMQ based on the global soil MAT of 11°C. The
FIG. 4. The temperatures for the soil samples during incu- global MAT is determined from the output of the Com-
bation and soil and air temperatures of their sampling sites munity Earth System Model/Community Land Model
(91.5% measurements have lower air temperature than incuba-
(CESM/CLM; Oleson et al. 2013). The connections
tion temperature; 91.1% measurements have lower soil tempera-
ture than incubation temperature). among the three MMQs are illustrated in Fig. 1. Due to
the short duration of the incubation experiments (all
incubations were <40 d with more than half <7 d;
ðT T2 Þ=10
MMQ1 ¼ MMQ2  Q10 1 (2) Appendix S1: Fig. S1), it is assumed that the soil micro-
bial biomass did not substantially change during incuba-
T1 and T2 are the temperatures in Celsius, MMQ1 and tion. In this paper, we focus on the magnitudes and
MMQ2 are the MMQ at T1 and T2, respectively. Based controls of MMQ_Soil, and discuss the MMQ_Inc and
on MMQ_Inc, we calculated the MMQ_Soil using the MMQ_Ref from a modeling perspective.
incubation temperature and the 30 yr average soil tem-
perature at the sampling site. Therefore, MMQ_Soil rep-
Statistical analysis
resents the site’s average MMQ in relation to mean
annual temperature (MAT). This equation was used to The statistical analyses used in this study included sim-
calculate MMQ_Ref representing MMQ at soil tempera- ple linear regression, generalized linear regression, poly-
ture of 11°C. The corrections were carried out under the nomic regression, Duncan’s new multiple range test, and
assumption that BR is temperature dependent, while soil structural equation modeling (SEM). Generalized linear
microbial biomass remains unchanged during the typi- regression was used to quantify the standardized contribu-
cally short soil incubations. The Q10 value of 2 was used tions of various environmental factors to variation in the
because (1) recent synthesis studies have reported that MMQs. Polynomial regression was used to estimate the

TABLE 1. Global and biome-level MMQ_Inc, MMQ_Soil, and MMQ_Ref (mean and 95% confidence boundaries are reported).

Microbial metabolic quotient (mmol Cmol MBC1h1)

Biomes MMQ_Inc MMQ_Soil MMQ_Ref
Bare soils/desert 6.16a,b (4.83–7.86) 3.21a (2.50–4.13) 2.56a,b (1.97–3.32)
Boreal forest 3.42c,d (2.99–3.91) 1.28c,d (1.11–1.48) 1.70b,c (1.49–1.95)
Cropland 4.76b,c (4.31–5.25) 3.11a,b (2.79–3.47) 2.08a,b (1.87–2.31)
Grassland 2.31d,e (2.03–2.63) 1.11d (0.97–1.27) 1.23c,d (1.10–1.38)
Natural wetlands 7.95a (6.08–10.39) 3.75a (2.91–4.83) 3.36a (2.55–4.43)
Pasture 2.05e (1.69–2.48) 1.12d (0.91–1.38) 0.84d,e (0.71–1.00)
Shrubland 4.51b,c (3.55–5.74) 1.96b,c (1.56–2.47)\ 2.11a,b (1.74–2.56)
Temperate broadleaf 2.87d (2.53–3.27) 1.19c,d (1.04–1.37) 1.16c,d (1.01–1.32)
Temperate conifer 2.23d,e (1.90–2.61) 0.99d (0.81–1.13) 0.96d,e (0.81–1.13)
Tropical/subtropical 1.58e (1.38–1.82) 1.35c,d (1.15–1.58) 0.62e (0.53–0.73)
Global average (Mean and 95% CI of the entire dataset) 3.67 (3.47–3.89) 2.01 (1.89–2.14) 1.64 (1.54–1.74)
Area-weighted global average 3.44 (2.89–4.12) 1.81 (1.52–2.17) 1.51 (1.27–1.80)
Notes: MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient; MMQ_Inc, MMQ based on incubation data; MMQ_Soil, adjusted MMQ at long-
term average site soil temperature; MMQ_Ref. reference MMQ based on the global soil MAT of 11°C. The different letters in one
column indicate significant difference at P = 0.05.

pH and soil texture controls on MMQ_Soil. Duncan’s analysis, the average and 95% confidence intervals were
new multiple range test was used to quantify the signifi- transformed back to original values for reporting. This
cance of inter-biome differences in MMQ (Appendix S1: log-transformation was used to make the data population
Table S1). All statistical analyses were carried out with follow a normal distribution for robust statistical analysis.
R.13.1 in Mac OS X.
Structural equation modeling was used to quantify
the relative importance of biological, edaphic, and mete-
orological factors in controlling MMQ variation. The
Global and biome-level MMQ_Inc and MMQ_Soil
lavaan package in R was used for the SEM (package
available online).13 Redundant factors were removed The arithmetic mean values for MMQ_Inc and
from the SEM model. While BR, MBC, nitrogen MMQ_Soil are 3.7 (95% CI, 3.5–3.9) and 2.0 (95% CI,
(MBN), phosphorus (MBP), and microbial N:P ratio 1.9–2.1) lmol Cmmol MBC1h1, respectively. The
(MB_NP) are all important biological factors control- global average of MMQ_Inc is significantly greater
ling MMQ_Soil (Appendix S1: Fig. S4), they were sig- than MMQ_Soil (Table 1). The biome area-weighted glo-
nificantly correlated so only one of these biological bal mean MMQ_Inc and MMQ_Soil were 3.4 (95% CI,
factors was used in the SEM. Due to the strong multi- 1.9–4.1) and 1.8 (95% CI, 1.5–2.2) lmol Cmmol
collinearity among variables, the variance inflation fac- MBC1h1 (Table 1), which is primarily attributable to
tor (VIF) was used to quantitatively select the right the fact that >90% of the studies were conducted on soils
factor for SEM analysis (VIF < 5). Considering the where the incubation temperature was higher than long-
strong correlation of BR with several other factors and term average site soil temperature (Fig. 4).
the lacking of MBN and MBP data from many studies Both MMQ_Inc and MMQ_Soil showed substantial
(i.e., microbial biomass N:P ratio), we used BR in the variations across biomes (Table 1). Tropical/Subtropical
SEM to represent the biological factors. For the edaphic had the lowest MMQ_Inc, 1.6 (95% CI, 1.4–1.8)
factors (Appendix S1: Fig. S4), there were strong corre- lmol Cmmol MBC1h1, while natural wetlands the
lations between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. highest MMQ_Inc, 8.0 (95% CI, 6.1–10.4)
Therefore, we used soil organic carbon density (SOC, g/ lmol Cmmol MBC1h1. Temperate conifer forests
m2) as a factor representing nutrient concentrations. Soil had the lowest MMQ_Soil, 1.0 (95% CI, 0.8–1.1)
pH was included as an important soil chemical condi- lmol Cmmol MBC1h1, while natural wetlands the
tion (Appendix S1: Fig. S5). For soil texture, only silt highest MMQ_Soil, 3.8 (95% CI, 2.9–4.8)
and clay contents were included because the sand con- lmol Cmmol MBC1h1; Table 1. This large inter-
tent could be determined if soil silt and clay are known. biome variation of MMQ_Soil has previously been
For soil meteorological factors, soil temperature and attributed to biome-specific differences in soil texture,
moisture were included (Appendix S1: Fig. S6). substrate quality, and microbial community (Larsen
The SEM results were evaluated with the comparative et al. 2012, Schimel and Schaeffer 2012, Karhu et al.
fit index (CFI), the normed fit index (NFI), and the chi- 2014, Xu et al. 2014).
square test (v2). The chi-square value is the traditional
measure for evaluating the overall model fit and accessing
Controls on MMQ_Soil shown as linear regression
the magnitude of discrepancy between the sample and fit-
ted covariance matrices; NFI is an incremental fit index Variations in MMQ_Soil are controlled by various
that assesses the model by comparing the chi-square factors that could be categorized as biological, meteoro-
value of the model to the null model that assumes that all logical, and edaphic. We analyzed the effects of biologi-
variables are uncorrelated; CFI is a revised form of the cal factors on MMQ_Soil using a simple linear
NFI that takes into account sample size; model fits with regression approach (Fig. 5; Appendix S1: Fig. S4). All
NFI > 0.95 and CFI > 0.95 indicate a good SEM (Hoo- biological factors were significantly correlated with
per et al. 2008). The SEM was applied to data from crop- MMQ_Soil (Appendix S1: Fig. S4). Across the whole
land, natural ecosystems, and cropland + natural data set, the MMQ_Soil was positively correlated with
ecosystems to attribute the variations in MMQ_Soil to BR (r = 0.50; P < 0.01), negatively correlated with soil
meteorological, edaphic and biological factors. MBC (r = 0.35; P < 0.01), MBN (r = 0.38; P <
The figures for variable correlation and ternary graph- 0.01), MBP (r = 0.30; P < 0.01), and N:P ratio (r =
ics were produced with OriginPro 8.5 (OriginLab Cor- 0.60; P < 0.01; Appendix S1: Fig. S4). In addition,
poration, Massachusetts, USA) and Microsoft Excel most of these factors were correlated with each other.
2016 in Windows (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, For example, the MBC is significantly correlated with
USA). The spatial maps were produced with ArcGIS 10.2 MBN (r = 0.92; P < 0.01; Appendix S1: Fig. S4).
in Windows (Esri, Redlands, California, USA). All data Among the edaphic factors, MMQ_Soil was signifi-
for BR, soil microbial biomass, microbial biomass N:P cantly correlated with bulk density (r = 0.053; P < 0.01),
ratio, MMQs were log-transformed before statistical silt content (r = 0.25; P < 0.01), clay content (r = 0.084;
P < 0.01), sand content (r = 0.099; P < 0.01), organic
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lavaan/index.html carbon density (r = 0.09; P < 0.01), total nitrogen
434 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
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FIG. 5. Controls on MMQ_Soil in natural ecosystems and cropland (red is for cropland, blue for natural ecosystems, and
black for natural ecosystems and cropland combined). (A) Cropland: log(MMQ_Soil) = 3.0837 (0.0621) + 0.0343
(0.0034) 9 Tsoil; R2 = 0.0795; P < 0.001. Natural ecosystems: log(MMQ_Soil) = 3.1102 (0.0281) + 0.0214 (0.0022) 9 Tsoil;
R2 = 0.0698; P < 0.001. All: log(MMQ_Soil) = 3.1670 (0.0293) + 0.0293 (0.0034) 9 Tsoil; R2 = 0.1167; P < 0.001. (B) Cropland:
log(MMQ_Soil) = 2.3913 (0.1081)  0.5563 (0.1437) 9 log(N:P); R2 = 0.2256; P < 0.001. Natural ecosystems:
log(MMQ_Soil) = 2.3049 (0.2127)  0.6796 (0.1743) 9 log(N:P); R2 = 0.2572; P < 0.001. All: log(MMQ_Soil) = 2.3322
(0.0926)  0.6496 (0.0930) 9 log(N:P); R2 = 0.3468; P < 0.001. (C) Cropland: log(MMQ_Soil) = 8.5467 (0.9711) + 2.0070
(0.3082) 9 pH  0.1614 (0.0239) 9 pH2; R2 = 0.0630; P < 0.001. Natural ecosystems: log(MMQ_Soil) = 3.4535
(0.0742) + 0.0937 (0.0127) 9 pH; R2 = 0.0556; P < 0.001. All: log(MMQ_Soil) = 5.2547 (0.3290) + 0.8153
(0.1129) 9 pH  0.0631 (0.0094) 9 pH2; R2 = 0.0378; P < 0.001). MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient; Tsoil, soil temperature

density (r = 0.14; P < 0.01), soil pH values (r = 0.11; standardized coefficient (b), a quantitative parameter
P < 0.01), and marginally correlated with total phos- for specific association, was 0.94 for cropland (P <
phorus (r = 0.11; P = 0.078; Appendix S1: Fig. S5). 0.001), 0.60 for natural ecosystems (P < 0.001), and
Among climate factors, MMQ_Soil was positively corre- 0.74 for all ecosystems combined (P < 0.001; Fig. 6C).
lated with soil temperature (r = 0.34; P < 0.01), MAP The impact of soil temperature on MMQ_Soil was sig-
(r = 0.098; P < 0.01), and MAT (r = 0.38; P < 0.01), nificant in croplands (b = 0.26, P < 0.001), natural
and negatively correlated with soil moisture (r = 0.072; ecosystems (b = 0.25, P < 0.001), and for the whole
P < 0.01; Appendix S1: Fig. S6). data set. The impact of soil moisture on MMQ_Soil
Of the three groups of factors controlling MMQs, bio- was significant in natural ecosystems (b = 0.38,
logical factors were the most important, followed by P < 0.001) and for the whole data set (b = 0.17,
edaphic and meteorological factors. Based on the multi- P < 0.001; Fig. 6), but not for croplands (b = 0.01,
ple linear regressions, BR, temperature, moisture, P = 0.65). This is consistent with the GLM results,
organic carbon density, pH, and texture explained 76% which also showed a contrasting effect of soil tempera-
of the MMQ_Soil variation in croplands, 49% in natural ture (0.004, P = 0.910) for cropland vs. (0.142,
ecosystems, and 53% in all ecosystems (Table 2). P = 0.001) natural ecosystems and a marked differ-
ence in soil moisture, 0.016 (P = 0.661) vs. 0.420
(P < 0.001; Table 2). In summary, the GLM and
Controls of MMQ_Soil inferred with structural
SEM approaches agreed on the overall ranking of
equation modeling
the factors determining MMQ_Soil: biological
The dominant effect of BR on MMQ_Soil was sup- factors > edaphic factors > meteorological factors
ported by SEM analysis (Fig. 6). For MMQ_Soil, the (Table 2).

TABLE 2. Summary of the generalized linear models for the effects of biological, meteorological, and soil edaphic factors on
MMQ_Soil (all contribution were standardized for comparison purposes).

Meteorology Biology Soil edaphic factors

Soil Soil Soil
Source Factors temperature moisture BR Soil pH organic carbon Silt Clay
Cropland standardized estimates 0.26* 0.01 0.92* 0.01 0.19* 0.05 0.03
Natural standardized estimates 0.25* 0.39* 0.55* 0.04 0.41* 0.02 0.04
Combined standardized estimates 0.27* 0.17* 0.68* 0.08* 0.46* 0.08* 0.21*
Notes: MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient; BR, basal respiration, * indicates significance at a level of P = 0.05.

both cropland and natural ecosystems. The effects of pH,

silt, and clay content on MMQ_Ref were not significant
(Table 2). Soil temperature, latitude, soil texture, MBC,
nitrogen, and N:P ratio, and soil pH were all identified as
important factors contributing to the variation in
MMQ_Soil (Fig. 5; Appendix S1: Figs. S4–S6). Tempera-
ture was a primary factor controlling microbial activities
(Lloyd and Taylor 1994, Davidson and Janssens 2006),
and MMQ_Soil was positively correlated with soil
temperature (Appendix S1: Fig. S5). There was a negative
correlation between soil microbial biomass N:P ratio and
MMQ_Soil (P < 0.001; Fig. 5B), which was consistent
with the growth rate theory, the higher growth rate is
associated with higher P concentration and lower C:P
and N:P ratios (Sterner and Elser 2002). Lower N:P
supports higher MMQ_Soil with a slope of 0.6496 
0.0930 (mean  se).
Significant correlations were found between all single
soil texture factors and the MMQs (Appendix S1:
Fig. S5). Particularly, soil pH and texture had a signifi-
cant correlation with MMQ_Soil (Figs. 5, 6; App-
endix S1: Fig. S5). The relationships between MMQ_Soil
and silt or sand followed a concave curve (Fig. 7B, D),
while the correlation between clay content followed a con-
vex curve (Fig. 7C); both were best described by polyno-
mial equations (Fig. 7). To further analyze the soil
texture effects on MMQ_Soil and identify the soil types
with high or low MMQ_Soil, we plotted the MMQ_Soil
on the soil texture class ternary diagram. Sandy clay and
sand clay loam had higher MMQ_Soil than the other
soils. Because data were lacking for silt-dominated soils,
some potential texture impacts remain unclear. In

FIG. 6. Structural equation models of soil meteorology,

edaphic processes, and biology as predictors of MMQ_Soil for
(A) cropland, (B) natural ecosystems, and (C) cropland and nat-
ural ecosystems combined (black lines represent significant
effects [P < 0.05]; orange lines represent non-significant effects
(P > 0.05); solid lines represent positive paths; dotted lines repre-
sent negative paths; microbial N:P ratio is not included because
of lacking microbial N:P data associated with all other variables;
the width of the arrow is proportional to the factorial contribu-
tion). MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient; SOC, soil organic
carbon; BR, basal respiration; Msoil, soil moisture; CFI, com-
parative fit index; NFI, normed fit index.

Edaphic factors on MMQ_Soil

FIG. 7. Edaphic impacts on MMQ_Soil (A, ternary graph;
Among the edaphic variables, SOC had the strongest B–D, correlation between MMQ_Soil and silt, clay, and sand,
impact on MMQ with negative effects on MMQ_Ref in respectively).
436 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
Vol. 87, No. 3

addition, MMQ_Soil showed a significant association had higher MMQ_Soil than other soils in cropland, while
with soil pH (Appendix S1: Fig. S5). We found that the they had relatively lower MMQ_Soil than other soil types
relation between soil pH and MMQ_Soil followed a uni- in natural ecosystems. This finding has indicated that the
modal curve with a maximum at pH = 6.7. biological controls on microbial processes are similar for
croplands and natural ecosystems; the differences are
likely caused by edaphic and meteorological factors.
Natural ecosystems vs. cropland
The MMQ_Soil was higher in cropland than natural
MMQ_Ref: MMQ adjusted to global
ecosystems (3.1 vs. 1.4 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1;
average soil temperature
Fig. 9). A further separation analysis showed that forests
had significantly lower MMQs compared to non-forest The arithmetic mean value for MMQ_Ref was 1.6 (95%
ecosystems (1.2 vs. 2.6 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1 for CI, 1.5–1.7) lmol Cmmol MBC1h1. The global aver-
MMQ_Soil; Fig. 9). The higher MMQ_Soil in cropland age of MMQ_Inc was significantly larger than MMQ_Soil,
is driven by cultivation, which stimulates microbial activ- which was significantly larger than MMQ_Ref (Table 1;
ity (Srivastava and Singh 1989, Xu et al. 2013). Because Appendix S1: Table S1). The biome area-weighted global
substrate availability is lower in cropland soils, soil micro- mean MMQ_Ref was 1.5 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1.
bial biomass is largely lower than that of natural ecosys- MMQ_Soil was thus significantly greater than MMQ_Ref
tems (18.4 vs. 47.2 mmol C/kg dry soil; P < 0.001), (P < 0.001) on a global scale (Table 1), which is primarily
while BR is slightly lower (93.3 vs. 134.7 lmol Ckg attributable to the fact that >90% of the studies were con-
dry soil1h1; P < 0.001; Appendix S1: Table S2). ducted on soils where the ambient soil temperature was
Large differences were also found in the environmental higher than global mean temperature (Fig. 4). The differ-
controls on MMQ_Soil between croplands and natural ences between MMQ_Soil and MMQ_Ref varied with
ecosystems (Tables 1, 2, Figs. 5, 6, 8). For example, the biomes along latitude. MMQ_Ref was significantly higher
impacts of soil temperature and pH on MMQ_Soil were than MMQ_Soil in high latitude ecosystems (e.g., boreal
similar for croplands and natural ecosystems (b = 0.26 vs. forest; P < 0.001), while it was significantly lower at low
0.25 for temperature and b = 0.01 vs. 0.04 for pH; latitudes (e.g., subtropical and tropical forest; P < 0.001),
Fig. 6B, C), while the effect of soil moisture was signifi- and quite similar at mid-latitudes (e.g., temperate broadleaf
cantly different (b = 0.01 vs. 0.38; Fig. 6B, C). Signifi- and temperate conifer forests; Table 1).
cantly different impacts were found for soil pH as well; the The MMQ_Ref showed substantial variations across
three parameters for a second order polynomial equa- biomes (Table 1). Natural wetlands had the highest
tion describing soil pH impact on MMQ_Soil were all sig- MMQ_Ref, 3.4 (95% CI, 2.6–4.4) lmol Cmmol
nificantly different (Fig. 6C), while the effects of microbial MBC1h1, while subtropical and tropical forests
biomass N:P ratio on MMQ_Soil were similar between had the lowest MMQ_Ref, 0.6 (95% CI, 0.5–0.7)
cropland and natural ecosystems (Fig. 6B). Soil texture lmol Cmmol MBC1h1; Table 1. Similarly, the large
impacts were also different between natural ecosystems inter-biome variations of MMQ_INc, MMQ_Soil, and
and croplands (Fig. 8). Sandy clay and sandy loam soils MMQ_Ref are attributable to biome-specific differences

FIG. 8. Ternary graph showing silt, clay, and sand impacts on MMQ_Soil for (A) natural ecosystem and (B) cropland. MMQ,
microbial metabolic quotient.

in BR and soil microbial biomass caused (Appendix S1: MBC1h1°C1 (Fig. 5A). This value is consistent
Table S2) by soil texture, substrate quality, and microbial with a recent study that reported a warming-induced
community (Larsen et al. 2012, Schimel and Schaeffer increase in microbial turnover rate of
2012, Karhu et al. 2014, Xu et al. 2014). The MMQ_Ref 1.25 9 104 mmol Cmmol MBC1h1°C1 (Hagerty
are higher in cropland than natural ecosystems (2.1 vs. et al. 2014). Proposed reasons for the positive impact of
1.3 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1; Fig. 9). A further sepa- warming on MMQ_Soil primarily include: (1) warming-
ration analysis illustrated that forests had significantly induced increases in activity of microbial predators, and
lower MMQ_Ref compared to non-forest ecosystems thus fast carbon release from soil microbes, (2) warm-
(1.2 vs. 2.0 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1; Fig. 9). ing-induced shifts in microbial community composition
toward dominance of microbial species with faster turn-
over, (3) warming-induced acceleration of protein turn-
over, (4) warming-induced increases in bacteriophage
activities (Hagerty et al. 2014), and (5) warming-induced
MMQs vs. microbial respiratory carbon turnover
smaller, more active microbial biomass (Colman and
Microbial metabolic quotient is defined as microbial Schimel 2013).
respiration per unit of biomass (Anderson and Domsch The effect of soil texture on MMQ_Soil was consistent
1993). Theoretically, if soil microbial biomass is at with a modeling study that reported a positive linear cor-
steady state, there is no net growth, carbon assimilation relation between soil carbon turnover rate and clay con-
equals maintenance respiration plus production, and tent in a range of 10–50% (Schimel et al. 1994). In
MMQ equals respiratory carbon turnover rate (Van addition, a laboratory experiment found that higher clay
Veen et al. 1984). Over the course of laboratory incuba- content stimulated organic matter decomposition by
tions (up to 40 d), it is assumed that MMQ equals increasing substrate availability and microbial biomass
microbial biomass turnover rate because microbial bio- in artificial soils (Wei et al. 2014). Data analysis in this
mass does not show substantial change. study confirmed that clay content was positively
Our mean value for MMQ_Ref (1.5 lmol Cmmol correlated with MMQ_Soil, although a reduction in
MBC1h1) was similar to the turnover rate reported in MMQ_Soil was found above ~45% clay content
many experiments and incorporated in microbial mod- (Fig. 7C), which was consistent with a field study
els. A recent meta-analysis reported a mean soil micro- reporting a negative correlation between clay content
bial biomass turnover rate of 67  22 d (mean  sd) and microbial respiration (Wang et al. 2003).
based on production data (Sinsabaugh et al. 2017), The pH effect on MMQs followed a unimodal curve
which was equivalent to specific biomass turnover rate for cropland soils, but not in natural ecosystems, with a
(l/B) of 0.6  0.2 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1, and a peak at ~6.8 (Fig. 5C), consistent with changes in micro-
mean microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) of 0.25– bial activity along a pH gradient (Rousk et al. 2010).
0.27. These values are equivalent to our mean value for One possible consideration is that croplands receive high
MMQ_Soil (1.8  0.6 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1), ass- fertilizer inputs, which may have reduced soil pH at
uming that MMQ_Soil = (l/B)/(CUE/(1  CUE)). some sites (Guo et al. 2010), with detrimental impacts
on microbial activity. Because data for pH >9 were rare,
it is not clear whether the pH impact is truly unimodal,
Various controls on MMQ_Soil
or whether the pH impact plateaus at neutral conditions,
The slope of the linear regression between MMQ_Soil as is suggested by a study of bacterial diversity (Fierer
and soil temperature was 1.2 9 104 mmol Cmmol and Jackson 2006).
Low biomass N:P ratios indicate greater cellular phos-
phorus content, which normally corresponds to faster
microbial growth rate according to the growth rate theory
(Sterner and Elser 2002), although they could also indi-
cate very low N availability. This correlation might also
indicate a shift between fungal and bacterial dominance,
which differ in their mean C:N ratio (Xu et al. 2013).
Greater MMQ is associated with bacteria dominated
microbial communities (Fierer et al. 2007), which will
result in high N mineralization (Schimel and Bennett
2004), while lower MMQ is associated with a fungi-domi-
nated microbial community, which normally leads to low
N availability. This strong control of soil microbial N:P
ratio on MMQ had two-fold implications: (1) the strong
FIG. 9. The MMQ_Soil and MMQ_Ref for forest vs. non- impact of N:P on microbial carbon cycling advanced our
forest and cropland vs. natural ecosystems (the bar represents theoretical understanding of ecological stoichiometry in
standard deviation). MMQ, microbial metabolic quotient. soil microbes, as the growth rate theory has thus far been
438 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
Vol. 87, No. 3

tested primarily with autotrophic organisms (Smith MMQ from experiments to models
1982), and (2) nitrogen and phosphorus controls on
Soil microbes are an important control of carbon flow
microbial carbon cycling should not be ignored in micro-
in soils. Therefore, accurately modeling soil microbial acti-
bial models, as was common practice in the past (Wang
vates is critical for modeling soil microbial processes
et al. 2013, Wieder et al. 2013, He et al. 2014).
within large-scale climate models (DeLong et al. 2011).
Although we confirmed that edaphic factors had sig-
MMQ is the direct parameter controlling soil microbial
nificant effects on MMQ_Soil, soil sampling disturbance
activities on carbon cycling; soil microbial turnover rate is
effect is another important mechanism that might have
the key mechanism for all microbial models. The majority
substantial impacts but these were not included in this
of the recent microbial models simulate microbial turnover
analysis due to the shortage of relevant information
with a single value. The value ranges from 0.0005 h1
(Data S1). Studies have found that the disturbances dur-
(Wieder et al. 2013) to 0.3 h1 (Sulman et al. 2014),
ing soil sampling often greatly increases microbial activi-
which are largely different from the estimates in this study
ties (Carter and Gregorich 2007), most likely stimulating
(Fig. 10). While the CLM-Microbe and AWB models use
microbial activity and BR (Findlay et al. 1985).
0.002 h1, which is in consistent with this study.
Most microbial models do not separate the respiratory
MMQ in association with carbon use efficiency carbon release and microbial detritus production (Schi-
mel and Weintraub 2003, Wang et al. 2013, Wieder et al.
Microbial metabolic quotients were calculated based
2013, Xu et al. 2014) and define microbial activity as the
on BR and MBC, reflecting the specific activity of soil
microbial turnover rate at a reference temperature,
microbes. Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) is a
which was comparable with our MMQ_Ref. Our global
complementary parameter relating how much carbon
mean MMQ_Ref falls in the range of parameters used in
flow into microbial biomass is directed to biomass pro-
extant microbial models (Allison et al. 2010, Wieder
duction (Sinsabaugh et al. 2013). Thus, a negative corre-
et al. 2013, He et al. 2014, Xu et al. 2014). For example,
lation between MMQ and CUE is expected. Our mean
although never calibrated to measurements, the model
MMQ was similar to the microbial respiratory carbon
of Schimel and Weintraub (2003) demonstrated some
turnover calculated from qCO2 and CUE using an inde-
interesting and plausible behaviors on carbon and nitro-
pendent data set (Sinsabaugh et al. 2017). Theoretically,
gen cycling. The model set microbial turnover rate at
higher CUE means more carbon is assimilated into
0.001 h1 (equal to 1.0 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1) for
microbial biomass, and less carbon enters microbial bio-
the carbon-only version of their model and at
mass respire as BR, corresponding to a lower MMQ;
0.0004 h1 (equal to 0.4 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1) for
lower CUE indicates less carbon is assimilated into
the carbon and nitrogen model (Schimel and Weintraub
microbial biomass and higher MMQ. Thus, a negative
2003), with microbial carbon being used for mainte-
correlation between MMQ and carbon use efficiency is
nance respiration, enzyme production, and microbial
expected, which has been verified in Sinsabaugh et al.
(2017). Sinsabaugh et al. (2017) estimated a global mean
biomass turnover time of 67  22 d based on a mean
microbial CUE of 0.25–0.30. This estimate is consistent
with the global average for MMQ_Soil (1.8 lmol
Ch1mmol MBC1) and MMQ_Ref (1.5 lmol
Ch1mmol MBC1), which correspond to a respiration
based MBC turnover times of 23 and 28 d, respectively,
assuming that MMQ = (l/B)/(CUE/(1  CUE).
There was also consistency in the relative importance
of environmental factors controlling MMQ and CUE
between this study and Sinsabaugh et al. (2017). Biologi-
cal factors, followed by edaphic factors and meteorologi-
cal factors, were the dominant controls for both MMQ
and CUE as shown by SEM. For example, both MMQ
and CUE responded to soil pH in a second order polyno-
mial curve, with optimal pH in a relative acid condition,
6.5 for MMQ_Soil and 5.4 for CUE. Both SEM analyses
in this study and Sinsabaugh et al. (2016) agreed that soil
pH had minor direct impacts on MMQ and CUE, while
the indirect impacts were strong, which explained the con- FIG. 10. Estimated respiratory carbon turnover in compar-
sistency of soil pH impacts. Given the consistency ison with microbial turnover rate represented in several repre-
sentative microbial models (microbial turnover rate in CORPSE
between environmental controls on CUE and MMQ, it is ranges from 0.00046 to 0.04 h1, the graph assumes 90% closer
likely the soil texture has substantial impacts on CUE, to the slow carbon pool). AWB, (Allison et al., 2010); CLM-
which deserves further analysis if data allow. Microbe, (Xu et al., 2014); CORPSE, (Sulman et al., 2014).

growth. The AWB model (Allison et al. 2010) and Xu and Richardson 2013, Xu et al. 2015b). Finally, due to the
et al. (2014) model set microbial turnover rate at environmental controls on MMQ_Soil are similar with
0.002 h1 (equal to 2.0 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1), those on MMQ_Ref; along with the simple temperature
which is very close to our global mean MMQ_Soil, but adjustment of MMQ_Ref, this study did not report the
larger than MMQ_Ref in this study. Wieder et al. (2013) environmental controls on MMQ_Ref. That deserves
set the microbial turnover rate at 0.0005 h1 (equal to future intensive experimental and modeling studies.
0.5 lmol Cmmol MBC1h1), which is significantly
smaller than the calculated MMQ_Ref in this study. The
large range of MMQ used in microbial models infers a
need for quantifying the large-scale MMQs and their The MMQ represents the specific microbial activity in
environmental controls. the global soils. Therefore, it is a critically important
Meanwhile, the quantitative equations described here parameter for understanding microbial controls on car-
for the biological and edaphic controls on MMQ_Soil bon cycling, particularly the carbon releases from soils
offer greater resolution for quantitatively modeling micro- to the atmosphere. The quantitative equations described
bial activities at the ecosystem scale. For example, the soil here for the biological and edaphic controls on
texture control on MMQ had never been explicitly MMQ_Soil are a valuable source for quantitatively mod-
described mathematically in traditional or microbial mod- eling microbial activities.
els (Wieder et al. 2015), though a few modeling studies Given the progress achieved and gaps remaining, we
confirmed the importance of soil physical protection on identified three key research directions for further efforts
carbon storage (Sulman et al. 2014); the soil pH control of understanding and applying MMQ. First, a new and
has been ignored in most microbial models (Xu et al. better methodology for quantifying MMQ is needed.
2014, Wieder et al. 2015). While the MMQ_Ref is critically Current estimation of MMQ is highly dependent on
important in models that simulate microbial temperature incubation experiment with measured BR and soil
sensitivity across various biomes, more efforts are neces- MBC. Because the soil microbial biomass varies signifi-
sary for better understanding MMQs and their environ- cantly over time and across space and microbes continu-
mental controls from experimental and modeling studies. ously assimilate and release carbon, the instant, or
short-term, BR and soil microbial biomass could be used
to calculate the in situ MMQ. Due to the technical limi-
Uncertainties in present study
tation, it is challenging to measure instant BR and soil
A comprehensive data set was compiled and analyzed microbial biomass and carbon turnover in biomass.
for magnitude and controls of MMQ_Soil. A few simplifi- Recent measurement of microbial carbon use efficiency
cations during data analysis need to be considered when with isotopic technique might be partially solving this
interpreting the results. First, the biological factors ana- limitation (Hagerty et al. 2014). Second, how to model
lyzed in this study excluded the root properties due to lack MMQ in a unified manner is very important for ongoing
of data across the globe. The inclusion of root biomass effort for incorporating microbial physiology into large-
and root exudation should provide more accurate infor- scale climate models. The mathematical equations devel-
mation on biological controls on MMQ_Soil as root- oped in this study could be useful for modeling MMQ in
microbe interaction has been proven an critical factors on a more mechanistic way, and large data sets would pro-
microbial activities (Kuzyakov and Xu 2013). Second, the vide robust analysis to advance the mathematical under-
soil temperature used in this study was 30-yr average soil standing. Third, theoretical modeling of microbial
temperatures at sampling location because all other envi- physiology, particularly the MMQ might be a good way
ronmental factors considered represented the average soil to integrate limited MMQ data; as progress being made
condition, we used the long-term average temperature to in this direction, more convincing results are emerging.
represent meteorological information. This treatment Any progress made toward these three directions would
might have reduced the impacts of in situ soil temperature lead to robust knowledge of MMQ and reliable ways for
variation, and its dynamics on MMQ. Third, the understanding microbial contributions to carbon cycling
MMQ_Ref is an important parameter for modeling at various scales ranging from molecular to global.
microbial activity, and it was derived based on MMQ_Soil
and a fixed Q10 = 2; this simple adjustment of invariant
Q10 might have brought biases into this analysis consider-
ing the variation in temperature sensitivity of microbial Daryl Moorhead provided valuable comments on data analy-
activities (Karhu et al. 2014). Fourth, the microbial com- sis and result presentation. X. Xu and X. Song are grateful for
munity structure is another potential factor affecting financial and facility supports from San Diego State University
MMQ_Soil, but due to lack of data, this study did not and University of Texas at El Paso. Financial assistance was
partially provided by the SPRUCE and NGEE Arctic projects,
include microbial community structure as a biological fac- which are supported by the Office of Biological and Environ-
tor (Strickland and Rousk 2010, Rousk and B a
ath 2011). mental Research in the Department of Energy Office of Science.
Fifth, the C:N:P:S nutrient stoichiometry needs to be con- This study was partially supported by the Northeast Institute of
sidered when estimating microbial respiration (Hartman Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
440 XIAOFENG XU ET AL. Ecological Monographs
Vol. 87, No. 3

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