DLL CW Week5

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DAILY School TOMINAMOS INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Grade 11 – Wisdom/ Grade 11 – Patriot

N Teacher NINO T. JIMENEZ Learning Creative Writing
LOG Area
Teaching Dates and March 27 – March 29, 2023 (MTW) | 10:00-11:00 Quarter Third Quarter
Time AM,4:00-5:00 PM


A. Content The learner understands
Standards poetry as a genre
and how to analyze
its elements and
B. Performance The learner shall be able
Standards to produce a short, well-
crafted poem
C. Learning Identify the various
Competencies/Obje elements,
ctives techniques, and literary
in poetry
Specific objective:
Identify the elements of
fiction. (Plot and
II. CONTENT Elements of Fiction

A. References DIWA Senior High
School: Creative Writing
by Peter Solis Nery
1. Teacher’s DIWA Senior High
Guide Pages School: Creative Writing
by Mario L. Mendez Jr.
2. Learner’s NONE
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages Page 18-19

4. Additional NONE
Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning NONE
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be
done across the week.
Spread out the activities
appropriately so that
students will learn well.
Always be guided by
demonstration of
learning by the students
which you can infer from
formative assessment
activities. Sustain
learning systematically
by providing students
with multiple ways to
learn new things,
practice their learning,
question their learning
processes, and draw
conclusions about what
they learned in relation
to their life experiences
and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time
allotment for each step.

A. Reviewing Daily Routine (Prayer,

previous lesson or Roll Call)
presenting the new Recall / Drill: The
lesson teacher will conduct a
simple review of the
previous lesson

Ask students to recall

what they learned about
the elements of fiction in
the previous lesson.
Review briefly by asking
what the different
elements of fiction are
and how they contribute
to a story. Introduce the
new lesson by explaining
that today, they will
delve deeper into each
element and learn how
to apply them to a short
B. Establishing a Explain that the purpose
purpose for the of the lesson is for
lesson students to gain a better
understanding of the
different elements of
fiction and how they are
used to create a story.
They will also learn how
to analyze a short story
using these elements.
C. Presenting Distribute the short
examples/instances story handouts to the
of the new lesson students. Ask them to
read the story
individually and identify
the different elements of
fiction present in the
story. After 5 minutes,
ask students to share
their findings and list
them on the whiteboard
or chart paper.
The Runaway
D. Discussing new Start with the first
concepts and element of fiction, which
practicing new skill is plot. Discuss what it
#1 means and how it is used
in the story. Ask
students to identify the
different parts of the plot
in the story they just
read (exposition, rising
action, climax, falling
action, and resolution).
After discussing, ask
students to write a short
paragraph about the plot
of the story, including
the different parts they
E. Discussing new Move on to the next
concepts and element of fiction, which
practicing new skill is character. Discuss
#2 what it means and how it
is used in the story. Ask
students to identify the
different characters in
the story and describe
their traits and
personalities. After
discussing, ask students
to choose one character
from the story and write
a short character
analysis, describing their
traits, motivations, and
F. Developing After completing the two
Mastery activities, ask students to
share their paragraphs
and character analyses
with the class. Provide
feedback and corrections
as needed.
G. Finding practical Ask students to reflect
applications of on how the elements of
concepts & skills in fiction apply to their
daily living daily lives. For example,
how do they see the
elements of fiction in
movies, TV shows, or
books they enjoy?
Encourage them to think
about how
understanding these
elements can enhance
their enjoyment of
H. Making Lead a brief discussion
generalizations & about how the different
abstractions about elements of fiction work
the lesson together to create a
story. Ask students to
share their observations
about how the plot and
characters interact with
each other.

I. Evaluating Assessment can be done

Learning through a quiz or
written analysis of a
different short story,
where students are
asked to identify and
analyze the different
elements of fiction
J. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The lesson have successfully The lesson have successfully The lesson have successfully The lesson have successfully The lesson have successfully
delivered delivered delivered delivered delivered
Due to:: Due to:: Due to:: Due to:: Due to::
______ pupil’s eagerness to ______ pupil’s eagerness to ______ pupil’s eagerness to ______ pupil’s eagerness to ______ pupil’s eagerness to
learn learn learn learn learn
______ complete/ varied IMs ______ complete/ varied ______ complete/ varied ______ complete/ varied ______ complete/ varied IMs
______uncomplicated lesson IMs IMs IMs ______uncomplicated lesson
______worksheets ______uncomplicated lesson ______uncomplicated lesson ______uncomplicated lesson ______worksheets
_____varied activity sheets ______worksheets ______worksheets ______worksheets _____varied activity sheets
___Strategies/Approaches in _____varied activity sheets _____varied activity sheets _____varied activity sheets ___Strategies/Approaches in
Teaching used ___Strategies/Approaches ___Strategies/Approaches ___Strategies/Approaches Teaching used
___Pupils Participation and in Teaching used in Teaching used in Teaching used ___Pupils Participation and
Discipline ___Pupils Participation and ___Pupils Participation and ___Pupils Participation and Discipline
Discipline Discipline Discipline
A. No. of learners ______no. of Pupils ______no. of Pupils ______no. of Pupils ______no. of Pupils ______no. of Pupils
who earned 80% in ______of learners who ______of learners who ______of learners who ______of learners who ______of learners who
the evaluation earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above
B. No. of learners _____ of Learners who _____ of Learners who _____ of Learners who _____ of Learners who
who require _____ of Learners who require additional require additional require additional require additional
additional activities require additional activities for activities for activities for activities for
for remediation who activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ______Yes ______Yes ______Yes ______Yes ______Yes
lesson work? No. of _______No _______No _______No _______No _______No
learners who caught
up with the lesson ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners ____of Learners who ____of Learners who ____of Learners who ____of Learners who
who continue to ____of Learners who continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
require remediation continue to require remediation remediation remediation remediation

E. Which of my ____ Group Collaboration ____ Group ____ Group ____ Group ____ Group
teaching strategies ____Games Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration
worked well? Why ____Solving ____Games ____Games ____Games ____Games
did these work? Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Solving ____Solving ____Solving ____Solving
____Answering Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
Preliminary ____Answering ____Answering ____Answering ____Answering
activities/exercises Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary
____Carousel activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
____Diads ____Carousel ____Carousel ____Carousel ____Carousel
____Think-Pair- ____Diads ____Diads ____Diads ____Diads
Share(TPS) ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair-
____Rereading of Share(TPS) Share(TPS) Share(TPS) Share(TPS)
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ____Rereading of ____Rereading of ____Rereading of ____Rereading of
____Differentiated Paragraphs/Poems/Storie Paragraphs/Poems/Storie Paragraphs/Poems/Storie Paragraphs/Poems/Storie
Instruction s s s s
____Role Playing/Drama ____Differentiated ____Differentiated ____Differentiated ____Differentiated
____Discovery Method Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction
____Lecture Method ____Role ____Role ____Role ____Role Playing/Drama
____Complete IMs Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Drama ____Discovery Method
____Localized Videos ____Discovery Method ____Discovery Method ____Discovery Method ____Lecture Method
____Explicit Instruction ____Lecture Method ____Lecture Method ____Lecture Method ____Complete IMs
___Outdoor Activities ____Complete IMs ____Complete IMs ____Complete IMs ____Localized Videos
____Brainstorming ____Localized Videos ____Localized Videos ____Localized Videos ____Explicit Instruction
___Modeling-showing ____Explicit Instruction ____Explicit Instruction ____Explicit Instruction ___Outdoor Activities
____Experiential ___Outdoor Activities ___Outdoor Activities ___Outdoor Activities ____Brainstorming
Approach ____Brainstorming ____Brainstorming ____Brainstorming ___Modeling-showing
___Modeling-showing ___Modeling-showing ___Modeling-showing ____Experiential
Reason: ____Experiential ____Experiential ____Experiential Approach
Approach Approach Approach
Reason: Reason: Reason:

F. What difficulties ___Complete IMs ___Complete IMs ___Complete IMs ___Complete IMs ___Complete IMs
did I encounter ___Bullying among pupils ___Bullying among ___Bullying among ___Bullying among ___Bullying among
which my principal ___Pupil behaviour pupils pupils pupils pupils
or supervisor can /attitude ___Pupil behaviour ___Pupil behaviour ___Pupil behaviour ___Pupil behaviour
help me solve? ___Colorful IMs /attitude /attitude /attitude /attitude
___Unavailable ___Colorful IMs ___Colorful IMs ___Colorful IMs ___Colorful IMs
Technology Equipment ___Unavailable ___Unavailable ___Unavailable ___Unavailable
(AVR/LCD) Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment
___Science/Computer/ (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
Internet Lab ___Science/Computer/ ___Science/Computer/ ___Science/Computer/ ___Science/Computer/
___Additional Clerical Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
Works ___Additional Clerical ___Additional Clerical ___Additional Clerical ___Additional Clerical
___Availability of Works Works Works Works
Materials ___Availability of ___Availability of ___Availability of ___Availability of
___Group members Materials Materials Materials Materials
Cooperation in doing their ___Group members ___Group members ___Group members ___Group members
tasks Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing
___complicated lesson their tasks their tasks their tasks their tasks
___Classroom ___complicated lesson ___complicated lesson ___complicated lesson ___complicated lesson
Management ___Classroom ___Classroom ___Classroom ___Classroom
___Classroom Structuring Management Management Management Management
___Strategies and ___Classroom ___Classroom ___Classroom ___Classroom
Approaches in Teaching Structuring Structuring Structuring Structuring
___Updating DLL ___Strategies and ___Strategies and ___Strategies and ___Strategies and
Approaches in Teaching Approaches in Teaching Approaches in Teaching Approaches in Teaching
___Updating DLL ___Updating DLL ___Updating DLL ___Updating DLL

G. What innovation ___Localized Videos ___Localized Videos ___Localized Videos ___Localized Videos ___Localized Videos
or localized ___Making big books ___Making big books ___Making big books ___Making big books ___Making big books
materials did I from views of locality from views of locality from views of locality from views of locality from views of locality
use/discover which ___Recycling of Plastics ___Recycling of Plastics ___Recycling of Plastics ___Recycling of Plastics ___Recycling of Plastics
I wish to share with to be used as instructional to be used as to be used as to be used as to be used as
other teachers? Materials instructional Materials instructional Materials instructional Materials instructional Materials
___local poetical ___local poetical ___local poetical ___local poetical ___local poetical
composition composition composition composition composition
___Group Collaboration ___Group Collaboration ___Group Collaboration ___Group Collaboration
___Games ___Group Collaboration ___Games ___Games ___Games
___Solving Puzzle ___Games ___Solving Puzzle ___Solving Puzzle ___Solving Puzzle
/Jigsaw ___Solving Puzzle /Jigsaw /Jigsaw /Jigsaw
___Differentiated /Jigsaw ___Differentiated ___Differentiated ___Differentiated
Activities/instruction ___Differentiated Activities/instruction Activities/instruction Activities/instruction
___Explicit Instruction Activities/instruction ___Explicit Instruction ___Explicit Instruction ___Explicit Instruction
___Discovery Approach ___Explicit Instruction ___Discovery Approach ___Discovery Approach ___Discovery Approach
___Outdoor Activities ___Discovery Approach ___Outdoor Activities ___Outdoor Activities ___Outdoor Activities
___Brainstorming ___Outdoor Activities ___Brainstorming ___Brainstorming ___Brainstorming
___Think-Pair-Share ___Brainstorming ___Think-Pair-Share ___Think-Pair-Share ___Think-Pair-Share
(TPS) ___Think-Pair-Share (TPS) (TPS) (TPS)
___Talk show/dula-dulaan (TPS) ___Talk show/dula- ___Talk show/dula- ___Talk show/dula-
___Modeling/showing ___Talk show/dula- dulaan dulaan dulaan
___Experiential Approach dulaan ___Modeling/showing ___Modeling/showing ___Modeling/showing
___Carousel ___Modeling/showing ___Experiential ___Experiential ___Experiential
___Diads ___Experiential Approach Approach Approach
___Answering Approach ___Carousel ___Carousel ___Carousel
Preliminary ___Carousel ___Diads ___Diads ___Diads
Activities/exercises ___Diads ___Answering ___Answering ___Answering
___Rereading of ___Answering Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Preliminary Activities/exercises Activities/exercises Activities/exercises
___Role playing/Drama Activities/exercises ___Rereading of ___Rereading of ___Rereading of
___Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Storie Paragraphs/Poems/Storie Paragraphs/Poems/Storie
Paragraphs/Poems/Storie s s s
s ___Role playing/Drama ___Role playing/Drama ___Role playing/Drama
___Role playing/Drama
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


SHS Teacher I SHS Assistant Principal II Principal IV

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