Literature Review On Education For Sustainable Development

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Crafting a literature review on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a formidable task

that demands a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and an adept ability to synthesize
diverse scholarly works. This process involves an in-depth exploration of existing literature, critical
analysis, and the integration of various perspectives to construct a cohesive narrative.

One of the challenges encountered in writing a literature review on ESD lies in the vast and evolving
nature of the field. The constant influx of research and publications necessitates an ongoing review
of literature, making it challenging to stay current with the latest developments. Additionally, the
interdisciplinary nature of ESD demands expertise in various domains, including education,
environmental science, social sciences, and more.

Another hurdle in the literature review process is the need for a discerning eye to select relevant and
high-quality sources. Sifting through a plethora of articles, books, and journals to identify those that
contribute significantly to the understanding of ESD requires time and expertise. Moreover, the
synthesis of these diverse sources into a coherent narrative requires careful consideration of thematic
connections and conceptual frameworks.

To alleviate the challenges associated with writing a literature review on ESD, individuals are
encouraged to seek professional assistance from reputable services. Among the options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform that offers expert guidance in literature review
creation. Their team of experienced writers understands the nuances of academic writing and can
deliver a well-structured and insightful literature review tailored to the specific requirements of
Education for Sustainable Development.

In conclusion, tackling a literature review on Education for Sustainable Development is a complex

undertaking, requiring a deep understanding of the subject and the ability to navigate a vast body of
literature. For those seeking assistance, ⇒ ⇔ provides a reliable solution to ensure a
comprehensive and well-crafted literature review that meets academic standards and expectations.
President Muhammad Buhari with his mantra for “change” was part of the leaders to affirm his
support for the SDGs and its success in Nigeria. Some of the challenges identified according to the
findings are lack of finance, competing interest, accountability and monitoring of progress, getting
the involvement of the right stakeholders, unavailability of quality infrastructures, weak institutional
capacity, unavailability of expert personnel, and world politics. Four phases of the methodology for
the systematic review. One of the enablers for sustainable development is 'education' as it empowers
people to make sustainable choices for a better tomorrow. Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto,
Japan, on the 11thDecember 1997 and it entered into force on 16thFebruary 2005. The effects of
climate change situation is being felt in Nigeria. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-
minute counselling session. The aim of this research was to analyse the prospects and challenges of
achieving the SDGs on environment in Nigeria through Low Carbon Economy. In the Brexit vote,
for example, pro and con voters were often divided by age, level of education, and economic status.
Quality education goal, target 7) This places great emphasis on a wide range of themes and the need
to build capacities from an early stage. Monitoring will allow stakeholders to become actively
involved in the process of transition, identify possible gaps in action plans, issues with the
pedagogies used, the competences targeted or even their vision of sustainability. The heat trapped in
the earth is often used as hot water to heat up buildings or to produce electricity (EIA, 2017). Then,
using the NVivo tool Text Search, the concepts revealed in the previous phase were searched and
coded in nodes (subcategories). Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Perhydroazulenes - A
New Class of Liquid Crystalline Materials zakir hussain 2011, Synlett Download Free PDF View
PDF Free PDF Myths, Dreams and the Business of Spiritual Heritage in Uganda Pauline Harding
Journal of African Cultural Heritage Studies Aspects of Uganda’s cultural heritage damaged by 20th-
century religious and political conflicts have enjoyed a resurgence over recent decades. Development
is pursued mostly at the expense of the environment. The review started by focusing on peer-
reviewed publications only, specifically about ESD for ECE. Hydroelectric energy is a very clean
energy source that does not pollute the environment and it is also renewable. Back casting, which is
the methodology that binds all the steps of our framework, begins with a projection of the desired
outcome(s), and works backwards to understand what is needed for their realisation. For example,
the domain “emotions” is problematic as emotions play a role as a concomitant in all the other
domains, and the claim of its teachability or learnability, which is central when it comes to education,
is particularly questionable in this domain, as well as in the domain of “values and ethics”. It is a
non- renewable form of energy, that is, sources of energy that will eventually finish and cannot be
replenished and it has been predicted to be on the verge of finishing (Otto, 2017). For that reason the
article at hand focuses on this question. Operationalizing competencies in higher education for
sustainable development. In addition, the competence model ESD-specific action competence of
teachers in kindergarten and primary school should aim to specifically contribute to the discussion of
teacher professionalization in educational science. Next Article in Journal Impact of Samarkand’s
Destination Attributes on International Tourists’ Revisit and Word-of-Mouth Intention. After an
expert committee revision of the articles reviewed, three cornerstones (scientific action-integrated,
community-based and value-oriented scopes) and three sets of suitable pedagogical approaches (art-
based, outdoor-based and project-problem-based) were identified. Research instruments include a
questionnaire, interview, observation, reading, etc. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
even increasingly enters official school curricula (cf. Feature papers are submitted upon individual
invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. Conflicts of Interest The
authors declare no conflict of interest. There were certain disequalising forces operating in the world
economy which made the gains from trade go mainly to developed countries.
Of these, two stand out above the others, the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and
the Earth Charter. In the first phase, the inclusion criteria were applied to the title and abstract. There
is a tendency in many countries for ESD and GCED to be promoted within teacher education along
parallel lines. With regard to this, it needs to be clarified what competencies should be targeted in
offers for teacher education and further education of teachers. The three cornerstones were present in
almost half of the articles reviewed. Even individual educators, who are not solely regarded in the
focus of their “professional selves” in this model either, should be able to orient themselves by these
competencies. Citizenship, as an interdisciplinary approach fostered by teachers from different
backgrounds, encourages students’ capacity to act, to think critically, and be transformative in their
own contexts. The three major components of the environment will be safe and secure (air, water,
and land). That is, reliability measures the accuracy and consistency of a result. The framework is
intended to provide information on activities and innovations that programs of education for
sustainable development should encompass. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS
reader. The NESREA replaced the Federal Environmental protection Agency (FEPA) in 2007. The
forging of aesthetic values through direct and meaningful experiences is key to engaging children
with a natural and cultural context. Valverde-Berrocoso J, Garrido-Arroyo MdC, Burgos-Videla C,
Morales-Cevallos MB. However, there are numerous environmental and sector-specific policies,
plans, initiatives and strategies that can be applied to the task of taking action against the impacts of
climate change in Nigeria (BNRCC, 2011). Networks, be they national, regional or international, can
play an important role in sharing expertise and influencing policy-makers. Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) is indeed all about shaping a better tomorrow for all. Feature papers represent
the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature. Gout,
Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD). Boix-Mansilla, V.; Jackson, A. Educating for
Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World. It attempts to integrate them by
means of child-centered approaches, in order to build a consistent framework to address the current
socio-environmental crisis. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture 3. The future generations of Nigeria will be secured if the SDGs on the
environmentis achieved. International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). Achieving
transformation: Change in educators’ attitudes and actions, implementing new goals and practicing
new procedures, implementing reorientation and alignment of the educational system towards
sustainability on all levels. In Nigeria the vision is to ensure that no Nigerian is left behind, the
integration of the SDGs in an all-inclusive manner that is people-centred and also to emphasise on
institutional and policy firming up (McDickson, 2016). Please let us know what you think of our
products and services. There is a transition from one form of energy to another in the production of
hydroelectric energy. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. The basic role
of this office is the coordination of the implementation, partnerships, and advocacy of the SDGs
(Udo, 2016).
However, in education and further education of teachers the development of competencies is
consistently designed for and targeted at individuals only. Professionalization refers to those
domains, which are crucial for a person to successfully pursue his or her vocation and which affect
students’ learning in a positive manner. The effects of climate change are being felt around the globe.
ESD and GCED approaches tend to promote a social constructivist approach to teaching and
learning. Systematic Review of Education for Sustainable Development at an Early Stage:
Cornerstones and Pedagogical Approaches for Teacher Professional Development. The total effort of
these stakeholders will ensure its achievement but in a situation where one of the stakeholders view
it as disadvantageous to them, they might be reluctant to dedicate efforts to achieving this goal.
Hence, any issue concerning the environment should not be taken with levity. To them, the
achievement of this goal will prove to be a negative thing on their part. The word “ sustainability”
was first used in 1987 in the document entitled, “Our Future in Common,” also known as the
Brundtland Report, which was presented at the United Nations General Assembly. In order to
achieve the SDGs on the environment, all major stakeholders must be involved. The introduction of
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) during the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992: The United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio Summit, Earth Summit) and Chapter 36
of Agenda 21 consolidated international discussions on the critical role of education, training and
public awareness in achieving sustainable development. President Muhammad Buhari with his
mantra for “change” was part of the leaders to affirm his support for the SDGs and its success in
Nigeria. Thus education is working as an engine for economic development. The technological and
industrial activities of man have led to the depletion or gradual degradation of the environment.
Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). The United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty on the environment
that was developed to address the issue of climate change during the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED). This method is based on a collection of primary data. It is
fair to ask ourselves if the work we do has these characteristics. Each guide empowers youth ages 8
to 17 and their teachers to discover science in their community and use what they learn to make a
difference. This failure cannot be attributed to e-learning itself, but to the fact that the potential of
this teaching method has been underestimated and excluded from the digital education projects of
educational organizations. And finally, when setting geographic priorities, national
internationalization strategies need to encourage collaboration with all nations, not only those that
represent a lucrative economic partner or significant market for international recruitment. The road to
sustainability is paved by education, and unless we invest on it, we might never get there. Factors
such as diligence, and hard work among others, but it is not only limited to that, over time the
honesty and integrity of the researcher has also been taken into consideration. This will ensure that
energy is distributed equally across the nation. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the
best experience. However, in many instances they are seen as optional extras to core courses.
Sustainability competences should not only include cognitive components, such as knowledge and
understanding of environmental, social, economic and political systems and higher order thinking
abilities such as reasoning and synthesising, but also social skills, values and emotions, collectively
referred to as the affective domain of learning. This view is eco-centric and excludes societal
considerations such as poverty, unemployment, human rights and illiteracy from the aim of
Sustainable Development. According to the report released by the Federal Republic of Nigeria in
June 2017 on the progress and status of the implementation of the SDGs, there are four steps that
have been taken by Nigeria towards the achievement of the SDGS. They are. Against an over-
intellectualized approach in the quest for a fixed and universal definition of the term, the authors
stress that: ESD essentially starts with and revolves around re-embedding SD in life and the act of
Based on the literature, we argue that certain pedagogical tools are key to professional development
in ESD for ECE. This SLR provides an evolution of the educational research conducted on e-
learning throughout a decade, allowing the identification of the main interests of the scientific
community, the approaches used to tackle these online educational phenomena, and their impact on
the digital transformation of education. Community of Inquiry (CoI) emerges as the most relevant
theoretical framework in the selected investigations. All stages involved in fossil fuels (the
extraction, the processing and the use) all have adverse impacts on the environment.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Mark Burgman, Director of the Centre for
Environmental Policy at Imperial College London and the three referees of the Journal for reviewing
the manuscript and providing insightful comments. Industries generate hazardous waste on a daily
basis. The structure of Nigeria also paves way for lack of accountability which has been shown in the
various ways that government and government officials of Nigeria perform their duties. Action
competence is regarded as an interaction of knowledge and ability; competence in the narrow sense,
with motivational, value- and conviction-oriented and self-regulative components, which act as a
crucial condition for the willingness to act (cf. Future-oriented higher education: Which key
competencies should be fostered through university teaching and learning. It begins debating the
origin of Coase theory, explaining its basic principles, the propriety rights and transaction costs. It
also does not cause pollution or have any harmful effect on the environment. Aktifitas pekerja di
industri ini memiliki berbagai bahaya dan risiko dalam setiap proses kerjanya. Methodology can be
said to be the steps and process used in the collection and analysis of data. Education for Sustainable
Development: A Systemic Framework for Connecting the SDGs to Educational Outcomes. With
regard to ESD, this means that one should focus on those action competencies that are necessary for
a teacher to design lessons that fosters students’ ability to take part in the establishing of sustainable
development. The most dangerous and common form of pollution is air pollution (Rinkesh 2014).
The majority of the population lacks access to secure and good energy sources. The assessment of
sustainability competence development will allow for reviewing, confirming or revising the
implementation of the framework, ultimately building the evidence base for the impact of ESD in
reducing the gap towards the desired sustainable state. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
First record of Leucospis signifera Boucek, 1974 (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) in the Sao
Paulo state, Brazil Nelson Wanderley Perioto 2012, Check List The present note extends the
geographic range of Leucospis signifera Boucek, 1974 farther to the Northeast, reaching the State of
Sao Paulo, based on the examination of four females collected at Jatai Ecological Station,
municipality of Luiz Antonio, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. One of the most noticeable evidence of
climate change in Nigeria is the drying up of Lake Chad within the span of 30 years as a result of the
rise in temperature (Sambo, 2010). Chapter two will be to review existing literature as well as the
theoretical framework. In more simple terms, it was the shift from a simple to a complex society. It is
a discursive competence, having to do both with receiving and communicating value judgments in
neutral manners and shows a relationship with normative competence. Climatic changes such as rise
in temperature, increased rainfall, inconsistency of seasonal climate change (, that is. Sustainable
Development is “development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.” (UNESCO) This kind of human progress
necessitates embracing the underlying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
information, new research, concepts, and problem-solving skills that are the foundation for a
sustainable and thriving society. All these including the significant reduction of climate change are
the likely outcome if a LCE is achieved in the country. MOOC is an evolution of previous
experiences in the scope of open education and e-learning. Number of publications reviewed
according to the phases of the methodology, following the PRISMA flow diagram. We need to form
alliances with socially responsible public and private entities to provide learning experiences to
students that add value to the community, as well as to carry out projects of intervention that are
meaningful to the young people and their society. Educational attainment and economic status are
two cases in point.
Also, human activities was identified as being the leading cause of climate change in Nigeria. The
first-level keyword interactive learning environments is associated with two widely studied concepts:
community of inquiry (CoI) and computer-mediated communication (level 2). Thus, this research
work has provided basic information and explanations to ensure that the climate change issue is
addressed in Nigeria. For this, it is necessary to improve the knowledge base economies by exploring
the basic requisites. It is a non- renewable form of energy, that is, sources of energy that will
eventually finish and cannot be replenished and it has been predicted to be on the verge of finishing
(Otto, 2017). No wonder the World Bank Report (1991) describes development as the most
important challenge facing the human race. However, it is still difficult to address this challenge in its
full complexity. If it was one thing most developing nations lack it is data collection that ensures
accountability and monitoring of progress made and Nigeria is not excluded. It begins debating the
origin of Coase theory, explaining its basic principles, the propriety rights and transaction costs. This
living, developing heritage is facilitated by a central government preoccupied by agendas of
development and national unity that is keen to forget the country’s ethnically divided past. The
Sustainable Development Goals are fronted by the United Nations, supported by all 193 member
states. In the context of the last-mentioned function of “conveying competencies for the
implementation of concrete goals of sustainable development”, educational institutions thus
contribute pre-eminently to the attaining of specified goals of sustainable development by enabling
their learners. International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). The context-based focus that
must characterize ESD applications should encourage the development of pedagogical frameworks,
approaches and practical tools to be applied at a wider scale. Between facts and norms:
Contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy. The analysis made shows that the
respondents consisted more males than the females. The presence of industries in a country leaves
the country susceptible to the effects of industrial activities. Although the green growth just recently
surged into the international arena in 2008 it has already become a popular concept amidst
international actors (Jacobs, 2012). Bascope, Martin, Paolo Perasso, and Kristina Reiss. This also
helps avoid the excess cost that can be incurred while trying to fix the damage that has been done to
the environment. The lack of accountability and monitoring of progress makes it difficult to ensure
that all the plans made towards the achievement of this goal are actualised. However, in many
instances they are seen as optional extras to core courses. However, the uncertainty over which
behaviours produce sustainable results has limited their effectiveness. As at December 2007 it had
been ratified by 192 countries. The respondents from the three organisations are able to provide first-
hand information concerning the subject matter. Art-based approaches are considered an important
feature of ESD applications specifically for ECE. How sustainability is defined and understood, is
critical to the design of appropriate educational pedagogies, their implementation, and their potential
to deliver what they are designed for. From internal factors that militate against it, to the external
factors that come to play in achieving the SDGs. Also, Industrialization can be said to be a time
characterized by socio-economic changes that transform a human assemblage from an agrarian
society to an industrial society in which manufacturing is dominant in the economy (O’Sullivan et al,
2003). In Nigeria, oil is the major sector that amasses wealth for the country.
In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Editors select a small number of articles
recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly. In the journey towards
industrialization, there is a minimal concern for the adverse effects that technological innovations,
social and economic change is having on the environment. When the time changed many house were
made and thus a society was established. That is, there are thirteen goals in total, some goals might
be prioritized over other goals. LCE also advocates for the use of alternative sources of energy.
Giovanni Mastrobuoni 2006 Beneficiaries of Social Security face restrictions on how much they can
earn without incurring the earnings test (ET). Indicators and Information Systems for Sustainable
Development. Thus education is working as an engine for economic development. Note that from
the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Systems thinking in
this paper is used as an approach to look at the big picture of the role of education in enabling such
transformation. Second, the review disregarded all literature regarding teacher and student beliefs
about SD or studies about learning communities and institutional capabilities to install ESD in
educational institutions. The learnings that the students discuss in their reflections are very
motivating. Nordic contemporary art education and the environment: Constructing an
epistemological platform for Art Education for Sustainable Development (AESD). There is a
tendency in many countries for ESD and GCED to be promoted within teacher education along
parallel lines. The CSCT model explicitly avoids turning ESD into another educational concept
(adjectival education) in the sense of existing concepts like environment education, peace education
etc. However, what defines the community-based orientation of ESD is the idea of education as a
localized social process encompassing all actors directly or indirectly related to the school in order to
address sustainability challenges through an action-oriented approach. Journal of Experimental and
Theoretical Analyses (JETA). It was also revealed that alternative energy sources have less harmful
impacts on the environment as compared to other sources of energy. The achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria will also be discussed. Geothermal energy means the
energy derived from the heat that is in the earth. This theory represents a causal process derived
from multiple variables that are analyzed through regression equations and graphically represented
with the aim of clarifying the studied theory. Even though the local experience of professional
development programs in Chile has proven that there are many teachers who are interested in ESD,
the predominant focus on environmental issues and natural sciences has limited the impact of these
professional development programs. The framework proposed here can encourage those responsible
for teacher professional development to enhance the coverage and possible impact of their programs,
with a wider scope and clear objectives. Alternative energy sources are usually better than fossil fuel
but they are hardly used. Their success depends on the ability to create and maintain learning
environments that involve the students in meaningful learning activities and awake their interest. All
these including the significant reduction of climate change are the likely outcome if a LCE is
achieved in the country. It offers the potential of a richer view on the relationship between Education
and Sustainability, with ESD playing an active role in delivering the transformative changes required
for society to move towards a sustainability state. International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health (IJERPH). This theory infuses the idea of a carbon-free and green economy which
is what this research work has tried to argue for. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease
Every step requires a reasonable amount of money to see to its achievement. Therefore, we plan to
develop a set of relevant pedagogical tools to be used as guidelines to build indicators to assess
previous and future training. To Nwafor and Jagtap (as cited in Anselm and Amusa 2010), the
phenomenon that is climate change is a global phenomenon but it is the developing nations that will
suffer from the impacts the most as they lack adequate and quality coping capacity. For more
information on the journal statistics, click here. It leads to the question of what competencies
teachers need in order to develop and implement educational offers in the field of Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD) so that they can aspire to and attain specific educational goals with
their students. We found three forms of community involvement: Learning from and about the
community: Children learn from their own communities through different forms of participation in
community life (social, political, cultural, etc.) and engaging in dialogues with community actors.
Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. The date of
decision for the implementation and start date of the implementation of the content of the document
was 2012. After training more than 300 teachers, we are going to assess the impact of their
education on their students’ skills, abilities, and values. Journal of Low Power Electronics and
Applications (JLPEA). Over time, there have been so many methods of harnessing the energy from
the sun through technological innovation. It also does not cause pollution or have any harmful effect
on the environment. Thus in order to attain economic development at a suitable rate, the Government
of the country should make a choice of suitable investment criteria for the betterment of the
economy. Within this second function, the United Nations expect education to serve the acquisition
of competencies that are required for example to attain the goals of sustainable development in a
society that are recorded in Agenda 21. Therefore, education’s transformative potential to facilitate
the transition to sustainability was recognised. Our goal was to ensure that this review would be a
concrete contribution to the field, one that would inspire and generate more professional
development opportunities for teachers. Examples of enabling conditions for a vision of
sustainability related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first-level concept
teaching-learning strategies is correlated with the second-level keywords evaluation methodologies
and self-regulated learning, which were widely studied in the analyzed period. Following an
intergovernmental negotiation on the post-2015. To this end, a RIS file was imported from the
bibliographic manager Zotero. This air pollution occurs as a result of the release of harmful or toxic
substances into the atmosphere. The NESREA replaced the Federal Environmental protection
Agency (FEPA) in 2007. Therefore, the final sample consisted of 248 articles ( Figure 3 ). This is as
a result of heat waves, floods, droughts and unpredictable weather conditions that affects agriculture
processes (planting, harvesting, etc.). The Niger Delta is known to be the hub of fossil fuel
production in Nigeria which has led to extreme pollution in the region. Although the SDGs are a
global framework, localising them in terms of educational outcomes helps the realisation of both
community vision and of global priorities. The reach made by this research work has endeavoured to
provide the needed filling in certain gaps as identified in the literature. Its steps should be considered
conceptual, as greater specificity will be highly dependent on context, institutional capacity, problem,
timeframe and resources available to the educational redesign process. Therefore, sustainability
should not be considered as the sole “environmentality” anymore, particularly if the point of ESD is
to educate for action. Sustainable development teaches us to use our resources in the correct manner.
Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides
an outlook for.

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