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d07 Subsurface Drainage Design

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D07 Subsurface
Drainage (Design)

Print version is uncontrolled. Current version is maintained on

Wingecarribee Shire Council Website in searchable PDF format.

This document is a modified version of AUS-SPEC 0043

Subsurface Drainage (Design)
Table of Contents
1 General ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Standards ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Wingecarribee Shire Council Standard Drawings Interpretation ................................................. 3

2 Pre-design planning ................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Planning ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Consultation.................................................................................................................................. 5

3 Design CRITERIA ........................................................................................................ 6

3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Selection of subsurface drainage system ..................................................................................... 6
3.3 Types of drainage systems and system properties....................................................................... 8
3.4 Location, layout and grade of drains ............................................................................................ 9
3.5 Materials and size of drains ........................................................................................................ 11
3.6 Maintenance requirements ........................................................................................................ 14

4 Documentation........................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Statutory documentation requirements .................................................................................... 15
4.2 Drawings ..................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Work-as-executed....................................................................................................................... 16

5 Annexure................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Guide outline of the design procedures for subsurface drainage systems for pavements ....... 17
5.2 Annexure - Referenced documents ............................................................................................ 19

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
1 General
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Worksection application
Description: This worksection is applicable to the design and documentation of subsurface drainage
systems for new and existing road pavement and/or subgrade including:
• Subsoil and formation drains.
• Pavement drains.
• Drainage blankets.
1.2 Responsibilities
1.2.1 General
Control moisture fluctuations: Design the subsurface drainage system to control moisture content
fluctuations in the pavement and/or subgrade within the limits assumed in the pavement design to
maintain pavement strength and service throughout the design life.
Salinity prevention: In areas with salinity problems, design the subsurface drainage system to keep
the groundwater table lower in the strata to avoid progressive deterioration of topsoil and upper
layers soil condition caused by increased salinity levels from rising and/or fluctuating groundwater

1.3 Standards
1.3.1 General
Subsurface drainage systems design: To Austroads AGPT10.
Road drainage design: To Austroads AGRD05A and NATSPEC TECHnote DES 036.

1.4 Wingecarribee Shire Council Standard Drawings Interpretation

1.4.1 Abbreviations
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following abbreviations apply:
• CBR: California bearing ratio.
• IFD: Intensity-frequency-duration.
1.4.2 Definitions
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following definitions apply:
• Cleanout: A subsurface drainage inlet at the surface of the pavement, shoulder or
surrounding ground surface. Also known as flushout riser and inspection point.
• Drainage blankets: A drain comprising a blanket of free-draining material. Typically used
where a pavement intercepts a subterranean water source with substantial flows or the
nature of the water-bearing strata is such that interception by formation or pavement drain
is not possible. It is generally considered to be a structural component of the pavement
• Drainage types:
• Subsoil drains: Drainage below the ground surface which collects subsurface water
throughout its length of ground water or seepage from the subgrade and/or the subbase
in cuttings and fill areas.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
• Formation drains: Drainage systems designed to intercept water before it reaches the
road/pavement structure. They are generally deeper than pavement drains and are
usually remote from the pavement structure. Also known as cut-off drains.
• Pavement drains: Drainage systems designed to remove water from the subgrade and
pavement materials.
• Filter layers: Used to prevent the loss of permeability in drainage layers from clogging by fine
soil particles infiltrating from the subgrade (underlying soil).
• Formation: The surface of the finished earthworks, excluding cut or fill batters.
• Permeable base: A free-draining bound layer, capable of draining both surface water and
preventing water accumulation from the subgrade below. The flow of water through this
layer is retarded only by the cross slope and any obstructions.
• Prefabricated geocomposite drain: A proprietary product typically consisting of a plastic core
wrapped in geotextile material, functioning as a single or second stage filter. Also termed as
geocomposite edge drain and strip filter drain. These drains can be installed in narrower
trenches than traditional pipe drains.

2 Pre-design planning
2.1 Planning
2.1.1 Data collection generally
Moisture source: Identify possible sources of moisture to the pavement system, and how it can be
stopped from reaching the pavement subsurface. Consider sources for investigation, including:
• Seepage, capillary suction or vapour movements from the water table (when in close
proximity to subgrade/pavement).
• Seepage from ponded stormwater into embankment/pavement.
• Seepage from an aquifer or other groundwater flow.
• Infiltration from precipitation through pavement surface, including at joints, edges and
• Seepage from irrigated landscape features.
• Capillary moistures from verges.
• Leakage from water supply and drainage lines.
Quantify net flow by source: Determine net flow as a basis for design by including inflow from all
possible sources.
Geotechnical investigations: Carry out geotechnical investigation to determine subgrade soil
characteristics (such as permeability and soil water suction properties), permeability of materials
around the pavement and ground water effects to inform selection of drainage units.
2.1.2 Scope of investigation
Scope: Determine scope of investigation required for the development, depending on the pavement
construction requirements and following:
• Site conditions: For example, this may depend on the range of groundwater site conditions
required to establish a predicted worst condition to use as a basis for design.
• Road functional classification and location: For example, this may affect the road in-service
performance requirements.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
2.1.3 Reconnaissance studies
Requirement: Examine and record site subsurface features including topography, geology, surface
water, springs, erosion and vegetation. Features to take note of include the following:
• Physical conditions of nearby roads.
• Vegetation in wet environments, location and class of wetlands.
• Erodibility of the land, particularly if there is evidence of batter erosion, drain siltation and
scour in table drains of existing roads.
• Regional geology, including possible groundwater recharge areas, pressures and grades.
• Texture, substructure, hydraulic conductivity, infiltration, and stratification of soils, subsoils
and substrata.
2.1.4 Quantitative evaluation of drainage needs
Requirement: Prepare survey(s) of the site to provide quantitative data for the drainage design by
taking measurements of parameters which affect site drainage conditions, including the following:
• Traffic loading: Including volume and weight.
• Net moisture inflow into the subbase layer: Taking the following into consideration:
• Climatic conditions such as rainfall and temperature at the site (e.g. over a period of 50
• Surface flow.
• Groundwater table and conditions: This may include sampling and testing.
• Roadway geometry: For example, slope, length and aspect.
• Pavement type and condition: For example, pervious or impervious and age.
• Factors that increase the potential for moisture related pavement damage: Take the
following into consideration:
• Traffic loads.
• Subgrade type, strength and condition.
• Pavement material.
• Design features.
• Roads involving excavation of cuttings
• Roads on the downslope of higher ground
• Roadway geometry to inform drainage system selection and layout.
• Soil type.
2.1.5 Existing pavement
Drainage survey: Prepare a drainage survey to provide information on the pavement condition.
Determine the extent of moisture related damage and critical factors that cause the damage.

2.2 Consultation
2.2.1 Other authorities
General: public authorities who need to approve the design proposals, e.g. water fisheries
environmental planning etc.
2.2.2 Utilities service plans
Utility services location: To AS 5488.1 and AS 5488.2. Contact DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG to identify the
locations of underground utility service pipes and cables.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
2.2.3 Development design team
Integrated development planning: Liaise with members of the development design team preparing
the design of the following:
• Works in or close to a watercourse.
• Layouts of lots, roads, cycleways and pedestrian pathways.
• Pavement design.
• Stormwater drainage.
• Services installations.

3.1 General
3.1.1 Design objective
Requirement: Design subsurface drainage system for the proposed development road pavements to
meet the following objectives:
• To keep the base, subbase, subgrade, and other susceptible pavement materials from
becoming saturated or exposed to constant high levels of moisture over time by:
• Preventing moisture from entering the pavement structure, including infiltration from
pavement layers, verges, shoulders, medians and lateral groundwater seepage.
• To avoid premature pavement failures.
• To avoid surrounding pavement layer with materials of a lower permeability.
• If pavement drain cannot be in direct contact with all pavements layers, design drainage
system so that the flow path to subsurface drains passes through materials of increasing
3.1.2 Design process

3.2 Selection of subsurface drainage system

3.2.1 System selection
Requirement: Select and design subsurface drainage system based on the data collected for the
development site for the following factors:
• Road geometry.
• Climate data.
• Pavement materials.
• Apparent pavement distress and why it is occurring.
3.2.2 Roadway geometry
Requirement: Design subsurface drainage system to suit the geometry and path of water flow in
pavements, based on the geometric design features of the pavement and other related subsurface
drainage. Roadway design features (which affect the subsurface drainage system) to consider
• Longitudinal grades: If grading is less than 0.5%, grade subsurface drains independently.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
• Transverse grades (including superelevation).
• Widths of pavement and shoulder surface, base and subbase.
• Slopes and depths of cuts and fills: Allow for cuts that can be properly drained, and fills
which are high enough to inhibit capillary rise and accommodate subsurface drainage
• Details of ditches and other surface drainage facilities.
• Traffic volume and weight expected on the pavement, including cumulative traffic loading
expected on the pavement during its design life.
Design of permeable base: Use the true slope and length of the permeable layer.
Pavement design: Liaise with members of the development design team preparing the pavement
design so that adequate cross and longitudinal pavement slopes are provided. This is so that
infiltration into pavement structure is minimised as moisture can quickly drain from the pavement
• Design features: Consider design features which reduce infiltration by minimising
stress/traffic loads on longitudinal edges and cracking in pavements, for example, widened
traffic lanes.
3.2.3 Climate data
Hydrological data: Determine precipitation and run-off based on frequency, intensity and duration of
precipitation for the development site, using an appropriate rainfall IFD chart for the required ARI
and duration.
Temperature fluctuations: Determine daily and seasonal temperature variation for the development
area and allow for this in the pavement and drainage system design.
3.2.4 Pavement materials
Flexible pavement: Design pavement subsurface drainage system to maintain a water free subbase
during the design life of the pavement structure considering the following factors:
• With the increase in traffic speed and volume, consider pavement pumping for pavements.
• Water accumulation under flexible pavements can lead to failure in the form of rutting and
3.2.5 Other factors
Factors to consider: Design pavement and subsurface drainage system based on the following
factors for the development:
• Subgrade type.
• Functional classification: Pavements which carry high volume and heavy traffic have higher
potential for moisture related damage.
• Design life: Subsurface drainage systems affect pavement performance and service life.
• Topography: This affects the longitudinal grade and cross slope of the roadway, and hence
the removal of excess water.
• Life cycle cost: Cost of subsurface drainage system may be offset by increased service life
and maintenance cost of pavement.
• Soil properties: Consider pavement subgrade strength, deformation, gradation, and
permeability properties.
• Maintainability of the system and expected performance.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
3.3 Types of drainage systems and system properties
3.3.1 System types
Systems based on function: Select from the following drainage system types based on pavement
moisture control requirements for the development:
• Groundwater control systems or formation drains: Drainage systems designed to remove
and/or control the flow of groundwater. These systems are designed to intercept moisture
before it reaches the pavement structure.
• Infiltration control systems or pavement drains: Drainage systems designed to remove water
that seeps into the pavement structure (subgrade and pavement material).
• Systems based on location and geometry: Select from the following drainage system types
based on drain location, component and geometry requirements:
• Longitudinal edge drains: Located parallel to the roadway centreline, for both horizontal and
vertical alignments. Collects water that infiltrates the pavement surface and drains water
away from pavement outlets.
• Transverse and horizontal drains: Drains that run laterally beneath the roadway, generally at
90º to the roadway centreline but can be skewed.
• Permeable base: An open graded drainage layer with minimum permeability of 300 m/day.
• Drainage blankets: A permeable layer used to control both groundwater and infiltration. For
example, it can be used to effectively control the flow of groundwater from cut slopes and
beneath fills on the side of hills. NATSPEC TECHnote DES 036 provides more information
with various options of providing subsurface drainage based on site conditions.
• Earthworks options: Widen cutting embankments to remove the topsoil. Cut with grader
deeper table drains. Consider impediments such as environmental concerns with vegetation
clearing and locations of road fence boundaries requiring widening of the road.
3.3.2 System performance
Requirement: Design pavement drainage system to meet the following performance criteria
required for the development, derived from the data collection process:
• Required time-to-drain: For the permeable layer.
• Pipe size and outlet spacing requirements.
• The gradation for a graded aggregate separation layer or the opening size, permeability,
endurance, and strength requirements for geotextile separators.
• The opening size, permeability, endurance, and strength requirements for geotextile filters,
or the gradation of the granular filters (to be used in the edge drain).
3.3.3 System components
Elements: Allow for a subsurface drainage system consisting of the following:
• A permeable drainage layer, e.g. a permeable base/subbase or drainage blanket layer.
• A filter or separator layer between subgrade and permeable base/subbase.
• A collector system comprising of a longitudinal edge drain and, if required, interceptor
• Outlet or discharge pipe (to carry water from pavement to the stormwater drain or surface
• Headwall and outlet marker to protect outlet pipes from damage.
• Where deeper surface table drains are required, make sure the depth is adequate, especially
in flat rural areas.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
3.3.4 Longitudinal edge drains
Network performance: Allow for drainage system with the hydraulic capacity required to handle
water discharged from the permeable base to avoid weak links in the drainage system, allow for an
increase in capacity for each element as the water moves towards the outlet.
Trench drains: Aggregate trench edge drains and geocomposite fin drains have low hydraulic
capacity and are difficult to clean.
Pipe edge drains: Allow for drainage system that collects water which infiltrates the pavement
surface and drains it away from the pavement through outlets. Select from the following types of
• Pipe drains in an aggregate filled trench.
• Pipe drains with porous concrete filled trench. Used in trafficked areas.
• Prefabricated geocomposite drains in a sand backfilled trench.
• Aggregate trench drain with geotextile wrappings.
3.3.5 Salinity mitigation
Outlets: Where possible, allow for discharge on the downhill side of the embankment or in the cut-
fill area to reduce the risk of recharge to the subsurface water table.
Developments in salinity affected areas: Consider allowing for a separate drainage system for
subsurface drains to discharge to a basin, where controlled release or desiccation treatment and
removal can be facilitated as a maintenance operation.
Saline subsurface drainage: Do not allow drain to discharge directly into natural watercourses.
Water quality targets: Allow for targets matching those of downstream watercourses. Provide advice
on discharge operations and maintenance which is compatible with water quality targets and the
requirements of the state land and water resource authority.

3.4 Location, layout and grade of drains

3.4.1 General
Standards: Conform to the following:
• To Austroads AGPT10 and Austroads AGRD05A for typical design details of the various types
of drainage.
• To NATSPEC TECHnote DES036 Need for subsurface drains on local roads (includes diagram
cross-section showing situations for each drain type).
Drainage layout: Design drainage systems to suit the three dimensional geometric road layout.
Identify conditions where water could be trapped by unusual geometrics, or where water may
meander for long distances before reaching an outlet, including locations such as reverse
superelevated curves, long sustained grades and sag vertical curves.
Subsurface drainage provision: To Austroads AGRD05A clause 8.6 for further details on locations of
subsurface drains. Allow for subsoil drainage for the development in the following locations:
• Cut formations with depths to finished subgrade level 400 mm or more below the natural
surface level.
• In locations of known hillside seepage, high water table, isolated springs or salt affected
• Irrigated, flood prone or poorly drained areas.
• Areas with subgrades which are highly susceptible to moisture, including those with high
plasticity or low soaked CBRs.
• Areas with pavement materials which are susceptible to moisture.

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• Existing pavement areas where subgrade conditions show deterioration from excess
subsurface moisture.
• At cut-to-fill transition areas.
3.4.2 Longitudinal edge drains
Pavement edge: Allow for drains along the following locations:
• In road sag points.
• On both sides of the pavement near any cut-to-fill line, where no pipes drainage exists.
• On both sides of kerbed pavements.
• On both sides of the pavement where the crossfall is flatter than 0.02 m/m in superelevation
• The high side of pavement where there is seepage, or where water may enter from batters,
full-width pavement, service trenches or abutting properties.
• Joints between an existing pavement and pavement widening where depths or permeability
may create moisture traps.
• On both sides of pavements for major arterial roads.
Medians: Allow for drains along the following locations:
• The low side of a dished median if the median drain invert level is less than 0.2 m below
subgrade level of the adjacent pavement.
• The low side of a kerbed median if the cross slope is 10% or more.
• Sides of a median more than 2 m wide.
• Sides of a median with a fixed watering system.
• Centre of flat grassed medians without fixed watering systems and less than 6 m wide.
3.4.3 Transverse drains
• Locations: Consider locating drains in the following locations:
• Approximately 5 m upstream of cut-to-fill lines.
• Along changes of pavement depth or permeability.
• At both ends of bridge approach slabs:
• Immediately behind the bridge abutment, to the full depth of the abutment.
• In the subgrade at the interface of the road pavement and the approach slab.
• At superelevation changes, to limit the length of the longest drainage path within the
pavement to approximately 50 m.
3.4.4 Trenches
General: Excavate subsoil drain trenches to below subgrade level. Extend pavement drains into or
adjacent to the pavement layers to facilitate drainage of the pavement layers in addition to the
Minimum trench width: 300 mm for slotted pipe or 150mm for slotted strip drain
Minimum depth below finished subgrade level:
• In earth: 600 mm.
• In rock: 450 mm.
Level: Locate below the invert level of service crossings.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
3.4.5 Outlet pipes
Location: Locate pipe so that there is no interference (from topographical or geometric road layout
features) with free gravity flow from the system. If there is interference from natural or man-made
features, use longer spacing between outlets, sumps and pumping outlets.
Outlets: Join into gully pits or outlet headwalls.
Headwalls perform the following functions in subsurface drainage systems:
• Protect outlet pipe from damage from mowing.
• Prevent slope erosion.
• Aid in the location of outlet pipe for future maintenance operations.
Table drains: Locate pipes high enough on slopes of table drains so that there is free gravity flow.
Spacing: Allow for pipes at intervals suitable for conveying water received to a suitable and safe exit
Subsurface drain outlet through fill batters: Allow for unslotted plastic pipe of the same diameter as
the main run.
3.4.6 Formation drains
Location: Consider providing in the following locations:
• Along both sides of cuts where the road is below the water table or where seepage is
expected in wet weather.
• Transversely at any expected seepage areas, and further downgrade if required. The
transverse drains may be laid in a herringbone pattern to achieve the minimum grade.
Trench dimensions:
• Minimum width: 300 mm.
• Minimum depth: To suit the application and ground conditions of the development site.
Minimum outlet diameter: 150 mm.
Minimum grades: Allow as follows:
• Generally: 1.0% for corrugated pipes.
• Non-corrugated pipes: 0.5%.
3.4.7 Drainage blankets
Location: Allow for blankets underneath or as an integral part of the pavement structure where
required to remove infiltrated water or groundwater from gravity and artesian sources.
3.4.8 Access to subsurface drains
Refer to Council’s Standard Drawings.

3.5 Materials and size of drains

3.5.1 General
Material selection: Allow for drainage materials compatible with the local conditions so that pipes
and other components will not corrode, rust, disintegrate or be attacked by the chemical content of
the soil, water or foreign matter.
3.5.2 Permeable base
Material performance: Allow for permeable base/subbase which intercepts and removes water that
infiltrates the pavement structure quickly, preventing it from entering the lower pavement structure
and causing weakness there. Design permeable base with the following properties:
• Sufficient permeability for the layer to drain within the design time period.

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• Sufficient air void space to prevent pumping, and erosion of fines when the pavement is
under heavy axle loads to prevent general pavement weakening.
• Stable enough to support the pavement during construction without causing premature
distress of the surface layer.
• Provides stability and the required support for the pavement over its design life.
• Provides a dry base to minimise moisture related distresses in the layers above it, such as
and stripping in pavements.
• Include drainage for water to flow away from the pavement structure, e.g. through
longitudinal edge drains with outlet pipes.
Aggregates: Durable crushed, angular aggregate with few or no fines and good mechanical interlock.
Thickness: 100 mm or sufficient to overcome any construction variances and provide an adequate
hydraulic conduit, to transmit the water to the edge drain.
Design criteria: Design permeable base based on the following:
• Estimated traffic load, especially where heavy vehicle volume is anticipated.
• Subgrade soil type.
• Pavement type.
• Pavement functional classification.
3.5.3 Drainage blankets
Properties: Consisting of specially graded aggregate layers to prevent clogging and erosion with the
following features:
• A drainage outlet for the water collected to drain water away from the pavement structure.
• May have one or more protective filter layers.
Aggregates: With high coefficient of permeability to remove water that infiltrates the pavement
structure and to meet the outflow capability required.
3.5.4 Drainage pipes – properties
Pipe of longitudinal collector pipes: Dependent on outlet spacing.
Pipe drain features: Design pipes with the following features:
• Relatively high flow capacity.
• Easy to maintain.
• Supported at edges of pavement so that they are not damaged when drain is installed.
• So that the material adjacent to the drain is sufficiently permeable to allow free water to
reach the longitudinal drain.
• Protected at exit points from hazards such as debris deposit, birds and other animals, e.g.
through a combination of screens.
• Designed to be displaced outwards.
3.5.5 Drainage pipes – material, size and application
Perforated pipes: To AS 2439.1.
Corrugated polyethylene:
• Size: Minimum 90 mm.
• Class: Class 1000 subject to traffic, construction and maintenance vehicles.
Smooth PVC-U: Allow where longitudinal gradients are flatter than 0.5%.
• Size: 100 to 300 mm diameter
Concrete: Allow where groundwater flows require diameters are not available in plastic pipes.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
• Size: 300 to 750 mm.
Smooth plastic slotted and unslotted pipes: Allow where subgrade gradients are flatter than 0.5%.
• Unslotted pipes: Allow for conveying flows beneath pavement to outlet or as collector pipe.
Perforated corrugated steel: May be allowed for formation drains where soil and water are not
highly corrosive.
Cleanouts and outlets: 100 mm diameter unslotted pipe.
Pipe class: Select pipe class based on expected live loading at the surface.
PVC-U pressure pipe and fittings: To AS/NZS 1477.
• Intra-pavement drains: Allow for slotted PVC-U pipes with wall thicknesses to AS/NZS 1477
for the crush rock subbase loading.
Prefabricated geocomposite drains and fittings:
• Type: Rigid or flexible.
• Rigid geocomposite drain: To ASTM D7001-06.
• Load bearing: Select the appropriate drain based on its load bearing characteristics.
3.5.6 Filter material
General: To C14 Subsurface drainage (Construction) for grading details and specifications for all
Separator or filter materials: Allow for granular materials/aggregate or geotextile fabric to
supplement the subsurface type selected, using one of the following combinations:
• Granular single stage filter.
• Wrap geotextile under pipe and along sides of the trench before backfill of aggregate. Wrap
material around aggregate and pipe.
• Geotextile first stage filter with coarse granular second stage filter.
• Fine granular first stage filter with geotextile second stage filter.
• Fine granular first stage filter with coarse granular second stage filter.
Material performance: Select filter material with the following properties:
• More permeable than the surrounding material but fine enough to support the material and
prevent penetration by the surrounding soils.
• Stable under flow so that it does not segregate during placement and piping or wash into
perforations, inlets or joints in drainage pipes.
• Permeable enough to carry anticipated flow, so that the base course can drain within the
designed period.
• Strong enough to provide a work platform during construction of permeable base.
• Able to protect permeable base from contamination by fines from underlying layers.
Areas with soils known to be stable: Determine if under adverse conditions, jointed or fissured
materials are stable enough to dispense with filter material.
Filter material selection: To ARRB ARR 368.
3.5.7 Geotextile
Application: Allow where subgrades have a high percentage of fines.
Material performance: Allow for geotextile fabric with enough strength to survive the construction
phase and pore openings sized to retain the larger soil particles, from one of the following categories
(of manufacture):
• Woven.
• Non-woven.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
• Composite.
• Knitted.
Filtering capability: Select fabric with pore openings sized to retain larger soil particles to facilitate
soil bridging action, whilst at the same time allow smaller soil particles to pass through the geotextile
without clogging the fabric. Consider fabrics with permeability several times greater than that of the
Compatibility with pipes and soils: Select fabric based on the following criteria:
• Equivalent opening size (EOS).
• Retention (piping) based on soil grain size.
• Permeability.
• Clogging, including by salt and soil.
• Survivability.
• Durability, including tensile strength, and exposure to alkali or acidic soils and spilt fuels.
3.5.8 Backfill
Material selection: Select filter material for trench backfill (for subsoil, formation and pavement
drains) based on the permeability of the pavement layers and/or subgrade and the expected
moisture flow rate.

3.6 Maintenance requirements

3.6.1 Inlets
Location: Allow for access to the upstream end of the pipeline.
Openings in stormwater pits: Locate high enough so that surface run-off does not enter pavement
drainage pipe.
Separate openings: If required, locate so that they do not interfere with other maintenance
operations. Do not locate where surface run-off can enter.
3.6.2 Outlets
Inspection: Consider allowing subsurface drainage to flow into permanent stormwater pits or
concrete culvert end walls, at a level above the normal stormwater flow, to minimise inspection
requirements. This allows both systems to be inspected at the same time.
Area around the outlet: Allow for paving to prevent scouring and grass growth, and to facilitate
outlet visibility.
Outlet pipe: Allow for pipes with sufficient strength to bear maintenance plant.
3.6.3 Access points
Maintenance access points: Locate at the start of a pavement drain pipe run and at intervals of 100
m to 140 m.
Access type: Allow for pits, risers or outlets.
Connection of the drainage system to the stormwater system: Allow for the following:
• Entry points not less than 100 mm above the invert level of the stormwater pipe, to prevent
pavement drain pipe from silting up with stormwater debris and prolonged flooding of the
pavement drainage system.
• Risers: Constructed by bending flexible plastic pipe or by using the curved length of pipe or
• Rigid pipes: If required, use curved lengths of pipe or special T-fittings.

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• Pits rather than risers: For easy access.
• Pit and riser location: Locate in unsealed shoulders, drain inverts or on batter faces
3.6.4 Markers
General: To C14 Subsurface drainage (Construction) for details on construction materials for powder
coated metal steel post box sections.
Requirement: Allow for markers for future outlet identification by maintenance personnel. Allow for
markers immediately adjacent to inlet and the outlet. Stencilled letters black on white background.

4 Documentation
4.1 Statutory documentation requirements
4.1.1 Approvals
Requirement: Document any prerequisite for approval of the development advised by the following
• The EPA for salinity mitigation measures.
• Utilities authority for any public or private utility affected by the development.
Proposed subsoil drainage details shall be approved by Council

4.2 Drawings
4.2.1 Drawing content
Requirement: Provide the following drawings, describing the subsurface drainage design for the
• Drainage layout plans: Showing the proposed location of all subsurface drains and
flushing points.
4.2.2 Design reports
Requirement: Provide a design report incorporating the design criteria/assumptions, drainage needs
analysis, calculations, computer studies, and references supporting the design and maintenance
• Maintenance program: Include in the report a recommended maintenance program
covering the following procedures:
• Routine inspections and monitoring.
• Routine preventive maintenance.
• Spot detection of problems.
• Repair.
4.2.3 Specifications
Requirement: Refer to Council’s Engineering Construction Specifications.
4.2.4 Design certification
Certificate: Provide a signed and dated design certificate as evidence that a Professional Engineer
has reviewed all the design documents, verifying that the designed road pavement for the
development site meet the Council and statutory requirements. Refer D02-Annexure A-Sect 3.1.1

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4.3 Work-as-executed
4.3.1 Work-as-executed documents
Work-as-executed drawings: Provide an additional set of final construction drawings for the purpose
of recording the work completed by the Contractor.
Data format: To Austroads AP-R597
Provide all required data and electronic files as outlined in WSC “Work as Executed plans
specification and attribute requirements” located on Council’s website.
4.3.2 Final certification of completed works
Requirement: Council requires the designer or its representative to carry out sufficient site
inspections to validate the final certification of the proposed works.
Completed works: The designer to provide evidence that the site inspections were undertaken
during construction works and provide final certification that the completed work is consistent with
the approved design.

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
5 Annexure
5.1 Guide outline of the design procedures for subsurface drainage
systems for pavements

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0
5.2 Annexure - Referenced documents
The following documents are incorporated into this worksection by reference:
AS/NZS 1477 2017 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications
AS 2439 Perforated plastics drainage and effluent pipe and fittings
AS 2439.1 2007 Perforated drainage pipe and associated fittings
AS 5488 Classification of Subsurface Utility Information (SUI)
AS 5488.1 2019 Subsurface utility information
AS 5488.2 2019 Subsurface utility engineering
ARRB ARR 368 2006 The collection and discharge of stormwater from the road
Austroads AGPT Guide to pavement technology
Austroads AGPT10 2009 Subsurface drainage
Austroads AGRD Guide to road design
Austroads AGRD05A 2013 Drainage – Road surface network, basins and subsurface
Austroads AP-R597 2019 Data Standard for Road Management and Investment in
Australia and New Zealand Version 3.0
NATSPEC DES 036 2017 Need for subsurface drainage on local roads
ASTM D7001-06 2011 Standard specification for geocomposite for pavement edge
drains and other high-flow application

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D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design), version 1.0

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