Bioenergy Newsletter Vol VII Aug 2020 1

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The India Special Edition.

Continued customer centricity amidst

the Covid-19 lockdown
August 2020, Vol : VII

Dear customers,
The Covid 19 pandemic may have disrupted how we live, manufacturers of fuel grade ethanol to convert to
work and do business, but it has not affected our resolve pharma grade. Praj is in pole position to offer Eco
to bounce back and adapt to the new normal. At Praj, we Smart technology solution to green-field as well
believe we have done a commendable job of being as brownfield ethanol plants.
resilient, while staying focused and creating value for our We commend our teams at sites and in office for
customers. their diligence and commitment in assisting our
We have been happy to see our customers gradually pick customers, despite the lockdown. We are also
up the pace, focus on cost optimization and improve grateful to their families without whose support it
efficiencies while ensuring that health and safety would have been stressful.
continue to be of paramount importance. We salute our enterprising customers who have
On our part at Praj, we have successfully acclimatized to resumed production despite the challenges posed
the new normal of doing business. Despite the lockdown by the pandemic. Even as we continue to battle
and restrictions on travel, we have met customer new challenges arising from this volatile situation,
expectations through detailed planning, project execution we refuse to cower down. Thank you for your
and commissioning. Our engineers travelled thousands continuing support and we look forward to
of kms despite the nationwide lockdown to help braving this phase together.
customers to commssion ethanol plants for the
production of sanitizer.
With best wishes for your health, safety and well
Manufacturing at Sanaswadi and Kandla have being,
recommenced, along with Praj Matrix and Praj Towers
which have resumedoperations in keeping with
government guidelines. We have adopted Work from Atul Mulay
home, resumed functions like engineering, procurement,
President, Bioenergy Business
projects etc. and streamlined the supply chain. Praj is
employing and investing in advanced software, on-site
resources, and new machinery to boost productivity. We
have reopened and resumed construction at 18 sites
across the country in strict compliance with state
guidelines for Covid -19.
Praj has undertaken various initiatives as part of its
social commitment to fight the pandemic. We not only
contributed to government funds but provided free and
open access to our proprietary hand wash sanitizer
(HWS) manufacturing technology. To cater to the
worldwide demand for pharma grade alcohol and help
customers maximize value of assets, we are helping
Bio-energy Newsletter

Commitment amidst a national lockdown:
commissioning a plant at Panila Chem Ltd.

Successful commissioning of distillery unit at

Gobind Sugar Mills Ltd. Uttar Pradesh

Commissioning distillery unit at Balarampur

Chini Mill, Uttar Pradesh

Commissioning of distillery unit at Majhaulia

Sugar Industries Pvt. Ltd., Bihar

Successful execution of distillery plant for

RBSSK, Maharashtra

Commissioning of evaporation plant at

Mawana Sugars Ltd., Uttar Pradesh

Successful commissioning of distillery at

Krantiagrani Dr.G D Bapu Lad SSK Ltd. Kundal
Sangali, Maharashtra

Orders Booked during Lockdown

Saluting the Covid Warriors of Commissioning

Certificates commending Praj's commissioning

Bio-energy Newsletter

Commitment amidst a national lockdown:

commission a plant at Panila Chem Ltd.
Despite the nation-wide lock-down on account of Covid 19,
Praj displayed exemplary courage, dedication and presence
of mind in promptly commissioning an alcohol purification

Mr. Pankaj Bhayani, Director complimented Praj saying, "Praj is a professionally managed company offering
appropriate technologies to fulfill market demand. We are completely satisfied happy with performance of our
pharma and perfumery grade ethanol treatment plant supplied by Praj. We appreciate Praj for their innovative
technology, knowledge and dedication. Praj commissioning services during nationwide lock down period of
COVID-19 were of great importance for us."

Successful commissioning of distillery

unit at Gobind Sugar Mills Ltd. Uttar
At Gobind Sugars Mills Ltd. (GSML) in Aira,
Uttar Pradesh.
Successfully conducted an E-Performance Guarantee
Run (PGR) for a 100 KLPD molasses based ethanol
Distillery Complex.
In a show of unique competence, Praj engineers
managed this PGR amidst the lockdown by taking
plant control online through video and audio
networking. Guaranteed 80 parameters were achieved
and demonstrated by Praj on B-Heavy as well as
C molasses separately. GSML and their consultant,
Avant Garde, together with Praj witnessed the PGR
before signing off on the report.

Mr. Alok Saxena, Executive Director commended the team saying, "Praj completed our
100 KLPD green field Molasses based Distillery Project at Aira, Lakhimpur Kheeri UP. We
are successfully producing fuel ethanol to supply to OMCs. After successful completion of
erection. Praj conducted performance guarantee run and demonstrated performance
parameters. During COVID-19 lockdown, they achieved optimum parameters within the
threshold. We appreciate Praj's project, construction and commissioning teams for their
dedicated approach and cooperative nature. We wish Praj great success in the future.”
Bio-energy Newsletter

Commissioning distillery unit at

Balarampur Chini Mill, UP
Praj successfully installed and commissioned a 160
KLPD green field molasses based distillery unit at
Balrampur Chini Mill Unit Guleria, UP for the production
of fuel grade ethanol. Distillery sections comprises of
molasses handling, fermentation, distillation, ethanol
dehydration (MSDH) , raw spent wash evaporation were
designed, engineered , supplied, installed and
commissioned by Praj in record time.

Mr. Vinay Khanna, Sr. General Manager - Business Planning said, “The project execution
was done by Praj in the most professional way and the project was completed in record
time. Praj's design, engineering, equipment quality and per formance is well above our
expectations. We recognize Praj as a one of our strategic par tners in our efforts to install
efficient, sustainable and advanced bio fuel units.”

Commissioning of distillery unit at Majhaulia Sugar Industries Pvt Ltd.

Praj successfully completed 60 KLPD Molasses based Distillery Project at Majhaulia Sugar Industries Pvt Ltd.
West Chamaparan, Bihar. It was turnkey supply of PRAJ including "Project Management Services". PRAJ scope of
supply includes molasses Bulk storage & handling, Fermentation, Distillation, Ethanol Dehydration (MSDH), Raw
Spent wash Evaporation up to 60%, Process condensate treatment plant -PCTP , Spirit receiver and Bulk storage ,
Chemical storage, Water treatment plant -WTP, Utilities like steam power generation and distribution. Project
management for Incineration Boiler, Power house, Civil and structure design, engineering supervision.

Mr. Rajesh Sarda, Director, complimented Praj saying,

“This is first distillery project in our group of Jayshree
Tea & Industries Limited. We are impressed with their
project management services, engineering standards,
equipment fabrication quality, overall project execution
capability and Plant performance. We sincerely
appreciate Praj's dedicated execution and
commissioning team who supported us throughout
COVID-19 lock down period and stabilized our
production on rated capacity by achieving desired
Performance. Many times Praj team went out of the way
and supported us for trouble shooting, debottlenecking.
We are looking for mutually rewarding opportunities to
work with Praj.”
Bio-energy Newsletter

Successful execution of distillery plant

for RBSSK, Maharashtra
Rajaram Bapu SSK Ltd - Sangli, Maharashtra has
appreciated ENA quality produced from Praj plant as a
Premium grade ENA supplied to leading bottlers like
Diageo & ABD.
Recently RBSSK announced successful closure of 60
KLPD distillery project with Praj for production of EN A.
The project in itself was testimony that hard work,
sound experience and customer centric approach that
helped overcome the toughest of challenge put in by
heavy rains and floods which crossed over 35 days loss
of time.

Mr. SD Korde, General Manager ( Commercial & Projects) complimented Praj saying, "We
would like to sincerely appreciate Praj for their Customer centric approach, excellent team
work, planning and execution capabilities displayed during completing our Distillery project
in record time.". We are more than happy to see Praj team at our plant in mid of nationwide
lock down for COVID-19 pandemic and successfully commissioned our plant following all
social distancing & safety norms. We are satisfied with overall plant performance &
workmanship. We are proud to have business association with Praj for over two decades
for our spirit division.

Commissioning of evaporation plant at

Mawana Sugars Ltd., Uttar Pradesh
Praj successfully installed and commissioned a Raw
Spent wash Evaporation plant for Mawana Sugars Ltd.,
Nangalamal Unit Meerut, UP. The mechanical,
electrical and instrumentation along with necessary
structural work has been successfully completed at
our 120 KLPD Distillery unit. .

Mr. Sandeep Misra, Assistant vice president ( Distillery), said, "Praj has successfully
commissioned Raw spent wash evaporation project at our Mawana Sugar distillery unit.
Project execution, Commissioning and Performance demonstration Run was completed in
a seamless and time bound manner. In first attempt MEE Plant achieved 58-60%
concentration of Raw spent wash at rated capacity and we could successfully used a fuel in
Incineration boiler. We appreciate PRAJ Commissioning support during mid of Nationwide
COVID - 19 lock down period and successful handing over the plant to us. Class room
training session for Mawana production team was conducted by Praj experts thru Visual
Networking Platform. "We are looking forward for many more business opportunities with
PRAJ as a strategic partner "
Bio-energy Newsletter

Successful commissioning of distillery at

Krantiagrani Dr.G D Bapu Lad SSK Ltd. Kundal
Sangali, Maharashtra
Krantiagrani SSK have recorded special appreciation for Praj
technology and successful commissioning of its first 60 KLPD
distillery complex at Kundal Sangali, Maharashtra. The
distillery has multi-product facilities like extra neutral alcohol
(ENA), potable grade rectified spirit and fuel grade ethanol.
Plant performance trials were jointly completed and
performance met agreed norms. The Kranti SSK highlighted
Praj's workmanship, fabrication quality, project execution
capabilities and commissioning support.

Mr. DS Gavhane, Managing Director

said "Praj has been a most trusted and
reliable partner in building our modern
distillery unit at Kundal. The project
was completed very professionally and
within the agreed period. It is a true
project & engineering company having
a team of professionals. We would be
happy to work with Praj on mutually
rewarding opportunities in the future."

Mr Anil Shinde, Distillery Manager "Plant performance is excellent & consistent. We are
regularly operating Distillery unit at higher capacity for all three products RS, ENA and AA.
Fermentation house recovery is at par, RSW evaporation, MSDH unit is working
satisfactorily with desired capacity. We have taken over the plant after successful
performance run. We thank to 'Praj Sales team, Project team , Construction team and
commission team' for their cooperation and support throughout the project execution and
Bio-energy Newsletter

Orders Booked during Lockdown

We thank our customers who have resumed production despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Adapting
to the new normal, they have even finalized orders digitally while restarting business. We appreciate our customers
who have proved that the ability to handle challenges is a measure of strength of character, vision and progress.
We thank them for continuing to repose trust in Praj to support their growth plans.

No. Customer Project Location

Setting up expansion for existing Sanasarpur Terrace ,

1 Premier Alcobev Ltd.
grain distillery plant. Himachal Pradesh

Siddapur distilleries Seting up new distillation plant.

2 Jhamkhandi, Karnataka
Pvt. Ltd.

Setting up greenfield distillery

3 Bilagi sugars Ltd. based on C molasses, B molasses Bagalkot taluka, Karnataka
and sugar syrup.

Setting up new absolute alcohol

4 Bajaj Hindustan Sugars Ltd. Pllia, UP

5 Jaywant Sugar Ltd. Setting up new sanitizer plant. Karad, Maharashtra

Loknete Sundarraoji Setting up new absolute

6 Beed, Maharashtra
Solanki SSK. Ltd. alcohol plant.

Setting uip greenfield turnket

7 Shiur Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Hingoli, Maharashtra

Gangamai Industries &

8 Raw Spent wash Evaporation. Shevgaon, Maharashtra
Construction Ltd.

Setting up greenfield based on

9 Shri Dutta India Pvt. Ltd. C molasses, B molasses and Phaltan, Maharashtra
sugar syrup.

Shreenath Mhaskoba
10 Setting up turnkey distillery. Rahu, Maharashtra
Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.

11 IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Pharma Grade Ethanol. Khalapur, Maharashtra

Bio-energy Newsletter

Saluting the Covid Warriors of Commissioning

I am delighted to note that Praj's focus on customer centricity has continued
despite the challenges posed by the Covid 19 pandemic.
I applaud our customers, their engineers, supervisors and commissioning staff
who quickly adapted to the new normal and are proceeding with production. In
successfully taking charge of plants, they have boosted Praj's confidence in
facilitating hand-overs.
We also salute Praj's own commissioning and construction engineers who
continued serving customers despite the Covid -19 nationwide lock-down. From
Lockdown 01 to 04, they travelled thousands of kilometres across the country,
maintaining personal safety, carrying special permissions arranged by clients
and under strict adherence to Government guidelines.
My appreciation would not be complete without acknowledging the warriors in
the background - supportive families - because of whose backing, our teams
could complete project and commissioning on time.
We thank all for their courage and determination, demonstrating that it's only by
meeting challenges we can find the best in ourselves.
All the best, and keep up the good work.
Prasanna Deshpande
AVP Engineering & Commissioning
Bio-energy Newsletter

Certificates commending Praj's commissioning excellence

Praj's engineers have not only commissioned plants but delighted customers with their efficiency, co-ordination
and by going beyond the call of duty. The following certificates from customers are testimony to the company's
professionalism and thoroughness in facilitating handing over of plants.
Bio-energy Newsletter

Bio-energy Newsletter

Bio-energy Newsletter

Bio-energy Newsletter

Bio-energy Newsletter

Bio-energy Newsletter

Praj Industries Limited

[email protected] | | +91-20-71802000

Created & published by Team Corporate Communications, Praj Industries Ltd., Pune, India.
For private circulation only. For any feedback, please write to [email protected]

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