4th Bipartite Settlement
4th Bipartite Settlement
4th Bipartite Settlement
MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT dated the 8th September, Duly authorised on behalf of the
1983 between the Managements of 58 banks as represented Indian Banks’ Association
by the Indian Banks’ Association and their workmen as
represented by the All India Bank Employees’ Association and Representing 1 Shri Prabhat Kar
the National Confederation of Bank Employees.
the Workmen 2 Shri K. K. Mundul
3 Shri P. S. Sundaresan
(Under Section 2(p) and Section 18(1) of the Industrial Disputes 4 Shri Tarakeswar Chakraborti
Act 1947 read with Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) 5 Shri N. Sampath
Rules, 1957). 6 Shri A. Sundara Rao
7 Shri P. N. Tewari
Name of the 58 banks listed in Schedule I to this
Parties : Memorandum of Settlement 8 Shri R. D. Trivedi
and 9 Shri Sudesh Kumar
their workmen 10 Shri T. B. Rai
1 2
12 Shri S. P. Raman agreed to under this Settlement shall be binding on them in
13 Shri Balbir Singh Chowdhary terms of Section 18(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,
14 Shri R. C. Dawar and that this Settlement shall be filed with the appropriate
15 Shri Nihaluddin authorities as required by Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes
16 Shri M. K. Rehani (Central) Rules.
In modification of Clauses 6.1 and 6.3 of Chapter VI of
the Settlement dated 19th October 1966, between IBA and
(a) The parties to this Settlement were parties to and signed
AIBEA and AIBEF and in amplification of, but without prejudice
six Memoranda of Settlements dated 1st August 1979, 31st
to any understanding/agreement/settlement in the banks listed
October 1979, 22nd November 1979 and the 7th April 1980
in Schedule I hereto, parties agree as under:
(b) By the Memorandum of Settlement dated the 7th April (I) Accounting Machines electric/electronic, other than
1980, certain demands/issues set out in the Second Schedule computers, may be utilised in banks for the following purposes
to that Memorandum of Settlement were referred to arbitration
(a) Current accounts,
by a Board of Arbitrators;
(b) Savings bank accounts,
(c) Other deposit accounts,
(c) The Board of Arbitrators had by their award dated 11th
(d) General ledger accounts,
May, 1981 awarded that the reference to the Board was
(e) Cash credit and loan accounts,
misconceived and invalid and therefore liable to be dismissed
(f) Salary and pay roll.
5 6
after an expiry of a period of 3 years from the date of this intention of not joining duties, the employee will be deemed to
Settlement and a fresh agreement entered into within a period have voluntarily retired from the bank’s service on the expiry,
of 6 months thereafter. However, it will be open to individual of the said notice. In the event of the employee submitting a
banks even during the currency of this Settlement to enter into satisfactory reply, he shall be permitted to report for duty
any understanding/agreement/ settlement with their thereafter within 30 days from the date of the expiry of the
representatives/recognised unions for further enlargement of aforesaid notice without prejudice to the bank’s right to take
the scope of mechanisation/ computerisation. any action under the law or rules of service.
In case of an employee who has gone abroad, and has
(IX) If any new categories of employees are appointed as result
not submitted any application for leave and absents himself
of introduction of computers for performance of higher level
for a period of 150 or more consecutive days without or beyond
duties than what is envisaged in existing settlement/agreement
any leave to his credit or absents himself for 150 or more
the special allowances payable to them will be settled by mutual
consecutive days beyond the period of leave originally
discussions between the parties ; till such time as this is done,
sanctioned or subsequently extended and where the
such categories of employees will be paid special allowance
management has reasons to believe that he has no intention
as applicable to machine operators.
of joining duties, the management may at any time thereafter
2. Voluntary Cessation of Employment by the Employees give a notice to the employee’s last known address calling upon
the employee to report for duty within 30 days of the notice.
Where an employee has not submitted any application
Unless the employee reports for duty within 30 days or unless
for leave and absents himself from work for a period of 90 or
he gives an explanation for his absence satisfying the
more consecutive days without or beyond any leave to his credit
management, the employee will be deemed to have voluntarily
or absents himself for 90 or more consecutive days beyond
retired from the bank’s service on the expiry of the said notice,
the period of leave originally sanctioned or subsequently
tn the event of the employee submitting a satisfactory reply, he
extended and where there is satisfactory evidence that he has
shall be permitted to report for duty thereafter within 30 days
taken up employment in India and the management is satisfied
from the date of the expiry of the aforesaid notice without
that he has no present intention of joining duties, the
prejudice to the bank’s right to take any action under the law
management may at any time thereafter give a notice to the
or rules of service.
employee’s last known address calling upon the employee to
report for duty within 30 days of the notice, stating, inter alia, 3. Data of Effect
the grounds for the management coming to the conclusion that
This Settlement will come into force with effect from the date
the employee has no intention of joining duties and furnishing
hereof and shall remain in force for a period of 4 years and the
necessary evidence, where available. Unless the employee
terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern and bind
reports for duty within 30 days or unless he gives an explanation
the parties even thereafter until the Settlement is terminated
for his absence satisfying the management that he has not
by either party giving to the other a statutory notice as
taken up another employment or avocation and that he has no
7 8
prescribed in law for the time being in force. Confederation
4. Copies of the Memorandum of Settlement will be jointly Employees’ Association of Bank Employees
forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed under Rule 58
(S/Shri) (S/Shri)
of the Industrial Disputes Act (Central Rules) so that terms and
Prabhat Kar 0. P. Gupta
conditions thereof are binding on the parties as provided in
K. K. Mundual S. N.
5. If any doubt or difficulty arises regarding interpretation of Tarakeswar Chakraborti M .
any provision of this Settlement, the matter will be taken up Rajagopal
only at the level of Indian Banks’ Association and the All India N. Sampatn P. Balagopala
Bank Employees’ Association and National Confederation of Menon
Bank Employees for discussion and settlement P. S. Sundaresan P. Lakshmi
N. Vaghul A. V.
S. L Baluja R. S. Gupta
L B. Bhide R. K.
P. S. V. Mallya K. Venkatachari
M. Ram Mohan Rao N. S. Pradhar.
C. R. Vaitheeswaran B. D, U pagan i
G. Chandran V. S. Kamat Kadpe
11 12
44. State Bank of Travancore 3 Shri L B. Bhide
45. Syndicate Bank 4 Shri P. S. V. Mallya
46. Union Bank of India 5 Shri M. Ram Mohan
47. United Bank of India Rao
48. United Commercial Bank 6 Shri C. R.
49. United Industrial Bank Ltd. Vaitheeswaran
50. Vijaya Bank 7 Shri G. Chandran
51. The Vysya Bank Ltd. 8 Shri A. V. Rajagopalan
52. The Benares State Bank Ltd. 9 Shri R. S. Gupta
53. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd. 10 Shri R. K. Ghotgalkar
54. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
55. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd. 11 Shri K. Venkatachari
56. The Miraj State Bank Ltd. 12 Shri N. S. Pradhan
57. The Parur Central Bank Ltd. 13 Shri B. D. Upasani
58. The Purbanchal Bank Ltd. 14 Shri V. S. Kamat
15 Shri S. Mohan Kumar
MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT dated the 8th September,
Duly authorised on behalf of
1983 between the Managements of 58 banks as represented
by the Indian Banks’ Association and ‘their workmen as
Indian Bank's Association
represented by the All India Bank Employees’ Association and
the National Confederation of Bank Employees.
the Workmen 1 Shri Prabhat Kar
(Under Section 2(p) and Section 18(1) of the Industrial Disputes 2 Shri K. K. Mundul
Act 1947 read with Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) 3 Shri P. S. Sundaresan
Rules, 1957). 4 Shri Tarakeswar
Name of the 58 banks listed in Schedule I to this
5 Shri N. Sampath
Parties : Memorandum of Settlement
6 Shri A. Sundara Rao
7 Shri P. N. Tewari
their workmen
8 Shri R. D. Trivedi
Representing the 1 Shri N. Vaghul 9 Shri Sudesh Kumar
Employers : 2 Shri S. L. Baluja 10 Shri T. B. Rai
13 14
All India Bank WHEREAS
E m p l o y e e s ’
Association (a) The parties to this Settlement were parties to and signed
six Memoranda of Settlements dated 1st August 1979, 31st
1 Shri O. P. Gupta
October 1979, 22nd November 1979 and 7th April 1980 ;
2 Shri S. N. Duber
3 Shri M. Rajagopal (b) By the Memorandum of Settlement dated 7th April
4 Shri P. Balagopala 1980, certain demands/issues set out in the Second Schedule
Menon to that Memorandum of Settlement were referred to arbitration
5 Shri P. Lakshmi by a Board of Arbitrators ;
(c) The Board of Arbitrators had by their award dated 11th
6 Shri M. R. Awasthi
May, 1981 awarded that the reference to the Board was
7 Shri G. K. Awasthi
misconceived and invalid and therefore liable to be dismissed
8 Shri Ashok Singh
9 Shri C. Coutto (d) The parties have since discussed the said demands/
10 Shri M. M. Pednekar issues on several occasions and have come to a settlement
11 Shri Gurdas on some of the said demands/issues, which settlement is
Chatterjee recorded here-under; and the parties agree that the matters
12 Shri S. P. Raman agreed to under this Settlement shall be binding on them in
13 Shri Balbir Singh terms of Section 18(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, and
Chowdhary that this Settlement shall be filed with the appropriate authorities
14 Shri R. C. Dawar as required by Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central)
15 Shri Nihaluddin Rules.
16 Shri M. K. Rehani
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the
N a t i o n a l parties hereto as follows :
of Bank Employees
1. Stagnation Increments
(i) For every five completed years of service after reaching
the maximum in the scale of pay, members of the clerical and
subordinate staff will be granted stagnation increments subject
to a maximum of two increments each equivalent to the last
increment in the respective scales of pay. The period of
stagnation for this purpose will be reckoned from the date of
15 16
reaching the maximum of the scale of pay. In case of an of increment has to be postponed under the service conditions
employee who is eligible for stagnation increments, the first such postponement will be notionally made in the actual date
such increment will be granted effective from the date on which on which the increment accrues. If on such postponement
it falls due or from 1st January 1980, whichever is later, but the either in the first instance or on acumulative basis such date of
next increment will accrue to him on completion of five years of accrual of increment shifts to any subsequent calendar month,
service as from the date, the first stagnation increment falls the increment will be released on the first of that subsequent
due but not earlier than 1st January 1981. month.
(ii) The grant of the stagnation increments would be subject 3. Date of Retirement
to the following conditions :
In partial modification of Clause 18.1 of the Settlement dated
(a) Stagnation increments would rank for superannuation 19th October 1966 between IBA and AIBEA and AIBEF and
benefits, i.e., provident fund and gratuity and wherever Clause 16.1 of the Settlement dated 14th December 1966
applicable pension, and only in the case of subordinate staff between IOB and AIOBEU and Clause 11.1 of the Settlement
for dearness allowance. In the case of all workmen, stagnation between SBI and AISBISF dated 31st March 1967 as modified,
increments would rank for H.R.A., C.C.A, and other allowances. parties agree that for the purposes of retirement as envisaged
in the said provisions, the retirement shall take effect on the
(b) Stagnation increments would not be given to an
last date of the month in which he completes such age.
employee who at any time after the commencement of this
Settlement after being offered and/or selected for promotion 4. Departmental Enquiry - Defence Representative -
refuses to accept such promotion. Halting Allowance
In partial modification of Clause 19.12 (d)of the Bipartite
2. Date of Increment
Settlement between IBA and AIBEA and AIBEF dated 19th
In supersession of Clause 4.11 of the Settlement dated October 1966 and Clause 19.12(d) of the Settlement dated
19th October 1966 between IBA and AIBEA and AIBEF and 23rd December 1966 between BOB and AIBOBEF and Clause
Clause 4.11 of the Settlement dated 23rd December 1966 17.12(d)of the Settlement dated 14th December 1966 between
between BOB and AIBOBEF and Clause 3.11 of the Settlement IOB and AIOBEU and Clause 5.16 of the Settlement between
dated 14th December 1966 between IOB and AIOBEU and SBI and AISBISF dated 31st March 1967 as modified, parties
Clause 4 of the Settlement dated 24th February 1970 as agree as under in respect of the banks listed in Schedule I.
modified by the subsequent Settlement dated 15th September the representative defending the employee is an employee of
1970 between SBI and AISBISF, parties agree that the increment the same bank at an outstation branch within the same state,
specified in the various scales of pay applicable to workmen he shall be relieved on special leave (on full pay and
shall accrue on an annual basis and shall be given effect to on allowances) to represent the employee and be paid one to
the first day of the month in which it falls due. and fro fare. The class of fare to which he will be entitled would
be the same as while travelling on duty, in case of any
However, where for any reason whatsoever, the date
17 18
adjournment at the instance of the bank/enquiry officer, he for reasons attributable to the workman or any of his
may be asked to resume duty and if so, will be paid fare for the representative.
consequential journey. He shall also be paid full halting
6. Leave Fare Concession
allowance for the period he stays at the place of the enquiry
for defending the employee as also for the days of the journeys (a) In partial modification of Clause 10.1 of Bipartite
which are undertaken at the bank’s cost. Settlement between IBA and AIBEA and AIBEF dated 19th
October 1966 and Clause 10.1 of the Settlement dated 23rd
December 1966 between BOB and AIBOBEF and Clause 9.1
‘State’ for the purpose, shall mean the area which constituted
of the Settlement dated 14th December 1966 between IOB
a political State as on 19th October 1966, but this explanation
and AIOBEU and Clause 6.4 of the Settlement between SBI
will not apply to SBI.
and AISBISF dated 31st March 1967, as modified, for the
5. Subsistence Allowance purpose of leave fare concession, the condition of 15 days
leave will not be applicable and it is clarified that the concession
In partial modification of paragraph 557 of the Sastry Award
will be permitted to the eligible employees even when they
and paragraph 17.14 of the Desai Award, the following
proceed on leave of any kind.
provisions shall apply in regard to payment of subsistence
allowance to workmen under suspension in respect of the banks (b) It is clarified that where the children below the age of
listed in Schedule I. 12 years are charged bus fares, the bank may reimburse to
the employee full train fares for the journey of such children by
(a) Where the investigation is not entrusted to or taken up by
the class to which the employee is entitled up to the permissible
an outside agency (i. e. Police/CBI), subsistence allowance will
distance or the actual bus fare incurred or road mileage @ 20
be payable at the following rates :
paise per k.m. whichever is less.
(i) For the first 3 months 1 /3 of the pay and allowances which
(c) In clarification of Clause 10.8 of the Bipartite Settlement
the workman would have got but for the suspension.
dated 19th October 1966 between IBA and AIBEA and AIBEF
(ii) Thereafter 1/2 of the pay and allowances. and Clause 10.8 of the Settlement dated 23rd December 1966
between BOB and AIBOBEF and Clause 9.9 of the Settlement
(iii) After one year, full pay and allowances if the enquiry is not
dated 14th December 1966 between IOB and AIOBEU and
delayed for reasons attributable to the concerned workman or
Clause 6.13 of the Settlement dated 31st March 1967 between
any of his representatives. Where the investigation is done by
SBI and AISBISF, the leave fare concession may be availed of
an outside agency and the said agency has come to the
by the workman’s family for travel without attendance of
conclusion not to prosecute, the employee, full pay and
workman on either journey, provided that the period between
allowances will be payable after 6 months from the date of
the date of commencement of the journey and that of the return
receipt of report of such agency, or one year after suspension,
journey shall not exceed four months. The entitlement of the
whichever is later and in the event the enquiry is not delayed
19 20
workmen to avail of leave fare concession in such event of special allowance being 10% of the basic pay (‘Pay’ as defined
independent journey by the family shall continue to operate. in the Bipartite Settlement for payment of house rent allowance)
subject to minimum and maximum amounts as set out in Column
7. H.R.A. and C.C.A.
2 of Schedule III against each such place.
In accordance with the provisions of Clauses 3.2 and 8.4 of
The special area allowance will be payable subject to
the Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October 1966 between IBA
the following conditions :
and AlBEA and AIBEF, Clauses 2.2 and 4.4 of the Settlement
between SBI and AISBISF dated 31st March 1967 as modified, (a) The allowance payable at any place shall be
and Settlement dated 23rd December 1966 between BOB and discontinued if such allowance (called by any name whatever)
AIBOBEFand the Settlement dated14th December 1966 ceases to be payable to the employees of the Central
between IOB and AIOBEU, at places where as per 1981 Census Government.
figures there is a change in the population figures HRA and/or
(b) The allowance will continue to be payable at the
CCA where applicable, shall be recalculated in terms of the
stipulated rate only until such time as there is no direction to
relevant provisions of the Settlement and the same shall be
the contrary from the Government and thereafter subject to
paid at all such places with effect from 1st March 1981.
such direction.
8. Hospitalisation Scheme
(c) Where, however, on the date on which this Settlement
In substitution of Appendix ‘A’ to the Settlement on ‘Other Issues’ comes into force if any workman at the specified places was
dated 8th November 1973 between IBA and AIBEA the procedure receiving a special area allowance (called by any name
to be followed in respect of reimbursement of expenses on whatever) at a rate higher than that prescribed above, the
hospitalisation of workmen and their families for the diseases/ difference in amount shall be protected and paid as an adjusting
accidents enumerated in Clause 18(i) of the Bipartite Settlement allowance.
dated 31st October 1979 and Clause 7(i) of the Bipartite
(d) The adjusting allowance referred to above shall cease
Settlement dated 22nd November 1979, shall, with effect from
to be payable to an employee when he ceases to draw special
1st January 1982, be as laid down in Schedule II hereto.
area allowance consequent on his transfer or posting elsewhere
9. Special Area Allowance
or stoppage of payment of the allowance at that place.
Parties agree that in terms of Clause 19 of the Bipartite (e) Assam Allowance (called by any name whatever) paid
Settlement dated 31st October 1979 and Clause 27 of the prior to or in terms of Settlement dated 21st April 1980, between
Bipartite Settlement dated 22nd November 1979, special area the parties shall cease to be payable from 1st March 1981 at
allowance will be paid to all full time workmen staff working at places where special area allowance is payable under the
^places specified in Schedule III hereto at the rates stipulated Settlement. Appropriate adjustments will be made while
against each such place, with effect from 1st March 1981, at disbursing the arrears of special area allowance in terms of
the places set out in Column 1 of Schedule III, the rate of such this Settlement.
21 22
10. Fitment of Part-time Employees 11. Date of Effect
This Settlement will come into force with effect from the
Parties agree that for fitment of part-time employees
date hereof and shall remain in force for a period of 4 years
consequent on their appointment on full time basis the pro
and the terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern
rata increments earned by them in the course of their part-
and bind the parties even thereafter until the Settlement is
time service should be converted (notionally and only for the
terminated by either party giving to the other a statutory notice
purposes of fitment) into full increments and their salary fitted
as prescribed in law for the time being in force.
from the date of their appointment as full time employees after
taking into account such notionally added increments, the 12. The AIBEA and the NCBE on behalf of the workmen
fraction of an increment if any, being granted to them by agree that during the operation of this Settlement the workmen
advancing the date of their next increment suitably. The will not raise any demand of any nature whatsoever on any of
advanced date of the increment will in such cases, become the the banks in respect of matters covered by this Memorandum
date of their annual increment in future years. of Settlement.
When wages of part-time employees are refixed from 13. Copies of this Memorandum of Settlement will be jointly
1/3 to1/2 or 3/4 or from 1/2 to 3/4 in the wage scales, the pro forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed under Rule 58
rata increments earned by them in the course of their service of the Industrial Disputes Act (Central Rules) so that terms and
in the lower proportionate wage scale should be taken into conditions thereof are binding on the parties as provided in
account for the purpose of fitment in the higher proportionate law.
wage scale together with the benefit of advancing the date of
14. If any doubt or difficulty arises regarding interpretation
increment where the fraction of increment is involved as in the
of any provision of this Settlement the matter will be taken up
case of their absorption as full time employees.
only at the level of Indian Banks’ Association and the All India
The benefit of fitment on the above basis shall be given with
Bank Employees’ Association and National Confederation of
effect from 1st January 1980.
Bank Employees for discussion and Settlement.
23 24
N. Vaghul A. V. Rajagopalan Association
S. L Baluja R. S. Gupta (S/Shri)
L B. Bhide R. K. Ghotgalkar Prabhat Kar
P. S. V. Mallya K. Venkatachari K. K. Mundul
M. Ram Mohan Rao N. S. Pradhan T a r a k e s w a r
C. R. Vaitheeswaran B. D. Upasani Chakraborti
G. Chandran V. S. Kamat Kadpe N. Sampath
P. S. Sundaresan
For All India Bank
A. Sundara Rao
E m p l o y e e s ’
For National
of Bank Employees
O. P. Gupta
S. N. Duber
M. Rajagopal
P. Balagopala Menon
P. Lakshmi Narasaiah
M. R. Awasthi
Witnesses :
S. Mohan Kumar P. N. Tiwari
G. K. Awasthi
C.C. to :
1. Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central)
2. Regional Labour Commissioner (Central)
3. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), New Delhi
4. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry
of Labour, New Delhi
27 28
Hospitalisation Expenses 50% of amount 75% of
1. Hospitalisation expenses will be reimbursed to Award actually incurred or actually incurred or
Staff in the bank to the extent of 75 per cent in case of self and the amount mentioned amount mentioned
50 per cent in case of members of family subject to the below against eachbelow against each
procedure for reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses as item, whichever is item, whichever is
hospitalisation, like cataract, surgical jaundice, 3.4 Medicines/drugs, injections, 50% or 75%, as the case may be. of
cirrhosis of the liver. bandage and dressing actual expenses incurred
materials etc.. except tonics
(b) A workman or his family member(s) will be considered
3.5 Operation charges, etc. As per Annexure II hereto
to have been hospitalised only if they are admitted as indoor
3.6 Physician’s and Consultant’s fees per visit :
patient(s) in the hospital in respect of diseases/ accidents as
Visit at the Chamber
mentioned above in sub-para (a). Medical expenses incurred Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta Other Places
for the hospitalisation will be reimbursed on the strength of Madras
bills/vouchers to the extent of 75% in case of himself and 50% 50% of amt. 75% of amt. 50% of amt.
75% of amt.
in case of family members subject to .limits prescribed
actually actually actually
hereunder. actually
incurred or incurred or incurred or
2. For the purpose of reimbursement of hospitalisation
incurred or
expenses, ‘family’ of a workman shall consist of spouse, wholly the amt as the amt as the amt as
dependent children and wholly dependent parents only. the amt as
mentioned mentioned mentioned
3. The reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses will mentioned
be restricted to the following charges :
29 30
against each against each against each Second
against each consultation Rs 25/- Ra. 37.50 Rs. 20/- Rs. 30/-
item, which- item, which- item, which- Subsequent
item, which- consultations Rs. 20/- Rs. 30/- Rs. I5/- Rs. 22.50
ever is lower, ever is lower, ever is lower, Visit made by Specialists at the Hospital
ever is lower, Special Visits
for members for workman for members Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta Other Places
for workman Madras
of the family himself of family himself 50% of amt. 75% of amt. 50% of amt.
First 75% of amt.
Consultation Rs. 20/- Rs. 30/- Rs.15/- Rs. 22/50 actually actually actually
incurred or incurred or incurred or
consultation Rs 15/- Rs. 22/50 Rs.10/- Rs.15/-
incurred or
Visit at Residence the amt as the amt as the amt as
the amt as
Bombay,Delhi, Calcutta Other Places mentioned mentioned mentioned
Madras mentioned
50% of amt. 75% of amt. 50% of amt. against each against each against each
75% of amt. against each
actually actually actually item, which- item, which- item, which-
actually item, which-
incurred or incurred or incurred or ever is lower, ever is lower, ever is lower,
incurred or ever is lower,
the amt as the amt as the amt as
for members for memebrs for members
the amt as
for workman
mentioned mentioned mentioned
of the family himself of the family
against each against each against each
During the
against each
day time Rs 10/- Rs. 15/- Rs. 7/50 Rs. 10/-
item, which- item, which- item, which-
per visit per visit
item, which-
ever is lower, ever is lower, ever is lower,
night time Rs. 15/~ Rs 22/50 Rs 10/- Rs 15/- R o u t i n e
ever is lower,
visits Rs 7/50 Rs 10/- Rs. 7/50 Rs 10/-
for members for members for members
for workman per visit per visit
of the family himself of the family
4. The workmen or members of their families, as the case
Iincase of emerg- may be. will secure admission to the lowest paying beds in a
ency leading to government/municipal hospital or any ‘private' hospital, (i.e.,
hoipitalisation Rs. 30/- Rs. 40/- Rs 25/- Rs 37.50 hospitals under the management of a trust, charitable institution
31 32
or a religious mission). The reimbursement will be restricted to hospital rules or the maximum amounts mentioned above
75% or 50%, as the case may be, of the charges applicable to whichever is lower.
the lowest paying beds in such hospitals according to the
5. Normally, the workman and members of his family should
avail services of hospital as mentioned in para 4 above.
However, if he feels, that it is unavoidable to seek service of a
private nursing home/hospital, he can do so in one of the
hospitals/ nursing homes, approved by the bank.
Reimbursement in such cases will, however, be restricted to
the extent of the amount which would have been reimbursable
in case of admission to a public or private hospital as mentioned
in 4 above.
39 40
Test 20 and Ascitic Fluids 25
30 40
Vanden Berghn Reaction and Icterus Sputum Examination
Index (Quantitative Bilirubin) 40 Sputum Routine 20
60 30
Takata Ara Reaction 40 Sputum for Acid Fast Bacilli only
60 (Sputum AFB) 20
BromsulphaleIn Excretion Test 30
(Excluding Injection Charges) 40 Sputum for Culture (Culture for TB) 35
60 50
Gastric Analysis
*For indoor patients only.
Gastric Contents for Routine Analysis
** For Rheumatic disease to be reimbursed for hospitalised (Gastric Analysis or
patients. Fractional Test Meal) 50
ConjunctivaL Swab
Sternal Marrow Routine Cytology
ConjunctivaL Swab for Microscopic
(Bone Marrow) 40
and Culture Examination 25
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 55
Smear Examination for Micro
Organism 20
Lung Function Test 40
Routine Culture for Blood, Urine, Faeces,
Histological Examination
Sputum, Throat Swab, Pus and
(Biopsy Test or Frozen Section) 50
other Exudates 35
Charges for X-rays
Fluids or Exudates for
Charges per Plate/Film 20
Malignant Cells 35
Barium Studies First Plate 30
Pleural and Pericardial and 45
Ascitic Fluids Second and Third Plate
(per plate) 25
Pleural Fluid for Routine Examination 25 40
Pleural Fluid for Culture Pericardial
41 42
Subsequent Plate (per plate) 15
Dental X-ray per Plate 8
Cardiac Investigations
Electro Cardiogram (E.C.G.) 35
Indual Test 40
U.C.G. (Phono-cardiography,
Telemetry C, Cardiac Ex Test
Stress Test) 60
Echo Cardiography 150 Column 1 Column
225 2
Cardio Version 160 Names of Places M i n i m u m
240 Maximum
Psychiatry Test
E.C.T. 40 m e n s e m
60 mensem
CO2 20
(1) Kathua District
Psychology Testing 40
(a) Niabat Bani
(b) Lohi
(c) Malhar Rs. 50/- Rs.
(d) Machhodi
45 46
(g) Chhota Bhangal and Lagg Valley and Banjar Block Rs. 50/- Rs.
Bara Bhangal area of Rs. 75/- Rs. 100/-
150/- of Kulu District
Palampur Sub-division
of Kangra District
(1) Dharchula, Musiyari, Joshimath’
(2) (a) Gram Panchayat and Bhatwari Development
Deothi (Taklech areas) Blocks and other areas of border
and Parg anas Chhaibis, Districts of Uttarkashi, Chamoli Rs. 50/- Rs.
Naubis, Sarabhan and 100/-
Barabis of Rampur and Pithoragarh including the
Tehsil of Simla District District Headquarters of
Uttarkashi only
(b) Chhuhar Valley of Rs. 50/
- Rs. 100/- MIZORAM Rs. 75/-
Jogindernagar Tehsil of Rs. 150/-
Mandi District SiKKIM Rs. 75/- Rs.
(c) Mangal Panchayat area 150/-
of Solan District ANDAMAN AND
(d) Outer-Seraj and Malana NICOBAR ISLAND S Rs. 75/-
Panchayat area of Kulu Rs. 150/-
(3) (a) Janjehli Block of Chachiot
Tehsil of Mandi District
(b) Chopal Tehsil of Simla District
Rs. 150/-
(c) Trans-Giri Tract of
Sirmur District Rs. 50/- Rs. The Indian National Bank Employees Congress (INBEC)
100/- signed Settlement with the IBA separately on 8th September,
(d) Churah Tehsil of 1983. The terms of the Settlement,are the same as printed
Chamba District here.
(e) Kunr Panchayat and Beraj
Pargana of Chamba Tehsil
of Chamba District
3. In respect of Bank of Baroda, it is agreed that the Wherever by this Settlement the provisions of the First
provisions of the Awards as further modified by the Settlements Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October 1966, or any other
dated 23rd December 1966, 19th December 1970, 1st August subsequent Setttlement(s) have been amended, modified or
1979, 31st October 1979, and 21st April 1980, and the two superseded, the relative provisions of the said Settlements
Settlements dated 8th September 1983, shall govern the shall, in the same manner and to the same extent stand
service conditions of the workmen except to the extent that the amended, modified or superseded.
same are modified by this Settlement.
I. Scales of Pay
4. In respect of State Bank of Saurashtra, it is agreed that In supersession of Clause 6-I of the Settlement
the provisions of the Awards as further modified by the dated 1st August 1979 and subject to Clause XIX of this
Settlements dated 11th November 1966, 1st August 1979, 31st Settlement the following shall apply :
October 1979, and 21st April 1980, and the two Settlements (i) Sub-staff
dated 8th September 1983, shall govern the service conditions Rs. 430-10-450-14-492-16-540-20-
of the workmen except to the extent that the same are modified 680-
by this Settlement. 2 3 3 7
5. In respect of Indian Overseas Bank, it is agreed that
2 2
the provisions of the Awards as further modified by the
(20 years)
53 54
(ii) Clerical staff a maximum of Rs. 15.80 for each such rise of four points ;
Rs. 520-30-580-35-685-45-820-
Note: Such of those members of the clerical
staff who are in receipt of “non-adjustable personal allowance”
2 3 3 2
of Rs. 19.80 at the maximum of the scale of pay on or prior to
1st August 1979 will continue to draw the same allowance which
1 1 2 1
shall rank for such benefits as dearness allowance shall rank.
65 66
and above (i) For banks other than State Bank of India
The amount of total expenses from January to December “After a workman has reached the age of 57
of each calendar year will be allowed to be accumulated so as years, he may be retired after giving him two months’ notice in
not to exceed at any time 3 times the maximum amount provided writing in case his efficiency is found by the employer to have
under this Settlement subject to explanation below : been impaired. Subject to this rule and also subject to any rule
under an existing pension fund, a workman shall not be
compelled to retire before he is 60 years old nor will it be
(i) A workman will qualify for medical aid at the higher rate necessary to give a workman a letter extending his services till
effective from the same calendar year if he completes fifth year he is sixty years old.”
of service on or before 30th June of that year and with effect (ii) For State Bank of India
from the next calendar year if he completes the fifth year of “A workman shall normally retire on reaching
service on or after the 1st July of the year. the age of 58 years. The Bank will, however, grant to a workman
who continues to be physically fit and efficient an extension of
(ii) For the year 1983 the increase in medical aid will be
service up to 60 years of age, but service beyond 58 years of
one half of the increased entitlement under this Settlement.
age will not be counted for any purpose with or in relation to
2. In partial modification of the Sastry Award paragraph pension.”
450(9) and paragraph 11.20 of the Desai Award and Clause
XIV. Disciplinary Action
15.1(b) of the First Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October
1. The following Sub-clauses shall respectively be added
1966, reimbursement of medical expenses of a workman and
as (m), (n) and (o) under ‘Gross Misconduct’ in Clause 19.5 of
his family may be made on the, strength of the concerned
the First Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October 1966 and as
workmans certificate of having incurred such expenses duly
(o) and (p) in Clause (4) of Paragraph 521 of the Sastry Award
supported by a statement of accounts for the amounts claimed.
as applicable to State Bank of India :
3. Item 1 (1) of Schedule II of the Settlement dated 8th
(m)/(n) Knowingly making a false statement .in any
September 1983 will be substituted by the following :
document pertaining to or in connection with his employment
“(i) Hospitalisation charges to the extent stated in the bank.
above will be reimbursed in case of all ailments which require
(n)/(o) Resorting to unfair practice of any nature
whatsoever in any examination conducted by the Indian Institute
XIII. Age of Retirement of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank and where the
In reiteration of Chapter XVIII of the First Bipartite employee is caught in the act of resorting to such unfair practice
Settlement dated 19th October 1966 and similar provisions in and a report to that effect has been received by the bank from
the Settlements of other member banks who are parties to this the concerned authority.
Settlement it is stated as under:
67 68
(o)/(p) Resorting to unfair practice of any nature good service.
whatsoever in any examination conducted by the Indian Institute
5. The amendments made under this Clause shall take
of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered
effect from the date of this Settlement.
by the above Sub-clause (n)/(o) and where a report to that
effect has been received by the bank from the concerned XV. Clarification on Policy regarding Transfer
authority and the employee does not accept the charge. In Paragraph 535(i) of the Sastry Award the words
“Registered Bank Employees Union” shall mean and refer to a
2. The following shall be added as Sub-clause (m) under
union registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, and not to
‘Minor Misconduct’ in Clause 19.7 of the First Bipartite Settlement
branch/regional/ zonal level units thereof.
dated 19th October 1966 and in Clause (6) of Paragraph 521
of the Sastry Award as applicable to State Bank of India : XVI. Voluntary Cessation of Employment by the
(m) Resorting to unfair practice of any nature Employees
whatsoever in any examination conducted by the Indian Institute
In supersession of Clause 2 of the Settlement dated
of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered
8th September 1983 the following shall apply :
by Sub-clause (n) in the First Bipartite Settlement dated 19th
October, 1966 as amended and Sub-clause (o) in Sastry Award Where an employee has not submitted any application
as amended as applicable to State Bank of India under ‘Gross for leave and absents himself from work for a period of 90 or
Misconduct’ and where a report to that effect has been received more consecutive days without or beyond any leave to his credit
by the bank from the concerned authority and the employee or absents himself for 90 or.more consecutive days beyond
accepts the charge. the period of leave originally sanctioned or subsequently
extended or where there is satisfactory evidence that he has
3. In Sub-clause (b) of Clause 19.12 of the First Bipartite
taken up employment in India or the management is satisfied
Settlement dated 19th October 1966 and in Paragraph 521
that he has no present intention of joining duties the
(10) (b) of the Sastry Award as applicable to State Bank of
management may at any time thereafter give a notice to the
India for the words, “pending such enquiry” the words, “pending
employee’s last known address calling upon the employee to
such enquiry or initiation of such enquiry” shall be substituted.
report for duty within 30 days of the notice, stating, inter alia,
4. In partial modification of Clause 19.16 of the First the grounds for the management coming to the conclusion that
Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October 1966 and the employee has no intention of joining duties and furnishing
corresponding provision in any Award or Settlement of any bank, necessary evidence, where available. Unless the employee
where any notice, order, charge-sheet intimation or any other reports for duty within 30 days or unless he gives an explanation
official communication which is meant for an individual employee for his absence satisfying the management that he has not
is sent to him by registered post acknowledgement due at the taken up another employment or avocation and that he has no
last recorded address communicated in writing by the employee
and acknowledged by the bank, the same is to be deemed as
69 70
intention of not joining duties, the employee will be deemed to consolidated wages.
have voluntarily retired from the bank’s service on the expiry
XVIII. Improvement in Working in Bank’s Branches /
of the said notice. In the event of the employee submitting a
Offices etc.
satisfactory reply, he shall be permitted to report for duty
1. Having regard to the vital role of the banking
thereafter within 30 days from the date of the expiry of the
industry in the national economy and the various social and
aforesaid notice without prejudice to the bank’s right to take
economic responsibilities they have been entrusted with from
any action under the law or rules of service.
time to time, parties agree that there is a need to improve
In case of an employee who has gone abroad, and has housekeeping in the offices/branches of banks throughout the
not submitted any application for leave and absents himself country, to ensure efficient cordial and speedy customer service
for a period of 150 or more consecutive days without or beyond at all times in the banking industry and to promote harmonious
any leave to his credit or absents himself for 150 or more industrial relations and better discipline at all levels.
consecutive days beyond the period of leave originally
2. (1) Every workman shall take all possible
sanctioned or subsequently extended and where the
steps to ensure and protect the interest of the bank and
management has reasons to believe that he has no intention
discharge his duties with utmost integrity, honesty, devotion
of joining duties, the management may at’any time thereafter
and diligence.
give a notice to the employee’s last known address calling upon
the employee to report for duty within 30 days of the notice. (2) Every workman shall be at his place of
Unless the employee reports for duty within 30 days or unless work, commence the allotted work at the time fixed and notified,
he gives an explanation for his absence satisfying the work for the full prescribed hours of work and give maximum
management the employee will be deemed to have voluntarily output.
retired from the bank’s service on the expiry of the said notice.
3. Unions agree that the authority of the branch
In the event of the employee submitting a satisfactory reply, he
manager/officer-in-charge in matters like deployment of staff
shall be permitted to report for duty thereafter within 30 days
from time to time and enforcement of rules of the bank in the
from the date of the expiry of the aforesaid notice without
matter of discipline, customer service and the like, shall be
prejudice to the bank’s right to take any action under the law
respected by all workmen so as to ensure that the day-to-day
or rules of service.
smooth and efficient functioning of the branch/office/department
XVII. Part-time Employees is not adversely affected. If, however, there be any grievance
In modification of Clause 14(ii) of Third Bipartite or dissatisfaction in regard to the handling of such matters by
Settlement dated 31 st October 1979, part-time workmen who the branch manager or any other authority or in regard to the
are members of the subordinate staff and whose normal total exercise of such authority, the matter shall be resolved
working hours per week are more than three hours but less expeditiously and amicably through mutual discussions with
than six hours, shall be paid a minimum of Rs. 100/- p.m. as the branch manager or the authority concerned either by the
71 72
aggrieved workman himself or by the office-bearer(s) of the that develops and the relations that are built at the various
concerned union or its unit avoiding dislocation of customer offices by mutual understanding and respect for each other’s
service. difficulties.
Accordingly, the IBA, AIBEA and NCBE jointly express
Managements discourage abuse of authority on the
themselves on the issues as under :
part of any branch manager or other authority concerned.
(1) It is for the management to distribute the work
Unions deprecate use-of any violence or abusive
equitably amongst the employees with a view to ensuring that
language or vulgar slogans by name against individual officers
every one has a full day’s work. Adjustments would, however,
or their family members.
become necessary in the day-to-day working of the offices and
4. In furtherence of the objective towards improvement in in the interest of smooth working, the workmen should carry
working, parties reiterate for adherence by all concerned of out all reasonable orders of the local management. The
what have been agreed to in Annexure I to the Settlement dated workmen would, however, be free to take up with the
31st October 1979. management any genuine difficulty in this behalf. The question
“ANNEXURE I” B. V. Sonalker G. Chandran
Preamble - The IB A, AIBEA and NCBE are in full agreement R. Srinivasan R. K. Ghotgalkar
that no efforts should be spared by them to ensure efficient L. B. Bhide K. Venkatachari
courteous and speedy customer service in the banking industry.
With this common objective in view, some “restrictive practices” P. S. V. Mallya N. S. Pradhan
were gone into jointly. The unions do not accept that there are A. V. Rajagopalan B. D. Upasani
any such practices, it is admitted by both sides that the details
of situations or circumstances in which certain incidents might M. Ram Mohan Rao S. Mohan Kumar .
have taken place are not available and hence they cannot be C. R. Vaitheeswaran V. S. Kamat Khadpe
gone into in detail. The Unions, however, make it clear that it
has never been the intention of the Unions to indulge in any For All India Bank For National Confederation
restrictive practices. The IBA concedes that in view of the size Employees’ Association of Bank Employees
of the industry, there are difficulties in attaining perfection in
the matter of control of the large workforce and also of regulation Prabhat Kar O. P. Gupta
and distribution of work at all the offices in the country. Both, K. K. Mundul S. N. Duber
IBA and the Unions agree that much depends on the climate
P. S. Sundaresan M. Rajgopal
73 74
Tarakeswar ChakrabortiP. Balagopala Menon in certain banks at certain centres. The managements may
decide on their own about the necessity of continuance or
D. P. Chadha M. R. Awasthi
otherwise of these systems.
N. Sampath P. Lakshminarasaiah
(8) On special occasions it might be necessary to attend
of fixing any arbitrary ceiling on quantum of work by the to cash transactions outside business hours. However, due
employees themselves does not, however, arise. care and caution should be exercised by managements in
(2) While the services of senior employees would entertaining such late transactions; such late transactions
generally be utilised on desks requiring experience and should be duly authorised by a competent official.
knowledge, no one should refuse to work on any desk in (9) Normally cash should be accepted/paid at the cash
exigencies that may arise. counter. But employees should accept/ make payment of cash
(3) The allotment of ledger/s to ledger keepers would other than at cash counters under instructions from a competent
depend on the number of transactions and the volume of work official in special circumstances and in such cases the
and not on the number of ledgers. Accordingly, it may be concerned employees would be granted immunity from
justifiable and necessary to allot more than one ledger, whether attendant risks.
in Current Account, Cash Credit, Demand Loan, etc. (10) The work of clerks posted in administrative offices
(4) Employees with double designations such as clerk- includes drafting of letters, dealing with correspondence, etc.
typist, cashier-cum-clerk, etc., may be asked to perform both Similar work of a routine nature should also be performed by
the duties on the same day. It would, however, be ensured that clerks posted in branches/departments and offices other than
they are not subjected to frequent changes of work on the administrative offices.
same day. Where an employee who is handling cash is asked (11) The balancing of ledgers/registers and calculations
to work outside cash section he should be given time to tally of monthly products/interest, etc., should not be claimed as
and hand over his cash, work to be necessarily and essentially performed only outside
(5) Where volume of cash work is not heavy, a cashier normal working hours.
may be required to work both as a paying and receiving cashier. (12) An employee who is assigned special allowance
(6) Godown-keepers attached to branches may be duties must, subject to availability of time, also perform routine
required to perform clerical duties whenever they are free from duties of his cadre.”
godown work. XIX. Re-categorisation of Banks
(7) The system of checking payment made by an (1) In partial modification of Paragraphs 4.128 and
employee by another employee and of entrusting the job of 4.129 of the Desai Award and Clause 2.2 of the First Bipartite
issuing tokens exclusively to an employee, are prevailing only Settlement dated 19th October 1966, and Clause 2 of the
75 76
55. The Vysya Bank Ltd.
22. The Federal Bank Ltd.
23. Grindlays Bank p.l.c.
24. The Hindustan Commercial Bank Ltd.
25. The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
Amount of Amount
26. Indian Bank
Special Ranking
27. Indian Overseas Bank
Category of Workmen Allowance for P.F.
28. The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
Rs. Rs.
29. Karnataka Bank Ltd.
1. Telephone Operator 50 30
30. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.
2. Relieving Telephone Operator 26 15
31. The Lakshmi Commercial Bank Ltd.
3. Audit Clerk - Category ‘A’ - 85 60
32. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
Category ‘B’ 161 96
33. The Mitsui Bank Ltd.
4. Comptist 100 59
34. The Nedungadi Bank Ltd.
5. Telex Operator 126 75
35. New Bank of India
6. Teller 164 97
36. Oriental Bank of Commerce
7. Punch Card Operator 140 83
37. Punjab National Bank
8. Accounting Machine Operator 216 128
38. Punjab & Sind Bank
9. IBM/1CT Machine Operator 245 146
39. The Sangli Bank Ltd.
10. Stenographer 245 146
40. The South Indian Bank Ltd.
11. Head Clerk 245 146
41. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
12. Assistant Head Cashier
42. State Bank of Hyderabad
Units of 5 clerks and above 155 92
43. State Bank of India
Units of 4 clerks and below 109 65
44. State Bank of Indore
13. Cashier-in-charge of Cash
45. State Bank of Mysore
in Pay Office or Branch 164 97
46. State Bank of Patiala
14. Head Cashier - Category ‘A’ :
47. State Bank of Saurashtra
Units of 5 clerks and above 216 128
48. State Bank of Travancore
Units of 4 clerks and below 164 97
49. Syndicate Bank
15. Head Cashier - Category ‘B’ :
50. Union Bank of India
Units of 5 clerks and above 245 146
51. United Bank of India
Units of 4 clerks and below 195 116
52. United Commercial Bank
16. Head Cashier - Category ‘C’ 275 163
53. United Industrial Bank Ltd.
17. Head Cashier - Category ‘D’ 304 181
54. Vijaya Bank
77 78
3. Relieving Liftman 20
18. Head Cashier - Category ‘E’ 425 252
4. Cash Peon 33
19. Special Assistant 456 271
5. Watchman/Watchman-cum-Peon 33
20. Agricultural Assistant 121 72
6. Armed Guard 56
7. Bill Collector 56
For Educational Qualifications 8. Daftary 56
For those workmen who hereafter reach or have already 9. Head Peon 76
reached 20th stage of the scale and have got increments in 10. Air-conditioning Plant Helper 153
consideration of this/these educational qualification(s) Special 11. Electrician 153
Allowance(s) shall be payable as under : 12. Driver 173
Amount 13. Head Messenger in Indian Overseas Bank 129
(In rupees per month) for P.F.
60 after they have completed 1 year After 36 SPECIAL ALLOWANCE DUTIES
120 after they have completed 2 years reaching 71 The special allowance duties do not include the routine
180 after they have completed 3 years 20th stage 107 duties of the cadre (clerical/subordinate) which a workman has
240 after they have completed 4 years of the scale 143 to normally perform ; but merely refer to those special allowance
300 after they have completed 5 years 178 duties which if performed in addition to the routine duties will
Subject to the following limits entitle a workman to a special allowance on the terms and
120 for those who are graduates and/or NDC conditions provided in Chapter V of the First Bipartite
60 for those who have passed Part I of CAIB/CAIIB Settlement as modified.
180 for those who have passed Parts I and II of CAIB/CAIIB For removal of doubts it is clarified that the workman
180 for those who are graduates/NDC and have passed entrusted with duties attracting special allowances can be
Part I of the CAIB/CAIIB required to perform routine duties of his cadre and that the
300 for those who are graduates/NDC and have passed following duties shall inter alia form part of the normal duties of
the clerical cadre and for the performance of those duties no
Parts I and II of CAIB/CAIIB
special allowance shall be payable :
Amount of
Category of Workmen Special (i) Acknowledgements of inward mail received.
(ii) Receipt of cheques, drafts, dividend warrants, pay
orders and other like instruments other than bills and giving
1. Cyclostyle Machine Operator 27
acknowledgements in the counterfoil.
2. Liftman 33
79 80
(iii) Delivery of cheque books subject to authorisation responsible for taking necessary action.
by competent authority. Note : Checking of returns and statements from branches by
other than Internal Audit Department clerks would not be
(iv) Issue of cash receipts up to Rs. 1,000/-.
covered by ‘audit checking’.
(v) Issue of E.S.I, stamps wherever applicable or may
(iv) Audit Clerks Category ‘B’ - Inspection Assistants
become applicable.
Audit clerks Category ‘B’ would be audit clerks attached
(vi) Recounting of currency notes by cash department to inspectors on tours and will perform all routine checking
staff functions and generally assist the inspector in the functions
(vii) Ensuring the proper contents in covers and including preparation and typing of reports.
envelopes including registered ones before despatch.
81 82
Second Bipartite Settlement of 12th October 1970, parties (xi) Stenographers
agree that on and from 1 st January 1986, banks shall be re- Employees required to take dictation in shorthand and/
classified into two classes as under : or type letters, statements, documents, etc., and attend to
miscellaneous secretariat work.
(i) ‘A’ Class : Banks with working funds
(xii) Head Clerks
amounting to Rs. 85 crores and
Their duties involve :
above and all foreign banks. (1) Passing independently cash cheques, vouchers etc., up
to and including of Rs. 3.000/- and passing, clearing and
transfer cheques, vouchers, etc., (whether credits or debits)
(ii) ‘B’ Class : Banks with working funds up to and including Rs. 7,500/-, passing will include verification
provided hereinafter.
of signature and scrutiny as to correctness of endorsements
below Rs. 85 crores.
XX ‘B’ Class Banks on and other particulars of such instruments. It will also include
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-clause (1) above, checking and initialling the relative entries in the respective
Parties agree that the demands of the Unions contained
in banks which are classified as ‘A’ class banks immediately books of accounts (including ledgers).
in the respective Charters of Demands dated 3rd January, 1983
prior to 1st January 1986 and which come under the
and 22nd February 1983, for revision of pay scales, allowances (2) Checking of vouchers, drafts, pay orders, bill schedules,
classification of ‘B’ class banks on 1st January 1986, all
and other terms and conditions of service of workmen in ‘B’ advices, pass books, statements of accounts, books of accounts
permanent workmen (whether full-time or part-time and
class banks will be discussed and settled as early as possible (excluding ledgers) and interest, exchange discount, brokerage
including workmen on probation) who are in service immediately
but not later than 30th November, 1984, and brought into force calculations and initialling them by way of authenticating them
prior to 1st January 1986, shall continue to be governed by
in banks, which are ‘B’ class banks on the date of this Settlement for accuracy/correctness. Any eventual authorisation of this
the pay scales, allowances and other terms and conditions of
and in banks which will become ‘B’ class banks on and from 1st work wherever necessary under an existing procedure, shall
service applicable to ‘A’ class banks under this Settlement and
January 1986 by virtue of Clause XIX of this Settlement. be done by a superior.
such pay scales, allowances and other terms and conditions
of service
XXI. shall be
Special personal regarding
Provisions to such workmen.
State BankAll workmen
of India (3) Primary coding and decoding of telegrams (except check
(whether full-time or part-time and including workmen on cyphers or symbols) subject to eventual authentication by a
In Supersession of Clause 7 of the Third Bipartite
probation) recruited on after 1st January 1986, shall be superior and checking and/or marking off confirmation/s
Settlement of 1st August 1979 and Clause 24 of the Third
governed by the pay scales, allowances and other terms and acknowledgement of telegrams.
Bipartite Settlement dated 31st October 1979, the special
conditions of service applicable to such ‘B’ class banks as
I.B.M. or I.C.T. (Hollerith - Power Samas) Machine (other than compensatory provisions and the compensation in regard to
Punches) which sort, analyse and tabulate the punched cards. Adjusting Allowance and Adjustable Dearness Allowance
These machines can be used for the purpose of maintaining payable to workmen in State Bank of India shall be revised
inter-branch/agency accounts for reconciliation purposes as suitably.
also salary and provident fund accounts, at head offices or
offices where banks’ centralised accounts are maintained.
83 84
XXII. Special Provision for Bank of India of this Settlement notwithstanding the fact that the new scales
of pay, dearness allowances, etc., have come into operation in
The employees in the Bank of India who were in the
the meantime.
service of the Bank on 1st January 1970 and were drawing a “
Personal Allowance “ will continue to draw the “Personal XXV Date of Effect and Operation
Allowance” payable to them in terms of the Settlement dated
(1) This Settlement shall, unless expressly provided
12th October 1970 subject to that allowance being consolidated
otherwise in this Settlement come into force with retrospective
as per the Scheme of the present Settlement in respect of
effect from 1st July 1983 and shall be binding on the parties
Special Allowances.
for four years from 1st July 1983 ;
XXIII. Special Provisions in respect of Some Foreign
(2) The terms and conditions hereof shall continue
to govern and bind the parties even thereafter until the
Those workmen of the foreign banks who, in terms of Settlement is terminated by either party giving to the other a
the Settlement dated 1st March, 1971 and 8th June 1971, statutory notice as prescribed in law for the time being in force
receive “ Special Pay “ and/or “Additional Special Pay” over ;
and above the existing scales of pay, shall have their “Special
(3) The AIBEA and NCBE on behalf of the workmen
Pay” and/or “Additional Special Pay” consolidated as per the
agree that during the operation of this Settlement the workmen
pattern and formula applicable to special allowance in this
will not raise any demand of any nature whatsoever on any of
Settlement and thereafter the same shall be treated as under:
the banks in respect of matters covered by this Memorandum
(a) 59.4% of the consolidated “ Special Pay” shall of Settlement;
reckon for all purposes such as city compensatory allowance,
(4) Copies of the Memorandum of Settlement will
house rent allowance, bonus, provident fund, gratuity/pension.
be jointly forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed in
(b) In respect of consolidated “Additional Special Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 so
Pay” the same shall reckon for all purposes as above except that terms and conditions thereof are binding on the parties as
that it shall not reckon for provident fund and gratuity/pension, provided in law.
that is, superannuation benefits.
XXVI. Interpretation
XXIV. Implementation
If any doubt or difficulty arises regarding interpretation
For the purpose of making the requisite adjustments of any of the provision of this Settlement the matter will be
and payments under this Settlement the banks will have time taken up only at the level of the Indian Banks’ Association and
of three months from the date of this Settlement. The existing
provisions for the purpose of calculation and payment of safe custody jointly with an officer and being accountable for
overtime will continue to apply from 1st July 1983, till the date
85 86
the All India Bank Employees’ Association and the National (P. N. Tewari) (A. K. Singh)
Confederation of Bank Employees for discussion and settlement
C.C. to 1. Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central)
For Indian Banks’ Association
2. Regional Labour Commissioner (Central)
3. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) New
B. V. Sonalker G. Chandran Delhi
(vii) Tellers
Passing and cash payment of all cheques/withdrawal
forms/travellers cheques/gift cheques up to and including Rs,
Notes: (a) In banks where such practice is in existence, (1) discharging/endorsing bills, cheques, etc.;
the opinion compilation work and verification of vernacular
(2) opinion compilation work and verification of vernacular
signatures/endorsements will continue to be done by employees
signatures (to the extent it is not already covered under
under this category without disturbance.
Categories A, B, C, or D) ;
91 92
(3) being in charge of clearing and godown departments, continue undisturbed, and such continuance shall preclude
etc.; any claims by a workman for a change in status.
(4) guaranteeing the cash staff under them ; (5) Checking the coding and decoding of telegrams
(excluding check symbols or cyphers). ‘Checking’ would mean
(5) passing independently clearing and transfer cheques,
verifying that the material checked is in order in all respects
vouchers, etc., (whether credits or debits) up to and including
and also includes initialling the same for authentication.
Rs. 15.000/- and cash vouchers up to Rs.’ 15,000/- jointly with
an authorised person, (6) Discharging, endorsing cheques, bills, etc.
(xx) Special Assistants (7) Inspecting godowns (only in banks where such work is
Special assistants will be accountable and responsible already being done by workmen).
for running of the department/section under them and their
For the purpose of efficient and effective functioning
duties will involve looking after and checking the work of other
of the section or department, the special assistant shall ensure
clerk or clerks and sub-staff and will include :
that all acts, things and steps necessary therefor are taken by
(1) Passing independently cash, cheques up to Rs. 10,000/ himself or by the clerks placed under him and shall ensure
-and clearing and transfer cheques, vouchers, etc., {whether that, wherever necessary :
credits or debits) up to and including Rs. 25,000/- (or any higher
(a) Reminders are sent on time and followed up ;
limit fixed by the bank on its own discretion). Passing will include
(b) Pass sheets/books are filled up and issued promptly ;
verification of signatures and scrutiny as to the correctness of
(c) Deposits are renewed on due dates or reminders sent
endorsements on and other particulars of such instruments ;
to the parties ;
(2) Signing vouchers, cheques, drafts, mail transfers, pay (d) Standing instructions are complied with ;
orders, advices such as non-payment advices, inter-branch (e) Bills are accepted and due dates diarised/advised
fate calling advices, bill schedules, demand notices, statements and followed up ;
certificates, etc. (f) Interest, commissions and service charges are collected
(g) Proceeds of bills are received or remitted promptly
(3) Checking all vouchers, advices, statements, cheques,
(h) Confirmation of balances of accounts of the customers
drafts, etc., bills and books of accounts including current,
and its follow-up ;
savings and other ledgers, cash, postal and revenue stamps,
(i) All securities relating to the department/section of which
franking machine balances.
the special assistant is in charge are secured or kept in proper
(4) Checking current, savings and other ledgers. custody and properly handed over to the authorised
PROVIDED that if any additional allowance is paid to any person at the close of the day ;
employee/s under any existing system in a bank for ledger (j) Balances promptly taken, tallied and reported
checking, such payment and ledger checking system shall and followed up and also returns submitted ;
93 (k) Advices and/or 94duplicate advices/summaries
are issued/ responded promptly, whenever called for;