Math 4 Polygons
Math 4 Polygons
Math 4 Polygons
II. Match the figure in Column B that when combined with the figure in Column A will
form a parallelogram. Write letter before the number.
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the box. Write your answer on the
equal quadrilateral opposite triangles
diagonal letters rectangle angles
three four trapezoid sides
5. Different sizes of triangles will be formed when a diagonal is drawn connecting two opposite
corners of a ____________.
6. If two diagonals are drawn connecting the opposite corners of a rectangle, the two _________
triangles formed are of equal size.
7. If we will divide a parallelogram into two triangles of the same size, we have to draw a
_________ connecting the two opposite corners.
8. If two diagonals are drawn in parallelograms with ______ equal sides, four triangles of the
same size are formed.
9. Parallelograms and triangles are named using the __________ in their corners.
10. Parallelogram and triangle differ in the number of _______ and ______.
2. My sides are all equal. My opposite sides are parallel. My opposite angles are congruent.
3. I am a 4-sided polygon.