Asl 2 2017e
Asl 2 2017e
Asl 2 2017e
Issue 2/2017
In this Issue...
Saying NO
Underwater Egress
Table of Contents
section page
Saying NO .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
David Charles Abramson Memorial (DCAM) Award ........................................................................................................ 3
Light the Way ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fit to Fly ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Underwater Egress .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
SKYbrary Safety Management Reference Library ............................................................................................................. 7
COPA Convention .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
New Transponder Code for Gliders .................................................................................................................................... 8
Transport Canada—Aviation Document Booklet ............................................................................................................... 9
New Interim Order Respecting the Use of Model Aircraft ............................................................................................... 10
TSB Final Report Summaries ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Take Five—Flying With Floats ................................................................................................................................ Tear-off
2 ASL 2/2017
Saying NO
by Fred Charleux, Airline Pilot and CEO, Teknoledge
There is a fundamental flaw in thinking that experience will grow based solely on the number of hours recorded in a log book.
Sometimes a non-flown hour will have more of an impact on your experience level than one that has been flown. And that is what
experience is all about. I remember getting a job one time because I admitted that I had refused to fly for the previous company that
had employed me.
We all know that we have to quickly log as many flight hours as possible, particularly the required 1 500, to be considered by larger
operators, and we need to acknowledge the long line-ups to fly a twin-engine aircraft, especially a turbine-powered one, forcing
young pilots to push their own limits through necessity. But this could be a negative experience. If the value of those hours could be
gauged, the indicator would point to the negative zone. Instead, real experience could be gained through two simple letters: NO.
TSB files are full of cases where pilots have tried to develop their own experience. Even when we understand the risks of saying NO,
we must recognize the benefits as well. And, in the end, this is precisely what a major operator would expect you to do. Why, at the
beginning of your career, would you do the opposite of what you are supposed to do once you are ‘’experienced’’?
In conclusion, it is important to learn how to say NO. Never regret the hours you are turning down, they are not worth it. The real
experience is the gain in decision making, situation analysis, self-esteem, risk assessment, refusal, and humility. Surprisingly, a young
pilot can accumulate a great deal of experience without having a large number of flight hours. And that is what the serious airline
companies are looking for.
There are many reasons to say NO, and despite all the judgmental comments you may hear, they are all good. The flights you turn
down, and the rationale behind your decisions, should be considered in the hiring process or interview of any conscientious
The deadline for nominations for the 2017 award is September 14, 2017. For details, please visit
ASL 2/2017 3
Light the Way
by Lyne Wilson, Director, Talent Acquisition and Organizational Health, NAV CANADA
It is the involvement of peer supporters that makes Light the Way a truly unique and effective program for dealing with employee
mental health. These volunteers are employees who have been through their own mental health challenges and know how isolating
and hopeless it can feel. While they all have their own story, what they do have in common is a desire to help their colleagues make it
through the same challenges that they themselves faced, and in many cases, still face.
The role of a peer supporter has many facets, the most important of which is building a relationship with a colleague, based on
confidentiality, trust, respect, genuineness, and empathy. They provide support to their colleagues as they work through their difficult
time and empower them to find their path to recovery.
Richard Dixon, former Vice President and Human Resources Officer at NAV CANADA, had the following to say about Light the
Way’s peer supporters: “By coming forward in the workplace, they remind us that mental health impacts all of us. They inspire hope
in coworkers who are facing similar situations, and help them to explore options and a way forward.”
Acclaim for the program has been widespread, and in 2015, NAV CANADA received the C.M. Hincks Award from the Canadian
Mental Health Association (CMHA), which recognized our efforts in advancing mental health in the workplace. The award is
presented annually to an outstanding organization or individual that has advanced mental health through their work/volunteer activities
in the area of reducing stigma and discrimination, addressing social justice and the social determinants of health, and maintaining
and/or improving mental health for all.
NAV CANADA has a wide range of programs, activities and incentives to support employee health and wellness, including internal
resources such as a LIVE WELL Web site, a Fatigue Management Program, a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program
and a Chemical Dependency Education and Rehabilitation Program (CDERP), in addition to the external Employee and Family
Assistance Program (EFAP) counselling services. With Light the Way, NAV CANADA employees are provided the opportunity to
seek assistance to improve and maintain every aspect of their well-being.
4 ASL 2/2017
Fit to Fly
As the well-being of aviation personnel is so important, Transport Canada is very pleased to be organizing our very first Fit to Fly
workshop, taking place in Gatineau, Quebec, on June 6 and 7, 2017 at the Hilton Lac-Leamy Hotel. The workshop is centred on
supporting aviation personnel in the interest of aviation safety. Through the workshop, we aim to:
Underwater Egress
Article reprinted with permission from Pro Aviation Safety Training
For example, when getting out of a car, most people release their seat belt first before opening the door. We do this without even
thinking, it’s automatic. If we are strapped into an aircraft that is sinking, a common reaction is to first release our seat belt, then try to
get out. We have reverted to a learned behaviour that we have developed each time we get out of our car. This simple procedure may
prove disastrous in an underwater egress situation.
In many accidents, people have hastily and prematurely removed their seat belts and as a result, have been tossed around inside of the
aircraft by the inrushing water. With the lack of gravitational reference, disorientation can rapidly overwhelm a person. The end result
is panic and the inability to carry out a simple procedure to find their way out of the aircraft.
ASL 2/2017 5
Before releasing our seat belt, we need to stay strapped in our seat until the inrush of water has stopped, our exit is identified and we
have grabbed a reference point. As long as we are strapped in our seated position, we have a reference point relative to our exit, which
will combat disorientation. Also, if we need to push or pull open our exit, it will be a lot easier if we are still strapped in our seat.
Be familiar with your exits and door handles and know how to use them with your eyes closed. This piece of advice may seem like a
no-brainer, but something very simple can cause us problems. Again, think about our car example. Opening the door from the inside
is not considered a difficult manoeuvre. Now think back to a time when you’ve been in someone else’s car or a rental car and you
have wanted to get out but either couldn’t locate or operate the door handle immediately.
All that is needed is a slight change to something you’re not familiar with, and now if you’re submerged upside down in the dark,
freezing water, this simple task suddenly becomes monumental. If your life depended on it, could you do it? It’s easy to see how
quickly simple procedures we automatically do every day can negatively compound in an underwater egress emergency if we haven’t
trained and developed new behaviour traits to overcome these barriers.
To help prevent panic and disorientation, we teach the following five simple steps to follow in the event you are
faced with an underwater egress situation . . .
Stay Calm/ Wait for the Motion to Stop: Whether you are submerging right side up or upside down, the key to a successful
egress is remaining calm. Wait for the motion to stop (count up to five seconds). This will also give you an opportunity to think about
what you are going to do next. Be prepared for the possibility of cold shock if the inrush of water that floods the cabin is ice cold.
Your body’s initial reaction to sudden immersion in cold water may cause exhalation of air, and consequently you may involuntarily
inhale some water. Don’t release your seat belt and shoulder harness until you are ready to exit. If you release your seat belt
prematurely, the inrush of water may toss you around and contribute to disorientation.
Open/Identify Your Exit: Have a plan or mental road map of how you’re going to locate your exit. To find the exit handle, put
your hand on your knee, knee against the cabin wall, and feel your way along until you find something you recognize like the armrest
or a door seam, then work up from there to the exit handle. Be familiar with your exits and door handles and know how to use them
beforehand. Everyone on board should have that tactile experience and know how the doors work.
Grab Hold of a Reference Point: Grab a reference point that you are familiar with in the direction of your exit. Don’t release
your belt without having hold of a reference point. You should always have one hand on a reference point and don’t let go before you
grip another.
Release Your Seat Belt/Harness: Once the exit is open, keep hold of that reference point, release your belt with the other hand
and pull yourself through your exit. Never let go until you are out.
Pull Yourself Out: Resist the urge to frantically kick, as you may become entangled in any loose wires or debris. If you’re stuck,
don't panic, try backing up a bit and rotating a little before proceeding.
Once you’re clear of the aircraft, the next thing you want to do is find a way to the surface. This can be difficult, particularly if you
lack positive buoyancy that would normally cause you to float to the surface of the water.
How do you know which way is up? If you are able to release air bubbles, even if it’s dark, you may be able to sense which way the
bubbles are going. If you feel increased pressure on your ears, this may indicate that you’re swimming in the wrong direction.
Certainly, if you’re wearing a life preserver, inflate it. You’ll be rising rapidly in the water, so hold one hand above your head as you
surface to make sure you don’t come into contact with any wreckage and/or debris.
Remember that training and preparation are the keys to survival. By practising the skills for ditching and underwater egress, they can
become second nature, ingrained in your subconscious, and may prevent you from becoming another one of the many people who die
each year in this unforgiving situation. Knowledge and preparation are your best safety net.
6 ASL 2/2017
SKYbrary Safety Management Reference Library
The Safety Management International Collaboration Group
(SM ICG) is pleased to announce the publication of a Safety
Management Reference Library on SKYbrary. The purpose of this
reference library is to share safety management resources made
available by civil aviation authorities. The reference library contains
a collection of guidance material, tools and regulatory requirements
provided by the following organizations:
The SM ICG is a joint initiative of cooperation between many regulatory authorities to promote a common understanding of safety
management principles and requirements, and to facilitate harmonized implementation of safety management systems across the
international aviation community. Since it was established in 2009, the SM ICG has published 20 information products for safety
management standardization and promotion. These products are distributed to the aviation community via SKYbrary. Some of the
SM ICG products that may be of particular interest to certificate holders (aka service providers on the site) include:
ASL 2/2017 7
New Transponder Code for Gliders
Sylvain Bourque has been President and Eastern Zone Director of the Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) since 2005. He has been
a glider pilot since 1995, a Class 1 instructor since 1996, and has held a Commercial Pilot Licence—Aeroplane since 2004. His flight
activities primarily take place at the Association de vol à voile Champlain (AVVC) located at the Saint-Dominique Aerodrome (CSS4)
near Saint-Hyacinthe, QC. He works for Radio-Canada/CBC as a national glider instructor and pilot, and drone chief pilot.
8 ASL 2/2017
Given gliders’ particular type of flight, it is important for air traffic control (ATC) units to be able to positively identify gliders when
they are operating in airspace. Thermaling gliders appear to be a stationary target, since they are doing tight spirals at about 50 KIAS
at an angle of approximately 45° to ride the thermal lift. They can then quickly become a moving target as they manoeuvre to another
lift at speeds greater than 90 KIAS. A glider operator may make sudden changes in direction to find lift.
In response to individual requests from glider operators and pilots, and supported by the SAC and the Canadian Owners and Pilots
Association (COPA), NAV CANADA issued an aeronautical information circular (AIC 3/17) in February 2017 announcing the
assignment of a new transponder code (1202) for glider operators in Canada. This discreet code will assist ATC in identifying gliders
operating in Canadian airspace. This code has been in effect in the United States since 2012, and the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) believes that it has been quite successful.
For more details on the use of transponder code 1202 for glider operators, see AIC 3/17.
This will be of great benefit to both the licensed pilot community and Transport Canada, as it will
substantially reduce the cost and time involved in the issuance of an Aviation Document Booklet, as
well as double the time between renewal applications for pilots.
Pilots who hold a level 4 operational language proficiency will still be issued ADBs with a five year
validity period based on the language exam date.
In January 2017, Transport Canada began back-issuing ADBs to those who received one with a five
year validity directly prior to the changeover to a ten year validity. If you receive a new ADB and
your validity period is still in effect, then this is part of that re-issue process.
In rare cases, a recent medical renewal by your Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) may not
yet be in Transport Canada’s database and, as a result, the new ADB will not show your recent
renewal date.
In this case, retain your old ADB if your medical validity is current. Most pilots will be unaffected, but if you have medical validity
remaining in your old ADB, you should retain your old ADB until you have a medical and have your new booklet updated. Pilots can
also visit their Canadian Aviation Medical Examiner and get their medical renewal stamp included in the new booklet, which will
keep the medical validity the same.
In the rare event that a pilot uses all of the space provided in the ADB for licence, permit and medical labels prior to the booklet’s
validity date expiry, a new booklet will be issued upon request.
Q – Will my existing, valid ADB be replaced with a ten year validity booklet and if so when?
A – Existing, valid ADBs will eventually be replaced over the coming years, with priority given to those that have been most recently
issued as a matter of fairness to the pilot.
Q - Will there be a cost associated with the new, extended validity ADB?
A – At this time, there is no cost for the initial issue or renewal of an ADB.
ASL 2/2017 9
Q – I am the holder of a level 4 language proficiency. Why will my ADB continue to have a 5 year validity from
the language exam date and not the new 10 year validity?
A – This is a direct result of the requirement for level 4 language proficiency holders to go no longer than 5 years without
demonstrating their proficiency. Only 5% of licensed Canadian pilots hold a level 4 proficiency. If this is problematic, it is highly
suggested that effort be made to obtain a level 6 proficiency.
The new safety rules prohibit the use of model aircraft (recreational drones)
in higher-risk areas (e.g. near aerodromes, heliports, seaplane bases, forest
fires, emergency operations, as well as buildings, crowds, gatherings, etc.).
Anyone flying a model aircraft (recreational drone) in these areas could face
fines of up to $3,000. The rules apply to recreational unmanned air vehicles
(UAVs) weighing more than 250 g, and up to 35 kg, that are not operated
by a member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) at a
MAAC-sanctioned field or event.
For the new rules, higher-risk areas were determined by location, and by
occurrence of UAV incidents causing the greatest risk to aviation safety and
the safety of the public. Reports by pilots and witnesses have included
incidents of these aircraft flying too close to aerodromes, other aircraft, and
over people on the ground.
The new rules will be enforced by Transport Canada. The Department is also strengthening its enforcement capabilities on the front
line and has established a partnership with the RCMP, who will do likewise with other interested law enforcement agencies across the
country, so that they can administer fines on behalf of Transport Canada.
Transport Canada enforcement inspectors and law enforcement officers will exercise discretion in taking enforcement action. In some
cases, Transport Canada or the officer on the scene may speak to the operator and educate them on the rules. However, should a model
aircraft (recreational drone) operator be found operating in the proximity of an aerodrome, other aircraft or over a group of bystanders,
more serious enforcement actions and fines will be considered.
For more information on the new safety rules for model aircraft (recreational drones), consult the Interim Order Respecting the Use of
Model Aircraft for the full list of provisions.
10 ASL 2/2017
TSB Final Report Summaries
The following summaries are extracted from final reports issued by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB). They have been
de-identified. Unless otherwise specified, all photos and illustrations were provided by the TSB. For the benefit of our readers, all the
occurrence titles are hyperlinked to the full report on the TSB Web site. —Ed.
Factual information
The Cessna 172P departed from CYMM at approximately 18:41. The lesson plan for the flight included climbing and descending
turns, with the student in the left seat and the instructor pilot in the right seat. Ten minutes after departure, the aircraft entered the
southwest corner of the practice area, which is located 21 NM northeast of CYMM in uncontrolled airspace (Figure 1). The training
flight continued uneventfully for the next 26 minutes.
Figure 1: Location of the northeast practice area and track of the Cessna A185E,
equipped with amphibious floats, from Lloyd Lake to CYMM
(Note: Star symbol denotes the location of the mid-air collision.)
ASL 2/2017 11
The Cessna A185E departed from Lloyd Lake, Saskatchewan at 18:43, with only the pilot on board. Once airborne, the Cessna A185E
proceeded direct to CYMM, climbing to an altitude of 4 400 feet ASL. A direct route from Lloyd Lake to CYMM
is approximately 82 NM. At 18:49:11, the Cessna A185E appeared on radar 77 NM northeast (045°) of CYMM, climbing through
3 600 feet ASL with a ground speed of 130 knots.
At 19:15:21, the Cessna A185E entered the northeast corner of the practice area, descending out of 4 000 feet ASL.
At 19:16:44, the Cessna 172P was 1.8 NM from the Cessna A185E, climbing through 2 200 feet ASL at 80 knots. (Figure 2)
At 19:17:05, the Cessna 172P turned left and crossed in front of the Cessna A185E at a distance of 0.8 NM. (Figure 3)
Figure 2 Figure 3
At 19:17:34, the Cessna A185E made contact with the CYMM tower, and was assigned a transponder code. At the time of that
communication, the Cessna 172P momentarily paralleled the Cessna A185E's track in a southwesterly direction, as the aircraft
continued in a gradual left-hand turn. The Cessna A185E's ground speed was greater, and the aircraft was overtaking the Cessna 172P.
(Figure 4)
At 19:17:42, the CYMM tower controller advised the pilot of the Cessna A185E that there was a Cessna 172P in the area.
Figure 4
12 ASL 2/2017
At 19:17:53, the two aircraft collided. The Cessna 172P broke up in flight due to collision forces and fell to the ground. Both
occupants of the Cessna 172P were fatally injured. (Figures 5 & 6)
Figure 5 Figure 6
At 19:18:34, the pilot of the Cessna A185E advised the CYMM tower controller of the collision. The pilot of the Cessna A185E was
able to maintain 80 knots, and made a plan to land on the grass infield at CYMM.
ASL 2/2017 13
Recovered aircraft parts and baggage items
and their proximity to the main wreckage
Aircraft part or baggage item Distance from main wreckage Bearing
Left main wing 1 280 48°
Right aileron and right outboard upper wing skin 4 460 102°
14 ASL 2/2017
TP 2228E-42
for safety
Five minutes reading could save your life!
Flight planning:
• You will probably be operating in remote areas, on lakes and in open country. Make your intentions known to air traffic
control (ATC), the flight service station (FSS) or a responsible person.
• Conduct a thorough review of VTA and VFR charts to locate power lines
• Assess the forecast and allow for weather changes en route, at the destination and during the return trip.
• Plan for daylight visual flight rules, as float flying is day VFR flying.
• Have an alternate—avoid pressing the weather and darkness.
• Leave yourself an out.
En route:
• On track, on time—getting lost in remote areas is easy—skillful
map reading is a must.
• Be weather wise.
• Watch for other traffic and suitable forced landing areas.
• Always leave yourself an out!
It is recommended that you circle a minimum of three times in order to:
• Assess the wind strength and direction.
• Check the landing run area for floating obstacles, submerged
deadheads and boaters.
• Check the approach for obstructions—trees, buildings and wires
(which usually run between islands and the mainland).
• Check the departure area for obstructions and remember that landing distance doesn’t guarantee adequate takeoff
• Know your glassy water procedures.
On the water:
• Observe the wind, current and other aircraft in the docking area.
• Brief passengers on the unloading procedure, particularly the “prop strike” threat.
• Be wary of “helpful” individuals on board and ashore.
Top 10 occurrences that relate directly to the pilot, and which happen most often during takeoff and landing
1. Engine failure/malfunction—usually from fuel mismanagement.
2. Loss of control in flight/mush/stall—due to selecting an unsuitable takeoff or landing area, improper loading and overloading.
3. Dragged wing/float/pod—due to unfavorable wind or water conditions.
4. Nose over—glassy water and too flat a hold-off attitude contribute to this one.
5. Loss of control on the ground/in the water—due to rough water and crosswinds.
6. Hard landings—caused by an improper landing flare, crosswind or glassy water.
7. Collision—with deadheads or other obstacles during takeoff or landing.
8. Overrun—due to excessive airspeed and not enough landing area.
9. Wheels down on the water—this occurs with amphibious aircraft—where’s the checklist!
10. Injuries—prop contact—usually due to inattentive passenger handling—improper briefings.