Security Incident Response and Cyber Forensics

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Security Incident Response and

Cyber Forensics
Kaon Security specialise in the human factors side of information
security and provide services to a range of Local Government,
Central Government and Commercial Enterprises in Australia
and New Zealand. In our history we have worked to develop long
term relationships with our clients and built a level of trust that is
key to ensuring they keep their systems, data and people secure.

The company is acknowledged for its regional leadership in

helping organisations improve their security posture. A typical
engagement entails developing a strategic and holistic view of
Information Governance and IT Security leading to programmatic
improvement. Tactical advice is also readily on hand as the
dynamic nature of technology means a “set and forget” approach
to IT Security has limited effectiveness.

Information technology is an integral part of all enterprise

operations so our consultants are well versed in communicating
in the right terms to people at all levels within an organisation on
topics including risk, assurance, governance and IT operations.
Very few businesses can function without the use of The basic objective of conducting forensic investigations is
technology in today’s world. Our increasing digital either to identify anomalies in order to avoid further breaches
connectivity has brought many business benefits, however or to collect supporting evidence for employment or legal
this connectivity and other advancements in technology has proceedings. Ordinarily investigations follow a defined
also opened up an opportunity for people to engage in approach, however in order for findings to be admissible in
malicious behaviour making Cybercrime a big business. court during legal proceedings, investigation methods must
follow strict legal guidelines.
It is now common place to hear of organisations being
hacked, dealing with Ransomware demands or battling a To undertake comprehensive and legally acceptable cyber
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Whilst many forensic investigations requires suitably qualified experts with
organisations have endeavored to mitigate against threats adequate knowledge of IT technologies, cyber laws,
and attacks, the attackers are proving to be well organised LGOIMA, litigation, compliance, forensically sound
and quick to exploit all manner of vulnerabilities. investigation techniques and proven industry experience. A
qualified expert investigator from Kaon Security can go to the
Kaon Security can quickly react to a cyber attack to initially extent of triaging a significant volume of evidence, system
combat it and limit the damage to your organisation. logs and security best-practice in order to assist an
Thereafter our consultants can conduct an investigation to organisation clear up matters after a data breach and
understand the cause of an attack and assist you put in place recommend how to mitigate further breaches.
countermeasures to mitigate the risk of further possible
Incident Response and Cyber
Cyber Forensics Forensics Service
The hyper connected digital world presents some unique Kaon Security have established a capability to provide
challenges for any organisation that needs to investigate incident response and cyber forensics services that utilise the
issues concerning data breaches, malware outbreaks e.g. Guidance Software Encase Forensic platform to conduct
ransomware, or the misuse of organisational systems and investigations.
data, that potentially could lead to legal and employment
action. The use of mobile technology, adoption of Cloud This platform is supported by specialist hardware – F.R.E.D
services, increased levels of virtualised systems, combined – or Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device – these systems
with the ongoing use of traditional or legacy computer are capable of handling the most challenging computer case
platforms, means many investigations are becoming more having being designed specifically for both the rapid
complex. acquisition and examination of computer evidence.

Kaon Security are here to assist Senior Executives and The combined software/hardware capability allows us to –
Management Teams with these types of challenging and  Acquire data from the widest variety of device types
complex issues. including over 25 different types of mobile devices
such as smartphones, tablets, and GPS.
We follow a forensic investigation strategy using six stages to  Complete a comprehensive, forensically sound
identify the existence of digital evidence, to secure it and then investigation.
interpret that evidence.  Produce extensive reports on findings while
maintaining the evidence integrity.
 Triage
 Data Collection – capture, search and secure at site The services are performed by our analysts who are certified
after an incident to internationally recognised standards - Cyber Forensic
 Decryption and examination of data Professional – European Union (CCFP-EU) and Computer
 Process and interpret the data Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI V8.0).
 Investigate including interviews of witnesses and
suspects Our core service offering
 Data reporting  Data collection and preservation
 Internal and/or external incident response
 Forensic analysis and data analytics

Your IT security services partner

t. NZ +64 9 570 2233 | t. VIC +61 3 9913 3248 | t. QLD +61 7 3194 3664 | t. NSW +61 2 9098 8206 | e. [email protected] | | e. [email protected]

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