Literature Review Childhood Obesity Australia

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Writing a literature review on childhood obesity in Australia can be a challenging task.

It requires
thorough research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive
overview of the topic. With the abundance of information available, navigating through numerous
studies, reports, and articles can be overwhelming. Moreover, ensuring the relevance, credibility, and
currency of sources adds another layer of complexity to the process.

The task becomes even more daunting when considering the scope and depth required for a literature
review. It's not merely summarizing existing literature but also identifying gaps, contradictions, and
emerging trends in research. Crafting a literature review that is insightful, coherent, and contributes
to the existing body of knowledge demands time, patience, and expertise.

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review that makes a meaningful contribution to the understanding of childhood obesity in Australia.
Challenge 2: Heterogeneity and Complexity Impede Evidence Synthesis Traditionally, systematic
reviews and meta-analyses are regarded as the top of the evidence pyramid and are widely applied
to inform healthcare policy and practice. This perspective piece aims to describe key challenges in
early childhood obesity prevention research and propose innovative solutions to move forward in the
quest to address this major public health issue. Combining these solutions will accelerate the
generation of high-quality evidence that can be implemented into policy and practice. Adobe Express
Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Systematic reviews suggest that a
combination of behavioural domains (e.g. diet and activity) will be more successful than addressing
only one domain (e.g. diet) ( 5 ). Further, behaviours do not occur in a vacuum, but interact with and
may inhibit or facilitate each other ( 19 ). Parental Modelling, Media Equipment and Screen-Viewing
Among Young Children: Cross-Sectional Study. Firstly, the Multiphase Optimization STrategy
(MOST) ( 56 ) allows several intervention packages to be tested through one RCT, combining an
optimisation phase, to find an optimised intervention package, with an evaluation phase, to test this
package ( 56 ). Gap Program, Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy. One
reason for this may be that children undergo rapid developmental changes in the first few years of
life. The study evaluatesthe effectivenessof anearlychildhoodobesitytreatmentprogram, Keeping.
This substantial research waste is avoidable by taking some key steps from the outset ( 32 ). Fletcher,
A.J. (2010). Combating the childhood obesity crisis: After school programs. Embed Host your
publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Seidler A, Hunter K, Cheyne S, Ghersi D,
Berlin J, Askie L. HeLTI Consortium Organization. (2019). World Health Organization. Hennessy
M, Heary C, Laws R, van Rhoon L, Toomey E, Wolstenholme H, et al. From this sequence of
contacting obesity, it would be noted that every practice that cuts down on the amount of fat
accumulated would be a useful management principle in controlling obesity. Elements of
interventions may be experienced as culturally insensitive, for example if intervention advice differs
from that of their elders ( 24 ). The socioecological model, and the health behaviors initiative. Three
case. Flores, G. (2005). Factors predicting severe childhood obesity in kindergarteners. CCROPP is
funded by The James Irvine Foundation, The Robert Wood Johnson. Obesity and Urban Design in
Chinese Neighborhoods”, presented evidence that a built. Acknowledgments The authors would like
to acknowledge Professor Louise Baur, Director of the EPOCH Centre for Research Excellence, for
feedback on an earlier version of this manuscript. This information can be used to co-produce
recommendations, highlighting the critical or active ingredients of interventions. They found that
compared to usual care, behavioural interventions starting early (in pregnancy or the first 6 months
after birth) were effective in reducing relative weight (BMI z-score) at 1.5-2 years by 0.12 standard
deviations (95% CI, -0.22 to -0.02). On a population level, this would equate to a decrease in obesity
prevalence of about 2%. The details community support can be seen in table 4. The use, distribution
or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright
owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. Their analysis concludes that if by 2030, the United. Michie S, Thomas J,
Johnston M, Aonghusa PM, Shawe-Taylor J, Kelly MP, et al. In 2010, the California childhood
obesity rate was 38%, which is 6% higher than.
The Strong4Life Clinicobesityprogramisdesignedtoprovide childrenwiththe medicalcare,as.
Worldwide, we have identified more than 70 obesity prevention trials commencing during pregnancy
or within the first year after birth, with a total combined sample size of about 55,000 participants
(further details of this search and the studies identified are available elsewhere) ( 16 ). The World
Health Organization (WHO) considers childhood obesity to be one of. Google Scholar 20. Byrne M.
Gaps and Priorities in Advancing Methods for Health Behaviour Change Research. It is impossible
to tell from an individual trial which one or combination of the many components contribute to its
effectiveness, and which ones less so. Another collaborative method is the application of core
outcome sets (COS). Routes National Center for Safe Routes to School has programs throughout the
United. Older interventions of childhood obesity focused on. Schecter, T. Robert Harris. Childhood
and adolescent obesity and depression: A systematic literature review. The second case study
examined in this report is the Central California Regional. The buyer absorbs these additional costs
by the price they pay. Newer and more successful interventions involve collaboration of community,
regional. Attracting supermarkets to smaller, low-income communities 72%. Michie S, Thomas J,
Johnston M, Aonghusa PM, Shawe-Taylor J, Kelly MP, et al. Redsell S, Edmonds B, Swift J,
Siriwardena A, Weng S, Nathan D, et al. Factors Influencing Parental Engagement in an Early
Childhood Obesity Prevention Program Implemented at Scale: The Infant Program. Research
institutions were a useful source of information. This is particularly effective because children from.
One reason for this may be that children undergo rapid developmental changes in the first few years
of life. At the onset of the HEAC initiative, healthcare providers were hesitant to discuss. This paper
evaluates three research articles that relate to early childhood development. There are limited
therapeutic options to prevent or manage T2DM in children. Services under the oversight of the
Central California Public Health Partnerships. Schools serving a fruit or vegetable with each meal
91%. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Yet, despite extensive research efforts
uncovering promising interventions to reduce obesity risk, global obesity rates are still on the rise.
The Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Kangaroo Mother Care on Physiologica. A Comparison of
Three Educational Interventions on Breast Self-Examination Kn. From early planning and
throughout all stages of the intervention process, researchers should conduct regular searches of
clinical trial registries.
Hunter KE, Webster AC, Page MJ, Willson M, McDonald S, Berber S, et al. Urine Bisphenol A
(BPA) level in relation to obseity and overweight ins schoo. The Strong4Life
Clinicobesityprogramisdesignedtoprovide childrenwiththe medicalcare,as. November 2021. Google
Scholar 44. Comet initiative. Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (Comet) Initiative
(2020). The second case study examined in this report is the Central California Regional. Klowden,
K. (2007). An unhealthy America: The economic burden of chronic. Prevalence of Early Childhood
Caries and its Association with Body Mass Index. Obese overweight are often at risks of higher
death occurrence. Jago R, Sebire SJ, Lucas PJ, Turner KM, Bentley GF, Goodred JK, et al. Their
perception in this care process are crucial in ensuring that adequate health care practice is fronted. At
the onset of the HEAC initiative, healthcare providers were hesitant to discuss. Solution 5:
Innovative Study Designs There are a range of study designs that can address resource-intensiveness
of randomised controlled trials ( 55 ), accelerate testing of new interventions and their components,
and bridge the intervention-to-practice gap. Collins, 2014). Another study found that the price,
rather than access, of foods was a. Often measurement of BMI has been used to measure obesity
among the population, (Simmonds et al., 2017). The rates of overweight occurrence in Australia
continue to rise immensely. The role of parents in managing obesity at home The role of parents in the
management of obesity in children has been clearly defined in most works of literature. Hardt J,
Canfell OJ, Walker JL, Webb KL, Brignano S, Peu T, et al. For example, the Communities for
Healthy Living trial is testing the roll out of an integrated service with three times the sites over a
three-year period, compared to the parallel group pilot ( 61 ). There is not enough evidence to clarify
the importance of diet on overweight children and adolescents, and conclusions derived are
somewhat controversial. Challenges Figure 1 provides an overview of the key challenges in early
childhood obesity prevention. FIGURE 1. The study wasconductedat the Al
Faihapolyclinic,aprimarycare clinicinKuwait,during2009. A total. The socioecological model, and the
health behaviors initiative. Three case. Longitudinal and experimental studies are needed in the
future. Hunter KE, Seidler AL, Baur L, Espinoza D, Taylor RW, Wen LM, et al. A Study On The
Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity And Its Influencing Facto. In addition, the dose of
behaviour change content received and implemented by participants remains unclear. When
designing policy, local, state, and federal governments should consider creative. Core outcome sets
are a minimum set of recommended outcomes in studies of a certain topic area, agreed by key
stakeholders ( 44 ). Michie S, Thomas J, Johnston M, Aonghusa PM, Shawe-Taylor J, Kelly MP, et al.
Again, biological reasons such as hormonal differences have been cited as the reason for this
(Crawford et al., 2001). Writing about gender and daily activities in which children may be involved
in, Borders, Rohner and Cardarelli (2006) indicated that boys are often active with a lot of physical
activity, assuring the burning of fats responsible for obesity. Searching Clinical Trials Registers: A
Guide for Systematic Reviewers.
Parental Influences on Physical Activity Behavior in Preschool Children. States could bring obesity
rates back to 1998 levels, healthcare spending would decrease. Oral Presentation at Virtual Engaging
Evidence Conference. Hoffmann TC, Glasziou PP, Boutron I, Milne R, Perera R, Moher D, et al.
This information can be used to co-produce recommendations, highlighting the critical or active
ingredients of interventions. The study evaluatesthe effectivenessof
anearlychildhoodobesitytreatmentprogram, Keeping. Education to School, the Institute of Medicine
made 6 recommendations. Nutritional Status of School Age Children in Private Elementary Schools:
Basi. There have been several advances in the creation or adaption of reporting checklists ( 49, 50 ),
taxonomies ( 51 ) and ontologies ( 52 ). HEAC was a five-year initiative launched in 2005 by. This
substantial research waste is avoidable by taking some key steps from the outset ( 32 ). There are
limited therapeutic options to prevent or manage T2DM in children. Parental Modelling, Media
Equipment and Screen-Viewing Among Young Children: Cross-Sectional Study. Add Links Send
readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web links. Google Scholar 66.
Tomlinson M, Hunt X, Daelmans B, Rollins N, Ross D, Oberklaid F. The Institute of Medicine, the
Brookings Institution, the Milken. One of these, a report on the whopping economic costs of child
and adolescent obesity, was published in Pediatrics magazine by researchers for the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC). Pharmacist Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes -
Improving Med. Obesity and Urban Design in Chinese Neighborhoods”, presented evidence that a
built. Another collaborative method is the application of core outcome sets (COS). A Systems-
Oriented Multilevel Framework for Addressing Obesity in the 21st Century. Protocol for the
Development of Core Outcome Sets for Early Intervention Trials to Prevent Obesity in CHildren
(COS-EPOCH). Early Childhood — A Critical Period for Obesity Prevention. Randomised
Controlled Trials - the Gold Standard for Effectiveness Research: Study Design: Randomised
Controlled Trials. The first theme, “Perspectives of teachers on the effects of sports on education”
includes the review of three articles. For example, interventions targeting the domain diet may
address parental behaviours such as limiting sugary drinks, offering vegetables, moderating portion
sizes, or many others. These evidences have significant input in research in that they are both primary
and secondary level evidence hence signifying their strength of ability. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J,
Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, editors. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(1), 145-
148. HEAC and CCROPP bottom-up development model can be replicated by grass roots.
There is not enough evidence to clarify the importance of diet on overweight children and
adolescents, and conclusions derived are somewhat controversial. There is great complexity in
selecting which obesity-related behaviours to target ( 18 ). This is regarded as the gold standard for
meta-analysis, as it allows more complex analyses using the most current and comprehensive data (
47 ). California State University Fresno’s Central California Center for Health and Human.
Implications of the Foresight Obesity System Map for Solutions to Childhood Obesity. Skouteris H,
Bergmeier HJ, Berns SD, Betancourt J, Boynton-Jarrett R, Davis MB, et al. Options for Millions of
U.S. Children: Results from Public Elementary Schools. Another useful methodology is prospective
meta-analysis, whereby researchers decide to collaborate and agree on key protocol elements, before
results of their individual studies are known ( 42 ). The Study to Assess the Effectiveness of
Kangaroo Mother Care on Physiologica. 1Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique And Ethical
Consider.docx 1Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique And Ethical Consider.docx A
Comparison of Three Educational Interventions on Breast Self-Examination Kn. Digital Sales Sell
your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. In this perspective
article, we describe some of the key challenges in early childhood obesity prevention and outline
innovative and collaborative solutions to overcome these. Education to School, the Institute of
Medicine made 6 recommendations. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health behaviours are one
major influence on obesity risk, and unlike other factors (e.g. genetic factors) health behaviours can
be modified by interventions ( 5 ). County Fresno Kern Kings Madera Merced San Joaquin
Stanislauss Tulare. Yet, it is likely that different target behaviours and techniques are more relevant
for different population groups. This approach was used to evaluate nine intervention packages using
16 different experimental conditions simultaneously within a 5-week period to quickly test and
refine content for a responsive parenting intervention to prevent obesity ( 57 ). Navigating Infant
Feeding Supports After Migration: Perspectives of Arabic and Chinese Mothers and Health
Professionals in Australia. Often, interventions report limited detail or reporting quality is low, which
leaves intervention components, pathways and target behaviours frequently underspecified ( 17, 20 ).
Challenge 1: Complex and Indirect Causal Pathways of Interventions Promising interventions are
often complex, and target multiple behaviours using a diverse range of behaviour change strategies (
17 ). Nursing Care of Patients with Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. The statistics
are no less different among the children population with over 24% of the children being overweight
and other 5%-6% of same demographic population being obese. The MINISTOP 2.0 mobile app
study tested intervention effectiveness concurrently with the potential scale up through routine child
health care ( 59 ). Permanente Center for Health Equity, Veronica Atkins Center for Weight and
Health. These factors affect the regulatory mechanism of insulin secretion, insulin action, and hepatic
gluconeogenesis. In addition, funders and universities have started moving away from solely looking
at numbers of publications, and toward impact of research work to judge academic performance.
Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials of Interventions That Aim to Reduce the Risk,
Either Directly or Indirectly, of Overweight and Obesity in Infancy and Early Childhood. Trends of
obesity in children There are a number of research findings that relate key variables among children
to the tendency of becoming obese.
Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine, 43(1). Solution 1: Codesign With Stakeholders
Stakeholder consultation and consideration of historical, political and structural context are crucial
from the outset to develop effective interventions for adoption at scale ( 17, 37, 38 ). The physical
suffering and chronic diseases that obese children are likely to. For interventions to be acceptable,
feasible and scalable they need to be codesigned with stakeholders, and integrated with other policies
and programs, to ensure their effectiveness is sustained across the life course. General considers
obesity to be a national epidemic (Satcher, 2001). Google Scholar 12. Golley RK, Hendrie GA,
Slater A, Corsini N. Residents were able to pay with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,
WIC. Satcher, W. (2001). The Surgeon General’s call to action to prevent and decrease. Michie S,
Thomas J, Johnston M, Aonghusa PM, Shawe-Taylor J, Kelly MP, et al. California State University
Fresno, teamed with the Central California Public Health. This is due to hormonal differences
between males and females (Bibbins-Domingo et a.l, 2007). The developmental age within which
children of school age are most likely to be obese has also been found to be during the early onset of
puberty. Introduction Globally, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in early childhood has
continued to increase from an estimated 30.3 million (4.9%) children aged under 5 years in 2000 up
to 38.3 million (5.6%) in 2019 ( 1 ). Early obesity can set children on a lifelong negative health
trajectory, since children with obesity are more likely to have obesity as adults and be afflicted by
associated health conditions ( 2, 3 ). The Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) and the
Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART): New Methods for More Potent Ehealth
Interventions. If applied widely by individual studies, COS make evidence synthesis more powerful
and less heterogeneous. The total cost of childhood obesity is estimated at. Solution 2: Collaboration
and Coordination There are several approaches and methodologies that can facilitate collaboration
and coordination between researchers. Access to such materials (e.g. facilitator manuals, parent
resources) enabled identification of substantially more behaviour change techniques than from
published materials when relevant taxonomies were retrospectively applied ( 17, 53 ). Charitable
Trust, the California Endowment, the Center for Collaborative Solutions, and. In: Oral Presentation
(virtual) at the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) Annual Meeting, July 2021.
Trends of obesity in children There are a number of research findings that relate key variables among
children to the tendency of becoming obese. Health and Human Services, the United States
Department of Agriculture, and the Center. Nursing Care of Patients with Life Threatening
Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Data Sharing—Trialists' Plans at Registration, Attitudes, Barriers and
Facilitators: A Cohort Study and Cross-Sectional Survey. States could bring obesity rates back to
1998 levels, healthcare spending would decrease. Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. In the year 2014-2015, 63.4 % of the Australian population were overweight, thus
representing half of the population. There are limited therapeutic options to prevent or manage
T2DM in children. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing
subscriptions. Again, biological reasons such as hormonal differences have been cited as the reason
for this (Crawford et al., 2001). Writing about gender and daily activities in which children may be
involved in, Borders, Rohner and Cardarelli (2006) indicated that boys are often active with a lot of
physical activity, assuring the burning of fats responsible for obesity. Prevalence and determinant
factors of overweight and obesity among preschool.
Common similarity in these studies showed that nurses are at the fore front in their practice towards
obesity management. Hunter KE, Webster AC, Page MJ, Willson M, McDonald S, Berber S, et al.
Considerations of health literacy, language barriers, access to and trust in health services, are also
important to reach and engage marginalised populations ( 7 ). Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries
and its Association with Body Mass Index. Prevalence and determinant factors of overweight and
obesity among preschool. A Study On The Prevalence Of Overweight And Obesity And Its
Influencing Facto. Making parks, streets, sidewalks, and playgrounds safe 96%. Moore G, Campbell
M, Copeland L, Craig P, Movsisyan A, Hoddinott P, et al. Navigating Infant Feeding Supports After
Migration: Perspectives of Arabic and Chinese Mothers and Health Professionals in Australia.
Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the topic that interests you. Mixedmodel
analysisindicatesthatthe meanBMIz-score for all youth. HEAC was successful at teaching physical
education (PE) teachers to focus on the. General, 2010), along with various types of cancer including
breast, colon, gall bladder. Regional Obeisty program initiative ended the U.S. Government created
the Healthy. Newer and more successful interventions involve collaboration of community, regional.
In the EPOCH prospective meta-analysis, the number of available outcomes that could be
synthesised upon completion increased from 18% to 91% after deciding to collaborate in a
prospective meta-analysis, drastically improving statistical power ( 22 ). Studies. Sacramento: CA
Center for Collaborative Solutions; California. Options for Millions of U.S. Children: Results from
Public Elementary Schools. Routes National Center for Safe Routes to School has programs
throughout the United. Steiner, E., Collins, R., 2014. Public Health and Nutrition, DOI. Often
measurement of BMI has been used to measure obesity among the population, (Simmonds et al.,
2017). The rates of overweight occurrence in Australia continue to rise immensely. Attracting
supermarkets to smaller, low-income communities 72%. The economic effects of obesity spill over to
the rest of the. I chose the third article since it closely relates to early childhood development.
Adapting Interventions to New Contexts-the ADAPT Guidance. The availability of local grocery
stores may contribute to a healthier diet and. Socio economic factors have played a role in this
population set up. Proposed Solutions We present several proposed solutions to collectively address
these challenges in early childhood obesity prevention ( Figure 2 ). Assessment of Postnatal Mothers’
Knowledge of Newborn Care Practices: A Cross. The Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial:
Rationale, Design, Analysis, and Reporting.

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