Rusia RDR
Rusia RDR
Rusia RDR
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter—the jet that the Pentagon is counting on to be
the stealthy future of its tactical aircraft—is having all sorts of shortcomings.
But the most serious may be that the JSF is not, in fact, stealthy in the eyes of
a growing number of Russian and Chinese radars. Nor is it particularly good
at jamming enemy radar. Which means the Defense Department is
committing hundreds of billions of dollars to a fighter that will need the help
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New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar - The Daily Beast
These problems are not secret at all. The F-35 is susceptible to detection by
radars operating in the VHF bands of the spectrum. The fighter’s jamming is
mostly confined to the X-band, in the sector covered by its APG-81 radar.
These are not criticisms of the program but the result of choices by the
customer, the Pentagon.
To suggest that the F-35 is VHF-stealthy is like arguing that the sky is not
blue—literally, because both involve the same phenomenon. The
late-Victorian physicist Lord Rayleigh gave his name to the way that
electromagnetic radiation is scattered by objects that are smaller than its
wavelength. This applies to the particles in the air that scatter sunlight, and
aircraft stabilizers and wingtips that are about the same meter-class size as
VHF waves.
Making a plane VHF-stealthy starts with removing the target’s tails, as on the
B-2 bombers. But we did not know how to do that on a supersonic, agile
airplane (like the F-35 is supposed to be) when the JSF specifications were
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New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar - The Daily Beast
aircraft exist in 1995. Not only did stealth advocates expect jamming to fade
away, but there was an obvious and (at the time) insoluble problem: To use
jamming you have to be certain that the radar has detected you. Otherwise,
jamming is going to reveal your presence and identify you as a stealth aircraft,
since the adversary can see a signal but not a reflection.
We can be sure that onboard jamming has not been added to the F-35 since.
Had the JSF requirements been tightened by one iota since the program
started, its advocates would be blaming that for the delays and overruns.
JSF’s planners, in the mid-1990s, were close to correct when they calculated
that low-band stealth and limited EA, combined with passive electronic
surveillance for situational awareness, would be adequate at service entry. But
they expected that the F-35 would reach squadrons in 2010, and China’s
military modernization was barely imaginable.
The threats of the late 2010s will be qualitatively different. Old VHF radars
could be dealt with by breaking the kill chain between detection and tracking:
they did not provide good enough cueing to put analog, mechanically scanned
tracking radars on to the target. Active electronically scanned array (AESA),
high-power VHF radars and decimeter- and centimeter-wave trackers are
more tenacious foes.
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New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar - The Daily Beast
None of this is to say that stealth is dead, but it is not reasonable to expect
that the cat-and-mouse game of detection and evasion in air combat has
stopped, or that it ever will. EA and stealth still do not coexist very
comfortably on the same platform, but offboard EA and stealth are
synergistic: the smaller the target, the less jamming power is needed to mask
But the threat’s demonstrated agility drives home the lesson that there is no
one winning move in the radar game. Excessive reliance on a single-point
design is not a good idea, and using fictitious secrecy to quash the debate is an
even worse one.
This column also appears in the April 28 issue of Aviation Week & Space
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