Biodiversity Evolution 1
Biodiversity Evolution 1
Biodiversity Evolution 1
Biodiversity and Evolution
What is a theory?
⚫ The most probable
explanation for a large
set of data based on the
best available evidence
⚫ Summarizes a hypothesis
or group of hypotheses
that have been supported
with repeated testing
What is a species?
What is a population?
⚫ Species – group of a
single type of organisms
that interbreed and are
reproductively isolated
⚫ White-tailed deer
⚫ Population – refers to a
group of organisms of a
particular species living in
a certain area.
⚫ White-tailed deer on Mt.
Lamarck’s Theory
⚫ Jean Baptiste Lamarck: 1800’s
⚫ Believed:
⚫ inheritance of acquired
▪ acquired changes were passed to
⚫ Law of Use and Disuse
▪ If a body part was used, it got
▪ If body part NOT used, it
⚫ Examples: Body builders or pierced
⚫ Change Occurs Over Time
⚫ -natural transformation
Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
⚫ Giraffes all had SHORT
necks originally
⚫ Giraffe’s Necks got
LONGER from stretching
for food
⚫ “Acquired” trait (long
necks) then passed to
⚫ Giraffe population
became long-necked
Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
⚫ More examples
⚫ Traits Acquired During Ones Lifetime Would
Be Passed To Offspring
Clipped ears and tails of dogs could be passed to offspring!
Think Back to the bell work
What is the difference between acquired
traits and inherited traits?
Which category would the length of a
giraffe’s neck fall under?
Which category would a dogs clipped ears or
tail fall under?
I am so glad
Junior here
doesn’t have to
go through the
MUST KEEP stretching
STRETCHIN because he was
G!! born with a long
neck ☺
Evidence of
⚫ Fossil Records
⚫ Molecular Records (Carbon Dating
and DNA)
⚫ Embryology
⚫ Anatomical Records
Fossil Records
Fossils are the preserved remains, tracks, or
traces of once-living organisms
Robert Hooke in 1668- 1st to propose that
fossils are the remains of plants & animals.
Provides the most direct evidence for
Missing Links
◼ Homologous structures: Have same structure
but not necessarily the same function. They
are all derived from the same part of a
common ancestor.
◼ As vertebrates have evolved, the same bones are
sometimes put to different uses, yet they can still be
seen, their presence betraying their evolutionary
• Analogous structures: Structures of
different species having similar or
corresponding function but not from the
same evolutionary origin
• (Different animals adapt in similar fashion when
challenged by similar opportunities)
◼ The feature has the same function but looks
The blue whale has tiny hind leg bones under its tail. The blind mole rat has tiny eyes completely
covered by a layer of skin.
• Evolution is
the slow, gradual
change in a
population of
over time…
a looooooooong time!
What determines survival?
⚫ Natural Selection
⚫ Adaptations (traits) that help
individuals survive
⚫ survive predators
⚫ survive disease
⚫ compete for food
⚫ compete for territory
⚫ traits that help individuals reproduce
⚫ attracting a mate
⚫ compete for nesting sites
⚫ successfully raise young