OK - Application of Circuit-Breaker Standards in Short-Circuit Current Calculation For Generator Circuit-Breakers
OK - Application of Circuit-Breaker Standards in Short-Circuit Current Calculation For Generator Circuit-Breakers
OK - Application of Circuit-Breaker Standards in Short-Circuit Current Calculation For Generator Circuit-Breakers
Abstract—Interruption of fault current with delayed current value of AC component expressed in percentage; and
zeros (DCZ) is one of the peculiarities of generator circuit-breaker asymmetrical short-circuit current (ܫ௦௬ ): the vector sum of
(GCB) that differentiates it from other medium-voltage and high- rms value of AC component and DC component of short-circuit
voltage circuit-breakers. This paper aims to provide a guideline current. The latter three are determined from the envelope of the
for precise calculation of short-circuit current requirements for current wave at the contact parting time (ݐୡ୮ ሻ, i.e. the moment
GCB. The methods described in IEEE and IEC standards are
analyzed and their impact on the selection of GCB is investigated. when the arcing contacts of the breaker separate. If the DC
In particular, the standard IEC 60909, IEEE C37.010 and component is higher than the peak value of the AC component,
standards specific for GCB application IEEE C37.013 which is then the DoA exceeds 100 % which indicates DCZ. Higher DoA
superseded by new dual logo standard IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 of fault current has a significant importance for two reasons: 1)
are the scope of this paper. Calculation of two main interrupting the electrodynamic stress imposed on the GCB due to a higher
duties of GCB are addressed: 1) generator-source short-circuit peak value of asymmetrical current; 2) the thermal stress
currents and 2) out-of-phase fault currents. Analytical results are imposed on the GCB due to longer arcing times. Therefore, in
verified with the simulation results obtained from ATP-EMTP. In addition to calculation of characteristic values of prospective
conclusion, the question of which standard shall be used to short-circuit current at ݐୡ୮ , the interrupting capability of a given
accurately evaluate the short-circuit current requirements for the GCB shall be ascertained by computer simulations that consider
selection of a GCB is well-answered. the effect of its arc-voltage on the prospective fault current. This
paper analyzes and compares the short-circuit current
Keywords: Generator circuit-breaker, short-circuit current calculation methods described in four most widely used
calculation, delayed current zero, IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013.
standards for circuit-breaker application. These four standards
I. INTRODUCTION are: IEEE Std C37.013 [1], IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 [2], IEEE
Std C37.010 [3], and IEC 60909 [4]. The standard IEC/IEEE
Generator circuit-breakers (GCB) are installed between the 62271-37-013 supersedes the IEEE C37.013 and it is also the
generator and step-up transformer terminals. Because of its first IEC standard specifically covering the requirements for
installation location, technical requirements imposed on it are GCB applications. The latest edition of IEC 60909 and IEEE Std
different from other general-purpose circuit-breakers. One of the C37.010 have certain provisions to address the critically of GCB
distinctive characteristics of fault current that GCB need to application but the methodology of short-circuit current
interrupt is delayed current zeros (DCZ). DCZ means no zero calculation is based on the steady-state approximations. In
crossing of current for several cycles as shown in Fig. 1, which [5],[6] authors have compared different methods, but the
represents a problem for alternating current (AC) circuit- requirements for GCB application are not addressed. In[7],[8]
breakers, as current can only be interrupted at a zero-crossing. generator-source short-circuit current requirements are
addressed as per the IEEE C37.013 which does not cover all
possible criticalities of GCB application. Authors well
acknowledge the efforts of standardization bodies to define rules
and guidelines and its role in the development of power systems,
Current (kA)
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Max. three-phase short-circuit power (MVA) 43647 Power station unit correction factors must not be used for
Short-circuit reactance (p.u. on generator
ݔୱ 0.00614 calculation of generator-source short-circuit current. From
MVA base)
ܭୋ the correct short-circuit impedance of generator becomes:
Time constant of the high-voltage system (s) ߬ୱ 0.047
ܼீ ൌ ீܼ ீܭ. To calculate peak short-circuit current, it is
II. OUTLINE OF THE STANDARDS necessary to replace the correct value of the resistance of
generator with a fictitious resistance ܴீ , which could assume
A. IEC 60909
the following values:
1) Method of calculation: The method described in IEC
• ܴீ ൌ ͲǡͲͷܺௗᇱᇱ for generators with ܷீ ͳܸ݇ and
60909 is based on the quasi-steady state approximation. It
introduces an equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit ܵீ ͳͲͲ;ܣܸܯ
location, the only effective voltage of the system. All other • ܴீ ൌ ͲǡͲܺௗᇱᇱ for generators with ܷீ ͳܸ݇ and
voltages of the generators and the system infeed are set to zero ܵீ ൏ ͳͲͲ;ܣܸܯ
and the network feeders, transformers, synchronous and • ܴீ ൌ Ͳǡͳͷܺௗᇱᇱ for generators with ܷீ ͳͲͲͲܸ.
asynchronous machines are replaced by their internal
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This fictitious resistance shall not be used in the calculation and transient time constants, the decay of the DC component by
of the DC component of the short-circuit current because it also the armature time constant. As a consequence, the DC
takes into account the decay of the AC component during the component during a certain period of time can be higher than
first half cycle. Instead, the actual value of armature resistance the peak value of the AC component. In such a case the fault
of the synchronous machine should be used for that purpose. current shows delayed current zero. In order to evaluate if
b) Initial symmetrical short-circuit current: The initial power station equipment can handle this current, the AC and
symmetrical short-circuit current for three-phase fault is DC components of the short-circuit current have to be
calculated from equation (2) with the equivalent voltage source calculated taking into account the synchronous, transient and
c ڄUn Τξ3 at the short-circuit location and the short-circuit sub-transient reactances, the transient and sub-transient time
impedance ܼ . Other characteristic values of short-circuit constants, the circuit-breaker arc resistance as well as the
currents are derived from this value. operation condition before short circuit.”
ڄ ڄ B. IEEE Std C37.010
ܫᇱᇱ ൌ ൌ (2)
ξ͵ڄටோೖ మ ାೖ మ This standard addresses the short-circuit current calculation
c) Peak short-circuit current: The peak short-circuit method applicable for high-voltage circuit-breakers rated on
current is calculated by applying a crest factor to the initial symmetrical current basis.
symmetrical short-circuit current. 1) Method of calculation: The standard uses E/X method
with adjustment for AC and DC decrements for the faults at the
ܫ ൌɈξʹܫᇱᇱ (3) generating station to have greater accuracy compared with E/X
The factor Ɉ can be calculated with equation (4), using the simplified method. In the first method, E/X current is calculated
known R/X ratio and the fictitious resistance ܴீ : by reducing the network to a single driving voltage source E
ɈൌͳǤͲʹͲǤͻͺǦ͵Τ (4) behind a single equivalent impedance X calculated at the fault
point. The load currents and the fault arc-impedance are
d) Symmetrical short-circuit breaking current: In case of
neglected. In the next step, to consider the decrements in the
fault near-to-generator, the symmetrical short-circuit current
AC and DC component, multiplying factors are applied to the
decays depending on the subtransient and the transient
E/X current. The multiplying factor is selected depending on
reactances and time constants of the generator and the operating
conditions of the generator prior to the fault. The standard does the fault location and X/R value of the network at the fault
not consider these time-varying electromagnetic transients, location. The standard recommends calculating X/R value
instead introduces a factor ߤ for calculating an approximate based on “Separated X and R reduction” technique as to get
value of the symmetrical breaking current, depending on the more conservative results compared to X/R calculation from the
contact parting time of the circuit-breaker, defined in the complex impedance. In this process, two separate networks are
standard as “minimum time delay tmin ” and as per the following created: 1) a purely resistive one, discarding reactances and 2)
equations: a purely reactive one, discarding resistances. The decay of AC
component is conditional on the electrical distance between the
ܫ ൌɊܫᇱᇱ
synchronous machines and the fault location. If a synchronous
ɊൌͲǤͺͶͲǤʹ݁ ିǤଶூೖಸൗூೝಸ ൌͲǤͲʹǢ machine is close to the fault location, then its contribution is
ɊൌͲǤͳͲǤͷͳ݁ ିǤଷூೖಸൗூೝಸ ൌͲǤͲͷ considered as ‘local’ otherwise as ‘remote’ and accordingly
ɊൌͲǤʹͲǤʹ݁ ିǤଷଶூೖಸൗூೝಸ ൌͲǤͳͲǢ different multiplying factors are applied. For the calculation of
ᇲᇲ generator-source short-circuit current ‘local’ multiplying
ɊൌͲǤͷͲǤͻͶ݁ ିǤଷ଼ೖಸൗೝಸ ͲǤʹͷǤ (5)
factors are applicable. For three-phase short-circuits, local
e) DC component of the short-circuit current: The DC
multiplying factors for AC and DC decrements are determined
component of the short-circuit current at ݐൌ tmin shall be from Fig. 22 of the standard [3] using calculated X/R value and
determined using the following equation: the contact parting time of the breaker. Since historically this
ܫௗ ൌ ξʹܫᇱᇱ ݁ ିଶగ௧ோΤ (6) standard was developed for 60 Hz applications, the contact
parting time of the breaker, which is given in cycles in these
It is possible to calculate the asymmetrical short-circuit current
using following formula: figures, is on the basis of 60 Hz and include ½ cycle as relay
time. In order to obtain the multiplying factor for 50 Hz
ܫ௦௬ ൌඥܫௗ ଶ ܫ ଶ (7) applications, it is important to convert the contact parting time
3) Delayed current zero: The phenomena of DCZ is not to 60 Hz, e.g.: a contact parting time of 50 ms corresponds to
specifically addressed in this standard. Nevertheless, the 2.5 cycles at 50 Hz and 3 cycles at 60 Hz. In the standard, these
standard [4] quotes the following: curves are given for X/R values up to 130 only, and for circuit-
“The AC component of the current in case of near-to-generator breakers which are classified in terms of their interrupting time
short circuits may decay faster than the DC component. The such as 3-cycle, 5-cylce or 8-cycle breakers. In reality, the
magnitude of the AC component of the current depends upon contact parting time and the interrupting time of a generator
the operating conditions of the generator before short circuit; circuit-breaker is a time in ms and not necessarily a multiple of
the decay of the AC component is governed by the sub-transient cycle. There is no analytical and precise way in the standard to
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calculate the ‘local’ multiplying factor for given X/R ratio, interrupting fault current is calculated by applying multiplying
contact parting time and interrupting time of a breaker [13][12]. factor (MF) to the E/X current.
The X/R ratio of generator-source fault in the network under ா
ܫ ൌ ܨܯή (9)
investigation is 146. Therefore, in Fig. 3, the curve from the
Fig. 22 of the standard [3] has to be extrapolated for X/R up to e) DC component of the short-circuit current: The DC
150. Considering a CPT of 3 cycle and X/R ratio of 146, the component of short-circuit current is calculated with the
multiplying factor results equal to 1.245. following equation:
ܫௗ = ݁ ൈ ξʹ ൈ
where ܶௗ ൌ ൘ሺʹߨ݂ሻ (10)
3) Delayed current zero: Similar to IEC 60909, this
standard [3] does not consider the phenomena of DCZ. It
clearly mentions that, “A detailed treatment of delayed current
zeroes is beyond the scope of this guide.”
C. IEEE Std C37.013 and IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013
These Standards are specific for the alternating-current
GCBs, installed between the generator and the step-up
transformer terminals. As IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 supersedes
the IEEE Std C37.013, the same section is also used to
emphasize the development of the GCB standards.
1) Method of calculation: In these standards, there is a
distinction between generator-source and system-source short-
Fig. 3. AC and DC decrement factors for three-phase faults with local circuits. This is a very important subject because of the time-
generation for 5-cycle circuit breakers, curve taken from Fig. 22 of the standard varying electromagnetic processes that occur in the
[3] and extrapolated for X/R up to 150
synchronous machine upon terminal short-circuit. Therefore,
2) Calculation of generator-source short-circuit current: for the calculation of AC component of generator-source short-
a) Rotating machine reactances and resistances: The circuits current, all synchronous machine reactances and time
initial short-circuit current of rotating machine is determined by constants are considered in this standard. In the data
the machine subtransient reactances. To determine the first requirement, the standard mentions the use of saturated values
cycle closing and latching current and the interrupting current, of generator reactances measured at rated voltage, as this will
the standard uses reactance multipliers based on the type of give the highest possible current delivered by the machines and
machine to approximate the decay of AC component of the the results will be on the conservative side. The short-circuit
short-circuit current. current characteristics change depending on the pre-fault
b) E/X current calculation: E/X current is also referenced operating point of the synchronous machine. As per [9], the
in the standard as symmetrical rms current, where E is the line- magnitude of the symmetrical short-circuit current and the peak
to-neutral value corresponding to the maximum operating value are maximum when the generator is operating at lagging
voltage at the circuit-breaker location and X is the equivalent power factor whereas the DoA is maximum when the generator
short-circuit reactance. Other characteristics values of short- is operating at leading power factor prior to fault. These
circuit currents are derived from this value. standards [1], [2] have considered the effect of pre-fault loading
c) Close and latch current: It is also referred as the ‘first condition of synchronous machine and therefore, recommended
cycle’ current. The decay of AC component is not taken into following cases to be investigated while calculating the
account to calculate these currents. As per the standard, for prospective generator-source short-circuit currents:
majority of system X/R values and the contact parting time, a • Generator at no-load prior to fault
close and latch rating can be determined conservatively using a
• Generator delivering power with leading power factor
2.6 multiplier to E/X current. For a more precise assessment, prior to fault
the standard recommends calculating it using following
equation where t is ½ cycle (8.3 ms for 60 Hz or 10 ms for 50 • Generator delivering power with lagging power factor
Hz). prior to fault
ܫ ൌ ξʹ ቀͳ ݁ ିଶగڄڄ௧ڄൗೃ ቁ (8) 2) Proof of the capability of GCB in case of delayed current
zero: If the DoA of prospective short-circuit current is higher
d) Symmetrical interrupting current than 100%, then as per the Clause of [2], the
Consideration of AC decay and DC decay is relevant for the capability of the GCB to interrupt the current shall be
calculation of interrupting current. The symmetrical
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ascertained by computations considering actual data of the short-circuit current for the phase with the highest asymmetry,
generator. Furthermore, the effect of the arc voltage on the the generator being in the no-load mode, can be calculated by
prospective short-circuit current shall be taken into account. the following equation:
The arc-voltage model of GCB used for this investigation has ܫି௦௬ ൌ
to be derived from tests. ξଶಸ ௌೝಸ ଵ ଵ ି௧൘ ᇲᇲ ଵ ଵ ି௧൘ ᇲ ଵ
Following two scenarios shall be considered for a particular మ ቈ൬ ᇲᇲ െ ᇲ ൰ ݁ ఛ ൬ ᇲ െ ൰ ݁ ఛ ܿݏሺ߱ݐሻ െ
ξଷೝಸ ௫ ௫ ௫ ௫ ௫
generator-source short-circuit current for a three-phase fault: ᇣᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇤᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇥ
1) Fault initiation at voltage zero in one phase which implies
that the current in the corresponding phase exhibits the ξଶಸ ௌೝಸ ଵ ଵ ଵ ௧
maximum DoA. మ ൦ ൬ ᇲᇲ ᇲᇲ ൰ ݁ ି ൗఛೌ
ξଷೝಸ ᇣᇧᇧᇧᇧᇤᇧᇧᇧᇧᇥ
ଶ ௫ ௫
2) Fault initiation at voltage maximum in one phase which ௗǤǤ௧
implies that the current in the corresponding phase is
symmetrical. ଵ ଵ ଵ ௧
For each of the situations 1) and 2) the following two cases shall ൬ ᇲᇲ െ ᇲᇲ ൰ ݁ ି ൗఛೌ ܿݏሺʹ߱ݐሻ൪ (11)
ଶ ௫ ௫
be investigated: ௗ௨௨௬௧
• Generator at no-load with the GCB closing into a three-
phase fault. In the computation, the arc voltage of the The maximum operating voltage of generator is considered in
GCB after contact separation shall be taken into account. the above equation. At this stage, it is important to underline
that IEEE Std C37.013 has an error in the equation of generator-
• Generator in service with leading power factor. An source asymmetrical short-circuit current. The equation from
arcing fault is assumed in at least two phases. For the [1] is shown below:
computation, arc voltage at the fault location starting at
ξଶ ଵ ଵ ᇲᇲ ଵ ଵ ᇲ
the initiation of the fault, and the arc voltage of the GCB ܫି௦௬ ൌ ൜൬ ᇲᇲ െ ᇲ ൰ ݁ ି௧Τఛ ൬ ᇲ െ ൰ ݁ ି௧Τఛ
ξଷ ௫ ௫ ௫ ௫
starting at contact separation shall be taken into account.
ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ
Influence of arc-voltage of GCB and fault arc-voltage is ൨ ܿݏሺ߱ݐሻ െ ൬ ᇲᇲ ᇲᇲ ൰ ݁ ି௧Τఛೌ െ ൬ ᇲᇲ െ
௫ ଶ ௫ ௫ ଶ ௫
explained below: ଵ
ᇲᇲ ൰ ݁ ି௧Τఛೌ ܿݏሺʹ߱ݐሻൠ (12)
a) Influence of arc voltage of GCB: As soon as the arcing
contacts of GCB separate, the current starts to flow through the In equation (12), either the maximum operating voltage of
arc formed across these open contacts. This arc acts as an generator is not considered or the p.u. reactances are not
additional resistor to the stator circuit, which helps to reduce the correctly converted into their physical values which results in
time constant and accelerate the decay of the DC component of the wrong values of maximum short-circuit currents. The short-
the current. The AC component of the current mainly depends circuit current calculated using equation (11) and (12) are
on the pre-fault loading condition of the generator and it decays compared in Fig. 4. The electromagnetic transient (EMT)
with the subtransient and transient time constants, it is not simulations in ATP/EMTP prove the validity of equation (11).
influenced by the arc-voltage of GCB. In case of DCZ, a high
value of arc-voltage and the consequent faster decay of the DC
component can help to force the current to an earlier zero-
crossing. It is therefore of importance that the arc-voltage of a
given GCB is high enough to achieve a zero crossing within its
maximum permissible arcing time tested in the laboratory.
b) Influence of fault arc-voltage: The standard as well
considers the influence of fault arc-voltage. When the generator
is loaded prior to arcing fault, the short-circuit current will flow
through arc to the fault location. A free-burning arc in air has
an arc voltage of approx.10 V/cm [2]. If the insulating clearance
is greater 30 cm, then the arc-voltage of a fault in the busduct Fig. 4. Comparison of calculated prospective generator-source
is at least 300 V. This voltage drop has small impact on asymmetrical short-circuit current with the results of EMT simulations
reducing the short-circuit current. For generator in no-load
condition, no fault arc-voltage is considered as this case may b) Peak short-circuit current: The peak short-circuit
occur when the GCB is closed into a bolted fault such as a current can be directly obtained from the waveform of the short-
closed grounding switch. circuit current or as sum of two contributions, the peak of the
3) Calculation of generator-source short-circuit current: AC component and the DC component, both evaluated at the
The formulas given in [1] and [2] are explained in the following peak time ݐൌ ͳൗʹ ܿ ݈݁ܿݕbecause the peak of the short-circuit
section: current is reached approximately after one half-cycle, according
to the following equation:
a) Generator-source asymmetrical short-circuit current:
As per the standard [2], the generator-source asymmetrical
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ͳൗ ݈ܿ݁ܿݕ൯ (13)
c) Symmetrical short-circuit current: The AC component Items (Bench
60909 C37.010 C37.013 62271-
of generator-source short-circuit current decays based on the 37-013
direct axis subtransient, transient and synchronous reactances
ܫ (kAp) 217.04 226.83 187.59 206.80 205.04
and time constants, and for the case with the generator unloaded
prior to the fault, can be calculated by the following equation: ܫୱ୷୫ (kA) 60.84 100.91 44.67 49.25 49.29
ಸ ௌೝಸ ଵ ଵ ᇲᇲ ଵ ଵ ᇲ
ܫ௦௬ ൌ ൬ െ ൰݁ ି௧Τఛ
൬ െ ൰݁ ି௧Τఛ
ܫୢǤୡǤ (kA) 104.63 102.98 93.49 103.08 102.05
మ ᇲᇲ
௫ ᇲ
௫ ᇲ
௫ ௫
ܣܦ (%) 121.59 72.15 147.99 148.00 146.40
൨ (14) ܫୟୱ୷୫ (kA)
௫ 121.03 144.18 103.61 114.24 113.33
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data and cannot be considered of general validity. The Another technology sometimes used for GCB employ vacuum
characteristic values calculated for all the four cases are shown interrupters. For comparison, the interrupting capability of
in the TABLE III. The DoA obtained from equation (17) is vacuum GCB is analyzed with an arc-voltage of 150 V, which
lower than the value found from the EMT simulation with the corresponds to TMF type vacuum interrupter as per [12]. Fig. 7
actual data and therefore gives wrong indication regarding shows the corresponding simulations. Arcing times of up to
DCZ. Consequently, equation (17) shall not be used to assess ~181 ms were obtained, leading to a total fault clearing time of
requirements of out-of-phase current. Instead, computer ~231 ms. The contact parting time of 50 ms is considered. Such
simulations which allow electromagnetic and arcing times can be too long for a vacuum GCB to cope with
electromechanical representation of the synchronous machine and will most likely lead to an unsuccessful interruption.
and other power station equipment shall be used.
Current [kA]
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62271-37-013 takes into account the transient process defining the requirements. IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013
of the generator with the introduction of the alerts that “The calculation of the out-of-phase current
subtransient, transient and steady-state reactances, and waveshape shall be performed by computer programs
time constants of direct and quadrature-axis. that simulate the generator behavior more
• IEC 60909 and IEEE C37.010 consider ܺௗᇱᇱ ൌ ܺᇱᇱ ൌ ܺ completely”.
for calculation of DC component of short-circuit In conclusion, only IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 does not
current, thus neglecting the sub-transient saliency. overestimate all short-circuit currents and consider only that is
• Despite the fact that IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 gives strictly necessary and takes into account also the criticality of
the equation for the calculation of out-of-phase fault the delayed current zeros. Therefore, the methods and
current, the resulting DoA is underestimated and recommendations of IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 shall be used to
therefore, the authors do not recommend using it for design and select a GCB. A survey of many generators with
different ratings revealed similar conclusions [14].
Short-circuit impedances ܼீ ൌ ீܭሺܴீ ݆ܺௗᇱᇱ ሻ reactance multipliers time-varying reactances (ݔୢᇱᇱ ǡ ݔ୯ᇱᇱ ǡ ݔୢᇱ ǡ ݔୢ ሻ
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