Wolf Vs Coyote Identification Sign
Wolf Vs Coyote Identification Sign
Wolf Vs Coyote Identification Sign
Gray wolves are about twice the size Coyotes are shorter, sleeker, and
of coyotes. lighter on their feet.
They can measure up to 6 feet in length, Their weight ranges from 15–45 pounds,
including tail, and stand approximately 30 meaning they are significantly smaller
inches in height at the shoulder. Female than gray wolves. Coyotes typically
wolves weigh 70–80 pounds, while males measure up to 4 feet in length including
weigh around 95–100 pounds. tail, and stand closer to 18 inches in
Wolves have larger and height at the shoulder.
blockier snouts/muzzles and shorter and more
rounded ears than coyotes, who have Tracks WOLF COYOTE
longer, narrower features. Wolves also have Wolf tracks are about
distinctively bushier and 5 inches long by 4
shorter tails. inches wide, with four Front Front
5”(13cm) 3”(8cm)
symmetrical toes and
identifiable claws.
WOLF Coyote tracks are
similar, but are only
about half that size.
The track paths of Back Back
4”(10cm) 2.5”(6cm)
wolves usually show
a direct, purposeful
COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE • 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 • (303) 297-1192 • cpw.state.co.us
1 (I&E) V. 03/15/2024