Ignatiev 2015
Ignatiev 2015
Ignatiev 2015
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference held in Moscow, Russia, 26 –28 October 2015.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
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not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.
The Kuyumbinskoe field is a remote location, situated in the central part of Eastern Siberia 1000 km to
the North from the nearest city of Krasnoyarsk (Figure 1). Weather conditions in this region are severe.
Project logistics are complicated. There are no roads available for nine months of a year. Heavy load
transportation is only possible in the winter period via ice roads. During the rest of the time, the only
means of transportation are helicopters.
The Kuyumbinskoe field is known for its intensive oil exploration activity. The oilfield has been
proven for its strategic importance for meeting production quotas to China. However, only two horizontal
wells were drilled in the past with maximum horizontal drain lengths of 300 m. One of the main geological
challenges is the presence of extensive natural fractures in each section of the well. Drilling through those
naturally fractured formations leads to wellbore stability issues and severe or total drilling fluid losses
especially in production formation which are extremely difficult to manage.
In 2013 it was determined that an Integrated Services approach would be the best model to define
optimum technologies, gain necessary experience of horizontal drilling, improve well construction
efficiency and to update geological model for further field development. This approach was vital for the
successful fast tracked mobilization of materials and equipment to this remote field by winter road and
without the need of further helicopter delivery. Six horizontal wells with pilots and more than 700 m of
horizontal drain were drilled between April 2013 and November 2014 wherein 100% of the geological
targets and drilling objectives were achieved.
This paper will demonstrate how the Integrated Services approach, collaboration, risk analysis and
contingency planning, special equipment, technologies and innovations were applied for successful
accomplishment of the project objectives. Drilling efficiency was increased by 60% in comparison with
the previous experience in this field with complex geological conditions. The first wells were successfully
put into production ahead of the plan.
Slavneft-Krsnoyarskneftegaz is the operator of the Kuyumbinskoe field. A preliminary geological model
indicated significant oil production potential in this green oilfield. An initial field development plan has
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considered that a system of horizontal wells with 700 to 1000 meters of horizontal drain would provide
the best basis for the proper development of the reservoir represented by oil-saturated naturally fractured
Riphean carbonates.
In early 2010, Slavneft initiated a development drilling campaign together with a local drilling
contractor affiliate. Relying on considerable regional experience in exploration drilling they made two
attempts to drill the first horizontal wells in the field. Unfortunately, neither of the two wells had reached
their geological targets. Both of the wells were stopped prematurely. The complex field geological
structure made it extremely challenging to land those wells at the top of the production formation and after
entering the production formation drilling progress became impossible.
A risk of severe and total fluid losses across all sections of the horizontal well was determined to be
the main drilling challenge in this area. Regardless of the nature and the origin of those loss zones be it
the flag-like limestone at the top hole, disrupted dolerite transition zones in the intermediate section or the
Riphean fractured production formation, the outcome of penetration was equal: partial to total losses.
Apart from fluid losses, many other challenges were observed, including unstable argillite zones and
interbedded salt layers, extremely hard dolerite intrusions and cherty dolomite intervals. Some of those
difficulties were known before. In vertical and deviated exploration wells, those zones negatively
impacted drilling performance, but the degree of those issues was much lower in low angle wells. The
more complicated high angle environment brought to the light number of unexpected complex issues,
preventing from success of the first two attempts to drill horizontal wells. Taking into account severe
arctic conditions of the region and complicated logistics, the future commercially viable development of
this field was under question.
To proceed with a further horizontal development drilling campaign, a fundamental decision was taken
to change the entire approach and first of all to form a project team, which included:
● Client’s representatives with solid operational experience in the region;
● International Integrated Services provider, which has access to modern technologies, global
knowledge and experience;
● Competent drilling contractor.
Schlumberger Company has been chosen to perform full scope of drilling services, including project
management and well engineering. The main members of the team were co-located in the Client’s office
inside the operations support center to ease and speed up the engineering and operational decision making
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process. All inclusive discussions, brainstorming and decisions were taken among the Client, Integrated
Project Management (IPM) team and the drilling contractor in timely manner. This team had one common
goal, but variety of experiences, views and areas of expertise. Such a structured approach was a key
element of the success of this project.
The scope of work for the project was to drill six horizontal wells and to hand them over for further
well testing and pilot production. Four wells had to be drilled from the first pad. Another two wells were
located on a second pad. Another specific objective was to update geological model of the reservoir
through an extensive formation evaluation program. To ensure proper placement of horizontal sections
each well had a pilot hole. Apart from geological and production objectives, it was crucial to perform
fundamental drilling analysis and to acquire horizontal drilling experience in this area to select fit for
purpose equipment and technologies, to establish specific drilling procedures and to ensure effective full
scale field development.
Review meetings have been organized after each well to review recently obtained lessons learned and
to identify possible opportunities for further drilling optimization. Developed by the project team,
decisions were properly documented and included into drilling programs. Such integrated approach has
provided a room for continuous improvement process over the entire project cycle.
Overview of typical well design
The horizontal well design for the Kuyumba field evolved significantly over the course of the project. The
upgraded well schematic is presented on the Figure 2. The well design has been modified several times
in order to address field geological complications, to ensure effective well construction operations and
well integrity. Each well contained 426 mm conductor casing, 324 mm surface casing, 245 mm
intermediate casing, 178 mm production casing and 127 mm liner with 150m of the liner overlap.
It is worth to mention that the Kuyumbinskoe field is located in the eastern part Siberia, which is
characterized primarily by hills and rivers. Depending on the well location the ground elevation may vary
from 100 - 200 meters above mean sea level (MSL) to 600 meters above MSL if the well position is
moving uphill. The elevation significantly affects the well design and mud program. Generally speaking,
on wells with lesser ground elevations, fewer incidents while drilling were experienced. This is obviously
because of lower column of fluid and lower hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures. Those wells are less
likely to have severe drilling fluids losses. Higher elevation increases the height of drilling fluid column.
Lowering drilling fluid density to compensate the hydraulic pressure difference is not always possible.
That is especially true for the naturally fractured production formation where the drilling fluid density to
keep fractures closed should be maintained as low as 0,88 – 0,90 SG. That was why an upgraded well
architecture in combination with an equivalent circulation density (ECD) management procedure, de-
scribed below, was implemented.
It is also important to emphasize, that the lithology in the upper sections can also vary significantly
depending on the well location. It was observed that the flag like limestone loss zone was not present on
some locations. Dolerite intrusions could also be found in different intervals and in a variety of forms. For
example on the first pad dolerite intrusions were penetrated twice in the intermediate section. The
thickness of each interval of this particularly hard formation was between 100m to 250 m. However, on
the second pad the first portion of the dolerite has migrated to the top of the section and was penetrated
from first meters of well and had thickness of 250 meters in TVD. The second portion on the Pad #2 was
located slightly deeper than on the Pad #1. It is important to highlight, that some locations can have no
intrusion at all. Usually the form of dolerites on the Kuyumba field is a solid body, but it could be found
evenly interbedded with other less hard formations, like limestone or dolomite. Apart from dolerites,
unstable argillites could be encountered in the intermediate section. This formation was met only on Pad
#2 and caused severe wellbore stability issues.
An additional geological challenge was the unpredictable concentration of abrasive quartz inclusions
in the production formation from one pad to another which could lead to extreme PDC bit wear and
associated trips.
Mentioned above geological challenges affect well design which could be changed depending on
geological condition. A typical well design has a conductor section which is drilled to approximately 30m
of measured depth (MD). The depth where total losses occur determines the depth of the conductor
section. Then the casing is run and cemented to surface using a mixture of LCM and 1.89 SG cement
slurry. Normally a top job is performed to ensure cement at the ground level. The surface section is drilled
vertically to 500 – 600 meters true vertical depth (TVD) depending on pad elevation. Typically total losses
occur after entering the flag-like limestone. The thickness of this formation is typically from 90m to 125m
with the top at approximately 25m TVD. Those parameters may differ from location to location. The
surface casing is run and cemented up to total losses zone followed by a top job. An intermediate section
is drilled to 1700 – 1800 meters MD building the inclination from 0 to 40 degrees on average. Casing is
then run and cemented to surface. A production section is landed above the top of the Riphean production
formation with the inclination of 48 – 64 degrees. The production casing is set to isolate pressurized
water-bearing Osinskiy formation from the narrow mud weight window that characterizes the drilling
conditions in the horizontal drain section of the production formation. Production casing is run and
cemented either to surface wherein two stages cementing is performed or a top of cement is planned at
500m above the intermediate casing shoe with a conventional cementing job. Then a pilot hole is drilled
with the main objective to determine and update a top of the pay zone of the Riphean carbonate formation.
The pilot hole is then abandoned by setting cement plugs after advanced open hole logging program is
conducted. The next BHA is run to kick-off from the top of cement plug, to build 90deg inclination and
to continue drilling 700 – 1000 meters of horizontal drain. On average, the top of the production formation
is penetrated 400 – 600 meters below the shoe. When the well total depth (TD) is reached, an extended
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formation evaluation program is performed under Tough Logging Conditions (TLC). A typical lower liner
configuration contains slotted and blind pipe. A liner hanger with top packer is set to provide 150m
overlap with the production casing. The blind upper section of the liner is cemented by means of the
cement stage collar and external cementing packer (ECP). The slotted liner section stays intact in the open
hole of the horizontal drain with 90 degrees inclination.
First two sections are drilled with water based mud (WBM) or water in case of total losses, the rest of
the well is drilled with oil based mud (OBM).
Detailed information regarding specific for Kuyumbinskoe field challenges and ways to prevent and
mitigate associated risks are described below.
Conductor section
The initial well design considered that the conductor casing should be set at 50 meters MD/TVD in the
flag-like limestone formation. However, on the first well total mud losses occurred soon after spud at
depth of 25 meters MD/TVD. In the situation of losses the local practice proposed to switch from
bentonite mud to water and to continue rotary drilling with reduced flow rate without mud returns.
However, such approach significantly reduced the rate of penetration (ROP) and increased water
consumption. When the planned section TD of 50m was eventually reached the volume of lost fluid
accounted for 400 m3. The condition of the wellbore did not allow the casing to reach TD. Several
attempts to ream the wellbore were performed in order to condition the open hole for the second casing
run. Finally, the conductor casing was properly landed, however cementing operations were aggravated
by total losses and the casing was cemented to surface only after 6 attempts.
Several operational meetings have been held to discuss possible options to overcome the issue.
Important steps were proposed and then taken to prevent re-occurrence of the described above event.
Firstly, the bottom hole assembly (BHA) was revised. Full gauge stabilizers were added to make it more
rigid. Reaming of tight spots was performed thoroughly with this BHA and wells were cleaned from the
cuttings bed on the bottom. Secondly, the casing seat was optimized in order to minimize time and drilling
fluid losses. This also helped to avoid drilling without mud returns. For all following wells top hole
drilling was ceased straight after penetration into the loss zone. Thirdly, an LCM mix with a coarse rubber
chord and fiber material was developed to successfully isolate top of the loss zone. A conventional cement
job of the conductor became feasible and a top job was performed only if required.
By applying above recommendations it became possible to avoid complications in the conductor
section on all further wells. The rigid BHA ensured a smooth open hole in which casing could be landed
at section TD on the first attempt and cemented to surface.
Lithology of the top sections can vary significantly. For example, on the Pad #2 a dolerite
intrusion was encountered in this interval which was not observed on the Pad #1 (Figure 3). Typically
there is no lost circulation in dolerites in the top hole and drilling process is less complex, however
a bit designed for a hard formation is required. High vibrations also negatively affect drilling through
the dolerite formation.
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Surface section
Drilling of the surface section turned out to be very challenging. Total losses have usually occurred right
below the conductor shoe or below dolerites in case of intrusion. The fluid level in the well remained at
the bottom of the flag like limestone zone at approximately 150 – 270 meters MD depending on the well
location. The local experience clearly showed that LCM treatment and cementing of this loss zone had low
probability of success and was not feasible. Blind rotary drilling with technical water and minimum flow
rate proved to be one of the most favorable solutions. However, drilling blind may lead to an average
water losses in this section as high as 4500 m3. Therefore adequate water supply can become an issue. In
fact, a water well is usually drilled on each location, but frequently those wells are dry. Other water
sources can be remote and a water delivery can become difficult especially during winter period.
On one hand restricted water supply limits the flow rate. On the other hand water has low rheology and
not able to keep cuttings suspended. These two factors make it hard to clean the bottom of the hole out
of drilled cuttings. Hole cleaning becomes an issue and a risk of BHA pack-off becomes high as well as
risk of the excessive bit wear. ROP reduction is one of the unpleasant measures to prevent those issues.
Besides, positive displacement motors (PDMs) and measurement while drilling (MWD) tools require
higher flow rates and not able to function properly. A logical solution in this situation could be a rotary
BHA without MWD. However, a collision risk becomes extremely high with this BHA because the well
could deviate and collide with neighboring well if there is no proper trajectory control in place.
Cementing surface casing under total losses condition was also an issue. After several attempts to
cement the thief zone of the flak like limestone, it became clear that further efforts would unlikely bring
positive results. Therefore it was decided to cement the surface casing in two steps. The first step
considered a conventional cement job from the section TD to the bottom of the loss formation. A cement
slurry of 2.0 SG was used for the first step providing high quality cement bond, ensuring hydraulic
isolation of the loss zone from other formations and a sufficient axial support to the casing. The second
step considered a top job from the surface to the top of this formation with a cement slurry of 1.89 SG
mixed with coarse LCM which included rubber chord and fiber material.
The following changes were implemented to improve quality of the wellbore and to optimize time for
this well section construction. A packed hole rotary BHA with full gauge stabilizers was designed to keep
the wellbore vertical. Hole cleaning pills were introduced for pumping prior to connections, reducing risk
of BHA pack off. The surface section was shortened to minimize problematic blind drilling without
negative effect on the well integrity. A dedicated well clean out procedure was developed to prepare the
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wellbore for the surface casing running. The cement slurry was re-designed according to actual conditions
and thus a high quality cement job became possible. Overall, these measures resulted in a significant
reduction of the total section construction time.
Intermediate section
The intermediate section commonly contains intrusions of a very hard formation named dolerite. Typical
distribution of this intrusion is shown at Figure 4. The thickness and depth of intrusions varies from well
to well. A conventional PDC bit is incapable to drill such hard formation as dolerites and can be worn out
after drilling just few meters. In contrast, tricone bits show better results and can drill through the intrusion
with acceptable ROP in a single or in two runs depending on a thickness of the zone and a durability of
the bit. However, in the remaining intervals of the intermediate section PDC bits show much higher ROP
than roller cone bits. Section drilling performance was improved by changing bits between tricone and
PDC depending on formation been drilled: tricone bits for dolerites and PDC bits for all other formations.
Usually, it took from 3 to 5 bit trips to reach section TD.
The Integrated Services Team together with Slavneft set an ambitious goal to take all steps to drill this
section shoe to shoe in one run and to maximize ROP. The bit supplier’s laboratory in the USA was
provided with necessary information to develop a special bit design, capable to drill wide range of
formations including extra hard dolerites as well as dolomite and limestone of medium hardness. Stinger
Blade® PDC bit was created specifically for application in the Kuyumbinskoe field environment. The
main feature of this bit is conical cutters (Figure 5), which provide high impact resistance and able to drill
across hard formations with a wide range of hardness.
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Another step to improve well construction time in this section was to adjust the well trajectory to
minimize directional work in dolerites. It was noticed that any directional work in intervals of intrusion
was extremely challenging and very time consuming. The well profile was changed in a way to exclude
any need for sliding in these zones and to drill them in rotary mode only, thereby increasing ROP. The
directional work was shifted to less problematic intervals where sliding process is much easier to carry
A durable PDC bit in combination with trajectory optimization resulted in a great success. The Stinger
Blade® bit proved to have insignificant wear after drilling in such complex geological conditions and now
entire section can be drilled in one run with impressive average ROP (Figure 6). Drilling time for the
section decreased by 3 times from the first to the fifth well by 8.6 days (where this bit was used for the
first time) (Figure 7). Tripping time to change the bit was totally eliminated.
Transition zones above and below dolerites also contain considerable challenges. Often they are
represented by disrupted permeable formations, where fractures can be easily induced. In such circum-
stances partial to total losses can occur. This issue was successfully addressed by a purposely selected
composition of LCM, which helped to cure losses while drilling and running casing. The cement job was
done with a special LCM additive CemNet® for cement slurries with positive results: the top of cement
successfully reached planned depth in all wells. In combination with special casing hardware, such as
cementing baskets this section was cemented to surface on most of wells the first time on the field.
Another challenge which can arise while drilling the intermediate section on the Kuyumba field is
unstable argillites. The typical interval of that formation is from 700 to 900 meters TVD. Although not
encountered on the first pad of the project, on the second pad multiple tight spots where experienced in
this interval and cavings were observed on the shale shakers (Figure 8). Reaming took a lot of time. The
section was drilled without serious issues, but the first attempt to run casing was unsuccessful. The casing
slacked off to zero hookload weight at 800 meters below rotary table. The casing was pulled out to clean
out the hole. While reaming, it was observed that the wellbore condition became worse with time. The
second casing run was successful, but the amount of spent time was unacceptable.
The project team faced a serious technical challenge how to drill this interval without such time losses.
Drilling fluids specialists applied their experience from other projects, reviewed, and redesigned chemical
composition of the drilling mud. Several chemicals including gilsonite were added to stabilize those
argillites and optimum mud parameters were determined.
Another challenge was to reduce the amount of time when this interval stays open. In other words it
became especially important to drill this section fast and to case off these time dependent argillite as soon
as possible. To meet this goal, drilling practices were changed and detailed procedures were developed,
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which included specific guidelines for tripping and reaming. These procedures were discussed with the
frontline operations personnel in the field. Clear understanding and proper execution of these procedures
by drillers made it possible to achieve success and eliminate wellbore instability issues on further wells.
Production section
The lithology of the production section is mostly represented by interbedded salt and dolomite formations.
No washouts were observed in the salt zone drilling with Rheliant® oil base mud (OBM). However,
multiple stuck pipe events took place in this interval. Mechanical and geophysical logs confirmed that all
events happened in transition zones from salt to dolomite, where tiny layers of dolomite begin to appear
in salt interval. The mechanism of the stuck pipe was identified as mechanical. The primary source of this
issue was solid pieces of dolomite formation that break out of salt and cause the bit to become
mechanically. Typically bits pulled after a stuck pipe event contained pieces of dolomite between blades.
When the reasons behind these events became clear, a specific drilling guideline and pipe-freeing
procedure was developed resulting in a significand decrease of the number of such events and time to free
stuck pipe was reduced to 1-2 hours only.
A pilot run of the PowerDrive® with Vortex® rotary steerable system (RSS) was implemented in the
production section where ROPs were increased by 30%. This technology proved to have high potential
for further application in this field.
The production section could be describes as a section with low fracture gradient. Partial to severe
losses have been observed during cementing of the production casing. The initial well design considered
performing cement job in two stages. However, two stages cementing technology requires a lot of time
and has a significant risk associated with a possible malfunction of the casing hardware.
Revision of the cementing approach was completed together with cementing experts. A new cementing
design was developed and one stage cementing became possible due to application of LiteCrete® light
cement slurry of 1.38 SG which is characterized by low density and high solids content. Such cement
slurry has been properly pumped without losses providing high compressive strength and a good cement
bond. It is recommended to treat cement slurry with LCM, such as CemNet®, to further reduce the risk
of losses while cement job.
Pilot section
All wells in the recent drilling campaign had pilot holes. This section was drilled to penetrate the pay-zone
of the production formation and to confirm the reservoir properties via an extended formation evaluation
program. A decision for horizontal section placement was normally based on acquired data from the pilot
hole. The production formation is naturally fractured, so the main risk in this section is losses. Proper
drilling fluid parameters should be maintained to prevent losses. It was proven during the course of the
project that LCM pills should be pumped in case of losses while drilling the pilot section. Setting
abandonment and kick off plugs in this environment is challenging. On one of the wells a cement plug
was totally lost into the production formation. Therefore cementing procedure and chemical composition
had been modified significantly during the project life. CemNet®LCM and optimized pumping regimes
were used to avoid losses. When these measures were applied top of cement plugs was found as planned.
Horizontal section
Obviously the main objective of this section is oil production. Production technologists intend to place the
horizontal drain in a zone with maximum possible number of fractures to produce from the most
permeable zone. The mud weight window (MWW) is extremely narrow in the field. Depending on the size
of the fracture the equivalent pressure to open it could be as low as 0,94 – 0,96 SG. Once the fracture is
opened equivalent pressure to re-open it can drop to 0,92 SG. On the other hand the formation pressure
is equivalent to 0,86 SG. Ballooning effect can take place if drilling is carried out in conditions when ECD
approaches losses gradient margin. If the ECD exceeds the fracture gradient, total losses can occur. On
one of the six wells, the volume of lost OBM accounted for a financially crippling 3700 cubic meters.
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Apart from the catastrophic fluid loss, the risk of well control is very high in the field when drilling
without mud returns. Standard well control procedures are not always efficient in such conditions, because
it is hard to displace the well to heavier mud if there are total losses. Pumping kill mud can bring no result,
because it can be lost in Riphean fractures and the well will continue to flow via annulus. Killing the well
can become extremely complex.
Well control under total losses condition is the most dangerous situation that could appear on the
Kuyumbinskoye field. To prevent it from happening the integrated team of professionals together with
experts developed ECD management procedure, which includes special requirements for mud parameters,
chemical composition and concentration of LCM, swab and surge analysis, recommendations for tripping,
reaming, reciprocation and drilling processes. On further wells the amount of lost drilling fluid was
minimized. Yet partial losses still exist at current stage. Nevertheless, total volume of lost mud was
significantly reduced and currently constitutes for 100 - 300 cubic meters per section.
Way forward
In spite of all improvements that have been done for effective well construction on the Kuyumbinskoe
field, still there is a room for improvement. Below there are main recommendations for further drilling
activities optimization in the field.
General recommendation could be to build a mechanical earth model (MEM) for better understanding
of stresses orientation and other rock properties of the field. Such study will provide better basis for
wellbore stability management and losses prevention via proper mud weight selection and improved
Foam or air drilling could become a solution to drill more effectively top hole sections where total
losses persist. Those technologies could increase ROP and reduce water consumption, which is especially
important when the water source located far away. However, this technology requires costly equipment.
Therefore cost analysis should be done beforehand.
Unstable argillites are still a serious challenge in the intermediate section. They are located at the
beginning of the section and negatively affect all further drilling until they are cased off. The surface
casing could be set deeper if total losses issue in the section are resolved. The intermediate section could
be drilled more effectively if unstable argillites are already cased off by the previous casing.
A rotary steerable system with power section (Vortex®) was pilot tested in production section
achieving impressive results. It is advisable to further utilize such systems in this section. This technology
has also a potential for application in the intermediate and in the horizontal sections, but was not tested
there yet. RSS will minimize time for the directional work excluding a need for sliding, which is especially
important for effective landing of the well.
There were several issues running casings mostly because of wellbore instability issues and ledges in
interbedded formations. One could consider a casing running tool (CRT) for further drilling activities on
the Kuyumba. It could bring great benefit for running casing process. CRT can provide rotation and
circulation via casing while running. Such manipulations could enhance casing running process and
ensure successful casing running through problematic zones.
Pilot hole could be drilled with less diameter bit than horizontal section. This could improve ROP and
ensure successful kick off from cement plug. However, it could be implemented only when pilot hole is
then cemented up to the production casing shoe.
At certain point there will be enough geological information acquired to make decision for well
placement without data from pilot hole. If there is no need to drill the pilot hole the trajectory could be
adjusted to reduce meterage of the well. Another solution to avoid pilot hole drilling is logging while
drilling (LWD) tools, which are able to provide necessary data for well placement while actual drilling
of the horizontal section, without need for pilot hole logging.
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The formation in the horizontal section could be represented by cherty dolomite, which is very
abrasive. Excessive PDC bit wear could be observed drilling such formation. On one of the last wells
several bits were completely worn out. It will be rational to review the bit design and to develop a special
bit to drill in such conditions.
Total losses in production zone represent catastrophic risk on Kuyumba. It leads not only to vast volume
of OBM lost into the formation, but also can lead to uncontrolled gas influx when fluid level drops in the
annulus. The way forward could be to analyze possible application of Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) or
Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) technologies. These technologies certainly can become a solution to keep
drilling in boundaries of the narrow MWW and to reduce losses. They also can increase productivity of wells
reducing volume of filtrate in the near wellbore area. UBD or MPD also can be used for tripping speeds
optimization and pressure controlled cementing. Nitrogen can reduce density of water base mud to 0,90 – 0,92
SG. In this case salt-saturated mud system could be considered to use instead of OBM. Such mud type is less
expensive, inflammable and environment friendly. However, high concentration of nitrogen can negatively
affect performance of downhole tools such as MWD, LWD, RSS or PDM. Overall, detailed analysis should
be carried out to take the final decision regarding implementation of UPD/MPD technology.
An extensive study confirmed that a completion system with inflow control devices (ICDs) and open
hole packers to isolate zones in horizontal section can improve production from the Riphean carbonate
formation. Natural fractures are distributed unevenly and have different sizes and permeability. This ICD
technology has a potential to ensure even inflow and prevent water break outs.
A teamwork approach on the Kuyumba project is the key element of the achieved success. An effective
collaboration in a multi-segment team during planning, execution and evaluation stages led to a contin-
uous improvement of the well construction processes from one well to another. The Integrated Services
approach resulted in the first successful horizontal well and several new records in the field. Overall
drilling rate increased by 60% in comparison with the previous experience (Figure 9). Average drilling
rate was as high as 2371 meters per 1000 operational hours (m/1000 ops.hrs) compared to 1300 m/1000
ops.hrs for the two offset horizontal wells and 1470 m/1000 ops.hrs for best deviated offset well. The
fourth well with total depth of 3485 m was drilled in 79 days. That was 12.92 days ahead of the scheduled
time. The fifth well with total depth of 3790 m was drilled in 74 days (2.5 days ahead of the plan). It was
the first well drilled in such short time at this field with such complicated geological conditions.
On the sixth well, the decision was taken to extend horizontal drain from the planned length of 700m
to 1000m. This objective was successfully achieved and a new field record was set. The drilling rate on
this well was the highest among all wells ever drilled at Kuyumbinskoe and is equal to almost 2400
m/1000 oper.hrs (Figure 10). Well construction time has been significantly reduced in comparison with
previous experience of the exploration and production drilling at the field. The geological model was
updated based on quality data captured by advanced tools and first wells were successfully put into
Besides technical accomplishments it is essential to highlight the level of Health, Safety and Envi-
ronment (HSE) performance. There were no any major or catastrophic HSE events during execution of
the project. That became possible because of a strong HSE culture of involved companies and efforts of
all members of the team.
This project was an important step for a future development not only of the Kuyumbinskoe field, but
also of the enormous reserves of the entire Eastern Siberia. Productive cooperation between Integrated
Services, Drilling Contractor and the Client enabled the project to reach impressive results and improve-
ment in all spheres of the project, leading to improved well by well performance.
The authors would like to thank the following:
➤ Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz co-authors for their permission to publish this paper and their
technical contribution
➤ Kyumba project multidiscipline team for their technical support
➤ Project service providers for their knowledge sharing
14 SPE-176516-MS
➤ Slavneft HQ Well Construction department for their invaluable technical support and assistance
Group Project Book 5/171-12-Г-Д-ОС7 “Horizontal Appraisal Wells at Kuyumbinskoe Field at
Kuyumbinskoe Lisence Area”;
Group Project Book 29- -2013-12-05-05-ОС “Horizontal Appraisal Wells at Kuyumbinskoe Field
at Kuyumbinskoe Lisence Area”.