Forrester - The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Cognos Analytics
Forrester - The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Cognos Analytics
Forrester - The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Cognos Analytics
December 2020
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operational benefits accumulated a present value • Democratization of data. Using legacy systems,
of $3.5M. the ability to access and manipulate data to
gather insights was typically reserved to specific
roles, such as business analysts, as this required
Sales uplift some knowledge of the platform as well as
experience in analysis and visualization. With
IBM Cognos Analytics, and features such as
0.5% natural language processing (NLP), the ability to
pull specific data points and create visualizations
from them was expanded to all users with
• Increased topline revenue. With improved sales minimum training required.
benchmarking and reporting, organizations can
set more accurate sales targets, monitor and • Faster time-to-insight and decision-making.
measure the performance of individual Because organizations could give users self-
associates, and develop action plans or incentive service access to Cognos Analytics, users at all
structures around specific levels of performance. levels could consume data and execute reports
This increased visibility resulted in a sales uplift as-needed without waiting for batch reporting or
equal to 0.5% of the organization’s total gross requesting custom reports from different
revenues. From a subsequent gross profit departments. These users could then leverage
perspective, the composite organization any insights from the data to expedite the time-to-
experienced present value net cash flows of execute on business decisions.
$2.1M. • Consolidation of point solutions. By deploying
Cognos Analytics across the enterprise,
organizations could replace any number of
Streamlined existing legacy business intelligence and
reporting analytics solutions with redundant functionality
such as dashboarding and visualization or
93% reporting tools. Benefits would include saving on
the costs of any on-premises software, hardware,
• Self-service reporting and analytics.
maintenance, and administration costs.
Knowledge workers across departments and
functions could access Cognos Analytics on a Costs. Risk-adjusted PV costs include:
self-serve basis instead of requesting reports • Licensing and professional services. Fees
from an analyst. For each report generated paid to IBM include annual software licensing and
through self-service, organizations saved 1 hour professional services for deployment.
of time, on average, while also enabling more Organizations incurred annual IBM fees to cover
rapid and accurate decision-making. Benefits unlimited user software-as-a-service (SaaS)
from self-service reporting amounted to a three- licensing for Cognos Analytics. Additionally,
year present value of $744K. several organizations leveraged IBM or other
Unquantified benefits. Benefits that are not third-party professional services to help deploy
quantified for this study include: Cognos Analytics, facilitate any migration (from
legacy systems), and provide onboarding and
Benefits (Three-Year)
Designed a composite organization based on
characteristics of the interviewed organizations.
Interviewed Organizations
Key assumptions
“Before, there was no way to set, • Retail organization
monitor, and drive targets. Now, if • $900M USD revenue
we see an associate lagging their
targets, we can focus on retraining
• 1,200 users
and performance improvement.” • Enterprise license
• SaaS deployment
Managing director, retail
Based on the interviews, Forrester constructed a TEI
framework, a composite company, and a ROI
analysis that illustrates the areas financially affected.
The composite organization is representative of the
four companies that Forrester interviewed and is
used to present the aggregate financial analysis in
the next section. The composite organization has the
following characteristics:
Total Benefits
Ref. Benefit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Optimized staffing and
Atr $620,400 $1,263,840 $2,576,064 $4,460,304 $3,543,931
inventory management
Incremental gross profit
Btr $344,250 $722,925 $1,518,143 $2,585,318 $2,051,016
Total benefits
$1,263,900 $2,286,015 $4,393,457 $7,943,372 $6,339,137
• The annual salary per sales associate is $81,250. To account for these risks, Forrester adjusted this
This assumes a 25% overhead burden rate. benefit downward by 20%, yielding a three-year, risk-
adjusted total PV (discounted at 10%) of $3,543,931.
Risks. Optimized staffing and inventory management
benefits experienced by other organizations may vary
based on the following factors.
INCREMENTAL GROSS PROFIT UPLIFT Modeling and assumptions. For the composite
organization, Forrester makes the following
In addition to using Cognos Analytics to promote
operational excellence at the branch level,
organizations also leveraged Cognos Analytics to • IBM Cognos Analytics is deployed across 6, 12,
directly drive sales. Before Cognos Analytics, and 24 retail branches in Years 1, 2, and 3,
individual sales associates did not have real-time respectively.
access to their current performance levels, and
• Annual sales per branch grows at 5% each year.
managers did not have the data to set realistic sales
and growth targets for their associates. Managers • Average gross margins are 45%.
would instead set targets based on historical
Risks. The incremental gross profit uplift experienced
performance, rather than on real-time data, in order
by other organizations may vary based on the
to proactively drive incremental growth.
following factors:
Using Cognos Analytics, associates could monitor
• Number and growth of Cognos Analytics
their daily sales performance against established
targets and understand when they needed to push
harder or utilize different tactics to increase success • Individual gross margins.
rates. Similarly, managers could perform A/B testing
To account for these risks, Forrester adjusted this
with different sales strategies and provide coaching
benefit downward by 15%, yielding a three-year, risk-
and retraining at the individual level as needed. As
adjusted total PV of $2,051,016.
one organization said, “Cognos Analytics gave us the
data we needed to build an entire sales program,
impacting everything from hiring, to training, and
eventually compensation.”
By integrating data from multiple sources and
“We had one report that ran on a
departments under Cognos Analytics, users could
spreadsheet, and by the time we
easily access cross-functional data without needing
pulled the numbers, extracted the
to make requests to specific individuals and
data, and did some analysis on it, a
departments. Self-service capabilities had several week would have already elapsed.
important benefits: First, access to data and reporting That same task is now done within
was democratized, meaning it could be easily minutes with Cognos Analytics.”
accessed by any user in accordance with the user’s
access rights as preconfigured through Cognos Business analyst, nonprofit/research
Analytics. Next, the reporting and data gathering
process was streamlined by removing or reducing the
need for steps such as communication between
departments and functions, manual modification of
reports and spreadsheets, and data validation and
review. Finally, business decision-makers could more
quickly leverage the insights from data to reinforce or
expedite a critical decision. Given these factors,
organizations were able to reduce the total time to
perform a distinct reporting task by 93%.
Self-Service Reporting
Ref. Metric Calculation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Number of corporate departments
C1 5 5 5
leveraging IBM Cognos Analytics
Average number of custom reports
C2 1,000 1,000 1,000
run annually, per department
Time needed to manually build and
C3 1.5 1.5 1.5
validate custom reports, in hours
Time needed to self-service custom
C4 reports using Cognos Analytics, in 0.1 0.1 0.1
Fully burdened hourly salary per
C5 $45 $45 $45
business analyst
Ct Self-service reporting $315,000 $315,000 $315,000
The value of flexibility is unique to each customer.
There are multiple scenarios in which a customer
might implement Cognos Analytics and later realize
additional uses and business opportunities, including:
Total Costs
Ref. Cost Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
IBM licensing
Dtr and professional $500,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $1,100,000 $997,370
Onboarding and
Etr $309,063 $282,109 $564,219 $0 $1,155,391 $1,031,822
Ftr $34,375 $8,594 $8,594 $8,594 $60,156 $55,746
Total costs
$843,438 $490,703 $772,813 $208,594 $2,315,547 $2,084,938
Report Development
Ref. Metric Calculation Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Number of business analysts
F1 2 2 2 2
building and modifying reports
Time allocated to building or
F2 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5
modifying reports, in months
Fully burdened monthly salary per
F3 $7,812.50 $7,812.50 $7,812.50 $7,812.50
business analyst
Total costs Total benefits Cumulative net benefits The financial results calculated in the
Benefits and Costs sections can be
used to determine the ROI, NPV, and
$6.0 M
$3.0 M
-$2.0 M
Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
ROI 204%
Payback 13.0
Costs consider all expenses necessary to deliver the RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)
proposed value, or benefits, of the product. The cost
category within TEI captures incremental costs over A project’s expected return in
the existing environment for ongoing costs percentage terms. ROI is calculated by
associated with the solution. dividing net benefits (benefits less costs)
by costs.
Flexibility represents the strategic value that can be
obtained for some future additional investment
building on top of the initial investment already made. DISCOUNT RATE
Having the ability to capture that benefit has a PV
that can be estimated. The interest rate used in cash flow
analysis to take into account the
Risks measure the uncertainty of benefit and cost time value of money. Organizations
estimates given: 1) the likelihood that estimates will typically use discount rates between
meet original projections and 2) the likelihood that 8% and 16%.
estimates will be tracked over time. TEI risk factors
are based on “triangular distribution.”
The initial investment column contains costs incurred at “time
The breakeven point for an investment.
0” or at the beginning of Year 1 that are not discounted. All
other cash flows are discounted using the discount rate at the This is the point in time at which net
end of the year. PV calculations are calculated for each total benefits (benefits minus costs) equal
cost and benefit estimate. NPV calculations in the summary initial investment or cost.
tables are the sum of the initial investment and the
discounted cash flows in each year. Sums and present value
calculations of the Total Benefits, Total Costs, and Cash Flow
tables may not exactly add up, as some rounding may occur.