Implementing ISO IEC 12207 Standard Usin
Implementing ISO IEC 12207 Standard Usin
Implementing ISO IEC 12207 Standard Usin
Software Engineering is a relatively new discipline when compared to other more traditional
engineering disciplines, such as civil, mechanical and so on. Several frameworks dealing with quality
issues of software processes are being developed and implemented by software organizations in order
to become software development more closely related to an engineering project. One of the most
critical difficulties to implement them is how to interpret the generic statements of these models and
how to transform them in daily executable activities. The international Standard that deals with
software processes definition is the ISO/IEC 12207. As other generic frameworks, this Standard does
not prescribe any specific implementation life cycle model, method or tool. In the other hand,
commercial models and frameworks, such as the Rational Unified Process (RUP), prescribes detailed
implementation guidelines. This paper focuses on investigating how RUP can be used to implement the
ISO/IEC 12207 Standard.
Keywords: RUP, ISO/IEC 12207, software process, iterative and incremental approach, software
1 Introduction
Software Engineering is a relatively new easily implemented in practice. In the real world,
discipline when compared to other more organizations face lots of doubts in how to
established engineering disciplines such as civil, interpret and implement such frameworks in order
mechanical and so on. In order to evolve it, to be compliant to certification rules.
several frameworks dealing with quality issues of In the other hand, more specific software
the software processes have being developed. processes are being implemented by software
Among these frameworks, one of the most known organizations, with different levels of success.
and used is the Capability Maturity Model – One of these processes is the Rational Unified
CMM [5], developed and updated by the Process - RUP [3] developed to support the object
Software Engineering Institute (SEI). It provides, oriented approach using Unified Modeling
not only a framework that enables the Language (UML).
organization to define its processes, but also an The main difference between RUP and
evaluation method to guide an improvement more generic frameworks, such as ISO Standards
effort. Besides SEI framework, the International and CMM family, is the abstraction level. In the
Organization for Standardization (ISO) is also former, there are detailed activities, templates,
developing international standards to act as broad guidance and so on, enabling it to be more easily
frameworks to software processes definition and implemented in practice, but with narrower use.
improvement. The ISO standard which deals with The other ones stand in a higher abstraction level,
process definition is the ISO/IEC 12207:1995 - enabling them to be used in a broader variety of
Information Technology - Software Life Cycle organizations and purposes, although they require
Processes [1]. more interpretation effort.
One of the difficulties to deal with these This work aims at providing a way of
frameworks is that they are too generic to be implementing the ISO/IEC 12207 Standard,
considering its amendment published in late 2002, complete commercial product. This product
using RUP. includes: process descriptions, methods, tools,
This paper is organized as follow: section templates, guidelines, examples and white papers.
2 presents ISO/IEC 12207 and RUP separately, RUP is based on six best practices
section 3 presents how RUP can be used to identified by the authors in some software
(Process:Activity) (Discipline: Workflow Detail: Activity)
Acquisition: Requirements: Analyze the Fully covered. There is no specific Acquisition
Acquisition Problem: Develop Vision Process in RUP; however, the indicated activities
Initiation Project Management: Conceive allow one to reach the following goals of
New Project: Develop Business Acquisition Initiation: define acquisition needs,
define and analyze requirements, identify options
Project Management: Evaluate and document an acquisition plan, including risks
Project Scope and Risk: Identify and methods to manage them.
and Assess Risks
Acquisition: Project Management: Develop Partially covered. There is no specific activity in
Acquisition Software Development Plan RUP regarding to proposal request for suppliers.
Preparation However, the results of the activities in the
(Annex F) workflow detail Develop Software Development
Plan can be used as input to make a proposal.
RUP does not provide criteria to select a supplier.
The Software Development Plan artifact should
be developed by acquirer in a proper level of
detail to generate a proposal for the supplier. The
supplier instead of the acquirer will execute the
Project Organization and Staffing activity.
Acquisition: Not covered There is no support in RUP for this activity.
Supplier Selection
(Annex F)
Acquisition: Project Management: Monitor and Fully covered. However, the supplier instead of
Supplier Control Project the acquirer will execute the Schedule and Assign
Monitoring Work activity.
(Annex F)
Acquisition: Project Management: Close-Out Fully covered. This activity in Standard is fully
Customer Project: Project Acceptance supported by mentioned activity in RUP.
Acceptance Review
(Annex F)
Supply: Initiation Requirements: Manage Changing Partially covered. There is no specific Supply
Requirements process in RUP. The goals of Initiation activity
(revise requirements of proposal and contract
agreement) can be partially covered by the
Manage Changing Requirements workflow detail.
Supply: • Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
Preparation of
Supply: Contract Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP, although the
artifacts Vision and Software Development Plan
can be used as input to the contract.
Supply: Planning Project Management: Develop Fully covered. According to the Standard, a life-
Software Development Plan cycle model should be defined (if not stipulated in
Requirements: Manage the Scope contract). By using RUP, the adopted model is the
of the System iterative and incremental one. Critical
requirements should be allocated to initial
iterations in order to reduce risks.
The supplier should develop the whole Software
Development Plan artifact, including all
associated plans.
Supply: Execution RUP phases: Elaboration and Fully covered. According to the Standard, the
and Control Construction Execution activity invokes the Development
Project Management: Monitor and Process. It means executing Elaboration and
Control Project Construction phases of RUP. The Monitor and
Control Project workflow detail supports the
Control aspect.
Supply: Review Test Fully covered by Test discipline in RUP.
and Evaluation
Supply: Delivery Deployment Fully covered. The Deployment discipline
and Completion Project Management: Close-out describes the activities associated with ensuring
Project that the software product is available for its end
users. The Close-out Project workflow detail
provides the guidelines to properly conclude the
Development: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. RUP provides a specific artifact
Process Environment for Project called Development Case. This artifact is used to
Implementation describe the RUP customization to be applied in
the project and its associated rationales.
Development: Business Modeling: Assess Fully covered. This activity in Annex F is related
Requirements Business Status to gathering, processing and tracking evolving
Elicitation Business Modeling: Describe stakeholders’ needs, which are fully supported by
(Annex F) mentioned workflow details.
Current Business
Business Modeling: Identify The main goal of Business Modeling discipline in
RUP is to understand the structure and the
Business Process
Business Modeling: Refine dynamics of the organization in which a system is
to be deployed, and to derive the system
Business Process Definitions
Business Modeling: Develop a requirements needed to support the target
Domain Model
Requirements: Analyze the
Requirements: Understand
Stakeholder Needs
Requirements: Managing
Changing Requirements
Development: • Business Modeling: Design Partially covered. This activity is related to
System Business Process Realizations transforming stakeholders’ requirements into
Requirements Business Modeling: Refine Roles system technical requirements, which is supported
Analysis by the remaining workflow detail of
and Responsibilities
Requirements discipline.
Requirements: Define the System
Requirements: Refine the System It is important to notice that the Standard uses the
Definition term system in a broader meaning. RUP is a
software development process, which means that
the term system is used to refer to software.
Development: Business Modeling: Explore Partially covered. According to the Standard, this
System Process Automation activity is related to defining and allocating
Architectural Analysis and Design: Define a system requirements among hardware, software
Design Candidate Architecture and manual-operations.
Analysis and Design: Refine the In the Explore Process Automation workflow
Architecture detail, RUP establishes what should be automated
by software.
Development: Analysis and Design: Analyze Fully covered. In this workflow detail, the
Software Behavior behavioral descriptions provided by the software
Requirements requirements are transformed into a set of
Analysis elements upon which the design can be based.
Development: Analysis and Design: Design Fully covered. This activity is fully supported by
Software Design Components RUP.
Development: Implementation: Structure the Fully covered. This activity is fully supported by
Software Implementation Model RUP.
Construction Implementation: Implement
Development: Implementation: Plan the Fully covered. This activity is fully supported by
Software Integration RUP.
Integration Implementation: Integrate each
Development: Test: Test and Evaluate: Fully covered. In the Standard, the purpose of
Software Testing Implement Test this activity is to ensure that the integrated
Test: Test and Evaluate: Execute software product meets its defined requirements.
Test Suite The Integrate Each Subsystem workflow detail,
from Implementation Discipline, invokes the
specified workflow details from Test discipline.
Development: Implementation: Integrate the Partially covered. There is no specific activity in
System System RUP. According to the Standard, this activity
Integration means integrating software items, hardware items,
manual-operations and other systems, as
necessary. However, RUP only deals with
software system and subsystems. In order to be
compliant to the Standard, it is necessary to
review Business Modeling artifacts to have a
broader view of the Integration Plan.
Development: Test Fully covered. This activity is fully supported by
System Testing RUP.
Development: Deployment Fully covered. This activity is fully supported by
Software RUP.
Operation: Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. Environment
Process discipline does not cover process implementation
Implementation for operational environment.
Operation: • Deployment: Manage Acceptance Fully covered. In RUP, the role responsible for
Operational Test: Manage Acceptance Tests managing acceptance tests in operational
Testing environment is the Deployment Manager, while in
the Standard this activity is carried on by the
Operation: Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. RUP covers
Operational Use development process from inception to transition
(Annex F) to operational environment. After that, the users
carry on operational activities.
Operation: Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. RUP does
Customer Support not cover assistance and consultation to the
(Annex F) customers.
Maintenance: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. RUP provides a specific artifact
Process Environment for Project called Development Case. This artifact is used to
Implementation describe the RUP customization to be applied in
the project and its associated rationales. It can be
either used to the development process or to the
maintenance process.
Maintenance: Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP uses the Change Requests
Problem and Management: Manage Change artifact to document and track defects,
Modification Requests enhancement requests and any other type of
Analysis Requirements: Managing request for a change in the product. The benefit of
Changing Requirements: Manage Change Requests is that they provide a record of
Dependencies decisions and, due to their assessment process,
ensure that change impacts are understood across
the project.
Manage Dependencies activity assists in
managing the scope of the project and managing
changing requirements.
Maintenance: RUP phases: Elaboration and Partially covered. The Development Process in
Modification Construction the Standard is used to implement the
Implementation modifications. So, the same comments made to
the Development Process apply to this one.
Maintenance: Deployment: Manage Acceptance Fully covered. Deployment discipline describes
Maintenance Test: Manage Acceptance Tests the activities associated with ensuring that the
Review/ Project Management: Close-out software product is available for its end users and
Acceptance Project it is accepted.
Close-Out Project workflow detail provides the
guidelines to properly conclude the project.
Maintenance: Deployment: Plan Deployment: Partially covered. The Migration Plan is
Migration Develop Deployment Plan developed in RUP, but there are no activities to
describe how to implement this plan.
Maintenance: Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. RUP does
Software not treat the retirement of the software in any of
Retirement its activities.
Table 2. Supporting Life Cycle Processes.
ISO/IEC 12207 RUP Analysis
(Process:Activity) (Discipline: Workflow Detail: Activity)
Documentation: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. RUP provides a specific artifact
Process Environment for Project: Develop called Development Case. This artifact is used to
Implementation Development Case describe the RUP customization to be applied and
its associated rationales, including documentation
and reports that should be produced according to
project needs.
Documentation: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. In the Environment discipline all
Design and Environment for Project: Develop templates are defined and developed for the
Development Project-Specific Templates project.
Documentation: All disciplines Fully covered. Same comments of
Maintenance Documentation: Production.
Configuration • Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Management: Management: Plan Project
Process Configuration and Change
Implementation Management Control
Configuration Configuration and Change Fully covered. In RUP, a configuration
Management: Management: Create Project CM management tool should control all artifacts
Configuration Environments: Set Up CM versions and baselines.
Identification Environment
Configuration Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Management: Management: Manage Change
Configuration Requests
Control Configuration and Change
Management: Change and Deliver
Configuration Items
Configuration and Change
Management: Change and Deliver
Perform Configuration Audit
Configuration Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Management: Management: Monitor and Report
Configuration Configuration Status
Status Accounting
Configuration Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Management: Management: Monitor and Report
Configuration Configuration Status: Perform
Evaluation Configuration Audit
Configuration Configuration and Change Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Management: Management: Manage Baselines
Release and Releases: Create Deployment
Management and Unit
Quality • Project Management: Develop Partially covered. In RUP the Project Manager
Assurance: Software Development Plan: role is responsible for creating the Quality
Process Develop Quality Assurance Plan Assurance Plan as part of the Software
Implementation Development Plan artifact.
The Standard establishes that the quality
assurance activities must be performed by
organizational independent individuals. In RUP
the quality assurance issue is implemented by
using reviews. However, RUP does not establish
that the reviews must be performed by
independent individuals as required by the
Standard. If all of those review activities were
performed by PRA – Project Review Authority, it
would be compliant to the Standard.
Quality Business Modeling: Refine Partially covered. The activity Manage
Assurance: Business Process Definition Acceptance Test holds the responsibility to ensure
Product Requirements: Manage Changing that the product satisfies its intended criteria as
Assurance Requirements: Review established in the artifact Product Acceptance
Requirements Plan. The same comments made to the process
Analysis and Design: Design implementation are valid here.
Components: Review the Design
Implementation: Implement
Components: Review Code
Deployment: Manage Acceptance
Test: Manage Acceptance Tests
Test: Validate Build Stability:
Execute Test Suite
Quality Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. There is a
Assurance: specific activity related to produce the artifact
Process Develop Development Case which defines all
Assurance processes to be used in the project. However,
there is no activity related to verifying the actual
execution of the processes.
Quality Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. This activity
Assurance: of the Standard refers to the ISO 9000 concept of
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Systems. There is no specific
Systems activity in RUP regarding to such aspects.
Verification: Project Management: Develop Fully covered. The Standard states that the
Process Software Development Plan: Plan verification activities may be executed with
Implementation Phases and Iterations varying degrees of independence. RUP
implements the verification processes using
reviews. This activity provides the milestones of
each phase and iteration and the related review
Verification: Business Modeling: Refine Fully covered. The Verification process of the
Verification Business Process Definition Standard includes verifying: the contract, the
Requirements: Manage Changing process, the requirements, the design, the code,
Requirements: Review the integration and the documentation.
Analysis and Design: Design
Components: Review the Design
Implementation: Implement
Components: Review Code
Validation: • Project Management: Develop Fully covered. The Standard states that the
Process Software Development Plan: validation activities may be executed with varying
Implementation Develop Product Acceptance Plan degrees of independence. RUP implements the
validation processes using reviews. The Product
Acceptance Plan describes how the customer will
evaluate deliverable artifacts of a project to
determine if they meet a predefined set of
acceptance criteria.
Validation: Test discipline Fully covered. The Standard focuses validation by
Validation Project Management: Close-Out means of testing. The Test discipline, combined
Project: Project Acceptance with Close-Out project fully covers Standard
Review needs.
Joint Review: • Project Management: Develop Fully covered. This activity provides the
Process Software Development Plan: Plan milestones of each phase and iteration and the
Implementation Phases and Iterations related review procedures. The Standard does not
prescribe the mandatory involvement of the
Joint Review: Project Management: Monitor and Fully covered. Project Management discipline in
Project Control Project: PRA Project RUP has a role called Project Review Authority
Management Review. that performs the management review.
Joint Review: Business Modeling: Refine Fully covered. These activities in RUP are related
Technical Business Process Definition: to reviewing artifacts, in order to validate
Reviews Review the Business Use-Case software products.
Business Modeling: Refine Roles
and Responsibilities: Review the
Business Object Model
Requirements: Manage Changing
Requirements: Review
Analysis and Design: Refine the
Architecture: Review Architecture
Analysis and Design: Design
Components: Review the Design
Implementation: Implement
Components: Review Code
Audit: Process Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
Audit: Audit • Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
Problem • Project Management: Develop Fully covered. The Problem Resolution Plan
Resolution: Software Development Plan: provides a defined procedure for managing and
Process Develop Problem Resolution Plan resolving problems experienced during the
Implementation project, so appropriate corrective actions can be
Problem • Configuration and Change Fully covered. Detected problems are submitted
Resolution: Management: Manage Change by any role from development team. The owner of
Problem Requests: Submit Change Requests a request or the Change Control Board can update
Resolution Configuration and Change it. The Change Control Board makes reviews on
Management: Manage Change change requests. Corrective actions should be
Requests: Update Change taken.
Configuration and Change
Management: Manage Change
Requests: Review Change
Project Management: Monitor and
Control Project: Handle
Exceptions and Problems
Usability Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. The focus of
the Usability process in the Standard is the
Human-Centred Design concept - driving the
development by the user needs. RUP does not
provide any specific process focused on this, it
only has a concept called User-Centred Design, in
the Requirements discipline. Traditional aspects
of usability are provided by the prototypes
developed in the Requirements discipline.
Product Project Management: Develop Fully covered. Acceptance criteria are defined,
Evaluation: Software Development Plan: the project is reviewed and closed-out.
Product Develop Product Acceptance Plan
Evaluation Project Management: Close-Out
(Annex F) Project: Project Acceptance
Project Management: Close-Out
Project: Prepare for Project
(Process:Activity) (Discipline: Workflow Detail: Activity)
Management: Environment: Prepare Partially covered. The Development Case artifact
Initiation and Environment for Project: Develop is used as means of tailoring the organizational
Scope Definition Development Case process to be applied to the project, including the
Project Management discipline.
The Management Process in the Standard focuses
on managing all processes and the Project
Management discipline in RUP focuses on
managing the development process.
Management: Project Management: Develop Fully covered. The Project Management
Planning Software Development Plan discipline holds a specific activity to develop the
Software Development Plan and its associated
sub-plans. It covers all planning aspects of the
Management: Project Management: Monitor and Partially covered. The Monitor and Control
Execution and Control Project activity fully covers execution and control needs
Control of the development process of the Standard, but it
does not cover the other Standard processes.
Management: • Project Management: Manage Fully covered. Each RUP iteration and phase ends
Review and Iteration: Assess Iteration with a milestone including a formal Review in
Evaluation Project Management: Manage order to approve that iteration or phase. Besides,
Iteration: Iteration Acceptance RUP also has several activities related to artifacts
Review specific reviews.
Project Management: Close-Out
Phase: Life cycle Milestone
Project Management: Close-Out
Project: Project Acceptance
Management: Environment: Prepare Partially covered. In RUP the artifact
Organizational Environment for Project: Assess Development-Organization Assessment is
Alignment Current Organization produced in order to assess the current status of
(Annex F) the organization in terms of business, processes,
tools and people. But, it does not cover the full
Standard objective that is effectively aligning the
business goals.
Management: Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. RUP focuses
Organization on the development process and does not provide
Management an organizational management process.
(Annex F)
Management: Project Management Fully covered.
(Annex F)
Management: Project Management: Develop Partially covered. The product quality aspect is
Quality Software Development Plan: fully covered by RUP practices. As RUP focuses
Management Develop Software Quality on the development process and does not provide
(Annex F) Assurance Plan an organizational quality management process,
Project Management: Develop the full quality aspect of the Standard is not
Software Development Plan: covered.
Define Monitoring and Control
Management: Project Management: Develop Partially covered. RUP covers the activity, mainly
Risk Management Software Development Plan: focusing on architectural risks mitigation. But,
(Annex F) Develop Risk Management Plan using the artifacts Risk Management Plan and
Project Management: Evaluate Risk List, it is possible to identify, monitor and
Project Risk and Scope: Identify control any kind of risk.
and Assess Risk
Project Management: Monitor and
Control Project: Monitor Project
Management: Project Management: Develop Partially covered. The Project Management
Measurement Software Development Plan: discipline provides a specific activity to define a
(Annex F) Develop Measurement Plan Measurement Plan and also provides processes
Project Management: Develop for monitoring and controlling the measurement
Software Development Plan: process.
Define Monitoring and Control As RUP focuses on the development process and
does not provide an organizational process, the
Project Management: Monitor and full measurement aspect of the Standard is not
Control Project: Monitor Project covered.
Infrastructure: • Environment: Prepare Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Establishment of Environment for Project: Select &
the Infrastructure Acquire Tools
Environment: Prepare
Environment for an Iteration: Set
up Tools
Environment: Prepare
Environment for an Iteration:
Verify Tool Configuration &
Environment: Support
Environment During an Iteration:
Support Development
Infrastructure: Environment: Support Fully covered. RUP fully supports this activity.
Maintenance of Development During an Iteration:
the Infrastructure Support Development
Improvement: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. The tailoring process for the
Process Environment for Project: Assess project is part of the following workflow details:
Establishment Current Organization Prepare Environment for Project and Prepare
Environment: Prepare Environment for an Iteration.
Environment for Project / Besides activity descriptions, RUP also provides
Iteration: Develop Development some guidelines and concepts in order to help
Case implementing and evaluating the processes. For
Environment: Prepare this specific case, RUP provides a concept called
Environment for Project Iteration: “Implementing a Process in an Organization”
Develop Project-Specific found in the Environment discipline.
Environment: Prepare
Environment for an Iteration:
Launch Development Case
Improvement: Environment: Prepare Fully covered. RUP provides an activity
Process Environment for Project: Assess specifically dedicated to assess current
Assessment Current Organization organization which means, among other things,
assessing its processes.
Besides activity descriptions, RUP also provides
some guidelines and concepts in order to help
implementing, evaluating and improving the
processes. For this specific case, RUP provides a
concept called “Implementing a Process in an
Organization” found in the Environment
Improvement: Environment: Prepare Partially covered. RUP enforces the need of
Process Environment for Project: Assess process tailoring and improvement, producing, for
Improvement Current Organization this purpose, the artifact Development Case.
Environment: Prepare There is no specific activity in RUP regarding to
Environment for Project: Develop organizational process improvement. But, it
Development Case provides some guidelines and concepts in order to
help implementing, evaluating and improving the
processes. For this specific case, RUP provides
some concepts, found in the Environment
discipline, such as: “Implementing a Process in
an Organization”, “Process Quality”, and
“Process Configuration”.
Human • Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
(Annexes F and
Human Project Management: Manage Partially covered. This RUP activity addresses the
Resources: Iteration: Acquire Staff training needs to the project staff but RUP does
Define Training not provide an organizational policy to staff
Requirements training.
Human Project Management: Manage Partially covered. This RUP activity addresses the
Resources: Iteration: Acquire Staff recruitment of project staff but RUP does not
Recruit Qualified provide a systematic program for recruitment of
Staff staff.
Human Project Management: Monitor and Fully covered. This RUP activity addresses the
Resources: Control Project: Monitor Project performance evaluation once it compares the
Evaluate Staff Status planned effort and the actual effort spent on
Performance project activities.
Human Project Management: Develop Partially covered. Although RUP has activities
Resources: Software Development Plan: regarding to project staffing it does not provide
Establish Team Define Project Organization and any activity with an organizational concern.
Requirements Staffing
Project Management: Manage
Iteration: Acquire Staff
Human Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
Asset Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP.
Reuse Program • Not covered There is no specific activity in RUP. RUP does
Management not provide a systematic program for reuse (only
at the project level).
Domain Business Modeling: Develop a Partially covered. RUP has a specific activity to
Engineering Domain Model develop a domain model, but it does not have any
other activity specifically related to asset
provision or asset maintenance.