5e Player Reference Screen - Icarus Games
5e Player Reference Screen - Icarus Games
5e Player Reference Screen - Icarus Games
ABILITY PROFICIENCY OTHER all cost 1 foot of extra movement per foot moved,
D20 +
(If proficient)
unless you have a dedicated movement speed
for that movement type.
Can't see. Auto-fail ability checks
Note: Unless a rule says otherwise, results are POTIONS Blinded that require sight. DisAdv. on
always rounded down to the nearest whole Potion of Healing 2d4+2 attack rolls. Attackers have Adv.
number when they are divided. You can use your action to do one of the Cannot attack or target charmer
following each turn: Potion of Greater Healing 4d4+4 with harmful spells & effects.
Make an attack with a weapon, cast a spell, dash Charmed
Potion of Superior Healing 8d4+8 Charmer has Adv. on social
2 ADVANTAGE & DISADVANTAGE up to your movement distance, disengage from
combat to avoid attacks of opportunity, dodge to Potion of Supreme Healing 10d4+20 Deafened
Auto fail all ability checks that
impose disadvantage on melee attacks made require hearing.
Advantage (ADV): Roll 2d20 against you, help an ally within 5 feet by granting EXHAUSTION
and use the highest result. DisAdv. on ability checks & attack
them advantage, hide by making a Dexterity Level Effect rolls while source of fear within
(Stealth) check, or ready an action. Frightened
Disadvantage (DISADV): Roll 2d20 and use the sight. Cannot move willingly
You can also freely interact with one object per turn 1 Disadvantage on ability checks towards the source of fear.
lower result.
BONUS ACTION 2 Speed Halved Attack action. Athletics vs
Disadvantage on attack rolls and Athletics/Acrobatics. Speed of 0ft.
Some abilities use your bonus action. You can 3 Grappled
when grappled. Athletics/
3 PROFICIENCY BONUS only take a bonus action on your turn if you have
an applicable ability. 4
saving throws
Hit point maximum halved Acrobatics vs Athletics to escape.
Incapacitated Cannot take actions/reactions.
Your proficiency bonus (PB) is added to any skill REACTION 5 Speed reduced to 0
check, ability save, or attack roll when you are Heavily Obscured. Adv. on attack
Certain abilities allow you to take a reaction, Invisible
proficient in the skill/item you are using. 6 Death rolls. Attackers have DisAdv.
which happens instantly, even if it isn't your turn. Incapacitated. Cannot move or
Level Proficiency Bonus The most common reactions are attacks of RESTING speak. Auto fail STR and DEX
opportunities or casting a spell with a casting Paralyzed
1-4 +2 Short Rest saves. Attackers have Adv. and
time of 1 reaction. You can only make one attacks within 5ft auto crit.
5-8 +3 reaction per round of combat. Minimum of 1 hour of downtime. No strenuous
9-12 +4 actions. Spend available Hit Dice to heal. Weight increases x10. Does not
age. Incapacitated. Cannot move
13-16 +5 Long Rest or speak. Unaware of
17+ +6 6 SPELLCASTING 8 hours of downtime within one 24 hour period. 6
of sleep, 2 of light activity. Regain all HP. Regain
surroundings. Auto fail STR and
Petrified DEX saves. Attackers have Adv.
CONCENTRATION up to 1/2 spent Hit Dice. Reduce Exhaustion by 1. Resistance to all damage. Poisons
4 COVER & OBSCUREMENT Some spells require concentration to maintain.
When you suffer damage while concentrating on SPENDING HIT DICE
& disease suspended for duration
and creature becomes immune to
HALF COVER a spell, you must make a CON saving throw for Your hit dice are determined by your class. When both.
An obstacle that blocks at least half your body, each source of damage where the DC equals 10 you complete a short rest, you can spend up to DisAdv. on attack rolls and ability
such as a low wall, a large piece of furniture, or or half the damage you take, whichever number your hit dice maximum to heal. For each hit die Poisoned
another creature, grants a +2 to AC and is higher spent in this way, rolls the corresponding die and
Dexterity Saving Throws. add your CON mod. You regain hit points equal Crawl or stand up. DisAdv. on
SPELL SAVE DC to the total. Prone attack rolls. Attack roll within 5ft.
THREE-QUARTERS COVER Your spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus has Adv, otherwise has DisAdv.
When your body is three-quarters covered by an + your spellcasting ability modifier. DEATH SAVES
Speed 0. DisAdv on attack rolls
obstacle, you gain a +5 bonus to AC and When you start a turn with 0 HP you must make
a death saving throw. Roll a d20. If the roll is 10 Restrained and DEX saves. Attackers have
Dexterity saving throws. SPELL ATTACK MODIFIER
or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. On Adv.
Your spell attack modifier = your proficiency
bonus + your spellcasting ability modifier. your third success you become stable, and on Incapacitated. Can't move.
When in a lightly obscured area, such as dim your third failure you die. Impaired speech. Auto fail STR
light, patchy fog, or moderate foliage, creatures Stunned
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) On your turn, you can cast two spells so long as Adv.
checks that rely on sight A roll of 1 equals 2 failures, a roll of 20 grants
one of them has a casting time of 1 bonus you 1 hit point. If you take any damage while you Incapacitated. Cannot move or
action, and the second spell is a cantrip with a have 0 hit points, you suffer a death saving throw speak. Unaware of surroundings.
casting time of 1 action. failure, or 2 on a critical hit. Drops items held. Falls prone.
A heavily obscured area, such as darkness, opaque Unconscious
fog, or dense foliage, blocks vision entirely. A Auto fail STR and DEX saves.
creature effectively suffers from the blinded You may still use your reaction to cast a spell Attackers have Adv. Attack roll
condition when trying to see something in that area. with a casting time of 1 reaction. within 5ft. auto crit.