Meena Asmar
This review has been accepted as a thesis together with 3 previously published
there is a major need to develop new anti-obesity drugs. The
papers by University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 11th of May 2010 and defended on ideal anti-obesity agent resulting in large and sustained body
31th of May 2010. weight losses without side-effects has not yet been found (7;8).
An encouraging new approach for development of future anti-
Tutor(s): Jens Juul Holst, Jens Bülow and Sten Madsbad. obesity and anti-diabetic drugs is based on analogues of the
incretin hormones, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-
Official opponents: Kjeld Hermansen, Thure Krarup and Jens Høiriis Nielsen
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) (9;10). These hor-
Correspondence: Department of Biomedical Sciences, The Panum Institute, Univer- mones are nature’s regulators of postprandial insulin secretion,
sity of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark forming the endocrine part of the so-called “entero-insular axis”.
The incretin hormones may account for up to 70% of meal-
E-mail: [email protected]
induced insulin release in man, and thereby they indirectly facili-
tate the uptake of glucose in muscle, liver and adipose tissue (11).
Besides stimulating insulin release and glucose-uptake, GLP-1 and
Dan Med Bull 2011;58: (2) B 4248
GIP also stimulate insulin gene-transcription, increase pancreatic
β-cell mass and protect against β-cell apoptosis (12). Moreover,
the potential of GLP-1 to slow gastric emptying, and to reduce
The three original papers are: appetite and food intake makes it an attractive tool in the fight
against obesity, and several companies are developing weight-
1. Asmar M, Bache M, Knop FK, Madsbad S, Holst lowering drugs based on GLP-1 (10) . Interestingly, another pep-
JJ: Do the actions of GLP-1 on gastric emptying, appetite and tide, amylin, co-secreted with insulin, exerts very similar effects
food intake involve release of amylin in humans? J Clin Endocrinol on gastric emptying, appetite and food intake in humans (13).
Metab. 2010 May; 95(5):2367-75 Currently, it is not known whether the inhibiting effects of GLP-1
on gastric emptying, appetite and food intake are directly medi-
2. Asmar M, Tangaa W, Madsbad S, Hare KJ, Astrup A, Flint A, ated by GLP-1, or if they are secondary to the robust insulin re-
Bülow J and Holst JJ: On the role of glucose-dependent insulino- sponses, and thereby amylin responses, elicited by GLP-1. Hence
tropic polypeptide, GIP, in postprandial metabolism in humans. this PhD thesis seeks to further elucidate the mechanisms of
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2010 Mar; 298(3):E614-21 these effects in order to strengthen the development of anti-
diabetic drugs with potential weight lowering capabilities.
3. Asmar M, Simonsen L, Madsbad S, Stallknecht B, Holst JJ and GIP, too, has actions other than its physiological glucose-
Bülow J: GIP enhances fatty acid re-esterification in subcutane- dependent insulinotropic actions. In vitro and animal studies
ous, abdominal adipose tissue in lean humans. Diabetes 2010, indicate that GIP exerts direct effects on adipose tissue and lipid
Sep;59(9):2160-3. metabolism, promoting fat deposition. Due to the therapeutic
potential in obesity treatment, a rapidly increasing number of
functional studies are investigating effects of acute and chronic
INTRODUCTION loss of GIP signaling in glucose and lipid homeostasis. However,
The global obesity epidemic resulting from a combination of the physiological significance of GIP as a regulator of lipid me-
genetic susceptibility, increased availability of high-energy foods tabolism in humans remains unclear. In this thesis, there is a
and decreased requirement for physical activity in modern soci- special emphasis on the role of GIP in the regulation of lipid me-
ety. Obesity and excess weight are major risk factors for chronic tabolism in humans.
diseases, including type 2 diabetes (1), cardiovascular diseases
(2), hypertension and stroke (3) , and certain forms of cancer (4- BACKGROUND
6). The health consequences range from increased risk of prema-
ture death, to serious chronic conditions that reduce the overall The incretin hormones and amylin
quality of life. Importantly, body weight reduction in the range of The following sections provide an overview of GLP-1, GIP and
10% is associated with significant improvements in a wide range amylin history, metabolism and receptors. The effects of GLP-1
of co-morbid conditions. Unfortunately, lifestyle interventions and amylin on glucagon, gastric emptying, food intake and appe-
alone rarely result in long-term weight reduction, and hence, tite, and the effects of GIP on fat metabolism and adipose tissue
blood flow will be described.
homologous to glucagon and thus were named glucagon-like
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide peptide 1 and glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) (37). Based on their
History; In 1971, a peptide hormone, named gastric inhibitory homology to glucagon, both peptides were tested for insulino-
polypeptide (GIP) was isolated from porcine intestine (14), based tropic activity, but only GLP-1 was capable of stimulating insulin
on its ability to inhibit gastric acid secretion in dogs (15). Subse- secretion (38).
quent studies, however, demonstrated a glucose-dependent
stimulation of insulin secretion by GIP in animals and humans, Synthesis and secretion; GLP-1 is secreted from intestinal endo-
suggesting an incretin role for the peptide (16;17). Because a crine L-cells which are most frequent in the ileum and colon (39).
physiological action of GIP to inhibit gastric acid secretion in man However, immuno-reactive GLP-1 cells have been found through-
could not be demonstrated as opposed to its incretin action, GIP out the entire small intestine, and co-localization of GLP-1 and
was renamed glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, thus GIP in cells in the mid-small intestine suggests that cells capable
retaining the acronym. of releasing both GIP and GLP-1 also exist (19). The major physio-
logical stimulus to L cells is nutrient ingestion, with circulating
Synthesis and secretion; GIP is synthesized within and released levels rising by two- or threefold in response to a mixed meal in
from K-cells, the majority of which are located in the duodenum humans (40). Simple carbohydrates, fats and whey proteins also
and proximal jejunum, but with smaller numbers also occurring stimulate GLP-1 secretion (41;42). That L cells respond to nutri-
throughout the entire small intestine (18;19). GIP is secreted in ents is not unexpected, as numerous immunohistochemical stud-
response to nutrient ingestion, especially glucose or fat (20;21), ies have demonstrated that they are “open” type epithelial cells
where fat is the most potent stimulator of GIP secretion in hu- that make contact with the luminal contents at their apical sur-
mans (22). Postprandial responses of GIP to a meal are propor- faces (43). The secretion profile of GLP-1 is sometimes biphasic
tional to its caloric value and rate of nutrient delivery into the starting with an early (within 10-15 min) phase that is followed by
intestine. More specifically, it is the rate of nutrient absorption a longer (30-60 min) second phase, and it has been suggested
rather than the mere presence of nutrients in the intestine that that the stimulus for the early postprandial peak of GLP-1 is me-
stimulates GIP release (23). Thus, GIP secretion is reduced in diated indirectly through a neuroendocrine pathway. However,
individuals with intestinal malabsorption or after the administra- this was questioned in recent extensive studies employing both
tion of pharmacological agents that reduce nutrient absorption isolated perfused porcine ileum and intact pigs, and using a vari-
(24;25). Glucose, administered either orally or intraduodenally to ety of active agents as well as electrical stimulation of the ab-
humans results in rapid release of GIP, with levels reaching a peak dominal vagal trunks to investigate the importance of the neural
within 15 to 30 minutes and returning to fasting values with a regulation (44;45). It was demonstrated that the sympathetic
similar time course to circulating glucose and insulin (3h) (22;26). innervation to the gut is inhibitory for GLP-1 secretion, whereas
The GIP response to oral or intraduodenal fat is slower and more the extrinsic vagal innervations had no effect. Intrinsic, cholinergic
prolonged than with glucose, partly due to delayed gastric empty- activity may play a minor role. As already pointed out, there are L-
ing (22;27). cells in the proximal jejunum, and these may very well be respon-
sible for the early response. Multiple forms of GLP-1 are secreted
Degradation and elimination; The half-life of intact biologically in vivo, including GLP-1 (1-37) and GLP-1 (1-36) amide, which are
active GIP is approximately 7 minutes in healthy subjects (28). thought to be inactive and GLP-1 (7-37) and GLP-1 (7-36) amide,
Rapidly after its release, GIP (1-42) is degraded by the enzyme which are biologically active. In humans, GLP-1 (7-36) amide is the
dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP IV), which cleaves two amino acids predominantly released product (46).
from the N terminus of the GIP molecule, resulting in the genera-
tion of the inactive metabolite GIP (3-42). The observations that Degradation and elimination; The half-life of intact GLP-1 is less
GIP levels are increased in uremic patients or individuals with than 2 minutes in the circulation owing to rapid degradation. GLP-
chronic renal failure, together with impaired GIP clearance in 1 is extremely susceptible to the catalytic activity of DPP-4, which
nephrectomized rats, points to the kidney as the major route of cleaves off the two NH2 terminal amino acids (47). The metabo-
GIP clearance (29). lite thus generated, GLP-1 (9-37) or GLP-1 (9-36) amide is inactive
with respect to insulin secretion. There is some evidence that the
Receptor; The GIP receptor (GIPR) was initially cloned from a rat metabolite may have some activity in the cardiovascular system.
cerebral cortex cDNA library (30) and was followed by the cloning A large part of the GLP-1 that leaves the gut has already been
of the hamster (31) and human GIPRs (32). The GIPR gene is degraded to the metabolite, such that less than 25% of newly
expressed in the pancreas, stomach, small intestine, adipose secreted GLP-1 enters the portal vein in intact, insulinotropic
tissue, adrenal cortex, pituitary, heart, testis, endothelial cells, form (48). A similar degradation amounting to ~40-50% takes
bone cells, trachea, spleen, thymus, lung, kidney, thyroid and place in the liver, and it can be calculated that only ~10-15% of
several regions in the brain (30;33;34). GIPR is a member of the 7- newly secreted GLP-1 reaches the systemic circulation in the
transmembrane-spanning G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) intact form (49). In agreement with this, the concentrations of
family (30;35). Activation of GIPR signaling is coupled to increases intact GLP-1 in plasma are very low (50). The metabolite is also
in cAMP and intracellular Ca2+ levels, as well as activation of PI- cleared rapidly, mainly in the kidneys, with a half-life of 4-5 min
3K, PKA, PKB, MAPK, and phospolipase A2 (36). (29).
Glucagon like peptide-1 Receptor; As for GIP, the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) belongs to the
History; In 1983, the discovery of a second incretin hormone, family of 7-transmembrane-spanning G-protein-coupled recep-
glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1), followed the cloning and se- tors (51). GLP-1 receptors have been found in various organs
quencing of mammalian proglucagon genes and complementary including pancreatic islets, lung, heart, kidney, stomach, intestine,
DNAs (cDNAs). In addition to glucagon, the proglucagon gene pituitary, skin, nodose ganglion neurons of the vagus nerve, and
turned out to encode 2 peptides that are approximately 50% several regions of the CNS, including the hypothalamus, amygdala
and brainstem. The GLP-1R is capable of signaling through Gαs lease with glucose or nonglucose secretagogues are closer to 1%
subunit as well as additional G protein subunits such as Gαq, Gαo that of insulin (70;72;73).
and Gαi, leading to increases in intracellular cAMP and Ca2+ The co-localization and co-secretion of insulin and amylin are
concentrations and activation of downstream pathways, including consistent with the concordance of deficiencies in amylin and
PKA, PKC, PI-3K, Epac2 and MAPK signaling pathway (51-53). insulin secretion observed with the progression of diabetes melli-
tus. Like insulin, amylin is absent in patients with long-standing
Amylin type 1 diabetes, while it is elevated in obese subjects with normal
History; In 1901, Opie described a “hyaline” appearance within and impaired glucose tolerance and in patients with early, diet-
the islets of Langerhans from diabetic patients (54). The hyaline controlled type 2 diabetes, but decreased in patients in the later
material present in pancreata from diabetic patients was his- stages of type 2 diabetes (74).
tologically identified as amyloid (55). However, the phenomenon
was largely forgotten until the mid-1980s, when two groups of Degradation and elimination; Pharmacokinetic studies of amylin
researchers, working independently, characterized the nature of in humans either have been restricted to pramlintide (75;76) or
the amyloid deposits in samples of pancreas taken post mortem have reported parameters derived for endogenous amylin by
from patients with type 2 diabetes, and identified the key com- fitting pharmacokinetic models to concentration profiles (77).
ponent as the peptide amylin (56;57). After subcutaneous administration of high doses of pramalintide,
t½ ranged from 26±8 to 42±2 min. After intravenous bolus doses
Synthesis and secretion; Amylin is a 37-amino acid peptide that and continuous intravenous infusions, terminal half lives were 21-
has approximately 50% sequence identity to calcitonin gene- 47 and 20-46 min, respectively and clearances were ~ 1 L/min
related peptide (CGRP). It is also structurally related to calcitonin, (75). In one study in which human amylin was injected, modeled
and belongs to the family of peptides which also includes calci- t½ was 9.5 min and volume distribution was 45 ml/kg (77). As
tonin and adrenomedullin (58). Amylin is produced in the pancre- mentioned, amylin is cleared mainly by proteolytic degradation at
atic β cells as a 89 amino acid preprohormone (59), which is proc- the kidney (71).
essed within β-cell secretory granules to become the 37 amino
acid hormone (60). Processing of amylin preprohormone includes Receptor; The enigma of the amylin receptor was solved following
cleavage of both C- and N-terminal flanking peptides (59) by the the identification of receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs)
prohormone convertases PC2 (61) and PC3 (62). Posttranslational (78). When associated with a calcitonin receptor, these single
processing includes amidation at the C terminal (63) and forma- transmembrane spanning molecules alter their pharmacology
tion of a disulphide loop between Cys-2 and Cys-7 (56). After this, from calcitonin-preferring to amylin-preferring (79). With at least
the transformation from the precursor protein pro-amylin to the two forms of the calcitonin receptor and three forms of RAMP,
biologically active amylin is complete (60). The disulphide bridge there is the potential for six subtypes of amylin receptor (79).
between the cysteine residues at positions 2 and 7 is thought to
be responsible for amyloid formation in humans (64). Study of
amylin has been complicated by the fact that human amylin has Physiological effects of GIP, GLP-1 and amylin
an inherent tendency to self-aggregate in solutions, to form fi-
brils, with subsequent loss of activity, and to adhere to surfaces. Effects of GLP-1 on glucagon, gastric emptying, food intake and
This prompted Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc to develop an ana- appetite.
logue named Pramlintide, where the amino-acid residues at GLP-1’s major physiological role lies in its strictly glucose-
positions 25, 28 and 29 are replaced with proline, which pro- dependent stimulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic β
motes stability in solution and preservation of biological activity cells. Furthermore, GLP-1 stimulates β cell proliferation and en-
(65). Most of the biology of human amylin in humans has there- hances differentiation of new β cells from progenitor cells in the
fore been deduced from responses to pramlintide. Only one pancreatic duct epithelium. It also increases insulin biosynthesis
previous study in rats has documented that Pramlintide retained and suppresses glucagon secretion, inhibits gastric emptying,
the full spectrum of biological actions and pharmacokinetic and enhances satiety and reduces caloric intake (80).
pharmacodynamic properties of amylin (66).
Early descriptions of a concordance of secretory patterns of Glucagon secretion; GLP-1 reduces plasma levels of glucagon in
amylin and insulin in humans were interpreted as evidence of both healthy subjects as well as in subjects with type 1 and type 2
their co-secretion (67). It has been shown that factors that modu- diabetes (81). This effect of GLP-1 contributes to lowering plasma
late insulin secretion also appear to cause an obligatory modula- glucose levels as a result of the reduction in hepatic glucose out-
tion of amylin secretion. This was true for stimulation of secretion put. Indeed, administration of exogenous GLP-1 to patients with
by glucose, arginine and carbachol and was true for inhibition of type 1 diabetes led to reductions in fasting hyperglycemia via its
secretion by somatostatin (68). Although there is notable similar- glucagonostatic action (82). Similar to the GLP-1 effects on insulin
ity of plasma concentration profiles of amylin and insulin, amylin secretion, this glucagonostatic action of GLP-1 depends on glu-
levels are only 10-15% those of insulin in the fasting state (69;70). cose levels (83). Its inhibitory effect on glucagon secretion is
The plasma clearance rates of amylin and insulin differ, with normally lost below normal fasting glucose levels, thereby reduc-
amylin being cleared more slowly than insulin and at a compara- ing the risk for developing hypoglycemia. By using the GLP-1
ble rate to C-peptide. This is consistent with the fact that amylin, antagonist exendin(9-39), the role of endogenous GLP-1 in inhibi-
like C-peptide, is cleared through the kidney (71). This difference tion of glucagon secretion has been elucidated. Human studies
in clearance rates of amylin and insulin contributes to the fasting showed that exendin(9-39) dose-dependently blocks the inhibi-
amylin:insulin ratio being higher than that observed shortly after tion of glucagon by GLP-1 (42;84). This was accompanied by ele-
the release of these peptides from the β cell. Thus, amylin plasma vated blood glucose levels.
levels immediately after acute stimulation of β cell peptide re- The exact mechanism of GLP-1-induced inhibition of glucagon
secretion has not been completely elucidated. GLP-1 is able to
inhibit glucagon secretion and hereby lower glucose in type 1 hepatic portal vein (HPV). It has been demonstrated that either
diabetic patients without residual β-cell function (82), indicating total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (100) or selective vagal
that a paracrine inhibitory effect of insulin or other β-cell prod- deafferentiation(101) prevents intraperitoneal (ip) injected GLP-
ucts is not essential. In contrast, GLP-1 has been reported to 1-induced anorexia. Recent pharmacological studies using ex-
stimulate glucagon secretion in isolated rat pancreatic α-cells endin(9-39) provide further support for this view. Peripherally
(85), making a direct inhibitory effect on the α-cells less likely. administered exendin(9-39) increases food intake when delivered
Instead, GLP-1 may act by stimulating the secretion of soma- to satiated rats and also blocks the satiety induced by nutrient
tostatin, which in turn may inhibit glucagon secretion (86). preloads (102). These effects appear to be based on ip adminis-
tered exendin(9-39)’s ability to block peripheral GLP-1R, because
Gastric emptying; Postprandial glucose homeostasis is deter- the same dose of ip exendin(9-39) that blocked the anorexic
mined not only by the stimulation of insulin secretion and the effect of systemic GLP-1 failed to blunt the anorexic effect of CNS
suppression of hepatic glucose production, but also by the veloc- GLP-1 administration. Conversely, intracerebroventricular (icv)
ity of gastric emptying (87). The inhibitory function of GLP-1 on exendin(9-39) blocked the feeding-inhibitory effect of icv GLP-1
gastric emptying confirms the role of GLP-1 as an important en- but failed to attenuate peripheral GLP-1-induced anorexia (102).
terogastrone (88). The effect of GLP-1 on gastric emptying is dose Taken together, these data support the idea that GLP-1 released
dependent and highly significant at physiological concentrations by the intestine promotes satiety by activating peripheral GLP-1R,
of approximately 25 pM (89). GLP-1 inhibits antro-pyloro- whereas neuronal GLP-1 affects feeding through GLP-1R in the
duodenal motility (90) as well as tone of the gastric fundus, while brain. It is clear that brain GLP-1 is involved in food intake and
stimulating the pyloric tone (91), thus slowing the transfer of appetite. Thus, early studies demonstrated that the icv admini-
nutrients to the distal gut, the so called “ileal brake” effect. The stration of GLP-1 inhibited appetite and food intake (103;104),
mechanisms by which GLP-1 inhibits gastric emptying appear to while gastric distension has been shown to increase the activity of
be complex and to involve communication with the central and neurons (expression of c-Fos) in the brainstem that produce GLP-
the peripheral nervous systems. GLP-1 receptors are expressed in 1 (105). Recently, Shick and colleagues identified the lateral,
the stomach on gastric parietal cells (92), but these are stimula- dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamus to be involved in
tory, indicating that GLP-1 cannot inhibit gastric secretion via the mediation of satiety effects (106). In addition, destruction of
direct mechanisms. Central administration of GLP has also been the arcuate nucleas and other regional hypothalamic regions that
shown to delay gastric emptying (93). However, the inhibition of are involved in the regulation of food intake (107) abolished the
GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) signaling with exendin(9-39) or vagal inhibitory effect of icv administered GLP-1 on food intake and
afferent denervation abolished the inhibitory effect of centrally appetite (108).
and peripherally administered GLP-1 on gastric emptying, indicat-
ing that vagal afferent nerves mediate the inhibitory action of
GLP-1 on gastric motility (93;94) In addition, although GLP-1 is Effects of amylin on glucagon, gastric emptying, food intake and
capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier (bbb) and directly appetite.
accessing the CNS, high-molecular-weight GLP-1R agonists, such Amylin may complement the effects of insulin on postprandial
as albumin-bound GLP-1 that presumably do not cross the blood- glucose excursions by several mechanisms. These include the
brain barrier, are still capable of inhibiting gastric emptying (95), inhibition of postprandial glucagon secretion, slowing the rate of
thus underscoring the importance of ascending neural pathways gastric emptying and suppressing food intake and appetite.
for GLP-1R agonist-dependent control of gastric emptying. Taken
together, these data suggest that the inhibitory effect of GLP-1 on Inhibition of glucagon; several lines of evidence support a physio-
gastric emptying is mediated by the vagus nerve and involves logical glucagonostatic effect. Amylin infusions dose-dependently
GLP-1 receptors located in the CNS and/or on vagal afferent fibers inhibited arginine-stimulated glucagon secretion in rats with an
that relay sensory information to the brainstem. EC50 that approached endogenous amylin concentrations (109).
In studies in patients with diabetes, exaggerated postprandial
Food intake and appetite; Flint et al reported a 21% reduction in glucagon profiles were ameliorated by pramlintide at doses re-
food intake as well as an increase in satiety and fullness during sulting in physiological amylin concentration (110;111). Recently,
GLP-1 administration in healthy human subjects (96), and similar Gedulin and colleagues demonstrated that amylin receptor block-
results were obtained in patients with type 2 diabetes (97). The ade with AC187 in rats increased glucagon secretion, fitting with
mean reduction in energy intake observed during GLP-1 infusion the notion that endogenous amylin plays a physiological role in
in different studies was 12% (98). In a long-term study with the postprandial glucagon regulation (112). However, during hypogly-
subcutaneous infusion for over 6 weeks in patients with type 2 cemia the suppressive effect of amylin on glucagon was not ob-
diabetes, GLP-1 treatment caused a progressive and sustained served (113;114).
weight reduction of 1.9 kg (99). However, the mechanisms by Knowledge of the mechanism by which amylin inhibits nutrient-
which GLP-1 inhibits food intake and appetite remain unclear. stimulated glucagon secretion is still incomplete. While in the
Substantial evidence suggests that brain GLP-1 and GLP-1R play a isolated perfused rat pancreas, amylin failed to inhibit glucagon
role in the control of feeding, as do peripheral GLP-1 and GLP-1R. secretion (114;115), another study reported that amylin totally
Different studies support the view that peripheral GLP-1 reduces inhibits insulin, glucagon and somatostatin secretion following
food intake through an effect on peripheral GLP-1R. The albumin- arginine stimulation (116). Alternatively, the effect of amylin on
bound GLP-1 does not cross the bbb, as mentioned, but still re- glucagon secretion could be mediated through the autonomic
duces feeding when administered systemically (95). Although nervous system, in analogy with the vagally mediated effect of
GLP-1 can cross bbb, several lines of evidence suggest that pe- amylin on gastric emptying (117). In this context, it is of interest
ripheral GLP acts to reduce food intake primarily via vagal affer- that binding of amylin has been demonstrated in the area
ent activation. GLP-1R mRNA is expressed in the nodose ganglion postrema in the hindbrain of the rat, involving the dorsal motor
and GLP-1R has been observed on vagal terminals innervating the nucleus of the vagus (118). Although it is presently unknown
whether the glucagonostatic effect of amylin is mediated through with lesions in the area postrema region, none of the techniques
the vagus nerve, it is well known that autonomic innervation of that block neural afferent information from the periphery to the
alpha cells has an important role in the regulation of glucagon brain was able to abolish the anorectic action of peripheral amylin
secretion (119). (132).
Feeding studies have been complemented by electrophysiological
Inhibition of gastric emptying; Amylin and/or pramlintide have and immunohistochemical studies (133;134). A direct, dose-
been shown to inhibit gastric emptying in animals (120) and in dependent stimulating effect of amylin on area postrema neurons
humans, including non-diabetic subjects, as well as those with underlines their sensitivity to amylin. Further, peripheral amylin
type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (13;121). Several lines of produced a strong expression of the immediate early gene prod-
evidence obtained in clinical and animal studies point to modula- uct c-Fos protein as a marker of neuronal activation in area
tion of gastric emptying being a physiological action of amylin postrema neurons (133).
secreted in response to meals. The evidence includes 1. a dose
response relationship where doses were associated with physio- Effects of GIP on fat metabolism and adipose tissue blood flow.
logical concentration changes (13;121), 2. an accelerated gastric In addition to GIP’s strong insulinotropic effect, a role of GIP in
emptying in amylin-deficient models (122), and 3. an accelerated the regulation of lipid homeostasis and in the development of
gastric emptying during amylin receptor blockade (112). The obesity has been inferred from different animal studies.
potential mechanisms by which pramlintide/amylin delay gastric
emptying are either a direct effect on the stomach or an effect on Fat metabolism; It has been observed that GIP secretion is
the CNS. Because no amylin receptors have been identified in the potently stimulated by lipids and that postprandial GIP levels
stomach, a direct effect of amylin on the stomach seems unlikely, seem to be higher in the obese subjects (50;135). Furthermore
whereas several lines of evidence support the proposal that high-fat feeding in rodents has been demonstrated to induce K
amylin’s gastric effects involve the area postrema. Studies in rat cell hyperplasia and enhance GIP gene expression and intestinal
brain have revealed the presence of amylin receptors in the area GIP content, resulting in elevated circulating GIP concentrations
postrema (123), and amylin’s gastric effects are abolished in rats (136). Hence, it was hypothesized that GIP may be a mediator of
in which this structure is lesioned (124). In addition, an intact delivery of fat to the adipose tissue, and thereby function as a link
vagus nerve is necessary for amylin to slow gastric emptying. In between food intake and obesity. In agreement with GIP as a
rats, that underwent total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, amylin regulator of fat metabolism, GIP infusion was found to increase
was no longer effective at inhibiting gastric emptying (117). chylomicron clearance from plasma in dogs (137) and lower
plasma triglyceride levels after an intraduodenal fat infusion in
Inhibition of food intake and appetite; In addition to its effect on rats, whereas immunoneutralization of endogenous GIP resulted
glucagon secretion and the rate of gastric emptying, amylin ap- in decreased clearance of triglycerides (138). However, a similar
pears to affect appetite and food intake. The effects of acute effect could not be demonstrated in response to an intravenous
administration of amylin on satiety were recently evaluated in lipid infusion in dogs or humans (139;140). Jorde and colleagues
patients with type 2 diabetes and in obese non-diabetic subjects studied the effect of porcine GIP on clearance of plasma triglyc-
(125). Subjects were fasted overnight, and given placebo or pram- erides after a 2-min intravenous Intralipid® infusion for a period
lintide subcutaneously, followed immediately by a liquid preload of 25 minutes in 6 subjects (139). In this study, GIP failed to mod-
meal. They were then offered an ad libitum buffet meal 60 min ify plasma triglycerides levels.
later. Pramlintide reduced energy intake substantially in both Nevertheless, several studies investigating effects of GIP in adipo-
diabetic (202 kcal; 23%) and obese (170 kcal; 16 %) subjects with- cyte cell lines or explants have reported that GIP directly regu-
out affecting meal duration or inducing nausea. More recently, lates adipocyte metabolism. In agreement with a direct effect of
the same group assessed the acute effects of a more physiological GIP, adipocytes have been reported to express GIP receptors (34).
dose of pramlintide in healthy subjects of normal weight (126). Furthermore, the effect of GIP in perfused isolated adipocytes
Using a comparable study design, treatment with pramlintide was could be blocked by a GIP receptor antagonist (141). Studies in
shown to reduce total energy intake by 221 kcal, or 14%, support- isolated adipocytes, adipose tissue explants and the pre-
ing a physiological role of amylin in appetite control. Amylin has adipocyte cell line, 3T3-L1, have reported that GIP mediates up-
been shown to inhibit feeding by facilitating meal-ending satiety. take of glucose and fatty acids (142-144), stimulates lipoprotein
Amylin injections in food-deprived rats reduced the size of the lipase activity (LPL) (145-147) and inhibits catecholamine and
first post deprivation meal without affecting intra-meal feeding glucagon stimulated lipolysis (141;142). Some studies have found
rate or the size or timing of subsequent meals (127). The observa- insulin independent effects whereas others investigating con-
tion that amylin does not cause a conditioned taste aversion comitant effects of GIP and insulin found that GIP mainly potenti-
indicates that the reduction in food intake was not secondary to ated insulin mediated effects. In rats, GIP alone induced a limited
malaise, but likely represented pleasurable meal-termination increase in fatty acid incorporation into adipose tissue, while in
satiety (127). the presence of insulin, the effect was significantly enhanced
The most important argument indicating that amylin is a physio- (144). Miyawaki et al demonstrated that GIP stimulates insulin
logical regulator of meal size is provided by studies showing that induced glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocyte cell lines, but GIP
peripherally or centrally delivered amylin antagonists produce an had no effect when given alone (148). Starich et al. reported that
effect opposite to that of amylin, i.e. an increase in eating, mainly GIP potentiated insulin mediated glucose uptake in rat adipocytes
via a meal size effect (128;129). In the latter study, the amylin and increased insulin receptor affinity (149). In recent studies,
antagonist AC 187 was infused directly into the area postrema McIntosh and coworkers looked further into mechanisms by
(128). Several experimental studies support the idea that the which GIP could promote uptake of triglycerides to adipose tissue
satiating effect of peripheral amylin is mediated by direct hu- (146). They showed that in the presence of constant insulin levels,
moral action on the area postrema (128;130;131). Behavioral GIP was able to stimulate LPL activity in a dose dependent man-
studies showed that whereas amylin’s effect is abolished in rats ner in 3T3-L1 and human subcutaneous adipocytes, resulting in
increased intracellular triglyceride concentrations. In both ex- negative, as assessed by glucagon test. Their HbA1C levels were
perimental systems, a similar signaling pathway involving in- 7.6±0.8% (mean±SD) and mean duration of disease was 9.5±3.4
creased phosphorylation of protein kinase B (PKB) and reduced years. None had overt diabetic complications or other somatic
phosphorylation of LKB1 and AMP-activated protein kinase illness. All received long acting insulin supplemented with fast
(AMPK) was involved. acting insulin. The patients continued their normal regimen of
long acting insulin, but did not take fast acting insulin in the
Adipose tissue blood flow (ATBF); Blood flow in adipose tissue morning of the experiments.
may be an important regulator of the metabolism in the tissue, The subjects were investigated in a randomized order on five
and the regulation of blood flow in adipose tissue is tightly linked different occasions during continuous infusion of two different
to local metabolic demands under varying conditions (150;151). doses of GLP-1 (1 pmol/kg/min and 0.4 pmol/kg/min, respec-
In lean, healthy individuals, adipose tissue blood flow (ATBF) is tively), amylin (0.3 pmol/kg/min), pramlintide (0.35 pmol/kg/min)
responsive to nutrient ingestion (152-154). The ATBF response to or saline and each infusion was maintained for a period of 270
nutrient intake may be of particular importance in the regulation min. The protocol included intake of a fixed meal to allow deter-
of metabolism by facilitating transport and deposition of nutri- mination of islet hormone responses as well as gastric emptying
ents, as well as signaling between adipose tissue and other me- rates (assessed by the paracetamol absorption method), followed
tabolically active tissues (155). The mechanisms by which ATBF is by a postprandial period in which we measured appetite ratings
regulated in the postprandial period are not clear. There are by visual analogue scales (VAS), and finally an ad libitum meal
many possible regulators of ATBF including neural and endocrine from which food intake could be evaluated. Because the T1DM
systems and ATBF may well be regulated by multiple factors at subjects had no beta cell secretion left, they depended on exoge-
the same time. Stimulation of vascular β-adrenoreceptors in the nous insulin, and in addition to their regular evening dose on the
subcutaneous adipose tissue is probably one of the mechanisms night before the experiments, they received infusions of fast
involved (156). It is controversial whether insulin per se regulates acting insulin as required to keep their PG levels around 7 mM, a
ATBF. Previous reports demonstrated that hyperinsulinemia value slightly lower than their fasting PG concentrations (8.9 mM)
under conditions of euglycemia (157;158) and hypoglycemia upon arrival to the laboratory. In this way excessive meal-induced
increased ATBF (159), but other studies could not reproduce glucose excursions as well as hypoglycemic episodes were
effects during euglycemia (159;160). Recently, a study reported avoided. To allow comparisons with the healthy controls, these
that ATBF was markedly higher during oral glucose than during were infused with glucose at variable rates in order to maintain
the i.v. insulin-glucose infusions (161), indicating that gastrointes- PG at similar levels.
tinal endocrine mediators could be involved in the induction of For the present study, we developed a reproducible, stable for-
the postprandial vasodilatation in adipose tissue. GLP-1 and GIP mulation of human amylin after having characterized the amyloid
are likely candidates for the postprandial increase in ATBF, but formation with respect to albumin concentration, pH and salt
GLP-1 was recently demonstrated not to influence ATBF in hu- concentration. To determine optimal conditions for prevention of
mans (162). To our knowledge, the effect of GIP on ATBF has not amyloid formation, amylin solutions were examined at different
been examined. The correlation between the postprandial vaso- pH values (4, 7 and 10), salt content (distilled water vs. 150 mM
dilatation in adipose tissue and the increase in circulating GIP NaCl), human serum albumin (HSA) concentrations (0.05 and
concentrations makes GIP a likely candidate eliciting the vasodila- 10%) and storage temperature (25, 4 and -20°C). Each experiment
tation. was performed at least three times. The tendency for amyloid
formation was tested both 5 hours after the solutions were made
and after repeated freezing and thawing of the solutions. Amyloid
STUDY 1 formation was measured using Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence, a
dye known to bind amylin amyloids (163;164). ThT fluorescence
DO THE ACTIONS OF GLP-1 ON GASTRIC EMPTYING; APPETITE increases in a solution of freshly reconstituted amylin as amyloid
AND FOOD INTAKE INVOLVE RELEASE OF AMYLIN IN HUMANS? fibrils grow. Measurements of amyloid formation were performed
at 5 µM ThT in buffer (10 mM sodium phosphate, 100 mM NaCl),
Background and aim; It has been postulated that the effects of and real-time emission intensities were measured at 482 nm with
GLP-1 on gastrointestinal secretion and motility and on appetite excitation at 450 nm at room temperature with excitation and
and food intake are mediated by the insulinotropic properties of emission slit widths of 5 nm using a Hitachi F2000 Spectrofluoro-
the hormone. As mentioned, during insulin secretion the peptide meter 000748.
amylin is co-secreted from the pancreatic beta-cells (67). Amylin
has, much like GLP-1, been shown to inhibit glucagon secretion
(109), delay gastric emptying (13) and reduce appetite and food SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
intake in humans. The aim of the first study was to investigate Our main purpose was to investigate the relationship between
whether the effects of GLP-1 on gastric emptying, appetite and the incretin hormone GLP-1 and the beta cell hormone amylin on
food intake are mediated directly or indirectly via release of gastric emptying, appetite and food intake. For this, intravenous
amylin. infusions of GLP-1 and amylin (and also the stabilized synthetic
analogue, pramlintide, for comparisons with natural amylin) were
Method; We enrolled 12 healthy subjects (aged 31±6, body mass carried out in both healthy subjects and C-peptide negative pa-
index (BMI) 23.5±1.3 kg/m2) and 11 patients with type 1 diabetes tients with T1DM. The latter were included in order to avoid
without residual beta-cell capacity (aged 31±7, BMI 23.2±1.1 contributions from endogenous amylin secretion. Indeed, in the
kg/m2). None of the healthy controls had a family history of T1DM patients, amylin concentrations were close to the detection
diabetes, all had normal oral glucose tolerance as assessed by 75 limit of the assay and did not increase in response to the applied
g oral glucose tolerance test, and none had islet cell or glutamate beta cell stimuli, including GLP-1.
decarboxylase-65 autoantibodies. The patients were C-peptide
The hormone levels obtained after the intravenous infusions cagon secretion. Indeed, the pattern of inhibition appeared to
corresponded well with what was intended. Thus, GLP-1 levels parallel the gastric emptying rates. An elucidation of the actions
after the low rate infusion corresponded to what may be ob- of amylin and GLP-1 on glucagon secretion will therefore require
served in subjects given large meals or having accelerated gastric additional studies.
emptying (165), while the levels after the higher rate corre- Interestingly, in the T1DM subjects, during both GLP-1 infusions,
sponded to those observed after “therapeutic” infusions in T2DM more glucose was required to maintain plasma glucose concen-
subjects (166). The amylin levels after meal ingestion were trations between 6 and 9 mM compared to amylin and pramlin-
roughly comparable to those observed in the T1DM subjects after tide infusions (P<0.05), independent of changes in glucagon se-
intravenous infusion, and corresponded closely to those observed cretion or gastric emptying. Additionally, less insulin was infused
during GLP-1 infusion. In this way, it was possible to compare the during the GLP-1 infusions. This indicates that GLP-1 has effects
effects of GLP-1 with (controls) and without amylin (T1DM), and on glucose disposal that are independent of the pancreatic hor-
to compare the responses to those elicited by amylin alone. In mones, an issue that has been intensely debated (80). One possi-
agreement with the absent contribution of endogenous amylin in ble explanation could be that the glucose-lowering effect of GLP-1
the T1DM patients, plasma levels were lower both in the basal is due to the metabolite GLP-1 (9-36) amide which is formed
state and during infusion. However, a minor difference in amylin rapidly during infusion of GLP-1 (167). GLP-1 (9-36) amide appears
clearance between patients and controls (higher in the former) to reduce postprandial glycaemia independently of gastric empty-
cannot be excluded, since the increases in plasma amylin concen- ing and insulin secretion in both experimental animals (168) and
trations during infusion appeared less in the patients compared humans (169).
to the controls. As mentioned earlier, very few studies have been carried using
The effects of GLP-1 in the T1DM patients corresponded to what natural amylin because of its tendency to form fibrils. Our formu-
is seen in healthy subjects (80). Both doses powerfully inhibited lation studies demonstrated that it was indeed possible to pre-
paracetamol absorption (gastric emptying), and inhibited subjec- pare human amylin in a way that prevented fibril formation,
tive appetite related parameters. In addition, food intake during which therefore allowed infusions of amylin in physiological rele-
the subsequent ad libitum meal was significantly reduced. It can vant amounts. This also allowed a determination of the short half-
therefore be concluded that these actions of GLP-1 are exerted life of human amylin in humans (namely around 8 min) and a
independently of amylin secretion. The results also document comparison between human amylin and pramlintide in humans,
that amylin and pramlintide in physiological concentrations have which has not been carried out before. The actions of pramlin-
very similar effects on each of these parameters (13;110;111). tide were rather similar to those of human amylin, confirming
GLP-1 infusions in the healthy subjects were associated with that the amino acid substitutions in the former have little influ-
significant stimulation of endogenous amylin secretion in parallel ence on its biological activities.
with a strong stimulation of insulin secretion (whereas the amylin In conclusion, GLP-1 mediates its effect on gastrointestinal motil-
infusions had no effect on meal-induced insulin secretion). The ity, appetite, food intake and glucagon secretion directly and
infusions again resulted in strong inhibition of gastric emptying as thereby in an amylin-independent fashion, but amylin may con-
well as food intake. Infusions of amylin (and pramlintide) to simi- tribute to these effects in healthy subjects. Pramlintide has the
lar levels as observed during GLP-1 infusion in these healthy same biological effect as human amylin.
control subjects also inhibited gastric emptying, appetite parame-
ters and food intake, but less so than GLP-1. During the GLP-1
infusions, the absolute food intake was significantly lower in the STUDY 2
healthy subjects compared to the T1DM subjects (P<0.03),
whereas the percentage changes from baseline (saline) between ON THE ROLE OF GLUCOSE-DEPENDENT INSULINOTROPIC POLY-
the groups were similar (P=0.13-0.15). Taken together, these PEPTIDE, GIP, IN POSTPRANDIAL METABOLISM IN HUMANS
results would indicate that part of the effect of GLP-1 is due to
the actions of amylin, released during stimulation of the beta Background and aim; As mentioned, in vitro and animal studies
cells. Our studies, therefore, suggest that amylin should be suggest that GIP might play a role in lipid metabolism, although
counted among physiological factors regulating gastric emptying, there is no clear evidence for this in humans. Therefore, in the
and food intake. In addition, part of the actions of GLP-1 mimetics present study, the effects of GIP on the plasma concentrations of
employed for treatment of T2DM are likely to be due to amylin to triglycerides (TAG) and free fatty acids (FFA) were evaluated in
the extent that the beta cells of these patients are still capable of healthy human subjects. Furthermore, the role of GIP in the regu-
releasing this hormone. lation of short term energy balance was evaluated. The study was
Both GLP-1 and amylin have been reported to inhibit glucagon divided into two parts. In protocol 1, we studied the effect of
secretion, an action that is thought to contribute importantly to intravenous infusions of GIP on gastric emptying, postprandial
the antidiabetic actions of these hormones. In the present study, concentrations of TAG and FFA (after ingestion of a fat-rich meal),
glucagon concentrations decreased significantly in the 30 min postprandial appetite sensations, energy expenditure and subse-
pre-meal period, regardless of the infusion protocol. Most likely quent ad libitum food intake. In this experiment, the fixed meal
this reflects the slightly hyperglycaemic clamp necessitated by the elicited a robust plasma GIP response. In order to avoid the influ-
inclusion of the T1DM subjects. On this background, it was not ence of endogenous GIP, protocol 2 consisted of intravenous
possible to distinguish any effects of amylin or GLP-1 on glucagon infusions of GIP with and without infusions of Intralipid® and/or
secretion. Both patients and controls responded positively to the glucose to mimic postprandial lipid and glycemic levels.
fixed meal ingestion during saline days, and both amylin, pramlin-
tide and in particular GLP-1 inhibited the response significantly. Method; For the first protocol we studied 20 healthy males; mean
However, since the same infusions also inhibited gastric emptying age: 26.2 years±3.2 (mean±SD), BMI: 23.2±1.7 kg/m2 and fat
rates, the reduced glucagon response might merely reflect this, mass 17.1±3.9%. We chose 20 subjects in the first protocol be-
rather than representing a direct effect of the hormones on glu- cause more than 18 subjects are needed to detect a difference of
10 % with regard to appetite changes (170). For the second pro- and an indirect effect based on the insulinotropic effect of GIP.
tocol, we studied 10 healthy young males; mean age: 25.1 years ± Several in vitro studies have shown that GIP exerts its effect on
2.5 and BMI: 22.8 ± 1.4 kg/m2. The subjects had normal levels of adipose tissue by both insulin-independent and -dependent
fasting plasma lipids. mechanisms (144;148;149). Recent data obtained in mice with a
In protocol 1, the subjects were investigated in a randomized GIP receptor knock-out showed that a high-fat diet did not lead to
order on two different occasions during continuous infusion of obesity in these animals (148). This could suggest that GIP acts as
either GLP-1 (0.8 pmol/kg/min) or saline and each infusion was an “insulin-sensitizer” in adipose tissue. However, adding GIP to
maintained for a period of 300 min. The protocol included inges- glucose and Intralipid® did not change FFA levels compared to the
tion of a fixed meal to allow determination of islet hormone control experiment (Intralipid®+Glu+saline). Most likely, the
responses and gastric emptying rates (assessed by the paraceta- insulin levels reached in response to the glucose infusion had a
mol absorption method), followed by a postprandial period in maximal effect on the FFA release and uptake, and therefore no
which we measured appetite ratings by visual analogue scales further changes were seen when GIP was added. The first part of
(VAS), and finally an ad libitum meal from which energy intake the present study showed no effect of GIP alone on the plasma
could be evaluated. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was meas- concentrations of FFA compared to saline, in spite of the fact that
ured during the study period by indirect calorimetry using an insulin was increased. Surprisingly, adding exogenous GIP to
open-air-circuit, computerized, ventilated hood system (171;172). endogenously secreted GIP did not affect the insulin secretion (in
In protocol 2, the subjects were tested on 6 different occasions in the first part of the study). One explanation could be that the GIP
a randomized order and consisted of: an Intralipid® infusion levels reached in response to the meal were already maximally
combined with or without GIP; glucose and Intralipid® infusion effective so that a further increase in GIP concentrations did not
combined with or without GIP and glucose infusion combined result in additional effects on insulin secretion and clearance of
with or without GIP. Intralipid® was infused in a dose of 0.15 g/kg plasma lipids. However, although the insulinotropic effects of GIP
over 30 min followed by a continuous infusion of 0.225 g/kg/h for were confirmed in the second part of the study, the elevated GIP
half an hour. Glucose (25 g) was infused over 30 min to mimic the levels still did not influence triglyceride clearance. In contrast to
meal-induced glucose excursions. Continuous infusion of GIP (1.5 our study, Wasada et al. found that the triglyceride levels follow-
pmol/kg/min) or saline was maintained for a period of 300 min. ing intravenous infusion of chylomicrons in dogs were signifi-
cantly lowered by exogenous GIP (137). While some studies have
Summary of results and discussion; Neither part of the present indicated that Intralipid® and chylomicrons exhibit similar decay
study revealed any effect of GIP alone or in combination with kinetics after intravenous administration in humans (177;178)
insulin on the levels of plasma triglyceride in humans. In agree- other studies indicate that LPL more effectively hydrolyses chy-
ment with a previous study (173), the kinetics of removal of TAG lomicrons than Intralipid® lipid droplets both in adipose tissue
from the circulation was strictly first order with same rate con- and in skeletal muscle. Therefore it cannot be excluded that the
stants on the 4 experimental days with infusion of Intralipid®. lack of GIP effect found in the present experiments may be due to
Our inability to demonstrate any effect of GIP is, therefore, the artificial lipid formulation applied. A similar observation was
unlikely to be due to saturation of the lipoprotein lipase activity made by Jorde et al. who studied the effect of porcine GIP on
due to the high plasma TAG concentration applied, because satu- clearance of plasma triglycerides after a 2-min intravenous In-
ration would result in deviation from first order kinetics. Our tralipid® infusion for a period of only 25 minutes and in only 6
finding that addition of glucose to the infusions was without subjects (139). Also in this study GIP failed to modify the levels of
effects on the TAG removal is also in accord with previous find- plasma triglycerides levels.
ings (174). It is not possible from the present results to identify in The infusion rate of GIP chosen in both parts of the present study
which tissue the TAG removal takes place, but adipose tissue, raised GIP plasma levels into the high physiological range. There-
skeletal muscle and liver are the most likely sites. It has previously fore, inappropriately low dosing of GIP does not explain the ab-
been shown that both adipose tissue and skeletal muscle contrib- sence of GIP effects. Moreover, because of the surprising lack of
ute to the removal of TAG after an intravenous fat load, however, effects in the first protocol, even on insulin secretion, the insuli-
to a smaller extent than after an oral fat load (154). While there is notropic activity of the infused GIP was tested using the isolated
evidence showing that the liver takes up the lipid particles from perfused pancreas as previously described (179), demonstrating
lipid emulsions without prior lipolysis, these particles are equipotence with fresh ampoules of synthetic GIP. In the first part
lipolysed via LPL in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle (175). The of the study, GIP was released endogenously in response to the
fatty acids generated due to this may either be taken up in the meal. As mentioned above, the lack of additional effect of the
tissue or may escape to the circulation. The increase in circulating infused GIP could be due to endogenous GIP already reaching
fatty acid concentrations found in the present experiments is maximally effective concentrations. However, towards the end of
probably due to the latter process. The difference between the the infusion the secretion of endogenous GIP appeared to have
fatty acid concentrations found under the different experimental ceased, at least in the control study, leaving only exogenous GIP
conditions must result from differences in tissue uptake and in the circulation, but also in this period, there was no effect on
release of fatty acids. During GIP and Intralipid infusions, insulin plasma triglycerides of GIP compared to saline.
secretion increased significantly during the first 60 min compared
to the control experiment, confirming the ability of GIP to stimu- The present data demonstrate no effect of GIP on gastric empty-
late insulin secretion at fasting glucose levels (176). We found ing, appetite, energy intake or energy expenditure. The lack of
that GIP in combination with insulin secretion decreased the effect of GIP on gastric emptying is in agreement with previous
plasma FFA levels. One explanation for this is that insulin inhibits studies (180;181). One previous study has shown that infusion of
adipose tissue HSL activity and thereby adipose tissue fatty acid GIP lowered REE and increased subjective feelings of hunger in
release. In addition, insulin may enhance adipose tissue fatty acid normal weight healthy subjects, an observation that we have not
reesterification under these conditions (154). It is difficult to been able to confirm (182). However, in that study, as in ours, no
distinguish between direct GIP effects on fatty acid metabolism effect of GIP was seen on energy intake. There was also no effect
of GIP on the secretion of GLP-2 as well as GLP-1 as previously out GIP. This effect was probably primarily brought about via a
reported (183). significant increase in the subcutaneous adipose tissue blood
flow. Adipose tissue blood flow increases significantly postpran-
dially, and this increase appears to be of particular importance in
STUDY 3 the regulation of lipid metabolism by facilitating transport and
deposition of lipids in adipose tissue. A reduction in both fasting
GIP ENHANCES FATTY ACID RE-ESTERIFICATION IN SUBCUTANE- and postprandial ATBF has been observed in obesity (187-189),
OUS, ABDOMINAL ADIPOSE TISSUE IN NORMAL-WEIGHT HU- and this impairment seems to be associated with insulin resis-
MANS. tance (188). A better understanding of the regulation of ATBF
may, therefore, give insight into its relationship to the metabolic
Background and aim; In the previous study GIP did have any disturbances observed in insulin resistance. Insulin per se does
effect on whole body TAG clearance. In the present study we not seem to affect ATBF; however, insulin may stimulate ATBF via
aimed to elucidate more directly the role of GIP on the regional other mechanisms. Recently, a study reported that ATBF was
adipose tissue and splanchnic tissue metabolism in healthy sub- markedly higher with oral glucose than during the i.v. insulin-
jects. glucose infusions (161). The present findings suggest that GIP has
direct or indirect vasoactive effects in adipose tissue, although
Methods; Eight healthy males; mean age: 30 years±6 (mean±SD), the design of the study cannot rule out that other substances may
BMI: 23.2±1.4 kg/m2 were studied. None of the subjects studied play a role. Thus, C-peptide has been found to have dose-
had a family history (first-degree relatives) of diabetes, hyper- dependent vascular effects in skeletal muscle in the concentration
triglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia and none were taking range between 0-1 nM (190). In the present experiments the C-
any medications. peptide concentration increased from about 0.4 to 0.7 nM in the
Each subject participated in randomized order in four different hyperinsulinemic, hyperglycemic clamp experiments without a
experiments. On two of the occasions, the subjects underwent a concomitant increase in adipose tissue blood flow. In the hyperin-
hyperinsulinemic (150-200 pM) – hyperglycemic (6.5-7 mM) sulinemic, hyperglycemic clamp experiment with GIP, the C-
clamp technique, aiming at plasma glucose and insulin concentra- peptide concentration increased more to about 1 nM. However,
tions seen after ingestion of a carbohydrate rich meal, with con- in the light of the missing flow increase in the hyperinsulinemic,
tinuous infusion of either GIP (1.5 pmol-1 kg-1 min-1), resulting in hyperglycemic clamp experiment it seems unlikely that the flow
physiological concentrations, or saline infusion during 300 min. increase found in clamp experiments with GIP primarily is elicited
On two other occasions they received GIP (1.5 pmol-1 kg-1 min-1) via C-peptide.
or saline alone for the duration of the study. Simultaneously with the increase in adipose tissue blood flow, an
Following arrival to the laboratory the subjects had catheters increase in adipose tissue TAG hydrolysis took place, probably
inserted into a vein draining the subcutaneous, abdominal adi- reflecting an increased substrate supply to LPL similar to the
pose tissue on the anterior abdomin, a hepatic vein and a radial pattern seen after a mixed meal. The TAG deposited in adipose
artery. tissue after a meal arises from the pathway mediated by LPL –
Adipose tissue blood flow measurements were performed for the hydrolyzing circulating lipoprotein-TAG (189). It has been demon-
duration of each experiment by recording washout of 133Xenon, strated that the effect of LPL increases after a meal, becoming
which was injected in gaseous form in the adipose tissue. This maximal at ~4 h postprandially, and that this is stimulated by
technique has previously been validated in our laboratory (184). insulin (189). In the present study, the increase in adipose tissue
About 1 MBq gaseous 133Xenon (The Hevesy Laboratory, Risø blood flow began already about 30 minutes after the hyperinsu-
National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark) was administered. linemic, hyperglycemic clamp and GIP infusion were commenced.
Splanchic blood flow was measured by continuous infusion of Samra and colleagues demonstrated that when adipose tissue
indocyanine green (ICG) (185) and whole body metabolism was blood flow was increased by infusion of adrenaline, TAG hydroly-
measured by indirect calorimetry. sis increased exactly in parallel with increased blood flow, imply-
Regional net substrate fluxes across the subcutaneous, abdominal ing that TAG hydrolysis is normally limited by substrate delivery,
adipose tissue and the splanchnic tissues were examined by direct consistent with our present study (151). Recently, we found evi-
measurements of arterio-venous concentration differences of dence for capillary recruitment taking place in adipose tissue after
various metabolites in combination with regional blood flow an oral glucose load concomitantly with the increase in adipose
measurements (Fick’s principle). tissue blood flow (unpublished data, Bülow J et al., 2010). This will
expand the endothelial surface for nutrient and hormone ex-
Summary of results and discussion; In this study, we investigated change from blood to tissue. The capillary recruitment may also
the effects of GIP with and without insulin and slight hyperglyce- help to expose more LPL to its substrate and thereby promote
mia on abdominal, subcutaneous adipose and splanchnic lipid hydrolysis of circulating TAG. Whether the vascular effects found
metabolism. Since the time course of the possible metabolic in the present experiments partly or totally are due to increased
effects elicited via GIP in adipose tissue in humans has not been microvascular volume changes in adipose tissue remains to be
described previously, we used a prolonged hyperinsulinemic- elucidated.
hyperglycemic clamp technique, raising the plasma glucose and While TAG hydrolysis was significantly higher during the hyperin-
insulin concentrations to levels seen after ingestion of a carbohy- sulinemic, hyperglycemic clamp with GIP compared to the clamp
drate-rich meal. without GIP, the fatty acid release was lower in the clamp ex-
With use of arterio-venous catheterization technique applied to periment with GIP. This suggests that fatty acids derived from
the subcutaneous, abdominal adipose tissue (186), it was found LPL-mediated hydrolysis of the circulating TAG were directed into
that during the hyperinsulinemic, hyperglycemic clamp experi- the adipose tissue, probably to be esterified and stored, similar to
ment with GIP, TAG hydrolysis increased significantly compared what has been shown previously in subjects examined in the fed
to the hyperinsulinemic, hyperglycemic clamp experiment with- state (191). Concomitantly with the fatty acid uptake, there was
an increase in glucose uptake during GIP in combination with intake and glucagon secretion directly and thereby in an amylin-
insulin. Taken together, these results indicate that GIP directs independent fashion. Amylin, however, did have a significant
fatty acids released by LPL-mediated TAG hydrolysis towards effect on some of these parameters in both healthy and type 1
tissue uptake instead of escape to the circulation. Theoretically, diabetic subjects, making it likely that amylin secretion, stimu-
FFAs taken up in the adipose tissue can be oxidized, however, this lated by GLP-1 contributes to these effects. The stable human
is hardly likely in the present study since the RER was similar amylin preparation allowed a comparison between amylin and
during the clamp experiments with and without GIP. pramlintide. The actions of pramlintide were rather similar to
The anterior, abdominal, subcutneaous adipose tissue depot has those of human amylin, confirming that the amino acid substitu-
been shown to be representative of whole-body adipose tissue tions in the former have little influence on its biological activities.
(192). In the present experiments, an average TAG clearance of With regard to effects of GIP on lipid metabolism in humans we
about 3µmol min-1 (elimination rate constant multiplied with found that GIP did not have any effect on whole body TAG clear-
total plasma TAG content) was found during the hyperinsulinemic ance, but diverted TAG deposition into abdominal, subcutaneous
hyperglycemic clamp experiments with and without GIP when adipose tissue. GIP in combination with hyperinsulinemia and
calculated from the decrease in circulating TAG concentration. In hyperglycemia increased blood flow, glucose uptake, and FFA re-
the experiments with GIP an average TAG hydrolysis in the exam- esterification, resulting in increased TAG deposition in abdominal,
ined adipose tissue depot amounted to about 100 nmol (100g subcutaneous adipose tissue. Furthermore, it was not possible to
min)-1. Extrapolated to the total lipid mass in the examined sub- demonstrate any effect of GIP per se on net lipid metabolism in
jects (estimated at 20% of body weight) this corresponds to a TAG the splanchnic area, either during fasting conditions or in combi-
deposition rate of about 20-25 µmol min-1. Therefore, it seems nation with hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Finally, our
that the anterior, abdominal, subcutaneous adipose tissue may results demonstrated that GIP had no effect on appetite, energy
be a predilection site for GIP-mediated TAG deposition under the intake, gastric emptying or whole body metabolism.
present experimental conditions. In the experiments without GIP,
the adipose tissue TAG hydrolysis rate was in the same order as PERSPECTIVES AND FUTURE RESEARCH
found on the whole body level. Some of the results presented in the present thesis give rise to
In vitro studies have shown that GIP stimulates lipolysis additional questions, which should be addressed in future studies.
(193;194). However, McIntosh and colleagues found that GIP- The present experiments indicate that amylin inhibits glucagon
stimulated lipolysis in 3T3 cell line was inhibited by insulin, sug- postprandially. However, since the same infusion also inhibited
gesting that GIP´s lipolytic effect is weaker than the antilipolytic gastric emptying rate, the reduced glucagon response might
effect of insulin. In the present study, we could not demonstrate merely reflect this, rather than representing a direct effect of
any lipolytic effect of GIP under any of the experimental circum- amylin on glucagon secretion. Indeed, the pattern of inhibition
stances, indicating that if GIP has a lipolytic effect in vivo in man, appeared to parallel the gastric emptying rates. An elucidation of
it is of limited biological importance. During hyperinsulinemic, the actions of amylin on glucagon secretion will therefore require
hyperglycemic clamp experiment alone or in combination with additional studies.
GIP, we were not able to demonstrate any differences in the The present experiments indicate that GIP with insulin helps to
splanchnic TAG output, although, a tendency towards a reduced deposit fat in the subcutaneous depot. Accordingly, these new
splanchnic TAG output was seen during GIP and insulin and hy- findings suggest that an absence of GIP signaling might lead to
perglycemia. This reduction may be explained by an increased inadequate subcutaneous deposition, leading to excess fat accu-
TAG hydrolysis in visceral adipose tissue. No differences were mulation and increased exposure of other tissues, such as the
seen in net splanchnic FFA and glycerol uptake or glucose output, liver and skeletal muscle. This is commonly known as “ectopic fat
indicating that GIP does not have any biologically significant ef- deposition”, and it is closely associated with insulin resistance. In
fects on hepatic carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. In a recent light of the current proposals to employ GIP antagonists in the
study, we investigated the effects of GIP in combination with treatment and prevention of human obesity, it appears important
insulin on TAG plasma levels after a bolus infusion of Intralipid to clarify whether or not the absence of GIP leads to ectopic fat
over a 5 hour study period, and found no effect of GIP on the storage. Additional experiments are also needed to examine the
clearance rate of TAG (195). Since the removal of Intralipid parti- effect of GIP on lipid metabolism in obese individuals with and
cles is more efficient in the liver, it cannot be excluded that the without insulin resistance.
lack of GIP effect found in that study might have been due to the GIP in combination with hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia
artificial lipid formulation applied. increased adipose tissue blood flow. The mechanisms eliciting the
In conclusion, GIP in combination with insulin and light hypergly- blood flow increase are unknown and call for further studies with
cemia increased adipose tissue blood flow, increased adipose respect to whether the increased blood flow is due to vasodilata-
tissue glucose uptake, increased FFA re-esterification thus result- tion or capillary recruitment.
ing in increased adipose tissue TAG deposition.
CONCLUSIONS With approximately 400 million people worldwide today being
This thesis was designed to further elucidate the mechanisms of obese, we are facing a major public health problem due to the
GLP-1 and amylin effects on gastric emptying, appetite and food increasing prevalence of the related co-morbidities such as type 2
intake, and to elucidate the role of GIP in the regulation of lipid diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease. To date,
metabolism in humans. We conducted three clinical studies in pharmacological treatment of obesity has been largely unsuccess-
order to achieve this goal. ful, only achieving modest and short-lasting reductions in body
We showed that gastric emptying, food intake, appetite and weight and with adverse effects. Scientific interest in recent years
glucagon responses were reduced equally during GLP-1, whether has concentrated on both the secretion and function of the in-
amylin was present or not, and conclude therefore that GLP-1 cretin hormones, GLP-1 and GIP, and their suitability as new
mediates its effect on gastrointestinal motility, appetite, food target drugs.
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