Dieta Cetogenica
Dieta Cetogenica
Dieta Cetogenica
TIFN, 6700 AN Wageningen, The Netherlands
AgroParisTech, Department of Life Sciences and Health, UMR914 Nutrition Physiology
and Ingestive Behavior, F75005, Paris, France
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
ANRV383-NU29-02 ARI 16 June 2009 7:54
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Example of calculated grams of protein ingested when relatively normal- or high-protein diets are consumed in energy balance of, for example, 12 MJ/d,
or in negative energy balances of, respectively, 2 MJ/d as during a very-low-energy diet (VLED), or 8 MJ/d as during a weight-maintenance diet
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.29:21-41. Downloaded from
thereafter. The example shows that during a “high”-protein energy-restricted diet, absolute protein intake in the given ranges is still in the originally
“normal” range. WHO, World Health Organization.
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
is the same in a relatively normal-protein diet protein-induced satiety is shown when a mixed
(10% to 15% of energy from protein) in high-protein diet is given for 24 hours up to
neutral-energy balance (energy intake matches several days (48, 49, 106). Acute, high-protein
energy requirement set by energy expenditure) meal- or drink-induced satiety and medium-
as in a relatively high-protein diet (20% to 30% term, high-protein diet-induced satiety are dis-
of energy from protein) in negative-energy cussed in this section. Mechanisms contributing
balance (energy intake is lower than energy to protein-induced satiety are considered.
requirement set by energy expenditure) when
subjects consume, for instance, only half of
their energy requirements in order to lose Acute High-Protein
body weight. Meal-Induced Satiety
This section focuses on acute protein-induced
satiety with single meals, with contents of 25%
PROTEIN-INDUCED SATIETY to 81% of energy from mixed protein or spe-
BY ACUTE HIGH-PROTEIN cific proteins, followed by subsequent energy-
MEALS AND MEDIUM-TERM intake reduction (97). Given the average
HIGH-PROTEIN DIETS “normal” protein intake range of 10% to 15%
A hierarchy prevails for the satiating efficacies of energy, meals with an average of 20% to
of the macronutrients protein, carbohydrate, 30% of energy from protein are representa-
and fat, with protein being the most satiat- tive of high-protein diets when consumed in
ing and fat the least satiating. This sequence energy balance (107). Using these protein lev-
also represents the priority with respect to me- els, Smeets et al. (83) examined healthy volun-
tabolizing these macronutrients (97, 107). In teers with a body mass index (BMI) of 23.8 ±
daily life as well as in many experiments, mixed 2.8 kg/m2 and a percentage body fat of 26 ± 8.9
proteins are consumed from meat, fish, dairy and showed that after a high-protein lunch, sati-
products, or plants. A dose-dependent satiat- ety and energy expenditure were significantly
ing effect of mixed protein has been shown, higher than after a normal-protein lunch, with-
with quite a range of concentrations of pro- out differences in ghrelin and peptide tyrosin-
tein offered acutely, in a single meal, to sub- tyrosin (PYY) responses. The lower glucagon-
jects who are in energy balance and are weight like peptide 1 (GLP-1) response following the
stable (83, 97, 107). In addition, persistent high-protein lunch is due to the comparison
with the high-carbohydrate-induced GLP-1 satiating effect from incomplete proteins, i.e.,
response during the normal-protein lunch, proteins that lack some essential amino acids,
showing clearly that a GLP-1 response is pri- versus complete proteins, which contain the es-
marily nutrient related and only secondarily sential amino acids. At the level of 10 en% and
satiety related (83). of 25 en% from one type of protein consumed
The satiating power of a high-protein meal with a breakfast custard, energy intake at lunch
is optimized when timing of the interval be- was about 20% less after an alpha-lactalbumin
tween the first administration of a meal contain- or gelatin with or without added tryptophan
ing protein (versus control) and the subsequent breakfast, compared with after a casein, soy, or
test meal synchronizes with timing of the amino whey breakfast; differences in energy intakes
acid profiles following protein intake (50), ghre- of about 20% were a function of differences
lin concentrations (92–97), or visual analogue in satiety ratings of about 40% (97). In an as-
scale (VAS) satiety ratings (92–97). Ratings on sessment of different proteins and hydrolysates,
a 100 mm VAS represent feelings of satiety, Diepvens et al. (19) showed in healthy over-
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hunger, fullness, or desire to eat as detected by weight subjects (BMI 27.6 ± 1.7 kg/m2 ; body
the subject. Questions related to appetite pro- fat% 32.6 ± 7.9) indications of lower hunger
file are anchored with the extreme negative and and desire to eat or higher satiety after con-
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
positive ratings. A point on the scale then gives sumption of pea protein hydrolysate (PPH) or
the value of hunger, satiety, etc. Veldhorst et al. whey protein (WP) compared to milk protein
(92–97) timed test meals beforehand, by run- (MP) or WP + PPH. As mentioned above,
ning the experiments in healthy normal-weight effects on relevant hormones were primarily
subjects (BMI 23.9 ± 0.3 kg/m2 ) twice: first nutrient related. Cholecystokinin (CCK) and
determining the moment when differences in GLP-1 concentrations were relatively more in-
satiety or ghrelin concentrations were still sig- creased by MP, whereas PYY concentrations
nificantly present, then offering the test meal were relatively more elevated and ghrelin con-
at that moment in the next experiment. Out- centrations more reduced by WP + PPH (19).
comes appear to differ due to the type or quan- No effect on energy intake was seen (19). A
tity of protein intake, or both. For instance, similar effect of protein consumption on PYY
higher satiating effects due to higher concen- concentration changes was shown by Batterham
trations of casein (93) or soy (94) (25 en% versus et al. (4), who observed significantly higher
10 en%) appear to be related to kinetics of plasma PYY responses to a high-protein meal
amino acid profiles (93, 94). Also, with whey in both lean and obese subjects.
as a single protein in a specifically standardized With respect to different fractions of
custard breakfast, energy intake was decreased protein, such as alpha-lactalbumin or beta-
by 13% at three hours after a breakfast with lactoglobulin, Pichon et al. (69) showed that
whey containing glyco-macropeptide (GMP) food intake and body weight gain are signifi-
compared to energy intake after a breakfast cantly lower in rats fed a diet containing beta-
with whey not containing GMP, irrespective of lactoglobulin, which is unrelated to palatability.
whether the whey-protein content was 10% or When different proteins or amino acids are
25% of energy in the custard breakfast. This de- consumed at very high levels, satiety is very
crease in energy intake coincided with increased high and differences in satiating effects are
concentrations of certain amino acids, e.g., ser- no longer observed. For instance Bowen et al.
ine, threonine, alanine, and isoleucine (92). In a (11, 12) reported no difference between effects
comparison of the effects of seven different pro- of casein and whey protein, with high-protein
teins, in two different concentrations, on energy meals inducing a larger satiating effect than
intake during the subsequent meal, Veldhorst high-carbohydrate meals in healthy normal-
et al. (97) showed (in the same healthy normal- weight subjects. Furthermore, they noted dif-
weight subjects mentioned above) a more ferent appetite-regulatory hormone responses
24 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
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after whey, soy, or gluten preload despite similar nervous system. Mellinkoff (58) suggested as
reductions in ad libitum energy intake (12). In early as 1956 that an elevated concentration
a study of food intake in healthy normal-weight of blood or plasma amino acids, which can-
to overweight (BMI 25 ± 1.5 kg/m2 ) subjects, not be channeled into protein synthesis, serves
Burton-Freeman et al. (13) did not find a dif- as a satiety signal for a food intake–regulating
ference at the test meal between the conditions mechanism and thereby results in depressed
with preloads consisting of whey with or with- food intake.
out GMP, whereas CCK release coincided with There may be some specificity in the effects
the magnitude of satiety ratings. of individual amino acids on satiety since spe-
Effects of protein-containing drinks versus cific amino acids also serve as precursors for
control drinks appear when sufficient protein specific neurotransmitters involved in appetite
and energy are present in the drinks. A compar- or body-weight regulation or directly influence
ison of isoenergetic dairy fruit drink preloads biochemical pathways involved in eating behav-
(300 mL 1.25 MJ) differing in macronutri- ior. For instance, the amino acid tryptophan
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ent composition in normal-weight men (BMI may act as a precursor for the neurotransmitter
22.6 ± 0.4 kg/m2 ) revealed significantly less serotonin (113). It has been suggested that brain
energy consumption at lunch 120 minutes af- serotonin is involved in appetite regulation (47),
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
ter the protein (3.2 MJ) than after the con- a hypothesis that is supported by the anorexi-
trol (3.5 MJ) and carbohydrate (CHO) preloads genic effects of serotonergic drugs in humans
(3.6 MJ), without complete energy-intake com- (32, 91). Several dietary intervention studies
pensation (7). A study comparing the effects of have attempted to increase brain serotonergic
a sugar-sweetened beverage (cola) and a choco- activity, mainly through increasing central tryp-
late milk drink (0.9 MJ, 500 mL) in healthy tophan availability (5, 51, 52, 113). Tryptophan
subjects (BMI 22 ± 2 kg/m2 ) showed that transport to the brain is facilitated by the so-
satiety and fullness were significantly greater called l-transporter, which also facilitates the
30 minutes after consumption of chocolate milk transport of other large neutral amino acids
than after cola, although no significant differ- (LNAAs), valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine,
ence in energy intake occurred during lunch and phenylalanine in a competitive manner
(3.2 MJ after chocolate milk versus 3.3 MJ after (8, 113). Therefore, brain tryptophan uptake
cola) (35). Soenen et al. (84) found no difference may depend not only on plasma tryptophan
in effects on appetite, energy intake, and en- concentrations, but also on the plasma ratio of
ergy intake compensation 50 minutes after con- tryptophan to the sum of these other LNAAs
sumption of 800 ml 1.5 MJ milk, or carbohy- (8, 113). The whey peptide alphalactalbumin
drate drinks in their study of 40 young healthy contains relatively high levels of tryptophan and
normal-weight (BMI 22.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 ) men has been shown to increase plasma tryptophan
and women. A study of normal-weight and concentrations and plasma tryptophan/LNAA
obese boys showed that 60 minutes after con- ratio when ingested alone (5, 51, 52) or as
sumption of glucose and whey-protein drinks part of a meal (8). Indeed, an alphalactalbumin-
(250 mL 3.5 MJ), food intake was suppressed containing breakfast suppressed hunger more
more by whey protein (2.7 MJ) than by glu- than did a breakfast containing gelatin (which
cose (3.1 MJ) or control (3.6 MJ) drinks (6). contains very low levels of tryptophan) (64).
Taken together, these results indicate that there However, tryptophan addition to the gelatin-
is a bandwidth in protein amount and con- containing breakfast did not affect hunger rat-
centrations in which relatively more protein is ings. Also, plasma concentrations of tryptophan
more satiating and promotes less energy in- as well as the plasma tryptophan/LNAA ratio
take, supported by relatively elevated amino were not related to hunger. Therefore, these
acid concentrations, anorexigenic hormones, or data suggest that tryptophan (and hence, sero-
energy expenditure feeding back on the central tonin) is unlikely to play a role in this effect (64).
In a test of the same hypothesis, Koren et al. (45) that the adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-
studied healthy overweight subjects (BMI 27 ± activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the mam-
2.3 kg/m2 ) and concluded that an increase in malian target of rapamycin (mTOR) are in-
either carbohydrate or protein intake increases volved in the satiety induced by high-protein
satiety and leads to significant weight loss inde- diets (77). It was shown that both a high-protein
pendent of an increase in plasma concentration diet and ICV leucine administration suppress
of tryptophan or the tryptophan/LNAA ratio. AMPK and ACC phosphorylation in the hy-
Likewise, the amino acid tyrosine can be pothalamus in rats, which is concomitant with
converted into the neurotransmitters dopamine a decreased AMP-to-adenosine triphosphate
and norepinephrine, both of which have shown (ATP) ratio. In parallel, mTOR, an intracellu-
to be involved in food-intake regulation (101). lar signaling molecule sensitive to both amino
Although alterations in tyrosine metabolism acid and growth factors, was also described as
have been observed in eating disorders such a metabolic sensor. High-protein diet as well
as anorexia (1), there is no direct evidence as ICV administration of free amino acids or
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of a role for tyrosine in protein-induced sati- of leucine alone led to an activation of mTOR
ety. A third amino acid that functions as a in the hypothalamus (63, 77). High-protein di-
precursor for a neurotransmitter is histidine, ets modulate AMPK and mTOR in the same
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
which can be converted into the anorexi- specific neuronal subset, the arcuate and par-
genic neurotransmitter histamine (62). His- aventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus (ARC
tamine is suggested to decrease food intake and PVN, respectively). AMPK and mTOR
through activation of hypothalamic H1 recep- may have overlapping and reciprocal functions
tors since the anorectic effect of histamine (16, 63, 77). The activation of mTOR and the
can be blocked by the H1-receptor antagonist suppression of AMPK phosphorylation activ-
α-fluoromethylhistidine (FMH) (62). Studies ity seem to modulate hypothalamic neuropep-
of rats show that increasing the amount of di- tides, including a decrease in neuropeptide
etary histidine reduces food intake; this can be Y (NPY) and Agouti-related peptide (Agrp),
(partially) prevented by simultaneous adminis- both orexigenic neuropeptides, and an increase
tration of FMH, which indicates that histamine in pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), which is
plays a role in the effects of histidine on eating anorexigenic.
behavior (30, 42).
With respect to central regulation, Faipoux
et al. (24) showed that in rats, protein-induced High-Protein Diet-Induced Satiety
satiety is related to vagal feedback to (a) the nu- When high-protein menus are offered to sub-
cleus tractus solitarius in the brainstem, where jects at each meal for a duration of one to several
it represents satiety at almost a reflex level, and days, the metabolic reactions of a high-protein
(b) the hypothalamus, where it suppresses feel- diet are established (49, 97, 107, 108). In sev-
ings of hunger (24). eral studies of high-protein diets in normal-
It has been suggested that an elevated con- weight healthy subjects, a continuously higher
centration of blood or plasma amino acids can satiety was shown throughout the day after
be directly recorded by specific areas in the consumption of the high-protein diet in com-
hypothalamus. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) parison with the normal-protein diet including
administration of leucine or an increase in di- in the energy-balance-controlled environment
etary leucine reduces food intake and body of a respiration chamber (49, 97, 107, 108).
weight and improves glucose and cholesterol Here, a normal-protein diet given in energy
metabolism in rats and mice (16, 114). This ef- balance contains 10% to 15% of energy from
fect is specific to leucine since leucine alone has protein (107), and a high-protein diet in en-
the same effect on food intake as does a mix- ergy balance contains 20% to 30% of energy
ture of amino acids (63). It has also been shown from protein (107). A high-protein diet in the
26 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
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presence of carbohydrate stimulates GLP-1 The four components of daily energy ex-
release (49, 108), which triggers insulin re- penditure are (a) the sleeping metabolic rate
lease. More importantly, only high-protein (SMR) and the energy cost of arousal form-
diet-induced satiety is primarily related to el- ing together the energy expenditure for main-
evated energy expenditure (49, 97, 107, 108), tenance or basal metabolic rate, (b) the thermic
which implies that oxygen consumption and effect of food or diet-induced energy expen-
body temperature increase, leading to a feel- diture (DEE), (c) the energy cost of physical
ing of being deprived of oxygen and thus pro- activity or activity-induced energy expenditure
moting satiety (97, 107). Energy expenditure is (AEE), where SMR is usually the main compo-
different due to different protein sources and is nent of (d ) average daily metabolic rate (104).
mediated by the high ATP costs of postprandial Protein intake affects primarily DEE and ulti-
protein synthesis; digestion rate also plays a role mately SMR. Effects of protein intake on AEE
(107). Moreover, substrate oxidation changes are usually described in the opposite way: phys-
during high-protein diets, in that less protein is ical activity affecting protein metabolism, more
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oxidized than is consumed, resulting in a pos- specifically protein turnover. Thus, we describe
itive protein balance, and more fat is oxidized below the effect of protein intake on energy ex-
than is consumed, resulting in a negative fat bal- penditure for DEE, SMR, and protein turnover.
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
expenditure, DEE is 10% of daily energy It was concluded that over the long term,
expenditure (105). high diet-induced energy expenditure may con-
One of the first studies clearly showing tribute to the prevention of obesity or, vice
the effect of protein intake on DEE is a versa, regular or frequent fat intake may con-
study over 24 hours in a respiration cham- tribute to the development and maintenance of
ber (102). Healthy female volunteers were fed obesity.
a high-protein/high-carbohydrate diet (30%,
60%, and 10% energy from protein, carbo-
hydrate, and fat, respectively) and a high-fat Protein Intake and Sleeping
diet (10%, 30%, and 60% energy from pro- Metabolic Rate
tein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively); both Two studies have reported a protein-induced
diets were isoenergetic, isovolumetric, com- increase in SMR (49, 59). In the first study, sub-
posed of normal food items, and matched the stitution of carbohydrate with 17% to 18% of
organoleptic properties taste, smell, and ap- energy as either pork meat or soy protein pro-
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pearance. Subjects each spent two 36-hour pe- duced 3% higher 24-hour energy expenditure.
riods in a respiration chamber consuming both The increase in energy expenditure was visible
test diets in random order. Diet-induced energy despite a 10% to 15% lower energy intake in
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
expenditure was higher in all subjects while on the high-protein diets because of a higher sa-
the high-protein/high-carbohydrate diet (1295 tiating effect. Twenty-four-hour energy expen-
versus 931 kJ/d; 14.6 versus 10.5% of energy in- diture was measured on the fourth day on each
take; p < 0.02), without a significant difference diet. The observed increase in energy expendi-
in other components or total 24-hour energy ture was visible in SMR as well as in DEE. The
expenditure except for a trend toward higher biological rationale behind the higher thermo-
energy expenditure on the high-protein/high- genic effect of protein than of carbohydrate is
carbohydrate diet. In comparison with a high- explained by the fact that the body has no stor-
fat diet, a high-protein/high-carbohydrate diet age capacity to cope with high intakes of pro-
induces a greater thermic response in healthy tein and therefore has to process it metabol-
individuals. Even when the protein type was ically, which readily increases thermogenesis.
only casein, a similar difference in energy ex- The second study used a similar diet in a simi-
penditure was shown (36). A recent study com- lar design. Subjects were fed in energy balance
paring DEE between lean and obese women an adequate-protein diet, 10%, 60%, and 30%
after two isoenergetic meals, one rich in pro- energy from protein, carbohydrate, and fat, re-
tein and one rich in fat, showed similar re- spectively, or a high-protein diet, 30%, 40%,
sults in both groups (89). The meals were and 30% energy from protein, carbohydrate,
consumed as a breakfast with a total energy and fat, respectively, for four days in a random-
content of 2.03 MJ (in a randomized crossover ized crossover design. Energy expenditure was
design with an interval of one week) and con- measured on the last day in a respiration cham-
sisted of a high-protein breakfast with 102 g ber. The high-protein diet, compared with the
protein, 18 g carbohydrate, and 0 g fat, or a adequate-protein diet, fed at energy balance for
high-fat breakfast with 12 g protein, 20 g carbo- four days increased 24-hour satiety, thermo-
hydrate, and 39 g fat. Energy expenditure and genesis, sleeping metabolic rate, protein bal-
substrate oxidation, measured for 30 minutes ance, and fat oxidation. As mentioned above,
before breakfast and for 30 minutes every hour satiety is related to protein intake and inciden-
for a total of three hours after breakfast, showed tally to ghrelin and GLP-1 concentrations only
that protein intake was associated with almost with the high-protein diet. From the results
threefold-higher diet-induced energy expendi- of studies on protein intake, DEE, and SMR,
ture in comparison with fat intake, with no dif- it can be concluded that protein intake causes
ference between lean and obese participants. an acute increase in DEE and, when sustained
28 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
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over three days, results in an increase in SMR as additional energy expenditure of 151 kJ/d. The
well. two studies reporting a protein-induced change
The ATP required for the initial steps of in SMR increased protein intake over four days
metabolism and oxidation including urea syn- from 10% to 30% of weight-maintenance re-
thesis might explain the short-term protein- quirement, i.e., with 104 to 108 g/day (49, 59).
induced increase in DEE. The long-term The resulting increase in SMR of 117 kJ/d to
protein-induced increase of SMR might be ex- 274 kJ/d is within the expected range based on
plained by stimulation of protein synthesis and the expected increase in protein turnover and
protein turnover. Indirect evidence for the lat- the accompanying increase in costs of protein
ter comes from the study of Mikkelsen et al. synthesis.
(59), in which animal protein in pork meat Whole-body protein synthesis is affected
produced 2% higher 24-hour energy expendi- not only by protein intake but by exercise as
ture than did the vegetable protein in soy. The well, especially in the period after exercise (44).
amount of protein synthesis after protein intake The higher protein turnover is suggested to
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depends on how well the composition of essen- increase the protein requirement for mainte-
tial amino acids in the dietary protein matches nance of nitrogen balance (27). In practice, ex-
the optimum requirements for protein synthe- ercise induces an increase in food intake and
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
sis in the body. A well-balanced amino acid mix- thus protein intake remains sufficient when it
ture produces a higher thermogenic response comprises a minimum of 10% of energy in-
than does an amino acid mixture with a lower bi- take. An exercise-induced increase in protein
ological value, i.e., a different amino acid com- turnover observed in endurance athletes con-
position than is used for protein synthesis. This tributed to an increase in resting metabolic rate
may explain why intake of soy protein results in of as much as 15% compared to sedentary sub-
less protein synthesis than does intake of animal jects, after adjustment for differences in body
protein. composition (79, 100).
an estimated average requirement and recom- Mikkelsen et al. (59) observed a higher diet-
mended dietary allowance of, respectively, 0.65 induced thermogenesis with pork meat than
and 0.83 g good-quality protein per kg body with soy protein. Differences in digestion rate
mass per day (75). Possibly, the protein require- of the various protein sources may contribute
ment for good health also holds for a good pro- to differences in postprandial protein oxida-
tein turnover. Increasing protein intake, when tion. Thus, in comparison with slowly digested
energy intake is sufficient to meet energy re- protein, ingestion of rapidly digested protein
quirement, will increase protein turnover by results in a stronger increase in postprandial
increasing protein synthesis and protein break- protein synthesis and amino acid oxidation
down, not necessarily affecting protein balance (9, 17, 18).
(66). However, maintenance of protein balance The metabolic efficacy of protein oxidation
and a net synthesis of protein theoretically are largely depends on the amino acid composi-
more likely at a higher protein synthesis rate as tion of the protein, since large differences ex-
induced by increasing protein intake, thus am- ist with respect to the efficacy by which amino
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plifying control of net protein balance (109). acids are oxidized. This is due to the large
Therefore, the highest rate of protein turnover variety of carbon chains and cofactors that re-
is observed in rapidly growing infants. sult from amino acid catabolism (87). For in-
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
30 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
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glucose homeostasis that it maintains may existence of intestinal gluconeogenesis and glu-
support the protein-induced energy expendi- cose portal sensing through portal vagus af-
ture. The main gluconeogenic organ is the ferent fibers has also been hypothesized as an
liver, and de novo synthesis of glucose in the alternative mechanism for the elevated satiety
liver from gluconeogenic precursors including related to a high-protein diet (61). However,
amino acids is stimulated by a high-protein diet the relevance and physiological significance of
in the fed state (2, 71). This hepatic gluco- intestinal gluconeogenesis have been a subject
neogenesis may be an alternative biochemical of debate and need to be confirmed by other
pathway to cope with postprandial amino acid results (31, 53, 98). Also, Previs et al. (73) con-
excess, i.e., when amino acids are ingested in clude in their review published in this volume
surplus of protein synthesis, since complete ox- that there is so far no credible evidence to sup-
idation of the excessive amino acids may pro- port the concept that glucose can be produced
vide more ATP than the liver could utilize (41). by the intestine. Moreover, the depressing ef-
Hepatic gluconeogenesis could be involved in fect of a high-protein diet on food intake is not
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the satiating effect of protein through a mod- abolished after vagotomy in the rat. Taken to-
ulation of glucose homeostasis and glucose gether, and in contrast to liver gluconeogenesis,
signaling to the brain. When the protein con- these observations do not support both intesti-
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
tent of the diet is increased, phosphoenolpyru- nal gluconeogenesis and its role through glu-
vate carboxylase (PEPCK), which catalyzes the cose portal sensing in the effect of high-protein
initial conversion of oxaloacetate to phospho- feeding on food intake.
enolpyruvate is up-regulated in the fasted and All in all, postabsorptive protein and amino
in the fed state, whereas glucose 6-phosphatase acid metabolism is strongly influenced by pro-
(G6Pase), which catalyzes the last step of glu- tein quantity as well as protein quality (pri-
coneogenesis, is up-regulated in the fasted state mary but also secondary structure). Protein and
and down-regulated in the fed state. amino acid metabolism may be related to body
These data suggest that amino acids are con- weight regulation and food intake through sev-
verted into hepatic glycogen. Accordingly, hep- eral physiological pathways, including protein
atic glycogen stores of rats fed a high-protein synthesis, protein oxidation, gluconeogenesis,
diet are similar to the hepatic glycogen stores and neurotransmitter release. Further elucida-
of rats fed a normal-protein diet, despite higher tion of the role of dietary protein in weight
levels of dietary carbohydrate intake in the lat- management should, therefore, be the focus of
ter group (2). Again, the amino acid compo- studies on the metabolic fate of ingested amino
sition of the diet may influence postprandial acids in relation to energy expenditure or food
gluconeogenesis, as not all amino acids are pref- intake.
erentially used for gluconeogenesis, but can
also be converted into ketone bodies through
ketogenesis. Thus, the amino acids threonine, BODY WEIGHT AND BODY
isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and ty- COMPOSITION
rosine can be converted into either glucose or
ketone bodies, whereas lysine and leucine are
Protein Intake and Energy Intake
strictly ketogenic and therefore not used as a The World Health Organization recommends
substrate for gluconeogenesis (87). Although that dietary protein should account for approxi-
hepatic glycogen stores as well as hepatic glu- mately 10% to 15% of energy when individuals
coneogenesis have been suggested to play a role are in energy balance and weight stable (110).
in the regulation of satiety (56, 107), more stud- The average daily protein intakes of various
ies are required to establish a possible relation- countries indicate that these recommendations
ship between elevated satiety, energy expen- reflect what is being consumed (25, 38, 57, 111,
diture, and postprandial gluconeogenesis. The 112). Protein intake may be expressed in grams
or as percentage of energy intake (Table 1). at energy balance, despite lower energy intakes
When recommending high-protein diets, the (Table 1) (107).
difference between these two measures should
be taken into account (Table 1). For instance,
108 g protein/day with a weight-maintenance Sustained-Protein Diets
diet of 12 MJ/d provides 15% of energy from for Body-Weight Loss
protein, but the same protein intake as part of In a 1999 study (80), sustained-protein diets for
a weight-loss diet of 6 MJ/d provides 30% of body-weight loss were assessed over different
energy from protein, and as part of a weight- periods of time. A relatively high-protein diet,
maintenance diet after weight loss, 9 MJ/d containing 25% of energy (implying 75 g of
provides 22.5% of energy from protein. To en- protein per day), was compared with a con-
sure that subjects are not in a negative nitro- trol diet in order to evaluate weight loss over
gen and protein balance during weight loss and, six months when energy intake was ad libitum
therefore, lose their metabolically active fat- (80). The effect of 25% of energy intake from
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.29:21-41. Downloaded from
free mass (FFM), the absolute amount of pro- protein, 45% carbohydrate, and 30% fat ver-
tein is of greater importance than the percent- sus 12% protein, 58% carbohydrate, and 30%
age of protein (15). Varying the protein content fat, on weight loss in subjects with a body mass
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
of a formula diet from 0 to 50 g/d resulted in a index over 30 kg/m2 was examined. Weight
protein loss of between 1202 to 91 grams, re- loss and fat loss were higher in the sustained-
spectively, as measured over 28 days (85). The protein group, 8.9 versus 5.1 kg and 7.6 ver-
fat loss as a percentage of total weight loss var- sus 4.3 kg, respectively, due to a lower energy
ied from 43% with 0 g/d protein to 79% with intake, 5.0 MJ/d versus 6.2 MJ/d (p < 0.05).
50 g/d protein (20). These results indicate that In a follow-up study, it was observed that af-
a higher protein intake changes body compo- ter 12 months, weight loss was not significantly
sition in a way that spares FFM. Similarly, a greater among the subjects in the high-protein
weight-maintenance diet following weight loss, group, but this group experienced a greater re-
sustained at an absolute amount of protein at duction in intra-abdominal adipose tissue (21).
108 g, will preserve FFM but lead to a reduction In addition, a favorable effect of a high-protein
in fat mass (FM). Because weight maintenance diet on body weight was found during six days
after weight loss usually implies a slight weight of ad libitum feeding (22). The low-glycemic-
regain, Stock’s model can be applied (86). In index, low-fat, high-protein diet resulted in a
this model, the greatest metabolic efficiency of spontaneous energy intake decrease of 25% in
weight gain is shown when protein intake is the ad libitum situation in comparison with a
10% to 15% of energy during overfeeding, and high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet: 8.8 MJ/d ver-
inefficiency is shown with <5% and >20% of sus 11.7 MJ/d, respectively. Body weight loss
energy from protein. The latter metabolic inef- was 2.3 kg over six days compared to no weight
ficiency is related to body composition. To build loss in subjects on the high-carbohydrate diet.
1 kg of body weight with 60% FM and 40% However, in comparison with an isoenergetic
FFM, an additional 30 MJ needs to be ingested, high-carbohydrate diet, there was no significant
whereas to build only 1 kg of FFM, an additional difference in body weight loss. Weight loss on
50 to 70 MJ is needed (74, 86). Therefore, a the high-protein diet was not different from the
high-protein diet may promote weight mainte- control group, probably because of a lack of dif-
nance by its metabolic inefficiency because of ference in energy intake.
the cost involved in sparing FFM. Therefore, Weigle et al. (99) confirmed this phe-
recommendations of “high-protein, negative- nomenon in a controlled feeding study
energy-balance diets” are based on keeping the with 19 subjects. When the subjects receive
amount of protein ingested at the same level, an isoenergetic high-protein diet (protein/
in general representing 10% to 15% of energy fat/carbohydrate: 30%/20%/50% of energy),
32 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
ANRV383-NU29-02 ARI 16 June 2009 7:54
satiety was considerably increased, but body (4%)-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and medium
weight remained stable during the week the (35%)-carbohydrate diet, randomized in a
subjects consume this diet. When the subjects crossover design. With the low-carbohydrate
subsequently received the same high-protein diet, ad libitum intakes were lower, as was
diet ad libitum for six weeks, they consumed less hunger, and weight loss was greater (6.34 versus
of it, keeping their satiety levels at their origi- 4.35 kg). The low-carbohydrate diet induced
nal, usual level. During the isoenergetic high- ketosis with higher b-hydroxybutyrate concen-
protein diet, subjects did not lose body weight, trations. They concluded that in the short term,
whereas during the ad libitum high-protein diet high-protein, low-carbohydrate ketogenic di-
they lost 4.9 ± 0.5 kg, with a decrease in FM ets reduce hunger and lower food intake sig-
of 3.7 ± 0.4 kg. nificantly more than do high-protein, medium-
Clifton, Keogh, & Noakes (14) concluded carbohydrate nonketogenic diets (40).
from their assessment of long-term effects of a These studies together suggest that body-
high-protein weight-loss diet that a reported weight loss on a sustained, relatively high-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.29:21-41. Downloaded from
higher protein intake appeared to confer a protein diet appears to be greater under con-
weight-loss benefit; however, improvements in ditions of ad libitum energy intake than under
cardiovascular disease risk factors, biomarkers conditions of isoenergetic diets. The explana-
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
of disease, and serum vitamins and minerals tion for this is that satiety is a key factor in apply-
were due to weight loss and not to types of diet ing high-protein diets. Under ad libitum con-
(14, 107). In a study in which healthy adults ditions, subjects eat less from the high-protein
(n = 20) were assigned randomly to one of diet than under isoenergetically fed conditions
two low-fat (<30% energy), energy-restricted (99). Such diets contain a sufficient absolute
groups—high protein (30% energy) or high amount of protein but lead to decreased energy
carbohydrate (60% energy)—Johnston et al. intake, suggesting that in addition to metabolic
(39) observed that both diets were equally effec- effects of protein on body-weight loss, energy
tive at reducing body weight (−6%, p < 0.05) intake plays an important role. This is under-
and FM (−9% to −11%, p < 0.05). How- scored by the phenomenon that under isoen-
ever, subjects consuming the high-protein diet ergetic conditions, no statistically significant
reported more satisfaction and less hunger in difference between body-weight losses on a
the first month of the six-week trial. Creatinine high-protein or a high-carbohydrate diet is
clearance was not altered by diet treatments, shown. Moreover, most of the studies on pro-
and nitrogen balance was more positive in sub- tein intake in relation to body-weight manage-
jects consuming the high-protein diet versus ment show an improved body composition (i.e.,
the high-carbohydrate diet (3.9 ± 1.4 and an increased FFM/FM) and metabolic profile
0.7 ± 1.7 g N/d, respectively, p < 0.05). They with a relatively high-protein diet. The rel-
concluded that low-fat, energy-restricted diets atively high-protein negative-energy-balance
of varying protein content (15% to 30% en- diets all consist of 25% to 30% of energy from
ergy) promoted healthful weight loss, but sat- protein and imply a sustained normal protein
isfaction with the diet was greater among those intake in grams while energy intake is decreased
consuming the high-protein diet (39). (Table 1).
Furthermore, Johnstone and collegues re-
ported on the effects of a high-protein ke-
togenic diet on hunger, appetite, and weight Sustained Relatively High-Protein
loss in obese men feeding ad libitum (40). Diets for Body-Weight Maintenance
These 17 obese men were studied in a residen- Studies suggest that high-protein diets can pro-
tial trial, with food provided daily. Two high- mote weight maintenance. For example, over-
protein (30% of energy) ad libitum diets were weight to moderately obese men and women
provided, each for a four-week period: a low who lose weight (7.5 ± 2.0% body-weight loss
over four weeks) and consume 18% of energy energy-balance diets should keep the grams of
intake as protein thereafter regain less weight protein ingested at the same level, i.e., repre-
(1 kg) after three months compared to those senting 10% to 15% of energy at energy bal-
consuming 15% of energy as protein (weight ance, despite lower energy intakes (Table 1).
regain 2 kg) (6). This is not a consequence of Protein influences body weight regulation via
possible differences in dietary restraint or in its effects on satiety, thermogenesis, energy ef-
physical activity between the high-protein and ficiency, and body composition. These aspects
the control group, indicating a metabolic effect are partly related to each other. Under condi-
of protein (106). The composition of the body tions of slight body-weight regain, while aim-
mass regained is more favorable in the higher- ing for weight maintenance, a sustained-protein
protein group (i.e., no regain of FM, but only diet shows reduced energy efficiency related to
of FFM, resulting in a lower percentage body the body composition of the body weight re-
fat) (106). Energy efficiency (kg body-mass re- gained, i.e., in favor of FFM. Here, the main
gain/energy intake) is significantly lower in the issue is that building FFM requires, on aver-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.29:21-41. Downloaded from
higher-protein group. The observations with age, an additional energy ingestion of 52 MJ/kg
respect to energy efficiency during weight re- body mass built, whereas building a normal pro-
gain are comparable to the “stock hypothesis” portion of FM and FFM takes 30 MJ/kg body
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
described for weight gain (86). mass built. During body-weight loss as well as
Using a design similar to that of the previ- during weight maintenance thereafter, a high-
ously mentioned weight-maintenance study by protein diet preserves or increases FFM, re-
Westerterp-Plantenga et al. (106), Lejeune and duces FM, and improves the metabolic profile.
colleagues (48) demonstrated a weight regain
of 0.8 kg (high-protein group) versus 3.0 kg
(control group) (p < 0.05) after six months on POTENTIAL RISK OF
a weight-maintenance diet. During follow-up HIGH-PROTEIN DIETS
one year after the weight-loss program, these Diets absolutely high in protein may promote
figures were 1.0 kg versus 3.9 kg (p < 0.05). renal damage via excretion of nitrogenous waste
Thus, evidence shows that a relatively high- products generated from protein metabolism,
protein intake sustains weight maintenance by thereby increasing glomerular pressure and hy-
(a) favoring regain of FFM at the cost of FM at perfiltration (98). However, long-term con-
a similar physical activity level, (b) reducing the sumption of a high-protein diet in rats had no
energy efficiency with respect to the body mass deleterious effects on renal and hepatic func-
regained, and (c) increasing satiety. tions (55), and long-term daily protein intakes
Similar observations were reported by under 2.8 g/kg body weight were shown to have
Lacroix et al. (46) from a long-term relatively no negative effects on renal function in ath-
high-protein diet that markedly reduced adi- letes (81). In subjects without renal impairment,
pose tissue without major side effects in Wistar changes in dietary protein intake caused adap-
male rats. tive alterations in renal size and function with-
There is a need to distinguish absolute pro- out adverse effects (100). In fact, the changes
tein intake and proportionate protein intake in renal function (induced by high dietary pro-
in summarizing the role of dietary protein in tein) are a normal adaptive mechanism (54) and
body weight loss and body weight maintenance there is little evidence that high-protein diets
thereafter. Absolute protein intake seems to be pose a serious risk to kidney function in healthy
more important than is the proportion of pro- populations (34).
tein in the diet. When energy intake is reduced, However, long-term consumption of high-
protein intake should be sustained, so that protein diets in the absolute sense, i.e., in
expressed in grams/day the protein content grams, may have adverse effects on the kid-
is normal. Therefore, high-protein negative- ney, e.g., on blood pressure. Amino acids
34 Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
ANRV383-NU29-02 ARI 16 June 2009 7:54
by the kidneys (26, 37). When kidneys com- 21% (2.1 g/kg) did not have a negative effect on
pensate by increased excretion of ammonia, calcium balance in young adults and elderly per-
through stimulated ammoniagenesis with glu- sons (67). Some studies even report positive ef-
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
tamine as substrate, an effect on blood pressure fects of protein intake. A recent review analyzed
occurs, which leads to loss of nephron mass (3, clinically large prospective epidemiologic stud-
26, 37, 72). The established synergy between ies and concluded that relatively high-protein
obesity and low nephron number on induction intake is associated with increased bone min-
of high blood pressure identifies subjects with eral mass and reduced incidence of osteoporotic
obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 dia- fracture (10). Furthermore, during weight loss,
betes as particularly susceptible groups (3, 13). nitrogen intake seems to have a positive effect
So, in more susceptible groups such as diabet- on calcium balance and consequent preserva-
ics and patients with renal disease, the effects tion of bone mineral content (82, 103).
of high protein intake are less clear (23, 34).
In a study of patients with type II diabetes,
restriction of protein intake from 1.2 g/kg to HYPOTHESES TO BE ASSESSED
0.9 g/kg, especially of animal protein, appeared The role of dietary protein in weight loss and
to beneficially influence albuminuria, a marker weight maintenance encompasses the influence
for the onset of renal disorders (71). However, of dietary protein on the crucial targets for
it must be noted that renal functions in diabetes body-weight regulation, namely effects on sati-
patients are often diminished; therefore, these ety, thermogenesis, energy efficiency, and body
results should not be generalized to healthy in- composition. These aspects are partly related
dividuals. to each other. Under conditions of slight body-
Opponents of high-protein diets are also weight regain while aiming for weight mainte-
concerned about the interference of high pro- nance, a sustained-protein diet shows reduced
tein intake with calcium homeostasis. Indeed, energy efficiency related to the body composi-
several short-term studies demonstrate in- tion of the body weight regained, i.e., in favor
creased renal calcium excretion and negative of FFM. Here, the main issue is that building
calcium balance at intakes of 2.0 g/kg protein FFM requires, on average, an additional energy
daily when compared with control diets con- ingestion of 52 MJ/kg body mass built, whereas
taining 0.7–1.0 g/kg daily (23). Explanations for building a normal proportion of FM and FFM
these effects are mainly focused on the acid load takes 30 MJ/kg body mass built. During body-
generated by high-protein diets. This large acid weight loss as well as during weight mainte-
load would be partially buffered by bone, which nance thereafter, a high-protein diet preserves
would result in bone resorption and hypercal- or increases FFM, reduces FM, and improves
the metabolic profile. The way dietary protein increases bone mineral mass and reduces inci-
triggers this FFM-sparing effect deserves fur- dence of osteoporotic fracture. During weight
ther research in (a) energy balance to assess its loss, nitrogen intake has a positive effect on cal-
contribution to prevention of weight (re)gain, cium balance and consequent preservation of
as well as in (b) negative energy balance to assess bone mineral content.
preservation of FFM while losing FM. The pro- Sulphur-containing amino acids cause a
tein synthesis observed during short-term ex- blood pressure–raising effect by maintaining
periments cannot be straightforwardly extrap- acid-base homeostasis through excretion of the
olated to the long term; therefore, experiments excess acid load by the kidneys, ultimately lead-
of four to six weeks are needed to assess the rela- ing to loss of nephron mass. The established
tionship between protein synthesis and sparing synergy between obesity and low nephron num-
FFM under diets relatively high in protein. ber on induction of high blood pressure identi-
Protein-induced satiety appears to be mainly fies subjects with obesity, metabolic syndrome,
due to oxidation of amino acids fed in excess, and type 2 diabetes as particularly susceptible
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.29:21-41. Downloaded from
especially with diets with incomplete proteins, groups. This area of research deserves further
and perhaps due to gluconeogenesis restoring attention, with a focus on the roles of different
glucose homeostasis. This topic deserves closer proteins.
by Boston University on 07/20/13. For personal use only.
The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this
Part of this review is an update of Stijn Soenen and Margriet S. Westerterp-Plantenga, 2008,
Proteins and satiety: implications for weight management, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition
and Metabolic Care 11:747–51 (with permission) (85).
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