Re-Appraisal of The Dilatometer For In-Situ Assessment of Geotechnical Properties of Swedish Glacio-Marine Clays
Re-Appraisal of The Dilatometer For In-Situ Assessment of Geotechnical Properties of Swedish Glacio-Marine Clays
Re-Appraisal of The Dilatometer For In-Situ Assessment of Geotechnical Properties of Swedish Glacio-Marine Clays
Keywords: ground profile, small strain stiffness, undrained shear strength, in-situ stresses, degradation
ABSTRACT: This paper compares the results of in-situ field and high quality laboratory tests on Swedish soft
highly structured glacio-marine clays. The applicability of SDMT measurements for both soil profiling and
determination of soil properties are considered. Seismic dilatometer (SDMT) tests were found to define the
ground profile as well as piezocone penetration tests (CPTU). Furthermore, it was found that in-situ stress
state can be determined using existing correlations. However new correlations were required to define soft
clay anisotropy in undrained shearing and clay stiffness, pre and post yield, consistent with high quality
laboratory test results. Determination of small strain stiffness (G0) and degradation (G/Go) determined with
the SDMT probe are compared with high quality triaxial tests and show reasonable agreement.
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
water and other clay minerals. Different clay
Zone 2D
structures and sedimentary boundaries due to 20 20
varying conditions should be identifiable within the
Vs profile. To help identify if this is possible the 25 25
sedimentary geology classifications of Alte et al. Zone 3aD
(1989) and Bergsten (1991) have been amalgamated 30
excellent, particularly for the seismic. Clearly small Fig. 3. Results of SDMT tests at Site 4
local variations exist but the clay appears
homogeneous. A sand layer was identified at 16 m layer at around 16 m depth. Based on Fig. 4 CPTU
in both SDMT profiles and confirmed by CPTU and DMT tests provide similar evaluations of the
tests. This layer could be significant for the planned ground profile.
cut and cover tunnel at this site as the layer lies just The usefulness of Vs as both a profiling tool and
below the planned excavation depth. Bergsten for understanding the effects of stress history can
(1991) noted fissures in samples below 23m due to also be seen in Figure 5 where Vs profiles from 5
erosion, this boundary appears be identified in the Vs sites are compared. The 5 sites were all subjected to
profile. Further erosion and increased sedimentation loading in the 1800’s due to land reclamation. At
events are apparent below this level in the Vs profile this time excavations for a dock at site 3 and canal at
and ED profile but not in the KD profile. site 4 were carried out. This dock was later refilled
The classification of the ground profile at site 4 in 1934. The Vs values in the zone 1 clays are
using different methods is presented in Figure 4. greater at site 3 and 4 due to recent stress history but
Assessment (a) from DMT uses Marchetti and are most prevalent at site 3 where additional loads
Crapps (1981), while (b) uses the chart given by were applied. SDMT measurements at site 2 and 3
Larsson (1989), (c) uses CPTU tests from Larsson were done during a cold period (< -10°C), which
(2007) and (d) is based on all measurements. clearly caused very high measurements of Vs in the
Assessment (a) erroneously identified the dry crust upper 5 m of the ground profile. Below the Zone 1
as silt otherwise it is very similar to (c) and (d). clays (12 m) profiles for all the sites are very similar
Method (b) correctly identified the stiffer dry crust confirming the homogeneity of these clays and the
but failed to identify the very soft clay within the ability of the Vs profile to identify changes at the
zone 1B clays. All methods identified a frictional expected geological boundaries.
Table 1. Geological profile of Gothenburg with Zone 1
(1A, 1B, 1C), Zone 2 (2D) and Zone 3 (3aD, 3bD) clays 0 made ground
Strata Age Base of strata 5 dry crust
(years) (±1m) 10 silt/sand
Made Ground ≈ 150 ≈ 2m
(Site 3 ≈ 7.5m) 15 very soft clay/mud
Post Glacial 1A clay 8000 5.5 m 20
soft clay
Post Glacial 1B clay 9000 8m 25
Post Glacial 1C clay 10000 12 m firm clay
Post Glacial 2D clay 10600 21 m stiff clay
Glacial 3aD clay 12000 42 m
Depth (m)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Glacial 3bD clay 13000 57 to 100 m
Fig.4. Ground profile with different assessment methods
Vs (m/s) 6.1.2 Determination of horizontal stresses
50 100 150 200 Horizontal stresses can be determined if the in-
5 situ earth pressure at rest coefficient, K0 is known.
Site 1
0 At site 1 in-situ K0 was assessed using the
Site 2 relationship derived by Schmidt (1966). Values of
‐5 OCR and ’ were taken from laboratory tests. The
Site 3
‐10 value of K0nc was estimated from the ratio of
Elevation (m)
Site 4
‐15 horizontal and vertical yield stress (σ’ch and σ’cv)
Site 6 (MASW) determined from undrained triaxial stress paths in
compression and extension. These values were
‐25 confirmed by K0 consolidation tests reported by
‐30 Olsson (2013). The assessment of K0 from the
dilatometer using Marchetti (1980) and Larsson
(1989) are presented in Figure 6. The K0 correlation
‐40 by Lunne et al. (1989) is almost identical to Larsson
‐45 (1989) thus is not plotted. Further verification is
‐50 provided by field measurement of K0 at site 5
presented by Smith (1989) which includes
‐55 measurement with Glotz cells and self-boring
Fig.5. Comparison of Vs measurements in Gothenburg pressuremeter (SBP). Larsson (1989) appears to be
slightly more consistent with field and laboratory
assessed values at these two sites.
30 Site 5 SBP ko
Site 5 ko=konc*OCRIL^(1.2sinø')
6.1 Determination of in-situ stresses 40
Site 1 ko=konc*OCRIL^(1.2sinø')
evaluated from DMT tests using Marchetti and Site 1 SDMT ko Marchetti
20 Site 1 IL differences between site 1 test results and Larsson
(1985). The discrepancy between site 1 suav and suav
Site 1 SDMT Larsson (1989)1 reported by Larsson et al. (1985) and site 1 suDSS is
30 most likely related to issues of storage effects and
35 Site 1 SDMT Marchetti (1980) sample disturbance.
40 The calculation of undrained strength from DMT
Site 1 SDMT Chang (1991) tests has been determined in three different ways.
The most common method uses a critical state soil
50 Site 1 Lunne (1989) mechanics type model such as that proposed by
55 Ladd (1977) where (su/σ’vo) is defined in Eq.1.
site 1
suCkoUC MDMT site 1 Chang (1991)
suCkoUE 30
DMT Marchetti (1980)
DMT Larsson (1989a) 35 MDMT Site 1 Marchetti (1980)
DMT Chang (1991)
DMT Lunne (1989) 40
Su from Go, Bråten et al (1991) Estimated elastic modulus Mo
Su from Go, Andreasson (1979) from 5x MDMT Marchetti
Su CkoUC from vs, Long et al. (2013) 50 (1980)
Su CKoUC from average lab. Go/SuCkoUC =373 Estimated plastic modulus from
55 0.125xMDMT Marchetti (1980)
Fig.8. Comparison of estimated undrained shear strength 60
using field and laboratory tests
Fig. 9. Comparison of estimated oedometer moduli.
Instead a reasonable assessment of both “elastic” Go (kPa)
Elevation (m)
parameters that are more appropriate for FEA such ‐25
Go Bråten et al.
as λ, κ, E’oed, E’ur. However, correlation of (2010)
correlated values is generally inappropriate. The
Go Hardin & black
deviatoric stiffness E’50 from compression triaxial ‐35 (1968)
tests at site 1 were found at axial strains of 0.35 to
0.6% which is less than the strains applied during Go SDMT
MDMT. Using elastic theory E’DMT can be found from Go from MDMT
Marchetti et al
MDMT (again if υ’, is known) using eq. 4: (2008)
E’DMT =F.MDMT((1+υ’)(1-2υ’))/(1-υ’) (4)
The value of υ’ is not a constant and varies during Fig. 10. Comparison of estimated small strain stiffness G0
shearing. Values of υ’ at engineering strains are in
the range of 0.1 to 0.3 but this gives gross under The use of SDMT tests to define stiffness
estimation of compression E’50 (< 35%). If the degradation is discussed by Mayne et al (1999). A
poisons ratio for the clays at failure (υ’=0.42) is used relationship is presented for the normalized shear
and the factor F=5 (as used for the M0) Eq. 4 gives modulus G/G0 based on the degree of mobilized
estimations of E’50 similar to those from CKoUE shear strength. If results of e.g. field shear vane tests
tests for the clay studied. One could therefore make are available. An alternate method can be used based
an approximate estimation of compression E’50 by on Hardin and Drnevich (1972) where the reference
first determining the value for extension E’50 using strain, γr=τmax/G0, can be assessed from Fig. 8. The
Eq. 4 and υ’= 0.42 and then adjusting for anisotropy. modulus degradation is defined using Eq. 6.
G/G0=1/(1+γ/γr) (6)
6.3.2 Small strain stiffness properties and
This hyperbolic function is plotted Fig. 11 together
with degradation curves determined in the laboratory
The determination of in-situ small strain stiffness and SDMT points. A reasonable fit is achieved,
parameters with downhole seismic measurements there is some under and overestimation of stiffness
was first reported in Sweden by Andreasson (1979). at small and medium strains respectively but these
SDMT field measurements were later reported by will tend to counterbalance each other at typical
Marchetti et al. (2008). The determination of small engineering strains of 10-4 to 10-3.
strain stiffness G0 is found using elastic wave theory
using the relation in Eq. 5: 1.2
G0=ρVs (5)
Where ρ is the mass density and can be determined
from the correlation suggested by Mayne (1999). Hardin Drnevich 0.8
The results of SDMT measurements of G0 are 10m CkoUC
using bender elements and empirical correlations. 35m CkoUC
whereas correlations presented by Hardin & Black 1.00E‐06 1.00E‐05 1.00E‐04 1.00E‐03 1.00E‐02 1.00E‐01