Sleep Hygiene

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15 Tips & Tricks’ for

Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Reference: Halson Sports Med 2014 & Vitale et al. IJSM 2019 Designed by @YLMSportScience

Screens Wake up Alarm

Avoid blue light emitted from screens at least

2h before bed (smartphones, laptop, monitors). Get bright, natural light (the sun) upon
Blue light suppresses melatonin production that awakening (the sun is ideal, but some suggest at Don’t hit the snooze button. It does not improve
is needed to induce sleep least a 10,000 lux lamp if artificial) sleep quality

Simulated sunrise Twilight Zen

Images provided by PresenterMedia

If you must use your computer at night,

consider installing color-adjusting and blue- Meditation may be helpful. Brainwave
If you have difficulty waking up, some suggest light reducing software or wear blue-light entrainment (e. g., binaural beats) is considered
a dawn-simulator alarm clock blocking glasses experimental

Dinner Magnesium Melatonin

High glycemic index foods at night may Melatonin naturally occurring in foods (e. g.,
improve sleep, as well as high protein including tart cherry juice, raspberries, goji berries,
tryptophan. High fat intake at night may disrupt Topical magnesium (e. g., salt bath, topical walnuts, almonds, tomatoes) may potentially
sleep. Inadequate total caloric intake during the mineral oil) or oral magnesium may help if you improve sleep, but avoid artificial melatonin
day may impair sleep at night are deficient supplements

TV Herbal supplements Hydration

Herbal supplements are largely unknown with Consider reducing your fluid intake before bed
Don’t fall asleep to the TV. Sleep studies show potential serious side effects, and may be on so you don’t get up to go to the bathroom (only
you frequently wake up during the night and USADA-prohibited lists or result in positive if you maintain enough hydration during the
have poor quality sleep banned substance test for athletes day)

Fresh Mattress Mental

Cooling your body temperature may improve Recovery from exercise should not only focus
sleep. Some suggest keeping room between 18– Check your mattress – it may be too old on muscle recovery. Reducing mental fatigue is
20°C; however, keep hands and feet warm (socks (mattresses typically last a maximum of 9–10 just as important for healthy sleep. Reduce
and gloves may help during winter months) years) and may have allergens external stressors in your life

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