ENGL324 Narrative Analysis Fall 2022 9
ENGL324 Narrative Analysis Fall 2022 9
ENGL324 Narrative Analysis Fall 2022 9
a. !Neoplasticism
b. Precisionism
c. Cubism
d. Impressionism
5. What year did Albrecht Duuml;rer create the painting quot;The Young Harequot;?
a. 1702
b. 1402
c. !1502
d. 1602
7. Which artist039;s style was to use small different colored dots to create a
a. Paul Ceacute;zanne
b. !Georges Seurat
c. Henri Rousseau
d. Vincent Van Gogh
8. Venus of Willendorf is one of the earliest works of art, depicting the planets
Mars and Venus embrace in the heavens at night.
a. True
b. !False
2. What was the name of Captain Nemo039;s submarine in quot;20,000 Leagues Under
the Seaquot;?
a. The Neptune
b. !The Nautilus
c. The Poseidon
d. The Atlantis
3. In the book quot;The Martianquot;, how long was Mark Watney trapped on Mars in
a. 401 Days
b. 765 Days
c. 324 Days
d. !549 Days
6. What is the name of the gang that Ponyboy is a part of in the book, The
a. The Mafia
b. The Socs
c. !The Greasers
d. The Outsiders
9. What was Sir Handel039;s original name in quot;The Railway Seriesquot; and
it039;s animated counterpart quot;Thomas and Friends?quot;
a. !Falcon
b. Eagle
c. Kyte
d. Swallow
3. What year did the Boxing Day earthquake amp; tsunami occur in the Indian Ocean?
a. !2004
b. 2008
c. 2002
d. 2006
4. What was the first sport to have been played on the moon?
a. Tennis
b. Soccer
c. Football
d. !Golf
6. When was the quot;Siege of Leningradquot; lifted during World War II?
a. November 1943
b. March 1944
c. !January 1944
d. September 1943
7. When did the Crisis of the Third Century begin?
a. 210 AD
b. !235 AD
c. 242 AD
d. 235 BC
9. The Panama Canal was finished under the administration of which U.S. president?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. !Woodrow Wilson
c. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
d. Herbert Hoover
10. The fraudelent doctor John R. Brinkley acummulated great fame and wealth in the
early 1900s offering what service?
a. Turkey breast implants
b. Cow liver transplant
c. !Goat testicles transplant
d. Pig blood transfusion