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Mapeh Reviewer

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Woodwind instruments have at least one piece of reed in Which of the following is one of the econdary colors?
the mouthpiece. Which of the following is a reedless - Orange - Green - Violet
woodwind instrument?
- Flute Paper is not as absorbent as fabric. Is the statement true?
- Yes
This is a musical ensemble of singers that performs music
from classic, medieval to the present music repertoire. Which of the following elements shows the area used
What is the name of this ensemble? or unused in a composition?
- Choir - Space

It is a marching ensemble consists of percussion The following are considered as the principles of
instruments such as snare drum, tenor, drum, cymbals, lyre, photography except?
glockenspiel, bell lyre, bass, and the color guard section. - Texture
What is this group called?
- Drum and Lyre Corps Which of the following is the step on how to zoom in the
In the song, “Magtanim ay Masaya”, the musical phrase - Spread your fingers apart
lahat ay masaya, should be sung in gradually becoming soft
to loud. Which symbol is found above the musical phrase? The following are considered as the elements of
- < photography except?
- Pattern
The musical phrase of a song you are singing has a dynamic What is a print transfer technique that uses chemical
mark ff. How will you interpret the particular musical process to transfer designs to paper or textile?
phrase? - Lithography
- Sing the song very loud.
What is an instrument with a design created with gaps.
There are some parts of a song that need to be sung in The gaps allow pigment pass through to make an art?
gradually becoming loud. What dynamic mark is used? - Stencil
- crescendo
What do you call a method of transferring a patter by
You are tasked to sing the second section of the song. How brushing, spraying, squeezing ink or paint through the
are you going to locate it in the musical score? open areas of a stencil?
- it is labeled as B - Stencil printing

A music has two sections. What is the musical form? Which of the following refers to adding a very small stroke
- ternary to the colors that touch each other so there is a little
Tinikling has three melodic sections. What is its musical - Trapping
- binary Which of the following does the abbreviation PMS stands
What musical symbol means repeat from the beginning up - Pantone Color Matching System
to the end?
- D.C. al fine
The one of the benefits of using plastisol ink is having
D.C al fine is a repeat mark. Which of the following tells longevity and brightness of the print. Is true?
about it? - Yes
- repeat from the beginning up to the word fine

What musical symbol is shown? ┌1───┐

- first ending of the section

The brasswind section is made of brass metal or silver alloy

whose tone is produced by blowing through its mouthpiece
while fingers are pressing the valves. What is the only
instrument in the brass family that uses slide?
- trombone

How can we avoid risk in a dancing activity? All the following are effects of noise pollution except?
- drink soda - good sleep
If you were to choose a snack, what would it be? Ana is having her review, she can’t concentrate because her
- crackers father’s music was too loud, what should she do?
- tell, her father to tone down the music
The position where the heel of the front foot is close to the
big toe of the rear foot Ysabelle joins the tree planting activity in their
- 5th community as a support to reduce noise pollution. Is this
This is a commonly used term for the rudimentary steps. - Yes
- 1ST , 2ND , 3RD . 4TH , 5TH
Sandra should turn-on the stereo in a maximum volume
The importance of knowing the rudiments of dance when listening to a music at night time.
position. - Yes
- It is the foundation of the whole picture of the
dance. How do cockroaches give problem to people’s health?
- It is essential to a child’s further development - They contaminate food and water supply
in dance. that can harm our health.
- It is used as starting position for the free-
handing exercise. Why is growing population of rats dangerous to the
Which comes first? - Rats attack crops and bring diseases like
- Partners striking each other’s shell and doing a Leptospirosis and Rat bite fever.
baligtaran stunt.
Which is not true about the effect of pests and
How will you perform if you are the soloist? rodents to one’s health?
- with mastery - They make our lives comfortable and stress-
How will you become an excellent performer?
- motivated - disciplined Which is correct about the effect of pests and rodents
- focused to one’s health?
- They are disease-carriers that could infect
Why do we need to follow the suggested activities given in people and cause sickness or death.
the Philippine Physical Pyramid Activity Pyramid Guide
(PPAP)? Kiko burns the garbage in their backyard. What will be the
- It is designed to help people live in active impact of this activity?
lifestyle. - It will pollute the air.
- It reduces health risks associated with inactivity.
- It provides us the sample activities and how What is the impact to health if we will inhale smoke
often we do them. pollutants from cars, industries, construction sites and
Which of the following is a skill-related fitness component? - There will be difficulty in breathing.
- Speed
Untreated waste water coming from factories is
Which of the following health–related fitness disposed to rivers, seas or oceans. What will happen to the
components measure the ability of the heart and lungs marine life?
to transport and utilize oxygen during physical activity - The marine life will die because of water
like dancing? pollution.
- Cardiovascular endurance
The drinking water is contaminated because of leaking
Why is it important to drink plenty of water to stay pipeline. Should we drink the water?
hydrated? - No, the contaminated water is unsafe to
- to keep the body from overheating drink. It will cause diseases.
- to maintain blood pressure
- to replace lost fluid
A loud and unpleasant noise that is harmful or annoying
and may lead to adverse effects to people and other
living organisms.
- noise pollution

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