Syllabus20 20IM202320Marketing202024

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IM Syllabus (2024): Marketing



IM Syllabus (2024): Marketing

Marketing IM 23 (Available in September)

Syllabus 1 Paper (3 hours)

Syllabus objectives

The syllabus is intended to encourage candidates to:

Understand and appreciate the nature and scope of marketing and its role in industry and society;
Appreciate that marketing can be studied from the perspective of a range of stakeholders within the
context of the internal and external environments;
Be aware of the economic, environmental, and technological issues associated with marketing
Develop critical understanding of consumers, goods and services providers, marketing
organisations and the importance of adding value.

The emphasis is on the application of concepts and issues within the local and international contexts
where relevant.


Candidates will be assessed on the following:

Knowledge and comprehension of the topics specified in the syllabus;

Application of knowledge to challenges and issues within local and international situations;
Analysis of problems, issues and situations by making valid inferences, organising ideas and
developing a framework of understanding of the subject.


3 hours

Section A
Circa 8 to 12 short answer questions 40% total for the section
All questions are compulsory Circa 3 to 7 marks per question

Section B
2 essays from a choice of 3 60% = 2 x 30% each

100% Total

IM Syllabus (2024): Marketing

Paper 1

Section A

The short answer questions in Section A are designed to test the candidates’ knowledge and
comprehension of the fundamental principles of marketing.

Section B

The essay questions in Section B are designed to test the knowledge, comprehension, application and
analysis of marketing principles and practices. The essay type answers provide scope to describe
marketing terminology and frameworks in more detail and to analyse how they are implemented in
organisations and markets.

Knowledge and comprehension are typically expressed through: marketing terminology and its
meaning, outlines of marketing frameworks in the form of lists, tables and diagrams, which
summarise complex principles, concepts, practices, processes and contexts.

Application and analysis are typically expressed through: problem solving by using knowledge and
appropriate generalization of the main principles of marketing, identification of information into
component parts and the ability to debate, differentiate, appraise and examine concepts.

IM Syllabus (2024): Marketing



1. Marketing, definition 1. Consumer buying behaviour

2. Customer needs, wants and demands A brief introduction
3. Market offerings – goods, services, experiences
4. Customer value and satisfaction 2. Characteristics affecting consumer buying
5. Exchanges and relationships behaviour
6. Markets a. Cultural factors
7. Marketing management orientations b. Social factors
8. Customer relationship management, definition c. Personal factors
9. Creating customer loyalty and retention d. Psychological factors
10. Growing market and revenue share
11. Building customer equity 3. Consumer buyer decision process
12. M Marketing mix, a brief introduction, 4Ps, 7Ps a. Need recognition
b. Information search
c. Evaluation of alternatives
e. Post purchase behaviour
1. The microenvironment
b. Suppliers
c. Marketing intermediaries 1. Segmentation
d. Competitors a. Segmenting consumer markets
e. Publics b. Segmenting business markets
f. Customers c. Segmenting international markets
d. Requirements for effective segmentation
2. The macroenvironment
a. The demographic environment 2. Market Targeting
b. The economic environment a. Evaluating market segments
c. The natural environment b. Selecting target market segments
d. The technological environment
e. The political environment 3. Positioning strategy - brief introduction
f. The social environment
g. The cultural environment F. PRODUCT STRATEGY

C. CUSTOMER INSIGHTS 1. Goods, services and brands

a. Goods, services and experiences
1. Marketing Research b. Levels of goods and services
a. Marketing research process c. Goods and service classifications
b. Defining the problem and research objectives d. The nature and characteristics of a service
c. Developing the research plan
d. Gathering secondary data 2. Product life-cycle strategies
e. Primary data collection a. Development stage (definition)
f. Research approaches b. Introduction stage
g. Contact methods c. Growth stage
h. Sampling plan d. Maturity stage
i. Research instruments e. Decline stage
j. Presenting findings through info-graphics

1. Pricing defined

2. Price elasticity of demand – definition

3. Major pricing strategies

a. Customer value-based pricing
b. Cost-based pricing
c. Competition-based pricing

IM Syllabus (2024): Marketing

5. Sales promotion
1. Nature and importance of channels a. Growth of sales promotion
a. How channel members add value b. Sales promotion objectives
b. Channel levels, roles and functions c. Main sales promotion tools

2. Retailing 6. Direct marketing

a. Types of retailers a. Direct-marketing model
b. Retailing trends and developments b. Benefits to buyers
c. Benefits to sellers
3. Wholesaling d. Direct-mail marketing
a. Definition of wholesalers e. Catalogue marketing
f. Telephone marketing
I. COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY g. Direct-response television marketing
h. Kiosk marketing
1. The promotion / communication mix
a. Integrated marketing communications 7. Digital and online technology
b. Communications process a. Marketing and the Internet
b. Online marketing models:
2. Advertising B2C, B2B, C2C and C2B
a. Setting advertising objectives c. Establishing an online marketing presence
b. Types of media d. Creating a website
c. Evaluating advertising effectiveness and the e. Placing ads and promotions online
return on advertising investment f. Participating in social network
g. Email marketing
3. Public relations
a. The role and impact of PR
b. Major PR tools

4. Personal selling
a. Nature of personal selling
b. Role of the sales force
c. Steps in the selling process

Learning and teaching resources

Main textbook

Principles of Marketing, European Edition. Kotler et al., Pearson Education.

Additional readings

Essentials of Marketing, Blythe, Routledge.

Foundations of Marketing. International edition. Pride et al., Cengage South-Western.
Principles of Contemporary Marketing. Boone et al., Cengage South-Western.
Principles and Practice of Marketing. Jobber et al., McGraw Hill.

Support materials

Resources are available for tutors and students on the publishers’ websites. The resources include
video, audio, slides and exercises for self-assessment. Textbooks are available in print and digital
versions from online digital textbook portals or the publishers’ websites.

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