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Arranged By :
Alisa : 32211006
Devita Rada : 322110108
Dewi Melianti : 322110099
Sri Lestari : 322110067
Praise be to the presence of God Almighty. For His grace and guidance, so that the
author can complete the task of a paper entitled "Technology-Based English Learning
Media". In addition, this paper aims to provide readers with an understanding of our future
projects regarding the meaning of technology-based learning media, the functions of
technology-based learning media, the purpose of using technology-based learning media,
various types of technology-based learning media. The author would like to thank Mrs. Desi
Sri Astuti, M.Pd as a lecturer in the English Language Teaching Media course who has given
this assignment. The writer realizes that this paper is still far from perfection.Therefore,
suggestions and constructive criticism are highly expected for the perfection of this paper.
Table Of Content......................................................................................................
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................
1.1 Background...................................................................................................
1.2 Questions Of The Problem ............................................................................
1.3 Objectives.......................................................................................................
Chapter 2 Discussion................................................................................................
Chapter 3 Closing.....................................................................................................
1.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................
1.2 Suggestions ....................................................................................................
1.1 Background
Education is a conscious and systematic effort, carried out by people who entrusted
with the responsibility to influence students to have the character and character in accordance
with the ideals of education (Achmad Munib, 2004). Hence education expected to really be
directed to make students able to achieve the process maturity and independence. Advances
in science and technology have a very large influence in various fields of human life.
Education as one part that is not inseparable from the process of human maturation certainly
on the one hand has a big contribution for the development of science and technology, but on
the other hand education also need to take advantage of advances in science and technology
in order to be able to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. Advances in science and
technology have affected the use teaching aids in schools and other educational institutions.
Today learning in schools is beginning to be adapted to technological developments
information, resulting in changes and shifts in the educational paradigm (Hujair, 2009). This
indicates that the use of information technology in the learning process in class, has become a
necessity as well as a demand in this global era.
1.4 Objectives
a. Explain the meaning of technology-based learning media.
b. Explain the purpose of using technology-based learning media.
c. Explain the function of technology-based learning media.
d. Explain the types of technology-based learning media.
forgotten by students.
d. Making students learn more effectively, efficiently and meaningfully.
e. Preferably to speed up the teaching and learning process and can help
students in capturing the meaning conveyed by Teacher.
4. Television
Television is a means of receiving information in the form of images and sound
can receive image and sound transmissions directly. Television able to receive
signals from the wave transmitter/satellite as well from cable. This is what
makes people enjoy watching television, because through television news we
can find out the latest information around us even from other countries.
5. Projector LCDs
LCD Projector is a useful information transmitter for displays information in
the form of images on the screen, by the way connect the tool with a computer
or notebook.
6. Telephone
The telephone is an information and communication device that can transmit
speech via electrical signals. Currently the phone has growing rapidly in the
form of mobile phones. Mobile phone better known as handpone (abbreviated
HP); or phone cellular or cell phone is an information technology equipment
and communication that has the same basic capabilities with conventional
phone but can be taken anywhere without cable
7. Virtual Reality
Can be used to learn English by providing an interactive and fun learning
environment. Some examples of VR applications for learning English include:Speak
VR English by practicing speaking and listening methods with virtual characters.
Vocab VR English, learning vocabulary in a fun VR environmentEngage:
English for VR, which provides speaking, listening and writing practice in a
realistic VR environment.
2. Game-Based Learning
Game-based learning (GBL) is a learning method that uses games as a means
to improve one's understanding and skills. Some examples of game-based learning
for learning English are as follows:
Duolingo, offers English lessons in the form of interactive games.
Babbel, with speaking, listening and writing practice methods in the form of
fun games,
English Attack, by offering vocabulary and grammar lessons in the form of
fun and interactive games.
Hello English, which offers complete English lessons, from grammar,
vocabulary, to listening and speaking.
BBC Learning English, which provides English lessons from the BBC with
a variety of topics that are quite complete.
English with Lucy, which offers video tutorial features in English with
various topics.
VOA Learning English, by providing various English tutorial videos
delivered by native speakers.
Busuu, is an application that can help improve your English skills from
various aspects. Starting from vocabulary, grammar, to speaking. The
advantage of this application is that you can get feedback from native
English speakers. So, you can more easily evaluate what needs to be fixed.
Get the Busuu app and learn English on Android and iOS gadgets.
Beelinguapp, the advantage of Beelinguapp compared to other English
learning applications is that this application uses the concept of story-telling.
The trick is that you can learn to read a story in English, then next to it lies a
story in your own language. Not only that, there is also a karaoke-style
feature that allows you to read while hearing the pronunciation of the word
being read. With attractive designs and stories, learning to read in English
becomes easier and more fun.
Grammarly, this one application is very useful for learning English in
writing. The advantage of this application is that you only need to install the
Grammarly keyboard on any gadget, then Grammarly will automatically
correct errors in your writing. Another advantage is that this application can
detect the 'tone' of the text you are about to send. Such as formal, neutral,
and friendly.
FluentU, The FluentU app has a different approach from other English
learning apps. If other applications make you learn English with materials
that are suitable for your level of ability, FluentU arranges the materials
using a variety of music videos, movie trailers, to news and talk shows. So,
you can learn English in a more enjoyable way.
HelloTalk, If you want to improve your English speaking skills, HelloTalk
is the right choice. With millions of users spread all over the world, there's a
great chance for you to improve your speaking skills through conversations
with a native.
Memrise, If you prefer learning English through games, the Memrise app
will be for you. Not only does it help you learn English through games, you
can also see how other users answer the questions in the game.
3. Virtual Classroom
Is a learning class that is conducted online via the internet.
Zoom, is a cloud computing based video conferencing service. The
application can be used on a variety of mobile devices, from desktops to
telephones and room systems. In general, users use this application to
conduct meetings to video and audio conferencing.
Google Meet, is a video communication service developed by Google. This
app is one of two Google Hangouts replacement apps, the other being
Google Chat. This app will also replace Google Duo on mobile devices.
Skype, is a software that allow you to chat with worldwide. Millions of
individuals and businesses use Skype to make free video and voice one-on-
one, and group calls, send instant messages and share files with others on
Blackboard Collaborate, is a virtual classroom solution built on a web-
based collaborative learning service that enables employees and students to
meet training and learning requirements. It supports remote learners by
giving them the feeling that they are studying together in the same room
through the software's collaboration and conferencing features
Cisco Webex, is a video conferencing application that allows
communication using personal and mobile devices such as smartphones,
PCs, laptops, notebooks and tablet PCs as long as they are within reach of
the internet network.Webex combines telephone communication with
computer screen display.
Englishtown, is an online English language school that offers English
learning system services via the internet for adults. Offers a certified
education curriculum, both through online lessons in groups and private
Rosetta Stone, is an application for learning languages with a focus on
speaking aspects. In this application there are 25 languages that can be
learned. Some of them are English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and French.
3.1 Conclusion
Technology-based learning media are tools used to demonstrate certain facts,
concepts, principles or procedures to make them appear more real/concrete. In technology-
based media there are several important goals, one of which is Providing a different and
varied learning experience to stimulate students' interest in learning. As well as there are
functions or benefits of using technology-based media, namely as a tool to create a teaching
and learning situation that is effective. And the last point is the kinds or examples of
technology-based media for learning English such as Duolingo, Bable, BBC, Hello English,
Google Meet, Skype, Cisco Webex etc.
3.2. Suggestion
As an effort to develop the quality of learning English, teachers and student should
apply the concept of learning by using the available media and varied. The use of learning
media should be done more often because can make it easier to understand the material
presented as well foster interest and motivation to learn. Learning media is made
interactive to be more effective, creative and innovative. Remember Problems in learning
are important issues, because they involve the future of students, especially for those who
experience difficulties Study. The learning approach through available media is one of the
efforts in education which aims to motivate students to achieve mastery of certain
Genclter, B. 2015. How does Technology Affect Lanquage Learning Process at an Early
Age? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 199(2015), 311-316. doi:
10.1016/j.sbspro. 2015.07.552.
Disusun Oleh:
Alisa : 32211006
Devita Rada : 322110108
Dewi Melianti : 322110099
Sri Lestari : 322110067
Segala puji bagi hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya,
sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul “Media Pembelajaran
Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Teknologi”. Selain itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan
pemahaman kepada pembaca tentang proyek kami yang akan datang mengenai pengertian
media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, fungsi media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, tujuan
penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, berbagai jenis media pembelajaran
berbasis teknologi.Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ibu Desi Sri Astuti, M.Pd
selaku dosen mata kuliah Media Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang telah memberikan tugas ini.
Penulis menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, oleh karena itu saran
dan kritik yang membangun sangat diharapkan demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.
Kata Pengantar......................................................................................................
Daftar Isi.................................................................................................................
BAB 1 Pendahuluan..............................................................................................
1.1 Latar Belakang..............................................................................................
1.2 Pertanyaan Masalah......................................................................................
1.3 Tujuan Pembahasan......................................................................................
BAB II Pembahasan..............................................................................................
2.1 Pengertian Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi...................................
2.2 Tujuan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi....................
2.3 Fungsi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi.........................................
2.4 Macam-macam Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi...........................
BAB III Penutup.....................................................................................................
3.1 Kesimpulan...................................................................................................
3.2 Saran.............................................................................................................
9. Kelas Virtual
Merupakan kelas pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara online melalui internet.
Zoom, adalah layanan konferensi video berbasis cloud computing. Aplikasi ini dapat
digunakan di berbagai perangkat seluler, mulai dari desktop hingga telepon dan sistem
ruangan. Pada umumnya, pengguna menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk melakukan
pertemuan hingga konferensi video dan audio.
Google Meet, adalah layanan komunikasi video yang dikembangkan oleh Google.
Aplikasi ini adalah salah satu dari dua aplikasi pengganti Google Hangouts, yang lain-
nya adalah Google Chat. Aplikasi ini juga akan menggantikan Google Duo di
perangkat seluler.
Skype, adalah perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengobrol dengan
seluruh dunia. Jutaan individu dan bisnis menggunakan Skype untuk membuat video
dan suara gratis satu per satu, dan panggilan grup, mengirim pesan instan, dan berbagi
file dengan orang lain di Skype.
Blackboard Collaborate, adalah solusi ruang kelas virtual yang dibangun di atas
layanan pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis web yang memungkinkan karyawan dan
siswa memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan dan pembelajaran. Ini mendukung pembelajar
jarak jauh dengan memberi mereka perasaan bahwa mereka belajar bersama di ruan-
gan yang sama melalui fitur kolaborasi dan konferensi perangkat lunak
Cisco Webex, adalah aplikasi video conferencing yang memungkinkan komunikasi
menggunakan perangkat personal dan mobile seperti smartphone, PC, laptop, note-
book dan tablet PC selama masih dalam jangkauan jaringan internet. Webex meng-
gabungkan komunikasi telepon dengan tampilan layar komputer.
Englishtown, adalah sekolah bahasa Inggris online yang menawarkan layanan sistem
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui internet untuk orang dewasa. Menawarkan
kurikulum pendidikan tersertifikasi, baik melalui les online berkelompok maupun les
Rosetta Stone, adalah aplikasi untuk belajar bahasa dengan fokus pada aspek
berbicara. Dalam aplikasi ini terdapat 25 bahasa yang bisa dipelajari. Beberapa di
antaranya adalah bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, Portugis, dan Prancis
3.1 Kesimpulan
Media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk
mendemonstrasikan fakta, konsep, prinsip, atau prosedur tertentu agar tampak lebih
nyata/konkrit. Dalam media berbasis teknologi terdapat beberapa tujuan penting salah
satunya adalah Memberikan pengalaman belajar yang berbeda dan bervariasi untuk
merangsang minat belajar siswa. Serta terdapat fungsi atau manfaat dari penggunaan media
berbasis teknologi yaitu sebagai alat untuk menciptakan situasi belajar mengajar yang efektif.
Dan poin terakhir adalah macam-macam atau contoh media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
berbasis teknologi seperti Duolingo, Bable, BBC, Hello English, Google Meet, Skype, Cisco
Webex dll.
3.2 Saran
Sebagai upaya untuk mengembangkan kualitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, guru dan
siswa hendaknya menerapkan konsep pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media yang
tersedia dan bervariasi.Penggunaan media pembelajaran harus lebih sering dilakukan karena
dapat mempermudah memahami materi yang disampaikan serta menumbuhkan minat dan
motivasi belajar. Media pembelajaran dibuat interaktif agar lebih efektif, kreatif dan inovatif.
Mengingat masalah dalam belajar merupakan masalah yang penting, sebab menyangkut masa
depan siswa, lebih-lebih bagi mereka yang mengalami kesulitan belajar. Pendekatan
pembelajaran lewat media yang tersedia merupakan salah satu usaha dalam pendidikan yang
bertujuan untuk memotivasi siswa mencapai penguasaa terhadap kompetensi tertentu
Genclter, B. 2015. How does Technology Affect Lanquage Learning Process at an Early
Age? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 199(2015), 311-316. doi:
10.1016/j.sbspro. 2015.07.552.