Syll 6
Syll 6
Syll 6
Tech Programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering : Course Structure & Syllabus
Cg:;see Course Name Category | L-T-P | Credit
ECL 1601 Digital Communication DC 3-1-0 4
ECL 1602 RF & Microwave Engineering DC 3-1-0 4
ECL 1603 Computer Communication Networks DC 3-0-0 3
16XX Program Elective I DE 3-0-0 3
ECL 1604 Optoelectronic Devices and Circuits DC 2-0-0 2
ECP 1601 Digital Communication Laboratory DC 0-0-3 1.5
ECP 1602 | RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory DC 0-0-3 1.5
ECD 1601 Industrial Training and Seminar DC 0-0-2 1
TOTAL | 14-2-8 20
ECL 1601 Digital Communication
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Course Outcome Credits: 4
CO1 Model a digital communication system.
CO2 Compute probability of error and inter symbol interference from eye diagram in data
CO3 Obtain the power spectra of digital modulated signals.
CO4 Design encoder and decoder schemes for error control.
Waveform Coding Techniques: Lectures: 05
Pulse code modulation: linear quantizer, quantization noise power calculation, signal to quantization noise
ratio, non-uniform quantizer, A-law & u-law, companding, encoding and bandwidth of PCM; differential
pulse code modulation (DPCM), delta modulation, slope overload, adaptive delta modulation.
Fundamentals of time division multiplexing, electronic commutator, bit, byte interleaving T1 carrier
system, synchronization and signaling of T1, TDM, PCM hierarchy, North-American CCITT standards, T1
to T4 PCM TDM system (DS1 to DS4 signals), signal format of M12 Mux for AT & T (Bell) system, bit rate
calculation for DS1 to DS4 signals.
Digital Base Band Transmission: Lectures: 06
Line coding & its properties. NRZ & RZ types, signaling format for unipolar, polar, bipolar (AMI) &
Manchester coding and their power spectra, HDB and B8ZS signaling, ISI, Nyquist criterion for zero ISI &
raised cosine spectrum, matched filter receiver, derivation of its impulse response and peak pulse signal
to noise ratio, correlation detector, decision threshold and error probability for binary unipolar (on-off)
Elements of Signal space Analysis: Lectures: 04
Reference Books:
1. Digital Communications, John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, 5th Edition, T Mc Graw -Hill, 2008.
2. Digital & Analog Communication systems, K.S.Shammugham, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. Principles of Digital Communication, P. Chakravarti, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2008.
4. Wireless Digital Communication, Kamilo Feher, PHI, 1995.
Introduction: Lectures: 01
Microwave frequencies, standard frequency bands, behaviour of circuits at conventional and microwave
frequencies, microwave application, review of Maxwell’s equations.
Transmission lines: Lectures: 05
Transmission line theory, low loss radio frequency and UHF transmission line. UHF line as circuit element,
quality factor of resonant transmission line section, the quarter wave line as a transformer, impedance
matching, Smith chart.
Waveguide: Lectures: 05
Overview of guided waves; TE and TM modes in rectangular, cut off wavelength, dominant mode,
attenuation in waveguides.
Microwave Components & Devices: Lectures: 08
N-port microwave networks. Scattering matrix representation. Reciprocal and lossless networks. Passive
microwave devices: E-plane tee, H-plane tee, magic tee, attenuators, directional coupler and power dividers,
resonator, ferrite devices: circulator, isolator, phase-shifter, MIC
Transit-time effect, limitations of conventional tubes, two-cavity and multi-cavity klystrons, reflex klystron,
TWT and magnetrons. Solid state devices-transferred electron devices, avalanche diode oscillator,
microwave transistor, HEMT, MESFET
Microwave Measurements Technique: Lectures: 06
Power measurement; calorimeter method, bolometer bridge method, thermocouples, impedance
measurement, measurement of frequency and wavelength, measurement of unknown loads, measurement
of reflection coefficient and VSWR,
Antenna Basic Lectures: 02
RF and microwave antennas and their properties
Introduction to RADAR principles Lectures: 02
RADAR range equation, RCS, CW and pulsed RADAR.
Text Books:
1. Microwave Engineering, D M Pozar, 4t Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
2. Microwave Devices & circuits, Liao Samuel Y., Liao, 37 Edition, Pearson Education India, 1990.
3. Microwave, S Kar
4. Antennas by John D. Kraus
5. Introduction to RADAR systems by Skolnik
Reference Books:
1. Microwaves: Introduction to Circuits, Devices and Antennas by M L Sisodia, V. L. Gupta, New Age International,
2. Foundations of Microwave Engg., R E Collin, 274 Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3. Microwave principles, Herbert J. Reich, Van Nostrand, 1966.
4. Microwave, K. C. Gupta, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited, 1980.
5. Microwave techniques, D. C. Agrawal.
6. Elements of Microwave Engineering, R. Chatterjee, Prentice Hall, 1988.
7. Microwaves Active devices vacuum and solid state, M. L. Sisodia, New age international, 2006.
8. Microwave circuits and passive devices, M. L. Sisodia, G. S. Raghuvanshi, Wiley Publisher, 1987.
Networks and services: Lectures: 08
Text Books:
1. Computer Networking, a top-down approach featuring the Internet, Kurose and Ross, Addison
Wesley, 6e, 2012.
2. Data and Computer Communication, Stallings William, PHI, 6e, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Computer Networks-a systems approach, Peterson and Davie- Morgan Kauffman, 2e, 2000.
2. Data communications and networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH, 4e, 2006.
3. Data Communication, Computer network & open systems, PHI, F. Halsall, 4e, 1996.
4. An Engineering approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet, and the
Telephone Network, S. Keshav, PHI, le, 1997.
Elements of Light and Solid-State Physics: Lectures: 04
Wave nature of light, Polarization, Interference, Diffraction, Light Source, review of
Quantum Mechanical concept, Review of Solid-State Physics, Review of Semiconductor
Junction Device.
Display Devices and Lasers: Lectures: 07
Introduction, Photo Luminescence, Cathode Luminescence, Electro Luminescence,
Injection Luminescence, LED, Plasma Display, Liquid Crystal Displays, Numeric
Displays, Laser Emission, Absorption, Radiation, Population Inversion, Optical
Feedback, Threshold condition, Laser Modes, Classes of Lasers, Mode Locking, laser
Optical Detection Devices: Lectures: 05
Photo detector, Thermal detector, Photo Devices, Photo Conductors, Photo diodes,
Detector Performance.
Optoelectronic Modulator: Lectures: 05
Introduction, Analog and Digital Modulation, Electro-optic modulators, Magneto Optic
Devices, Acousto-optic devices, Optical, Switching and Logic Devices.
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits: Lectures: 05
Introduction, hybrid and Monolithic Integration, Application of Optoelectronic
Integrated Circuits, Integrated transmitters and Receivers, Guided wave devices.
Text Books:
1. Optoelectronics — An Introduction, J. Wilson and J.Haukes, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., 1998
Reference Books:
1. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Pallab Bhattacharya, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt., Ltd, 2004.
2. Optoelectronics — As Introduction to materials and devices, Jasprit Singh, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 1996.
Low power Basics: Lectures: 03
Need for low power VLSI chips, Sources of power dissipation on Digital.
Integrated circuits: Lectures: 03
Emerging Low power approaches. Physics of power dissipation in CMOS devices, Subthreshold
Circuit Design.
Device & Technology Impact on Low Power: Lectures: 04
Dynamic dissipation in CMOS, Transistor sizing & gate oxide thickness, Impact of technology
Scaling, Technology & Device innovation.
Power estimation Simulation Power analysis: Lectures: 05
Gate level logic simulation, capacitive power estimation, static state power, gate level
capacitance estimation, architecture level analysis.
Low Power Design Circuit level: Lectures: 05
Power consumption in circuits. Flip Flops & Latches design, high capacitance nodes, low power
digital cells library.
Logic level: Lectures: 04
Gate reorganization, signal gating, logic encoding, state machine encoding, pre-computation
Low power Architecture & Systems: Lectures: 06
Power & performance management, switching activity reduction, parallel architecture with
voltage reduction, flow graph transformation, low power arithmetic components, low power
memory design.
Leakage Power minimization Approaches: Lectures: 04
Variable-threshold-voltage CMOS (VITCMOS) approach, Multi-threshold-voltage CMOS
(MTCMOS) approach, Power gating, Transistor stacking, Dual-Vt assignment approach
Algorithm & architectural level methodologies: Lectures: 04
Introduction, design flow, Algorithmic level analysis & optimization, Architectural level
estimation & synthesis.
Text Books:
1. Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design, Kaushik Roy, Sharat and C. Prasad, John Wiley &
Sons, 2009.
2. Digital integrated circuits: a design perspective, Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha P. Chandrakasan,
Borivoje Nikolic, 2rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design, Gary K. Yeap, Springer London, Limited, 1998.
2. Low power design methodologies, Jan M. Rabaey, Massoud Pedram, 2»d Edition, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1996.