MODULE 1 Teaching Math in The Primary Grades
MODULE 1 Teaching Math in The Primary Grades
MODULE 1 Teaching Math in The Primary Grades
Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Have you ever asked yourself what makes a mathematics teacher in the 21st Century?
What characteristics of a mathematics teacher do possess to become highly effective
and efficient in teaching mathematics? What mathematics should you teach within the
elementary school level? These are just a few questions that you may encounter as you
go through the teaching and learning of Mathematics. The fundamental core of
effective teaching in mathematics combines an understanding of how learners learn,
the way to promote that learning by teaching problem solving, and the way to plan for
and assess that learning in a daily basis.
This module presents you with the nature of mathematics, mathematics learning
theories, and a framework for teaching mathematics.
Before one develops a philosophical framework for teaching mathematics, you need to
understand first what mathematics is and what it is nature.
What is Mathematics?
For South Africa, the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (2011) defines
Mathematics as follows:
3. Mathematics is a language that uses carefully defined terms and symbols. Using
symbols and precise terms, learners can communicate well about mathematics and to
talk and think like mathematicians.
5. Mathematics is a way of thinking. Mathematics provides people with strategies
for organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Often symbolizing a real-life
problem reduces it to a widely known mathematical procedure, making the problem
easier to solve.
WEB Link
To learn more about what is Mathematics and the Nature of Mathematics through the
WEB, you may open the following links:
Proceed to Activity 1 to further test your understanding of the lesson presented above.
Behaviorism is rooted in the work of B.F. Skinner with the concept of operant
conditioning. Behaviorism theorists believe that knowledge exists independently and
outside people experiences. Behaviorists view the learner as a blank slate who must
provide with the experience. Behaviorists believe that learning happened when new
behaviors or changes in behavior acquired through associations between stimuli and
responses. Hence, association results in a change in behavior.
Learning Process
Behaviorism instruction doesn’t prepare the learner for problem solving or creative
thinking. Learners do what they instructed them to do and don’t take the initiative to
change or improve things. Hence, learners perform solely on recall of basic facts,
automatic responses, or performing tasks.
Cognitivism is also called Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), based on the thought
process behind the behavior. The CIP theory predicated on the concept that humans
process the data they receive, instead of merely responding to stimuli (i.e., that give
some thought to what’s happening). The changes in behavior are observed but only as
an indicator of what’s happening within the learner’s mind. The learner’s mind is like a
mirror from which new knowledge and skills will reflect.
CIP is employed when the learner plays a role in seeking ways to grasp and process
information that he or she receives and relate it to what’s already known and stored
within the memory.
Learning Process
Cognitive learning theorists believe that learning occurs through the internal processing
of data. Unlike behaviorism, CIP is governed by an internal process instead of by
external circumstances. The cognitive approach to learning theory pays more attention
to what goes on inside the learner’s head and focuses on mental processes instead of
observable behavior. Changes in behavior are observed and used as indicators on
what’s happening inside the learner’s mind.
Constructivism is rooted in Jean Piaget’s work developed within the 1930s. At the
center of constructivism is that the notion that learners don’t seem to be blank slates
but rather creators or constructors of their learning. It predicates on how an individual
interprets and creates the meaning of his or her experiences. Hence, knowledge builds
on individual experience. Since learner incorporates a different set of learning
experiences and perceptions, learning is exclusive and different for every individual.
Learning Process
• Case studies
• Research projects
• Problem-based learning
• Brainstorming
• Collaborative learning/group work
• Discovery learning
• simulations
Situated learning theory is rooted in the work of Lave and Wegner developed in the
early ‘90s. This theory argues that learning occurs best when it takes place in the
context in which it applied. Learners should act in an apprentice capacity within
communities of practice where learning opportunities arise situationally. As learners
gain experience and competence, they gradually move from an apprenticeship role to
full participants in their community of practice.
Learning Process
Situated learning is a general theory of knowledge acquisition. It applies in the context
of technology-based learning activities for schools that focus on problem-solving skills
(Cognition & Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1993).
• Practice Teaching
• On-the-Job Training
• Apprentice
WEB Link
To learn more about learning theories through the WEB, you may open the following
Proceed to Activity 2 to further test your understanding of the lesson presented above.
curriculum (Ediger, 1999, p.1). In this section, you will learn the theoretical foundations
or framework of teaching mathematics in the Philippine setting.
The Philippine Council of Mathematics Teachers Educators (MATHTED), Inc. and the
Science Education Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (SEI-DOST)
presents Framework for Philippine Mathematics Teacher Education. This framework
envisions what a competent mathematics teacher is and identifies the knowledge
components that mathematics teachers should possess.
Figure 1. Adapted from Framework for Philippine Mathematics Teacher Education (2011). Knowledge and
Skills Component of Mathematics Teaching. SEI-DOST & MATHED, Manila, Philippines. Copyright 2011 by
the Science Education Institute, Department of Science and Technology and the Philippines Council of
Mathematics Teacher Education (MATHED), Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 1 shows that a fully competent mathematics teacher should possess a solid
foundation of mathematical content knowledge, is armed with mathematical
pedagogical knowledge as well as general pedagogical knowledge and management
skills, and displays an appropriate mathematical disposition and values of one’s
professional development.
Mathematical Content Knowledge refers to mathematics teachers’ knowledge of,
understanding of, and competencies in the content of mathematics. It means that
teachers must be well-versed with the content of the mathematics that they are
assigned to teach. The question is that “What elementary mathematics teachers should
know?” or “To what extent of the contents of mathematics does the teacher need to
know?” This question can clarify with the following figure:
Figure 2. Adapted from the Framework for Philippines Mathematics Teacher Education (2011).
Recommended Content Expertise and Exposure of K-10/11 Mathematics Teachers in Comparison to
Mathematics in Schools and Universities. SEI-DOST & MATHED, Manila, Philippines. Copyright 2011 by
the Science Education Institute, Department of Science and Technology and the Philippines Council of
Mathematics Teacher Education (MATHED), Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 2 shows the mathematics that teachers at the K-6 levels should know the K-9/10
mathematics taught in elementary and secondary schools and must have been exposed
to mathematics at level 10/11.
Mathematics teachers at the K-6 grade levels should display the right amount of
knowledge and competencies in the following areas:
• Numbers and number sense (Number Theory);
• Patterns, symbols, functions (Algebra and Trigonometry);
• Properties of geometric figures and measurements (Metric, Non-metric,
Trigonometry, and Analytic Geometry);
• Sets;
• Contemporary mathematics (Discrete Mathematics);
• Data handling, counting techniques, measures of chance (Probability and
General Pedagogical Knowledge refers to the knowledge on the understanding of
learners and their development as learners, knowledge of general teaching pedagogies,
and classroom processes, including lesson planning techniques, knowledge of theories
of assessment, and understanding of professional responsibilities.
WEB Link
To learn more about the psychological foundations of teaching mathematics through
the WEB, you may open the following link:
Proceed to Activity 3 to further test your understanding of the lesson presented above.
The activities provided in this section help you to develop further your
understanding of the theoretical foundations and perspectives in teaching and learning
mathematics. You may post your answer on the discussion forum.
Concept Maps are tools for organizing and presenting knowledge. They are visual
representations that show relationship of concepts. They can be used as a diagnostic
preassessment or a formative assessment during learning activities.
Make a concept map to summarize what you have read about the nature of
mathematics. Include a brief description of your concept map. Write your output below
the space.
Activity 2: Thinking About How You Learned Mathematics
Think about the math classes you have in your elementary and secondary years. Recall
the learning strategies you used to learn mathematics during those years.
Generally, what have you noticed about the way you learned mathematics during your
elementary years and in your high school years. Compare how you learned
mathematics during your elementary years with that during high school years. Write
your thoughts here.
Activity 3: Thinking About How Your Teachers Taught Mathematics
3A. How do you think mathematics should have taught in a different way when you
were in elementary school so that you and your classmates would have enjoyed
learning mathematics more, and you would have developed a deeper understanding of
3B. Why do you think these different ways of teaching mathematics would have
enhanced you and your classmates’ learning?
Task 1: A Reflection
1A. Based on the discussion on the nature of mathematics, what should you emphasize
in teaching mathematics? Why?
Task 2: Conceptual Test
Column A Column B
providing for a favorable learning
environment such as organizing the
physical set-up of the classroom and
use of tools and gadgets needed for
effective teaching.
_____ 9. A teacher can make
decisions for himself/herself that
would impact on learners’ learning
such as his/her attitudes and beliefs
towards teaching mathematics.
_____ 10. A teacher has a desire for further
professional growth and
Ball, D.L. & Bass, H. (2004). Knowing mathematics for teaching. In R. Strasser, G.
Brandell, B. Grevholm, O. Helenius (Eds.), Educating for the future: Proceedings of an
international symposium on mathematics teacher education (pp. 159 – 178). Sweden:
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams (2015). Elementary
and middle school mathematics: Teaching developmentally, 9th edition. Pearson
Education Limited. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England.
Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: mind, mathematics, and culture in everyday life.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) (1989). Curriculum and evaluation
standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM
National Research Council (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. J.
Kilpatrick, J. Swafford, B. Findell (Eds.) Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Center
for Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press.
Reys, R.E. et al. (2017). Helping children learn mathematics. 2 nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons
Australia, Ltd 42 McDougall Street, Milton, Qld 4064
SEI-DOST & MATHED (2011). Framework for philippine mathematics teacher education.
Manila: SEI-DOST & MATHED, (pp. 11 – 37) Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from