Articol D
Articol D
Articol D
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Composting is an effective method to transform organic wastes into soil amendments. However, sig-
Received 21 November 2019 nificant nitrogen (N) is lost through ammonia (NH3) volatilization during composting. This work eval-
Received in revised form uated the effect of lignite amendment (0% (CK), 5% (T1), 10% (T2), 15% (T3)) on N transformation during
22 March 2020
composting. The results showed T3 increased total nitrogen content by 25% (33.0 g kg1 in T3 vs
Accepted 20 May 2020
21.0 g kg1 in CK), and increased mineral N by >60% compared with CK. The X-ray photo-electron
Available online 24 May 2020
spectroscopy and Boehm’s titration analysis showed that composted T3 contained higher total acid
Handling editor: CT Lee groups than composted CK. Notably, the abundances of ammonium oxidizers decreased in all lignite
treatments. High moisture content and low NH3 availability could suppress ammonia oxidizers, therefore
Keywords: improved N retention. Partial least-squares path modeling suggested that physiochemical properties
Brown coal played a dominant role in N loss in composting with or without lignite, however, acid group content
Nitrogen loss appeared to be able to strongly inhibited N loss by adsorption NHþ 4 under composting with lignite
Ammonium oxidizers addition. The results of this study suggested lignite addition at 15% as a proper ratio for composting to
Urease activity
achieve fast organic degradation and great N retention.
X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
lignite delayed mineral N release and maintained higher N in soil rotating to provide fresh air to the composting mixtures. The mass
than urea only (Dong et al., 2009; Saha et al., 2017). of the materials in the composting reactors was weighted at the
More recently, Chen et al. (2015) and Sun et al. (2016a) beginning and the end of the experiment. Compost samples from
demonstrated that lignite application on the surface of cattle pen each reactor were collected on 1, 8, 15, 22, 28, 45 and 65 d and used
decreased NH3 emissions by 38 kg N head1 y1 and reduced for the analysis of moisture, pH, electric conductivity (EC), ash,
approximately 30% of the excreted N lost via NH3 volatilization. ammonium and nitrate contents, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen
Based on these studies, the increased N retention in soil and feedlot (TN), seed germination index (GI), urease activity and DNA
systems by lignite application was attributed to: 1) a part of the extraction. Temperatures were measured every day with a portable
NHþ 4 -N generated from organic N mineralization is brought into temperature monitoring probe.
lignite due to the high CEC of lignite or direct binding of NH3 (Chen
et al., 2015); and 2) lignite inhibits the activity of urease, which 2.3. Analytical methods
hydrolyzes urea to NH3, resulting in a lower rate of NH3 emission
(Shen et al., 2016). The decreased availability of NH3 could in turn 2.3.1. Physicochemical analysis of the raw materials and compost
affect the population size or even community structure of ammonia products
oxidizers in compost with consequences for the nitrification pro- Moisture content of fresh samples was measured by oven drying
cess. Lignite may also directly or indirectly influence microbial at 105 C for 24 h. The bulk density was determined using a
communities through increasing water retention and water hold- container with which to apply vertical loads and a platform scale.
ing capacity (Piccolo et al., 1996), decreasing bulk density and The container had an approximate inside diameter of 60 mm and a
improving aeration, retaining nutrients and buffering pH (Dong fill mark of 50 mm from the bottom. The bulk density was calcu-
et al., 2009). Most of the previous studies focused on the effects lated by dividing the dry mass of sample by its volume occupied
of lignite application on NH3 emission or N retention from soil or (Iqbal et al., 2010). Particle size analyses for all samples were per-
pure solution systems, few studies have been conducted to evaluate formed according to Schaub-Szabo and Leonard (1999). The dried
the potential use of lignite as an additive on N transformation compost was sieve-screened to different fractions and weighted.
during composting. The pH and EC were determined from 1:5 (w/v) water-soluble
Therefore, three different ratios (5%, 10% and 15%) of lignite were extract with a pH/EC meter. The water-soluble extract was also
co-composted with poultry litter in a lab-scale composting exper- centrifuged to analyze the water-soluble carbon (DOC) and water-
iment. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effects of soluble nitrogen (DON) of the compost using a TOC/TN analyzer
lignite amendment on N retention, functional acid group concen- (multi N/C 3000, Analytik Jena AG, Germany). TC and TN were
tration, the abundance of ammonia oxidizers and their correlation analyzed on a LECO Trumac CN at a furnace temperature of 1350 C.
with physiochemical characteristics during poultry litter com- Dried samples were put into a muffle furnace at 550 C for 24 h for
posting. The novelty of the study aimed to provide evidence for the ash content calculation. Ammonium (NHþ
4 ) and nitrate (NO3 ) was
potential use of lignite as an additive for the reduction of N loss extracted with 2 M KCl (1:20) and analyzed on a Skalar SANþþ
during composting of agricultural wastes. Meanwhile, changes of segment flow analyzer (TrACESS Soil Node, University of Mel-
functional acid group and evolution of ammonifiers during com- bourne). Phytotoxicity of compost samples to the lettuce was car-
posting were analyzed to elucidate the mechanism of N retention ried out using the method provided by Zucconi et al. (1981). The
by addition of lignite during composting. cation exchange capacity (CEC) of composts was measured by the
method of ammonium acetate (Ciarkowsk et al., 2017). The oxygen-
2. Materials and methods containing acidic surface functional groups of fresh and composted
samples were determined by the method of Boehm’s titration
2.1. Description of composting feedstocks (Boehm, 1994).
Poultry litter was collected from a commercial broiler house 2.3.2. Urease activity measurement
near Victoria, Australia. The initial bedding material was composed Urease activity was determined using the Urease Activity Assay
of sawdust, straw and rice husk. The lignite was Bacchus Marsh Kit (Sigma-Aldrich) according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
brown coal obtained from Victoria, Australia. One unit of urease is the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the
formation of 1.0 mmol NHþ 4 h
at pH 7.0.
2.2. Composting process
2.3.3. DNA extraction and quantitative PCR in compost samples
The composting was performed at the Animal House at the Samples collected on 1, 8, 28 and 65 d representing the initial
University of Melbourne, Australia. Poultry litter was sieved with stage, thermophilic stage, cooling stage and maturity stage,
dimensions from 1e2 cm. The lignite was screened with a 2-mm respectively, were used for downstream molecular analysis.
sieve. Previous study showed that lignite added at the rate of Genomic DNA was extracted from 0.25 g of frozen compost sample
6 kg m2, which was equivalent 10% to the total dry weight, could using FastDNA SPIN KIT for soil (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH, USA)
enhance mineral N retention in cattle manures in feedlots signifi- according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After extraction, the
cantly (Shen et al., 2016). As a result, poultry litter was mixed with DNA was purified by spin-bind cartridges after being precipitated
lignite at 0 (CK), 5% (T1), 10% (T2) and 15% (T3) to the total dry by PEG 6000 (Yang et al., 2007). The abundances of bacterial 16S
matter. Each treatment was adjusted to a final moisture content of rRNA, AOA and AOB amoA genes were examined by quantitative
55e60% and had two replicates. PCR using the primer pairs and amplification conditions according
The raw materials of about 50 kg were transferred to commer- to previous research (Shi et al., 2016).
cial composting reactors. Each tumbling composter, insulated with
10-cm thick glasswool, had a volume of 160 L with a size of 725 mm 2.3.4. Spectroscopic characterization of composts by X-ray photo-
(width) 935 mm (height) 660 mm (length). At 30 cm from the electron spectroscopy (XPS)
bottom of both sides of the reactor, there were twelve 1 1 mm2 XPS was performed on a Kratos Axis ULTRA X-ray Photoelectron
holes which allowed aeration from the left and right sides. The Spectrometer using monochromatic Al Ka X-rays (1486.6 eV) at
composting reactors were turned once every day by manually 150 W (15 kV, 15 ma) under base pressure of s 1.0 108 torr. Pass
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
stages of composting, no significant difference was observed in EC
between treatments. However, the EC was significantly lowered by
d 65
lignite addition in the cooling and maturity stages (Fig. 2C). The
reduction of pH and EC in the mixtures of T3 could be related to the
low pH and high contents of carboxyl and phenolic groups
providing the active sites for ion exchange (Qi et al., 2011). The
cation exchange capability of lignite could contribute to the
removal of cations from aqueous solution. However, DOC concen-
Cation exchange capacity (cmol/kg)
Means (standard error) (n ¼ 3) within columns followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at P ¼ 0.05 as determined by LSD test.
NHþ 4 -N. The GI values suggested that lignite could enhance the
maturity of the compost (Fig. 2 B). GI dropped from 0.23e0.49 on
day 1 to 0.08e0.2 on day 22. However, the GI in T3 was increased to
CK, poultry litter only; T1, poultry litter þ 5% lignite; T2, poultry litter þ 10% lignite; T3, poultry litter þ 15% lignite.
all the mixtures (Fig. 2D). Greater OM-loss of 51.92% and 49.17% was
observed for T3 and T2 compared with 39.78% and 42.44% for T1
and CK, respectively. Therefore, the lignite addition at 15% level had
cantly higher in the mixtures with 10% (2.1 g kg1) and 15%
(2.5 g kg1) than that of 5% (1.9 g kg1) and CK (1.5 g kg1). The
higher NHþ 4 concentration in T3 can be attributed to the strong
to 19, 15, 23 and 5 mg kg1 for mixtures with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%
Table 1
Fig. 2. Changes in physico-chemical properties of four compost piles. CK: poultry litter with no lignite, T1: poultry litter with 5% lignite; T2: poultry litter with 10% lignite; T3:
poultry litter with 15% lignite over the 65-d study.
attributed to unavailability of strongly adsorbed NHþ4 to ammonium 3.4. Characterization of functional groups of the fresh and
oxidizers (Mahimairaja et al., 1994). These results were comparable composted mixtures
with that reported by Patti et al. (1992) that brown coal when
applied to soil and can act as nitrification inhibitors. The nitrifica- Table 3 shows the total acidity of three main functional groups
tion inhibition during composting could further reduce the po- (carboxyl/lactonic/phenolic groups) of lignite, fresh and com-
tential for N loss through nitrate leaching. posted samples. The acidity in lignite and compost samples was
The TN decreased markedly from 26.0, 24.7, 24.3 g kg1 to 21.0, due to the carboxyl groups, lactones and phenols (Boehm, 1994).
22.3, 23.7 g kg1 for mixtures with 0, 5% and 10% lignite, respec- The results revealed that the concentrations of acidic functional
tively (Fig. 3E). However, TN in T3 treatment was increased signif- groups increased gradually during composting, the total acidity
icantly from 24.7 to 33.0 g kg1. The significant increase of TN in T3 increased from 1.74 to 2.17 and 1.86e2.46 mmol g1 in CK and T3,
could be partly due to the concentration effect provoked by the OM respectively. The increase in the total acidity might be due either
biodegradation (weight loss). The minimum N loss was recorded in to the oxidation of methoxyl and alcoholic groups of side chains of
T3 and was 25% lower than CK (Table 2). The parameters of kinetic lignin or to the microbial degradation of carbohydrates to
equations also suggested lower TN loss for mixture with 15% lignite carboxyl, phenolic and ketone groups (Lou et al., 2015). The higher
during the composting process. concentrations of acidic functional groups in T3 than CK should be
Higher temperature and pH of the mixtures favor NH3 volatili- attributed to the addition of lignite, which contain more lactones
zation. However, the temperature in lignite amended mixtures and phenols than poultry litter, indicating that it would be
increased and the pH was not significantly changed by the addition favorable for the degradation of OM and enhancing the microbial
of lignite during the thermophilic stage of composting. Therefore, activity in lignite-poultry litter mixtures composting (Zhang et al.,
higher N retention in lignite amended mixtures could not be 2014).
explained by the temperature or pH increase. In fact, the NHþ 4 As significant difference in N retention was only observed be-
produced from organic N mineralization during composting could tween CK and T3, which was discussed above, the oxygen-
be partially captured by lignite, since lignite amendment increased containing acidic functional groups of fresh and composted sam-
the CEC and the NHþ 4 -N could be captured by the abundant func- ples in CK and T3 were further characterized by XPS. The com-
tional groups such as eCOOH and eOH (Paramashivam et al., 2016), posted poultry litter (composted CK) had a higher relative
which will be discussed later. concentration of CeO (alcoholic, phenolic, hydroxyl) and C]O
(ketones and quinones) but lower concentrations of CeC and
Fig. 3. Changes in NHþ4 -N and TN of four compost piles. CK: poultry litter with no lignite, T1: poultry litter with 5% lignite; T2: poultry litter with 10% lignite; T3: poultry litter with
5% lignite over the 65-d study.
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
Table 2
Nitrogen losses from different treatments during composting.
Treatment TN before composting (kg/reactor) TN retained in the end (kg/reactor) TN loss (kg/reactor) TN loss (%)
Table 3
Acid functional groups of composts determined by Boehm’s titration method.
Sample Total acidity (mmol g1) Carboxylic groups (mmol g1) Lactonic groups (mmol g1) Phenolic groups (mmol g1)
Poultry litter
d1 1.74 0.90 0.21 0.63
d8 1.98 1.05 0.22 0.71
d28 2.07 1.08 0.24 0.75
d65 2.17 1.12 0.24 0.81
Poultry litter þ 15% lignite
d1 1.86 0.82 0.33 0.71
d8 2.07 0.86 0.37 0.89
d28 2.21 0.91 0.39 1.04
d65 2.46 0.92 0.41 1.13
lower total C 1s compared to fresh poultry litter (fresh CK). 3.5. Lignite effects on the abundance of 16S rRNA gene and
Furthermore, the atomic concentrations of eOH and C]O ammonia oxidizers and urease activity
increased by 74% and 132% in composted CK, and by 82% and 253%
in composted T3, respectively. These results confirm the The 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total bacteria and the amoA
increasing density of acidic functional groups on the surface of gene copy numbers of AOB and AOA in the mixtures are presented
composted materials. in Fig. 4. The 16S rRNA gene was the most abundant during the
Fig. 4. Abundances of A) AOB amoA gene, B) AOA amoA gene, C) 16S rRNA gene and D) urease activity in the composts without lignite (CK) or with 5% (T1), 10% (T2) and 15% (T3)
lignite after 1 (D1), 8 (D8), 28(D28) and 65 (D65) d composting.
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
Fig. 6. Direct and indirect effects of different factors on total N loss during composting with or without lignite. A, B: PLS-PM showing the relationships among physicochemical
properties (pH, EC, ash, DOC, CEC, moisture content, TC, TN, NHþ 4 ), bacterial abundance (16s rRNA gene copy number), ammonifier abundance (AOA and AOB abundances) and
functional acid group contents (-OH, COO, C]O) with respect to total N loss during composting without (A) and with 15% lignite (B). The positive and negative effects are indicated
by blue and orange arrows, respectively. Larger path coefficients are indicated by wider arrows. Significance levels of Path coefficients are indicated by * (P < 0.05) and **(P < 0.01).
C, standardized direct and indirect effects estimated by PLS-PM in composts without (C) or with 15% lignite (D).
activity and growth of AOB (C aceres et al., 2018). High water con- strongly inhibited N loss by more intensified absorption of NHþ 4,
tent may influence gaseous exchange by limiting diffusion and this which in turn had an inhibitory effect on the growth of ammoni-
restricts oxygen utilization by microorganisms including ammonia fication oxidizers. In contrast, in compost without lignite, the
oxidizers. This would in turn inhibit nitrification (Onwosi et al., ammonifiers abundance could be more strongly affected by phys-
2017). iochemical properties. These results further supported the idea that
apart from the physiochemical properties, the N loss was strongly
3.7. Relative contributions of selected factors to total N loss during decreased by the adsorption of NHþ 4 by the functional acid groups of
composting lignite and the associated decreased levels of ammonification
Physicochemical properties, microbial abundance and func- Given the market price for urea fertilizer (46% N) of $600 AUD
tional acid group contents determined by Boehm’s titration could t1, the increased N nutrient in the compost by lignite is equivalent
directly or indirectly influence the total N loss during composting, a to approximately $1.8 AUD and the cost of 15% lignite application as
PLS-PM was constructed to explore how these factors contributed compost additive to be $1.2 AUD when composting of 1 t poultry
to total N loss (Cui et al., 2019). The physiochemical property was litter. The addition of lignite is a cost-effective method for reducing
the key factor affecting the total N loss in composting with or N loss during composting and improve the quality of the final
without lignite (Fig. 6). The primary factor of physiochemical composts. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the
properties could directly influence the N loss and affect the abun- environmental impacts of lignite as a compost additive by
dances of total bacteria and ammonifiers, eventually impact the TN measuring the gaseous emissions of NH3 and N2O directly during
loss. These results could be related to the fact that the physi- composting.
ochemical can directly influence the microbial abundances and
community structure (Zeng et al., 2011). In both treatments, 4. Conclusions
physicochemical properties and total bacterial abundance had
positive effect on TN losses, even though with different magnitude Adding 15% lignite (T3) to poultry litter significantly increased
(Fig. 4). Although the ammonifier abundance and acid group con- the temperature in the thermophilic stage of composting, leading
tent had a minor influence on TN loss compared to other factors, it to faster degradation of OM and accelerated detoxification than
had opposite roles in different treatments. These results suggested composting without lignite (CK). The results indicate that lignite
that the underlying mechanisms towards N loss during composting amendment increased NHþ 4 content by 66% and decreased TN loss
with or without lignite could be different (Liao et al., 2018). In by 18%. The higher concentration of NHþ 4 corresponds with higher
compost with 15% lignite, acid group content appeared to be more TN content (3.2% in T3 vs 2.2% in CK) and higher concentration of
Y. Cao, M. Bai, B. Han et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 277 (2020) 122422
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