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Animal Farm Term Paper

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Writing a thesis or term paper can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and

thought-provoking novel like Animal Farm. This iconic piece of literature by George Orwell has been
studied and analyzed by students for decades, making it a challenging topic to write about. But fear
not, ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ is here to make your academic journey a little easier.

The Difficulty of Writing a Thesis on Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a powerful allegory that delves into complex themes such as political corruption,
power dynamics, and the dangers of totalitarianism. This makes it a popular choice for term papers,
but also a difficult one. The novel is filled with symbolism and hidden meanings, and it can be
overwhelming to try and decipher them all.

Moreover, Animal Farm is a multi-layered story that requires a deep understanding of historical
events and political ideologies. Students often struggle with connecting these concepts to the novel
and incorporating them into their thesis.

Why ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ is Your Best Option

At ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔, we understand the challenges students face when writing a thesis on
Animal Farm. That's why we have a team of experienced writers who are well-versed in this
particular topic. They have a thorough understanding of the novel and its underlying themes, making
them the perfect candidates to assist you with your term paper.

Our writers are also familiar with the historical context and political ideologies that influenced
Orwell's writing, allowing them to provide a comprehensive analysis of the novel. They are skilled at
connecting these concepts to the story and presenting them in a clear and concise manner.

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In the novel, there is a large number of hyperbole and exaggeration, which is characteristic of works
that resemble the structure of the parable. The other animals largely accept this explanation, and their
lives go on very much as before. The main idea that is being ridiculed here is that, how Napoleon is
made such a strong figure by dramatic speeches and poems written by animals who hardly ever see
him and the animals believing that Napoleon actually is a superior leader, caused by the exaggeration
of this character. In the same way in the novel, Napoleon misused his power, cheated the animals and
deprived them of their freedom and welfare and invaded the laws just as it happened in the then
Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin. 10 Lines on Animal Farm in English The novel tells
about the dangers of totalitarian rule. Free sample essay on Animal Farm The seven commandments
in Animal Farm are as follows: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. He may not have
leadership qualities but he is an idle to other animals and every course of action he takes has an
effect on the other animal’s behaviour. After Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky
jockeyed for control of the newly formed Soviet Union. Few days later; after his death, the fellow
beings continue living in the same scenario with the Major's wise words still ringing in the head,
unaware of how to implement the revolt and when and why should it happen if at all it has to. Short
Essay on Animal Farm 150 Words in English Short Essay on Animal Farm is usually given to classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. He could not turn a blind eye to the cruelties and hypocrisies of Soviet
Communist Party, which had overturned the semifeudal system of the tsars only to replace it with
the dictatorial reign of Joseph Stalin. Napoleon passes a death sentence on Snowball, offering a
bushel of apples to the traitor's killer. Orwell believed that although socialism is a good ideal, it could
never be successfully adopted due to uncontrollable sins of human nature. Ignorance and uneducated
masses can be easily manipulated, oppressed and controlled under an authoritarian rule. The essay
topic for Animal Farm can be an answer to a question asked about Animal Farm. Together with a
silver-tongued pig named Squealer, they formulate the principles of a philosophy called Animalism,
the fundamentals of which they spread among the other animals. Napoleon and the pigs rewrite the
written and oral histories of the farm in addition to the slogans, songs, commandments and poems to
serve their needs and maintain their authority. Napoleon would steal the cow’s milk and apples to
feed himself and other pigs, and he had even entrusted Squealer, a pig with the ability to pursue other
animals that pigs are always morally correct. Boxer was a shire horse and one of the strongest and
most hardworking animal on the farm. Words: 2537 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper:
31991308 69. Boxer's pitiful death at a glue factory dramatically illustrates the extent of the pigs'
betrayal. This did not help as the two carthorses Boxer and Clover, ran Mr and Mrs Jones out of
their own farm. Just as diplomatic skirmishes between the West and Russia ended up bolstering
Trotsky and his allies, the armed skirmish between humans and animals ends up strengthening the
animals' hold on the farm. All this reminiscent of when Stalin’s dogs, or his growing and grudgingly
ruthless military, chased Trotsky out of the Republic to never be seen again. Everybody knows these
answers, but not everyone can admit it. In the Animal Farm, Napoleon organized an attack on
Snowball by the dogs which he had raised. Just like Stalin promised the peasants of Russia Luxury
in old age. These ridiculous executions and purges only showed the absurd lengths that Napoleon and
Stalin would go to keep an intimidating stronghold on the animals and the peasants. Major Boar
made seven rules of animalism and if they followed them they would have a good life. Military
awards, large parades, and new songs all proliferate as the state attempts to reinforce the loyalty of
the animals. Through the novel, the writer George Orwell conveys the message of how selfish,
political leaders work only for their vested interests and consolidate power, and take away the civil
and political rights of the people.
He adds that if the animals think that they recall any such law, they have simply fallen victim to lies
fabricated by the traitor Snowball. In this part of the book, the main part which ridicules Napoleon’s
exaggerated reputation is Minimus’ poem. Mr Jones seemed to be a alcoholic, as he had a last glass
of beer after his work. Throughout the book characters like Napoleon and the other pigs show how
having too much power results in. Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm in part by his
experiences in a Trotskyist group during the Spanish Civil War, and Snowball certainly receives a
more sympathetic portrayal than Napoleon. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill
toppled. Eventually, we see in the story that the pigs begin walking upright, carrying whips and
wearing clothes and also adapting the qualities of their human oppressors. However, at this point,
the threatened and enraged Napoleon (Stalin), unleashes his secret weapon. From the beginning, all
the animals on the farm had hated and renounced Jones and all of mankind. The two characters
which were most apparently corrupt were Napoleon and Squealer. After that to that he changes the
seven commandments; an example is the change from the commandment. However, when Orwell
saw the ideals of Socialism turned into vicious Communism, taking advantage of and abusing the
lower classes that it was intended to help, he could not turn a blind eye to the cruelties and
hypocrisies of the totalitarian Communism under the dictatorial reign of Joseph Stalin. His political
purpose of depicting socialism in its correct perspective goes haywire and the animals exhibit
different kinds of human traits and their bitter struggles for power and freedom is explained at
length. Orwell’s animal characters are both animal and human. Squealer walked up to Benjamin and
said“ Why have you done this. They merely spread rumors about the farm's inefficiency and moral
reprehensibility. Stalin then began to consolidate his power with brutal intensity, killing or
imprisoning his perceived political enemies and overseeing the purge of approximately twenty million
Soviet citizens. This scenario could very much draw a parallel between animals and the way humans
lead their life. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable
laws. He was a frightening specter used to conjure horrifying eventualities, in comparison with
which the current misery paled. Most of the time the pigs have manipulated the whole situation so as
they can use it to their advantage. Orwell balances the way real animals actually behave and the
human qualities they are supposed to represent. In Animal Farm, Czars are the farmers; and the
workers are of course the animals. The animals work even harder throughout the year to rebuild the
windmill. The story follows a single line of action, calmly told, with no digressions. Snowball had
been expelled from the farm by napoleons dogs just like Trotsky had been in real life. Late one night,
the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. It is due to
his intense labour and commitment that the windmill can be built. Napoleon says that he can detect
Snowball's presence everywhere, and whenever something appears to go wrong by chance, Snowball
receives the blame. From the story you can gather that he continuously gains weight, gets bigger in
size, his head gets bigger and the most noticeable change of all was when he started to walk on his
hind legs.
The gradual disintegration and perversion of the Seven Commandments illustrates this hypocrisy
with vivid force, as do Squealer's elaborate philosophical justifications for the pigs' blatantly
unprincipled actions. He assembles the animals to tell him of his dream and the pending rebellion
against the harsh and devil human. Most notably including Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Gregory
Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Even though the farm possesses all of the necessary materials to build
the windmill, the project presents a number of difficulties. All the animals are now free; they can
roam around the farm where they want. These ridiculous executions and purges only showed the
absurd lengths that Napoleon and Stalin would go to keep an intimidating stronghold on the animals
and the peasants. Explain how the human characters contribute to the novel's themes and issues. He
also wrote the novel to show us, the reader the terrifying predictability of the fate of all revolutions,
the cold, orderly, predictable process by which decency, happiness and hope are systematically and
ruthlessly crushed. In other words, Animal Farm is not only a charming fable (A Fairy Story, as
Orwell playfully subtitles it) and a bitter political satire; it is also an allegory. The chickens were
seething and fired at the remaining pigs. The pigs’ catchphrases brainwashed the other animals to
such an extent that even if the dogs kill dozens of animals to supposedly having conspired with
Snowball, no one questions Napoleon’s leadership. In other words, Animal Farm is not only a
charming fable and a political satire; it is also an allegory. Correspondingly, the pigs of Animal Farm
devise elaborate schemes to keep the human farmers from learning about their difficulties. Napoleon
makes quite some animals confess bonds with Man or crimes, and then executes them on the spot. In
such a grim state of affairs, any individual will turn cynical and they are forced to live below the
level of their satisfaction and their will to revolt is crushed. There is nothing noble in the men's
unprovoked attack on Animal Farm-they undertake this crusade merely out of self-interest. Snowball
wanted to be a leader he was cleaver and an idealist he was like a hero in the story. So Orwell
successfully points out the frailties of his satirical targets by using the satirical technique of the
allegory. I think this is the one of his best stories since I read Nineteen Eighty Four. Mr. Jones and his
men discover the transgression and begin to whip the cows. Old Major had a dream that he and the
others should rebel and stand up for what they believed. He warns the animals to prepare for the
worst, and, indeed, Mr. Frederick soon attacks Animal Farm with a large group of armed men. The
pigs, however, mix their intelligence with ruthless guile and take advantage of the other animals'
apathy. After taking control of the farm, Napoleon couldn’t live up to expectations declared by Old
Major. Snowball is courageous and successful in repelling the attack of Mr. Jones and his men and
has begun to draw up plans for a fantastic windmill that will cut down on the labor and increase the
end results as well as powering the barns with heat and electricity. The pigs wholly consolidate their
power and their totalitarian, communist dictatorship completely overwhelms the democratic-socialist
ideal of Animal Farm. Napolean kill's animal's that disagree with him or. Also to hate snowball, this
is when snowball is chased off the farm by the dogs. This free English Literature essay on Essay:
Lord of the Flies and Animal farm is perfect for English Literature students. After the demolition of
the windmill, a pitched battle ensues, during which Boxer receives major wounds.
In Manor Farm, Old Major to an opportunity and inspired all the animals to rebel against humans.
Under this symbolic mask, the history of the development of the USSR after the revolution of 1917,
the coup in the name of universal equality and justice before the establishment of a rigid dictatorship
of state power over all spheres of social life, in which no real speech and equality of people could
have been, could be concealed. Squealer explains to them that Napoleon is making a great sacrifice in
taking the leadership responsibilities upon himself and that, as the cleverest animal, he serves the best
interest of all by making the decisions. As Mr Jones never treated them correctly or had any respect
fop the animals. The primary reason for this abstraction was to move readers from the concrete
reality. When the dogs Jessie and Bluebell each give birth to puppies, he takes the puppies into his
own care, saying that the training of the young should take priority over adult education. Even
though many of the animals despise the talkative and idle Moses, they nevertheless find great appeal
in the idea of Sugarcandy Mountain. Napoleon further hopes to appease his populace by means of
his Spontaneous Demonstrations, which force the animals to go through the motions of loyalty,
despite what they may actually feel. Animal Farm is not told from the perspective of any particular
character, though occasionally it does slip into Clover's consciousness. He assembles the animals to
tell him of his dream and the pending rebellion against the harsh and devil human. All the work
should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. This was the first
commandment and the most important yet, they saw no need for them to obey or take any notice of
it. Animal farm essay prompts Whichever the case might be, let it be the basis for your essay topic.
Fallible individual memories of Snowball's bravery and Napoleon's cowardice at the Battle of the
Cowshed prove no match for the collective, officially sponsored memory that Squealer constructs,
which paints a picture indicating completely the reverse. Mr. Jones is an unkind master who indulges
himself while his animals lack food; he thus represents Tsar Nicholas II, whom the Russian
Revolution ousted. Stalin, faced with an unpleasant choice between the capitalist Allies and the
fascist Germans and reluctant to enter into another large war, stalled by alternately siding with one
country and then the other, using propaganda to drag the populace along with his changing
allegiances. Old Major then provides a precept that will allow the animals to determine who their
comrades are: creatures that walk on two legs are enemies; those with four legs or with wings are
allies. None of the other animals ever mentions her name again. Whilst this still shows a good
understanding of the text, it is not sufficient evidence that they possess all the possible skills
necessary to effectively analyse a text using the expected format. The pigs promised things and they
would enjoy their life if the pigs ruled. The animals are promised to be looked after by the pigs.
Around the same time, Moses the raven returns to the farm and once again begins spreading his
stories about Sugarcandy Mountain. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities,
but Squealer, Napoleon's propagandist, justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them
that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone-despite the fact that the
common animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. They finally solve the problem by learning to
raise and then drop big stones into the quarry, smashing them into usable chunks. He makes the
animals believe that Snowball is a comrade of Man, their worst enemy. Snowball seems to win the
loyalty of the other animals and cement his power. After reading Animal Farm, students will
compose an argumentative essay to demonstrate how Animal Farm is reflected in American society
today and determine the lessons that can be learned from the events that unfold in the novel. The
other animals are taken aback by the idea of engaging in trade with humans, but Squealer explains
that the founding principles of Animal Farm never included any prohibition against trade and the use
of money. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of
the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other
As the title. Suggests animal farm is the story of the lives of animals who live on a farm. Why the
animals created on the farm idyllic system, when “everyone on the farm gave everything that could”
and “no one stole, did not argue for the superfluous piece, and the controversy, fights and mutual
envy, customary in the old days, almost disappeared”, suffered collapse. Anything that reaches its
maximum level of tolerance backfires at the peak point, No different are the animals who vouch for a
REBELLION on being starved for the entire day by their self centred master. In fact, however,
Orwell intended to critique Stalinism as merely one instance of the broader social phenomenon of
totalitarianism, which he saw at work throughout the world: in fascist Germany (under Adolf Hitler)
and Spain (under Francisco Franco), in capitalist America, and in his native England, as well as in
the Soviet Union. Just as Squealer offers a host of statistics to show that Animal Farm is in better
shape than ever, despite the fact that the animals are hungry and cold, so too does the Ministry of
Plenty, in 1984, crank out misleading reports about how greatly production has increased; indeed, the
ministry reduces rations but convinces people that it is actually increasing them. Lenin's 3 main points
to convince people that his way was the way to go were peace, bread and land. This irony
particularly depicts how low the pigs had actually become, and how Stalin had made things much
worse than it had originally been under the Czar's rule. Communism arose in Russia when the
nation's workers and peasants, assisted by a class of concerned intellectuals known as the
intelligentsia, rebelled against and overwhelmed the wealthy and powerful class of capitalists and
aristocrats. Squealer denounces the false rumors that Boxer was taken to a glue factory, saying that
the hospital had simply bought the cart from a glue maker and had failed to paint over the lettering.
Napoleon then emerges as the leader of the farm, and his lust for power increases to a point where
he became a dictator. His speech to the other animals bears many similarities to Marx's Communist
Manifesto and to Lenin's later writings in the same vein. It’s sad to know that the windmill he had
worked so hard to complete was not used to generate electricity for the animals but was used for
milling corn and brought in a handsome profit. Sheets, however, as a human invention, constitute the
true source of evil. Relying only on the force of his own logic and rhetorical skill to gain his
influence, he proves no match for Napoleon's show of brute force. These statements placate the
animals, though they still question the expulsion of Snowball. So much so that the pigs walked on
two legs, talked to and had a feast with humans. No Politician are not willing to vacate the chair
because they always have a fear that if they are out of power, the next rulers may use the same
oppressive methods against them, to rule over them. Orwell reminds us again the importance of
education, that if boxer could read he could easily overthrow Napoleon as he had the strength and
the support. Moreover, the oppressors, by revising their nation's conception of its origins and
development, gain control of the nation's very identity, and the oppressed soon come to depend upon
the authorities for their communal sense of self. The dogs behave like animals by growling and
biting, but it is only in support of Napoleon’s struggle for political power. And due to this, he does
not take heed of how far the pigs are exploiting him. Watching the film thus enables the audience to
connect more to the main Animal Farm theme by making them share in the agony of the animals.
Perhaps a stand-in for the class of disaffected intellectuals to which Orwell himself belonged,
Benjamin provides an image of the potential power of writers on the left-a power that Orwell
suggests is all too often wasted. In the behavior of Napoleon and his henchmen, one can detect the
lying and bullying tactics of totalitarian leaders such as Josip Tito, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Augusto
Pinochet, and Slobodan Milosevic treated in sharply critical terms. This is possibly the most
important message in the story. Answer: The main moral lesson of animal farm is that “Power
corrupts and absolute power absolutely”. This was ironic because we didn’t realise the importance of
this until the dogs re-appeared, even then the animals didn’t pick up on this. This free English
Literature essay on Essay: Lord of the Flies and Animal farm is perfect for English Literature
students. People are like the puppets in totalitarianism states. This message relates to the animal farm
because the animals work extremely hard for Mr Jones and he couldn’t care less about what they feel.
The key factor that George Orwell did when making the novel was he attacked Totalitarianism. The
dogs growl and bite the way real dogs do--but to support Napoleon's drive for political power.
Though Boxer remains seriously injured, he shows no sign of being in pain and refuses to leave his
work for even a day. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. Yet a closer reading
suggests that Orwell may take a more complicated stance. Too much power brings out the worst in us
and great and absolute power corrupts us in a way that only seems natural to an animal. The purpose
of the propaganda was to make the animal' believe what the pig's wanted them to believe. It is an
allegorical fable, in which animals resemble the Bolshevik party members. For if the animals represent
the Russian communists and the farmers represent noncommunist leaders, we see that Orwell
denounces the communists, but also portrays the noncommunists in a very harsh light. These
horrifying events became the wondrous plot and characters of Animal Farm. Squealer explains that
Snowball was a traitor and a criminal. They should all start an uprising against Mr Jones and other
human beings. Written between 1943 and 1944, it served as an enlightening call to freedom and
fairness around the world with the Russian revolution serving as the perfect backdrop and storyline
to convey his powerful message. Mr Jones orders them to do all this work and he doesn’t take into
consideration the animals feelings and needs. Additionally, by associating his enemies with Trotsky's
name, Stalin could ensure their immediate and automatic elimination from the Communist Party.
Jones and some of his friends and men come to take hold of Animal Farm once again. Each of
Napoleon's acts of physical violence thus gains acceptance and legitimacy via a corresponding
exercise of verbal violence. The novella illustrates how classes that are initially unified in the face of
a common enemy, as the animals are against the humans, may become internally divided when that
enemy is eliminated. In Animal Farm Orwell has not at any instance condemned or criticized Stalin.
Oh, how my soul is on fire when I gaze at thy calm and commanding eye, like the sun in the sky’.
Their plan was very successful because they took out all the sheep and most of the chickens. That
night, the animals hear singing and revelry from within, followed by the sound of a terrible quarrel.
The great horse seems to have no bad qualities apart from his limited intellect, but, in the end, he
falls victim to his own virtues-loyalty and the willingness to work. He was easy to brainwash because
of his low intelligence but the huge capacity that he did his work in was majorly taken advantage of
by the pigs. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of
the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other
animals. The rebellion did not work because Napoleon became corrupt and started to resemble a
human. All the animals are now free; they can roam around the farm where they want. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. They can be symbols or not, but they must serve a purpose.
The specifics of Napoleon's takeover bespeak a long period of careful plotting: Napoleon has been
deliberating his seizure of power ever since he first took control of the dogs' training, in Chapter III.

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