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DCC Question Bank (2 Marks)

1) State the function of repeater and modem

2) State the Services of transport layer in OSI model.

3) List different types of network connecting devices

4) List classes of IP addresses.

5) Classify mobile generations.

6) State different types of Network topologies.

7) List Classes of IP addressing with their IP add range

8) State the functions of Network loyer.

9) Draw OSI Reference Model.

10) List any four Networking connecting Devices.

11) Define Topology. List any 2 types of topologies.

12) List Mobile generation with their application.

13) Write any two advantages of subnetting.

14) Define subnet & supernet.

15) What is token passing.

16) What is hub? Give types of hub.

17) What are various network Control devices?

18) State any two advantages of Bus topology

19) Define term i) static IP address ii) Dynamic IP address

20) State any two advantages of Star topology.

21) What is modem?

22) Differentiate between IPV4 and IPv6.

23) State any two features of IPV6.

24) What is layered Architecture ?

25) Enlist layers of OSI reference model.

26) Draw the Sketch of bus topology and explain.

DCC Question Bank (4marks).

1) State features of various mobile generations.

2) Draw and explain TCP/IP Protocol Suite.

3) Differenciate between Hub & switch with parameters

layer, port, device type, speed.

4) State OSI model layer & give its functions.

5) Describe Various IP address classes with suitable example.

6) Compare IPV4 & IPV6. (Any 4 Point).

7) Draw the architecture of bluetooth & explain

8) Describe Various mobile generations in detail.

9) List Protocols related to all layers of OSI reference model.

10) Explain working of hub & Switch bridge

11) State the functions of any two layers of OSI model.

12) Describe different Connecting devices used in Computer Network.

13) Draw and explain OSI reference model.

14) Draw and explain TCP/IP model.

15) With suitable diagram describe.

i) Star topology
ii) Ring topology.

16) Draw major functions of Network layer in TCP/IP Protocol Suite.

17) Draw and describe architecture for network using tree topology for
an office in 3-storey's building

18) Describe functions of physical layer and data link layer of OSI

19) Give the names of network layer. where following protocols are
related belongs to.
i) SMTP ii) TCP-UDP iii) IP iv) PPP

20) Describe process of DHCP for assigning IP address.

21) Describe Piconet and Scatternet architecture with neat diagram

22) Write any 2 specification of following
a) Gateway b) Bridge.

23) Describe functions of repeater. In which situation the repeater is

used in network

24) Draw a neat Sketches of bus describe its working. Give its

25) With the help of neat diagram explain Gateway

26) With the help of neat diagram describe the working of Router.

27) Compare hub and Switch.

28) Draw and explain working of Star topology and Ring topology with
neat sketch

29) Compare OSI and TCP/IP network model.

30) Explain functions of presentation layer and network layer.

31) Explain protocol use in internet layer TCP/IP

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