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SONY Pregius –
® ™

CMOS Global Shutter

The state of the art in machine vision image sensors

Introduction to the
SONY Pregius Series ® ™

THE LAUNCH OF THE SONY PREGIUS™ SERIES IN has continued to evolve with unprecedented advances
LATE 2013 MARKED A MILESTONE IN THE HISTORY in resolution, frame rate, sensitivity, readout-noise, high
OF IMAGE SENSORS. Its outstanding performance, dynamic range and control features that enable new
success and large consumer capacity were among applications in industrial imaging.
some of the triggers resulting in SONY’s decision to shut
down their CCD sensor development and production, This series has evolved since then with the third
despite their technology and market leadership. The generation. Each generation has a unique basic pixel size
Pregius series combines the image quality from its Exmor and design that is optimized for different resolutions and
technology with high readout speed, an electronic global sensor sizes. Later generations provide a continuously
shutter and the low noise EXview HAD II Technology expanding set of control and readout features. SONY
from the CCD designs. has created a family of sensors that are pin compatible,
allowing customers to create a full product offering
Thanks to latest advances in wafer production techniques with a single design. Furthermore, each sensor type is
and pixel design, today’s professional grade CMOS image available as a fully featured version, or with a reduced
sensors outperform CCD’s in both speed and image feature set, and lower speed (resulting in a lower cost
quality. Thereby, they are now also capable to start and sensor). SONY also offers some models as special
stop the light exposure time for all pixels simultaneously, variants for sensing and video recording applications.
(known as global shutter). CMOS sensor technology
Understanding SONY’s Exmor™ Technology

Exmor™ is one of the secrets behind the outstanding

performance of the CMOS global shutter sensors from
SONY, branded as Pregius™.

One of the keys of the Exmor technology is the

digitization of the pixel data early in the transfer process.
This minimizes the amount of additional noise that is
accumulated as the image data travels around within
the sensor, even at high speed. To further improve the
noise response of the sensor, correlated double sampling
(CDS, from CCD technology) on either side of the ADC
(analog to digital conversion) cancels out the noise in the
signals and ensures the accuracy of the digitized data.

These sensors now feature a pixel architecture with

high quantum efficiency (QE), i.e. the ratio of arriving
photons which are converted into electron charges. increases the sensitivity at longer wavelengths of the
More QE leads to a stronger electric signal and thus NIR spectrum.
to better sensitivity.
SONY has optimized the Exmor technology over many
Pixels of the Pregius sensors have an increased well years and product generations. It features unrivaled
depth, enabling them to capture and hold more image quality, even at very short exposure times and
electrons before saturating. This provides a higher under low light conditions.
dynamic range of achievable pixel values and it also

SONY Pregius Portfolio

High-speed IMX174 IMX287 IMX273 IMX252 IMX250 IMX255 IMX253 IMX420

Traffic / IMX249 IMX297* IMX296* IMX265 IMX264 IMX267 IMX304 IMX428
GS-video IMX302 IMX305

Pregius 1st Generation 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd
Generation Generation Generation Generation Generation Generation Generation Generation
Resolution 2.35 0.4 1.6 3.19 5.07 8.95 12.37 7.1
Horizontal 1936 728 1456 2064 2464 4112 4112 3126
Vertical [px] 1216 544 1088 1544 2056 2176 3008 2208
Optical 1/1.2" 1/2.9" 1/2.9" 1/1.8" 2/3" 1" 1.1" 1.1"
Pixel pitch 5.86 6.90 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 4.5
Frame rate 164.5@10 436.9@10 226@10 191.50@10 144.7@10 93.7@8 68.3@8 134.5@12
[fps] 128.2@12 (IMX287) (IMX273) (IMX252) (IMX250) 88.7@10 64.6@10 (SLVS-EC
(IMX174) 120@10 60@10 55.6@12 35.7@12 63.7@12 46.4@12 8lane)
30@12 (IMX297) (IMX296) (IMX265) (IMX264) 32.2@12 23.4@12 51.4@12
(IMX249) (IMX267) (IMX304) (SLVS 8ch)
Aspect ratio 4:3 (UXGA) 4:3 4:3 4:3 5:4 17:9 4:3 3:2
16:9 (Full HD)
Similar CCD ICX674, ICX424, ICX445 ICX808 ICX625, ICX814, ICX834 ICX694,
models ICX817, ICX259, ICX655 ICX815 ICX695
ICX818 ICX415
*only available as monochrome versions

SONY Pregius Sensor Generations

The SONY Pregius series of Global Shutter CMOS sensors has evolved over several product generations. Each generation
features basically the same architecture of the pixels and readout circuits. Every generation brought individual improvements
over the previous one, but also came with different trade-offs between pixel size, saturation capacity and sensor size.
Therefore, the application requirements will determine which Pregius generation is best suited.

The 1st generation Pregius sensor, the IMX174 with its 2.35 MP and 1/1.2" optical format, set an
initial benchmark and enjoyed great response in the industrial imaging market. Thanks to a pixel area
Generation of 5.86 µm and a very high saturation level of 30,000e-, the dynamic range increased to 75 dB,
even with its high readout noise of 5e-. Features like multiple Regions of Interest (multi-ROI),
addressed the requirements of modern machine vision systems. With these sensors, it was possible
to implement applications with an image quality and speed that was inconceivable with CCD

With its 2nd generation, SONY focused more on the requirements of machine vision. These sensors
provide an additional 8 bit ADC option for digitizing the pixels that reduces the needed output bit
Generation depth that was not present in the previous generation. At the same time, they have twice the
number of data channels to transport the image data resulting in a doubling of the output speed to
9.5 Gbps. Extended functionalities such as additional trigger modes enable and simplify many
imaging solutions. The smaller pixel size of 3.45 µm limits the saturation to 11,000e-, while the
significantly lower readout noise of 2e- retains the high dynamic range of 74 dB.

Furthermore, thanks to this pixel size, the first sensor of this generation IMX250 with 5.07 MP and
2/3" optical format is a direct replacement of its CCD antecessors ICX625 and ICX655. Thus, a large
variety of optics are already available and cameras with the new Pregius sensors can serve as drop-in
replacement for previous CCD-based systems.

In the second generation, SONY also integrated the widely adopted I2C control interface as an
additional option.

The innovations of the 3rd generation deliver clear improvements, mainly in terms of image quality
and speed. Based on these improvements, an increase in performance is seen through improved
Generation detection quality in applications with moving objects such as running production lines and robotics
applications as well as in the ITS and automotive sectors. The increase in pixel size of 4.5µm
produces a much higher saturation (25,000e-) than the second generation. Combined with the low
readout noise of 2.5e-, the maximum dynamic range reaches a new peak with 80 dB, making
improved light-dark detection feasible even in difficult lighting conditions.

Based on the different quality improvements, it will be no longer possible to transfer this increase in
image data any faster using the existing standard interfaces. SONY has therefore developed the
SLVS-EC standard with 8 channels, which with 19 Gbps doubles the maximum output speed
compared to the 2nd generation.

1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation

Pixel size (µm) 5.86 3.45 / 6.9 4.5 / 9

Interface Sub-LVDS 8Ch Sub-LVDS 16ch SLVS-EC 8lane & SLVS 8ch
Bit depth 10/12 8/10/12 8/10/12 +α
Saturation (e-) 30,000 11,000 25,000
Readout noise (e-) 5 2 2.5
Dynamic range (dB) 75 74 80
Max. output (Gbps) 4.7 9.5 18.4

2 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

Different Sensor Variants for Different Requirements

All SONY Pregius Sensors of the same generation share similar architecture and thus provide comparable image
quality. As some applications are less dependent on speed and control features, the SONY Pregius Series offers different
sensor variants for each model. With most models, a high-speed variant for leading-edge machine vision applications and a
low-speed variant with reduced feature set for standard machine vision and traffic applications are available. For some
models, a global shutter video recording variant is offered with features required for high-end video captures in research,
monitoring, or broadcast.

High-Speed Applications
These flagship sensors combine the outstanding image quality of the pixel MODELS:
architecture and readout circuits with leading edge speed and features.
IMX287 0.4 MP
nn Analog-digital conversion with 8, 10, or 12 bit IMX273 1.6 MP
nn Various trigger modes: IMX174 2.35 MP
§§ Exposure time control: external trigger pulses can define IMX252 3.19 MP
the time of light accumulation IMX250 5.07 MP
§§Trigger output: indicates sensor status during shutter operation IMX255 8.95 MP
for synchronization with peripheral circuits. IMX253 12.37 MP
§§ Fast trigger mode: reduced delay between trigger and exposure
§§ Multi-exposure mode: single trigger pulses initiate a sequence of image
nn Sequencer: Series of 2/4 frames can be captured after single trigger, for each
frame the user can define different exposure time, gain, and ROIs with different
positions and sizes.
nn Regions of Interest: The image capture can be cropped to 16 / 64 regions of interest,
even with overlapping areas.

Low-Speed Applications
Applications, which do not require the speed and features set of the high-speed MODELS:
machine vision models, can benefit from these cost-effective models, yet
providing the exact same image quality. IMX297 0.4 MP
IMX296 1.6 MP
Features: IMX249 2.35 MP
IMX265 3.19 MP
nn Analog-digital conversion with 12 bit IMX264 5.07 MP
nn Regions of Interest: 1 IMX267 8.95 MP
IMX304 12.37 MP
nn Sequencer with 2 / 4 frames with different exposure times and gains
nn Trigger modes

Global Shutter Video Recording

Where recording of fast moving objects is required, users of these sensor models MODEL:
benefit from their global shutter functionality and obtain blur-free image captures.
While the recording speed is limited as with low-speed machine vision sensor IMX302 2.4 MP
variants, it still allows for detailed slow-motion analysis or continuous display. IMX305 8.9 MP

nn Vertical inversion of pixel scan
nn 2-frame set output mode: Recording of two consecutive frames at
different exposure times, merged to one picture to enable wide dynamic range.
nn Regions of Interest: All-pixel scan or Full-HD

0.4 to 1.6 Megapixels | IMX287 / IMX297 / IMX273 / IMX296 2ND GENERATION

These second generation Pregius sensors share the same Despite the trend towards higher resolutions, for many
pixel architecture based on a 3.45 µm pitch. They were applications, like in logistics and factory automation,
designed for small sensor formats with low readout these 0.4 or 1.6 megapixel sensors are still the perfect
noise of just 2.1 electrons. Despite the factor of four choice. In presence detection, code reading, geometric
difference in resolution, both sensors share the same measurement and quality inspection of small areas with
optical format of about 1/3". This is achieved by close-up captures, these sensors fulfill the requirements
maintaining the schematic pixel layout but doubling at an attractive price. Thanks to the enormously high
the pixel pitch and thus quadrupling the pixel area frame rates and great image quality at short exposure
of the 0.4-megapixel IMX287 and IMX297. This leads to times, IMX287 and IMX273 open up new opportunities
a massive pixel size of 6.9 µm, and a correspondingly in terms of production line throughput and captures at
increased full-well capacity and quantum efficiency. high object velocities.
Thanks to this engineering trick, the low-speed model
IMX297 already features at least a doubling in speed
from its CCD predecessors, while the high-speed Short spec
machine vision version IMX287 outperforms competing High-speed IMX287 IMX273
models from other brands in speed and resolution,
alongside its outstanding image quality. Low speed IMX297* IMX296*

Pregius generation 2nd 2nd

With 226 fps, the IMX273 allows for high-speed imaging
at a resolution of 1.6 megapixels. The low readout-noise, Resolution [MP] 0.4 1.6
typical for the 2nd Pregius generation, ensures crisp Horizontal [px] 728 1456
greyscale images as well as accurate color reproduction.
Even the low-speed and low-cost IMX296 delivers more Vertical [px] 544 1088
than double the framerate of the widely adopted SONY Optical format 1/2.9" 1/2.9"
ICX445 1.25MP CCD, using the same optical format.
Most lenses designed for this old CCD sensor will be Pixel pitch [µm] 6.90 3.45
suitable as well for IMX273/IMX296-based cameras, Frame rate 436.9 226
although their pixel pitch is smaller by 0.3 µm. [fps at 10 bit] 120 60

Data rate 1.79 3.58

The IMX297 is the only sensor of this category which [Gbps at 10 bit] 0.48 0.95
can reach its full speed on a GigE interface platform.
The IMX296 slightly exceeds the effective bandwidth of Aspect ratio 4:3 4:3
GigE and calls for dual-GigE or NBaseT at 2.5 Gbps Interface Sub LVDS, MIPI Sub LVDS, MIPI
data interface; as does the IMX287. With 3.58 Gbps,
Similar CCD models ICX424, ICX259, ICX445
IMX273 will likely not reach its full speed on standard
USB 3.0 platforms without some data compression.
*only available as monochrome versions
Camera Link, CoaXPress, or NBaseT at 5 Gpbs would
be the likely interface candidates to best leverage the
throughput of this sensor.

4 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

2.4 Megapixels | IMX174 / IMX249 / IMX302 1ST GENERATION

While this sensor was introduced in 2013, it is still night or sun reflections are perfect applications for these
leading edge in performance and already constitutes a sensors as they deliver sufficiently high contrast, which
milestone in the history of Machine Vision. The IMX174 is also needed for number plate recognition in automatic
features Full-HD capable 1936 x 1216 resolution, up to tolling, car access control or traffic law enforcement.
164.5 fps at 10 bit, very large 5.86 µm pixel pitch and
1/1.2" format, with multiple regions of interest. This
sensor and its low-speed companion IMX249 fulfill the Short spec
needs of a large variety of machine vision applications High-speed IMX174
where previously similar slow megapixel CCD-sensors
had been applied. Low speed IMX249

GS-Video IMX302
The large pixel size in combination with micro-lenses on
the sensor surface leads to high quantum efficiency and Pregius generation 1st
an outstanding saturation level of 30,000 electrons. Resolution [MP] 2.35

The maximum data rate of the IMX174 is at 4,752 Horizontal [px] 1936
Gbps which exploits the video bandwidth of USB 3.0. Vertical [px] 1216
On the other hand, for various machine vision
applications this sensor can also be designed into Optical format 1/1.2"
platforms with a GigE or dual-GigE interfaces, by Pixel pitch [µm] 5.86
reducing the sensor’s throughput to a quarter or
Frame rate 164.5@10
respectively half of the frame rate in continuous
[fps at 10 bit] 128.2@12
recording mode to support the bandwidth available (IMX174)
with these interfaces. Captures at full speed can still 30@12 (IMX249)
be enabled for short sequences on these interfaces 64.1@12 (IMX302)
by buffering frames to memory inside the camera and Data rate [Gbps] 4.752
subsequent transmission at lower data rates. With a 1.188
maximum frame rate of 30 fps at 12 bit, the IMX249
Aspect ratio 4:3 (UXGA)
delivers 1188 Mbps and is therefore ideally suited for Widescreen 16:9
continuous recording on Gigabit Ethernet platforms. (Full HD)

Interface LVDS, DDR

Thanks to the high sensitivity and saturation capacity,
pixels looking at darker areas of a scene can equally Similar CCD models ICX674, ICX817,
resolve the light intensity as pixels looking at the bright ICX818
ones. This wide dynamic range is beneficial, for example
in fast and precise localization of laser lines in 3D
profilometry or the inspection of shiny surfaces with
glare and specular surfaces. Traffic applications with
challenging lighting conditions caused by headlights at

3.2 and 5.1 Megapixels | IMX252 / IMX265 / IMX250 / IMX264 2ND GENERATION

The first sensors of the second Pregius generation are a Short spec
direct replacement to their CCD equivalents. Especially High-speed IMX252 IMX250
the 5 megapixel IMX250 and IMX264 which feature the
same optical format, resolution, and pixel size as the Low speed IMX265 IMX264
widely used ICX625 and ICX655 CCD sensors. This Pregius generation 2nd 2nd
allows for the use of the large portfolio of lenses from
various manufacturers, which were designed for the Resolution [MP] 3.19 5.07
equivalent CCD models, leading to lower costs for an Horizontal [px] 2064 2464
imaging system. One of the major advantages of the new
Pregius sensors lies in their speed. While the 2-tap ICX625 Vertical [px] 1544 2056
delivered just 15 fps, the IMX250 captures up to 163 fps Optical format 1/1.8" 2/3"
at 8-bit encoding. Furthermore, the non-linear and
temperature dependent balancing of the CCD readout Pixel pitch [µm] 3.45 3.45
taps is not required anymore with CMOS. Frame rate 191.5@10 144.7@10
[fps at 10 bit] (IMX252) (IMX250)
Using the same pixel architecture as the IMX250 and 55.6@12 35.7@12
(IMX265) (IMX264)
IMX264, the 3.19 MP sensors IMX252 and IMX265
address high-speed imaging systems with moderate Data rate 6.88 7.22
requirements on resolution. [Gbps at 10 bit] 1.77 1.79

Aspect ratio 4:3 5:4

With a maximum data rate of 9.504Gbps (IMX252) and
9.504 Gbps (IMX250) these sensors demand high-speed Interface LVDS LVDS, DDR
camera interfaces like Camera Link Full, CoaXPress x2, Similar CCD models ICX808 ICX625, ICX655
or 10 GigE. As IMX265 and IMX264 deliver maximum
data rates of below 1.8 Gbps they can reach their
maximum performance already with dual-GigE interfaces.

While the full-well capacity is just slightly more than

1/3 of the first generation Pregius sensors, the readout
noise lies at just 2.1 electrons. This low readout noise
will produce very clear monochrome pictures, and
has outstanding color reproduction. This is especially
helpful in the analysis of color prints and pharmaceuticals
along with inspection systems for fruit, vegetables, and
pastries of all kinds in automated food production
facilities. Furthermore, demanding applications like panel
inspection and surface inspection benefit significantly
from higher throughput and accuracy thanks to the
speed and resolution of these image sensors.

6 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

7.1 Megapixels | IMX420 / IMX428 3RD GENERATION

The IMX420 and IMX428 are the first sensors of the 3rd applications with lower requirements on throughput can
Pregius generation. The new pixel size of 4.5 x 4.5 µm still benefit from the high resolution, image quality and
perfectly balances high quantum efficiency, saturation reduced price of this model.
capacity and compactness. Thanks to its low readout
noise of 2.5 electrons and a full pixel well of 25,000 The IMX420 and IMX428, as the first sensor models
electrons these sensors achieve an unprecedented featuring SONY’s 3rd generation CMOS Global Shutter
maximum dynamic range of 80 dB. mode, clearly show how the combination of high
resolution and high frame rates, along with Global Shutter
These sensors come with a variety of new and highly read-out technology boosts imaging quality and speed
innovative features including High Conversion Gain for into new spheres. Mass production is scheduled around
better image quality under low light conditions and the spring 2018.
Low Conversion Gain for bright scenes. With Dual ADC,
each pixel can be read out with different gains. By
combining the two images with different gains off-the- Short spec
sensor a high dynamic range image can be obtained. High-speed IMX420
As with 1st and 2nd generation Pregius sensors, the
high-speed models provide captures with multiple ROIs. Low-speed IMX428
The new Dual Triggering allows for different exposure Pregius generation 3rd
times and gains in different regions of interest, while a
Self-Triggering feature detects changes above a certain Resolution [MP] 7.1
threshold in a predefined “sensing area” and acquires Horizontal [px] 3216
an image automatically.
Vertical [px] 2208
The new SLVS-EC interface of the 3rd generation sensors Optical format 1.1"
allows for a maximum output of 19 Gbps over 8 lanes.
With 172 frames at 10 bit the IMX420 generates a data Pixel pitch [µm] 4.5
rate of 19 Gbps, which requires either high speed Frame rate [fps] 134.5@12
interfaces like 3x CoaXPress or Camera Link HS. The (SLVS-EC 8lane)
low speed IMX428 offers 51.4 fps which makes it a 51.4@12 (SLVS
perfect fit for USB 3.0 based platforms.
Data rate [Gbps] 19.0
High resolution, high frame rate, effective global shutter 4.752
and a host of new features qualifies the IMX420 for Aspect ratio 3:2
demanding system setups in quality assurance of
fast moving objects and precision control in robotic Interface SLVS, SLVS-EC
applications. The IMX428 is optimized for ITS and Similar CCD models ICX694, ICX695
delivers 12-bit images with just one ROI. Yet, any

8.9 and 12.3 Megapixels | IMX255 / IMX267 / IMX305 / IMX253 / IMX304 2ND GENERATION

As all members of the 2nd Pregius generation, the Short spec

IMX253 and its little brother IMX255 are based on High-speed IMX255 IMX253
comparably small pixels of 3.45 x 3.45 µm with
reduced full-well capacity compared to first generation Low-speed IMX267 IMX304
sensors and very low readout noise of 2.1 electrons. GS-Video IMX305
Their diagonal remains within a small 1" and 1.1" optical
format respectively despite their high resolution of 8.95 Pregius generation 2nd 2nd
and 12.37 megapixels while still being compatible with Resolution [MP] 8.95 12.37
C-mount lenses.
Horizontal [px] 4112 4112
Maximum data rates greater than 9.504 Gbps drive Vertical [px] 2176 3008
interfaces like 10 GigE or USB 3.1 Gen2 just beyond their
effective bandwidth. Camera Link Deca, CoaXPress x2 Optical format 1" 1.1"
or interfaces with higher bandwidth can reliably transmit Pixel pitch [µm] 3.45 3.45
the generated data rates at full speed.
Frame rate [fps] 93.7@8 68.3@8
88.7@10 64.6@10
The 1.1" IMX253 with a traditional 4:3 aspect ratio is 63.7@12 (IMX305) 46.4@12
designed for high-resolution analysis of displays or solar 32.2@12 (IMX267) 23.4@12 (IMX304)
panels, or built into multi-camera 3D model creation
Data rate [Gbps] 9.504 9.504
systems for Virtual Reality.
Aspect ratio 17:9 4:3
The IMX255 features the same horizontal pixel count
Interface LVDS LVDS
with less vertical lines when compared against the IMX253.
This results in a 17:9 cinematography format of the Similar CCD models ICX814, ICX815 ICX834
IMX255, making it suitable for high-speed recordings
with 4K TV (a.k.a. Ultra HD) resolution. In applications
where high resolution in the horizontal but less in the
vertical direction are required, the Region of Interest-
feature of the SONY Pregius series makes the IMX255
a real high-speed sensor with high frame rates at a
resolution of 4112 x 2176.

The low readout noise of both sensors contributes to

crisp and clear images for reliable 3D captures and
inspection results.

8 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

Typical Applications

High-end Manufacturing Automation nn Sensitivity enables very short exposure times which
and Logistics allow for blur-free captures of fast moving objects,
e.g. on a conveyor belt.
Production managers are under constant pressure to nn Full-well capacity leads to high dynamic range
increase the output quality and productivity of their captures ensuring detailed pictures of shiny or
facilities while at the same time reducing the total costs specular surfaces minimizing the impacts of
of manufacturing lines. Furthermore, the new Industry speckles and glare.
4.0 revolution calls for utmost flexibility in production and
logistics. The high speed, resolution, image quality and nn Features like various trigger modes, sequencing,
the rich feature set of SONY Pregius sensors provides fast trigger response, trigger controlled exposure
unprecedented opportunities to build very flexible times, etc. reduce the need for external control
machine vision systems with high accuracy and peripherals and allow new innovated solutions for
throughput at moderate costs. demanding applications possible.
nn Low cost variants of the sensors ensure positive
Features and benefits: business cases even for cost-sensitive, large
nn High resolution allows for more detailed inspection, volume applications.
especially in the semiconductor industry at the
inspection of display panels, solar panels, wafers,
etc. as well as in food and glass production where
smallest defects can be detected.
nn High frame rates allow for more throughput/
productivity while the ROI and multi-ROI features
provide even higher readout-speeds. Vision guided
robots and 3D captures based on structured light, such
as laser lines, benefit from these fast frame rates.

Typical Applications

Medical Devices Security

From ophthalmology to dermatology, surgery room Access control, passport check, and optical inspection
equipment and bio-chemical analyses, imaging enables of personal identification devices are few of the various
multiple applications in the medical field by contributing imaging applications in the security sector. The better
to more secure and faster diagnostics, guidance of the images, the more reliable are the verifications of
surgeons and surgery robots, to name a few. retinas, finger and palm prints, ID cards, or bank notes.

Features and benefits: Features and benefits:

nn Color fidelity: Thanks to the high full-well capacity nn Sensitivity and low noise: Especially for retina
and the low readout noise, the RGB-color sensors scans, the light intensity is very limited, and exposure
of the SONY Pregius series offer vibrant color images times must be short to cope with continuous eye
with precise reproduction of the real color. In skin movements. For these reasons, the first and third
cancer diagnosis, or tissue and liquid analysis, generation Pregius sensors are ideally suited for
the high color fidelity ensures accurate color this application.
reproduction for experts as well as for automatic nn Wide dynamic range: At automatic passport
image processing algorithms. inspection machines, the ambient light cannot
nn High resolution: Vision applications for the spatial always be controlled. This means that light sources
analysis of organic materials can operate at an in the background and speckles from glasses affect
even higher level of accuracy with higher resolution the details of the facial image being captured. Also,
sensors. When it comes to the guidance of surgery the optical inspection of reflective security features,
tools, camera based 3D tracking systems are e.g. holograms, requires detailed texture resolution in
required as their accuracy is directly dependent bright as well as in dark regions, making this feature
on the resolution of the cameras used. a requirement.
nn Sensitivity: In fluorescence imaging, where low light
intensities need to be captured, the SONY Pregius
series rivals the performance of CCD image sensors.
Where machine vision is used alongside patients or
doctors, the artificial light intensity must be kept
below hazardous limits requiring the image sensor
to deliver clear images with the available light. Having
sensors that are very sensitive can still capture
high quality, high dynamic images under these low
light conditions.

10 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

Sports and Entertainment Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS)
and Transportation
This broad application field of machine vision has rapidly
evolved over the last few years. From basketball, soccer Vision systems play a pivotal role in the ever
and baseball, to hockey, players and equipment they increasing traffic volumes and the growing complexity
are continuously tracked for real-time analysis and rule in transportation and traffic safety. In cities with scarce
enforcement. Slow motion videos of fast movements parking or where there is a need to monitor public
can be equally fascinating and insightful for the viewer transport, image processing can help.
especially when combined with Virtual Reality offerings
that provide a more detailed 3D scan of athletes and Features and benefits
the balls, pucks, birdies, javelins, etc.
nn High resolution: With up to 12 megapixels of the
IMX253 and IMX304 a single camera can monitor
Features and benefits:
larger areas, such as multiple lanes on a highway.
nn High frame rates enable accurate analyses of This reduces costs and system complexity.
physical processes as well as the movements from
nn Image quality: Thanks to the high sensitivity, high
athletes or horses. Slow motion replays are more
full-well capacity, and wide dynamic range these
intriguing where the original recording is faster. SONY
sensors provide, the images of drivers and license
Pregius sensors can reach greater than 1000 frames
plates for tolling or law enforcement reliably provide
per second, especially with regions of interest.
clear images, even under challenging light conditions
nn High resolution offers more spatial detail with less that include reflections, shadows and sun light.
numbers of cameras covering the entire field of
nn NIR sensitivity: The deep pixel wells of the Pregius
view. With up to 12 megapixels, large sections of
architectures provide an increased sensitivity in the
playing fields can be monitored in detail. Also, 3D
NIR spectrum, making them especially interesting for
scans of objects for digitization in Virtual Reality
outdoor applications at night, especially when
applications benefit from higher level of detail that
combined with NIR light sources.
these sensors provide.
nn Wide dynamic range is key in all outdoor
applications in stadiums where half of the playing
field is shadowed and the other is in bright sunlight.
nn Triggering and sequencing is especially beneficial
for the synchronized capture of moving objects with
stereo cameras or 3D virtualization systems, or for
even extended wide dynamic range by multiple
captures with different exposure times and gains.

How We Can Support Your Application

FRAMOS supports industrial

customers, OEMs, system
integrators, and researchers
overcome imaging challenges.
We partner with our clients to
provide a complete vision solution
from requirements gathering, to
decision making, and delivery
of the finished product.

We provide: With our practical industry and project experience,

FRAMOS serves our clients as a technical consultant,
Requirements Analysis development partner and external supplier enabling our
customers to develop cutting-edge imaging solutions
Product Selection Support while shortening their times-to-market.
Measurements and Testing
Evaluation Tools Requirements Analysis
Rapid Prototyping At FRAMOS, our goal is to enable our customers to
Experienced Design-in Support leverage imaging and vision technology, to be ahead of
the competition and to create cutting-edge business
Application Specific Hardware, solutions in their field. This means working to find the
Software, and IP Solutions best solution for our customers, is our number one

12 SENSOR INSIGHTS: Sony Pregius – CMOS Global Shutter

priority. As the experts in the industry, we listen to you, The ISO standard tests cover the entire imaging system
understand your requirements, and find a solution that and are used to identify the best combination of sensor,
fits your needs. Our experts are available to assist in camera and lens for a customer application. These tests
selecting the components that meet the requirements for can also be used to evaluate information that includes
your vision system. We also offer a needs assessment the dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio and modulation
to determine the requirements for the sensor, optics, transfer function (MTF)/resolution.
data processing, data communication, interface,
camera’s size and power consumption, and the The EMVA1288 standard requires sensor or cameras
software or SDK. demo kits to be measured without a lens, which means
that the sensor is illuminated directly with homogeneous
light. The FRAMOS EMVA1288 measuring device
Product Selection Support records the properties on four wavelengths: 465nm,
532nm, 630nm and 848nm. The layout and structure
After a requirements assessment, our vision experts will of the EMVA1288 report is pre-defined and the values
work together with our customers to determine how to are generally measured uniformly in electrons or
fulfill their requirements. To support single sensors to photons. The measurements provide a highly detailed,
complete systems, we leverage our engineering team, clear standardized comparison between different
strong partner network and diverse supplier network. image sensors.
When providing a solution, we may tap into our supplier
network to determine which hardware suits the customer FRAMOS also offers in-house training with the FRAMOS
best. This may be components like sensors, optics or Imaging Experts Academy to introduce them to the test
off-the-shelf cameras. If more customization is needed, methods and how they are used.
we work with our partner network of specialized vision
solution experts. This network enables us to provide
vision technology for customer applications across the Evaluation Tools
whole value chain.
Evaluation Boards help camera manufacturers and OEMs
in the development, selection and integration of sensors
Experienced Design-in Support into their image processing applications and vision
systems. An EVB is an excellent development tool that
To fully understand the design of the sensor, we provide can be used through all stages of product design. The
our clients with all necessary data, test measurements SONY EVB kits allow for detailed test and measurement
and development tools needed to create your vision with access to ‘truly raw data’ from the sensor, as well
system. Evaluation boards as well as EMVA 1288 as its configuration and status information. It serves as
measurements are available to ensure a full analysis a test tool to help you evaluate whether a particular
and review can be completed to allow for the selection sensor has the required image quality and performance
of the best component. for your application.

With our FRAMOS Engineering Services, we help The EVB provides direct access to the output data for
industrial customers, OEMs, system integrators, and the image sensors running in any mode. This raw pixel
researchers overcome challenges with image processing. data ensures you are seeing the true performance of the
We can assist from requirements gathering, to decision sensor. The purity of this data allows designers to get a
making, and to delivery of the finished product. We head start on the image pipeline and downstream image
work with you to determine your needs and are at your processing. With the use of an EVB, designers have
service as a technical consultant, development partner, complete control of the sensor enabling you to evaluate
and external supplier. it to see if it will perform exactly as you need it to.

With the use of an evaluation board, the development

Measurements and Testing of the image pipeline can be started at an early stage,
and provides the ability to test several lenses under
FRAMOS provides a comprehensive range of testing your operating conditions. Costs are significantly
and measurement services to evaluate sensors and reduced with the use of an EVB as it allows you to fully
compare apples to apples in terms of sensor models, analyze and assess the true performance of the sensor
functionality and manufactures. Using ISO and under your operating conditions which will reduce
EMBA1288 standards we can offer our customers development time. To assist schematic designers,
objective measurements of image sensors and cameras; complete reference design kits including the layout data
and under conditions that are specific to the customer (Gerber layout files), schematics, and Bill of Materials
and application. (BOM) for the EVB are available on request.

How We Can Support Your Application

Rapid Prototyping Commercial Flexibility

With our engineering know-how and our laboratories in To provide you the flexibility you need, FRAMOS offers
Europe and North America, we can simulate customer frame contracts allowing products to be in-stock and
applications and environments. We can change different available as you need them. This ensures the sensors
components and vary system parameters to meet you need are always available and delivery delays or
requirements. For example, a setup could consist of product discontinuations will not affect availability.
strobed lighting, cameras and the use of specific Using consignment stock opportunities helps with long
software. We can also test long-term reliability and the production cycles to ensure you get the products when
temperature resistance of the system. With this setup you need them.
FRAMOS can prototype and document a solution to
any customer application.
Quality Management
Application Specific Hardware, Software On-time delivery, highest quality and warehousing,
Solutions & IP Solutions mark FRAMOS as a reliable partner in logistic services.
Our clean room warehouses are in accordance with
FRAMOS can assist with customers who have DIN EN ISO 14644, Clean Room Class 5. The ESD
solutions requiring customized hardware and/or software. certification ensures ESD-compliant clothing,
Applications range from embedded cameras to cameras conductive shelves and floors and special packaging
with protective housing to special software features such regulations for conductive packaging reduce
as laser-line detection or image compression. We have electrostatic charging. Moisture and temperature
a dedicated engineering team focusing on creating control, as well as ionization fans ensure high quality
customized hardware and software solutions. ambient conditions. Our FRAMOS warehouses are
monitored and certified by SONY with the Canadian
Our engineers can also help with customized IP ESD room being the only certified room in North
Solutions. We have helped many organizations in America external to SONY itself.
building IP solutions, some of these solutions include
sorting and object recognition based on machine FRAMOS product and business processes, development
learning algorithms, quality inspection of objects, and logistics are ISO 9001-certified. This certification
packaging and space optimization and volume ensures that everything that leaves our warehouses
dimensioning. Our FRAMOS team is always available consistently adhere to the highest standards of quality.
to discuss project and how we might help to create a FRAMOS continuously monitors quality metrics and
custom solution that fits your needs. always strives to improve on industry’s best practices.

ABOUT FRAMOS | At FRAMOS, we make machines to see and think. Imaging and Vision
technologies are our passion and play a key role in automation, robotics and the IoT-connected
factory—it controls modern production lines, autonomous cars, robots and drones, by now on the
edge into cognitive systems and to vision based artificial intelligence. As a leading global supplier of
imaging products, custom vision solutions and OEM services and as a modern family business, we
assist our customers since 1981 in the development of visual future technologies. From the sensor
to the finished system, we offer a powerful portfolio of vision services and components with a range
of capabilities to suit every budget. Strong brands combined with excellent technical support allow
our customers to shorten their time-to-market ranging from image sensor selection through camera
customization to full turn-key designs. Our team of more than 100 employees is working worldwide
to find the fastest, most professional and most efficient imaging solution for our customers.

For further questions please contact our Marketing Team at [email protected],

they will lead you to the right expert!


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