Swimming has a long history dating back over 10,000 years as depicted in ancient cave paintings. It was practiced recreationally and competitively throughout history in many ancient civilizations. Competitive swimming emerged as a sport in the 1830s in Britain and the front crawl stroke, which had been used for generations in the Americas, was introduced and proved faster than the traditional breaststroke used in Britain at the time. The first modern Olympic games in 1896 included swimming competitions and helped establish international governing bodies for the sport.
Swimming has a long history dating back over 10,000 years as depicted in ancient cave paintings. It was practiced recreationally and competitively throughout history in many ancient civilizations. Competitive swimming emerged as a sport in the 1830s in Britain and the front crawl stroke, which had been used for generations in the Americas, was introduced and proved faster than the traditional breaststroke used in Britain at the time. The first modern Olympic games in 1896 included swimming competitions and helped establish international governing bodies for the sport.
Swimming has a long history dating back over 10,000 years as depicted in ancient cave paintings. It was practiced recreationally and competitively throughout history in many ancient civilizations. Competitive swimming emerged as a sport in the 1830s in Britain and the front crawl stroke, which had been used for generations in the Americas, was introduced and proved faster than the traditional breaststroke used in Britain at the time. The first modern Olympic games in 1896 included swimming competitions and helped establish international governing bodies for the sport.
Swimming has a long history dating back over 10,000 years as depicted in ancient cave paintings. It was practiced recreationally and competitively throughout history in many ancient civilizations. Competitive swimming emerged as a sport in the 1830s in Britain and the front crawl stroke, which had been used for generations in the Americas, was introduced and proved faster than the traditional breaststroke used in Britain at the time. The first modern Olympic games in 1896 included swimming competitions and helped establish international governing bodies for the sport.
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SWIMMING was a Senior Fellow at St.
John's College, Cambridge and
- in recreation and sports, the propulsion of the body was interested in the scientific method. His short through water by combined arm and leg motions and the treatise, De arte natandi, was written in Latin and natural flotation of the body. As an exercise, an all around contained over 40 woodcut illustrations depicting various body developer and is particularly useful in therapy and as methods of swimming, including the breaststroke, exercise for physically handicapped person backstroke and crawl. Digby regarded the breaststroke as the most useful form of swimming. In 1603, Emperor Go- I. HISTORY OF SWIMMING Yozei of Japan declared that schoolchildren should swim. Competitive swimming in Britain started around In 1696, the French author Melchisédech 1830, mostly using breaststroke. Swimming was part of Thévenot wrote The Art of Swimming, describing a the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. In breaststroke very similar to the modern breaststroke. This 1908, the world swimming association, Fédération book was translated into English and became the standard Internationale de Natation (FINA), was formed. reference of swimming for many years to come.[6] In 1739, Guts Muts (also spelled as Guts Muth) A. Ancient times from Schnepfenthal, Germany, wrote Gymnastik für die 10,000-year-old rock paintings of people swimming were Jugend (Exercise for youth), including a significant portion found in the Cave of Swimmers near Wadi Sura in about swimming. In 1794, Kanonikus Oronzio de Bernardi southwestern Egypt. These pictures seem to show of Italy wrote a two volume book about swimming, breaststroke or dog paddle, although it is also possible including floating practice as a prerequisite for swimming that the movements have a ritual meaning unrelated to studies. swimming. An Egyptian clay seal dated between 9000 In 1798, Guts Muts wrote another book Kleines Lehrbuch BCE and 4000 BCE shows four people who are believed to der Schwimmkunst zum Selbstunterricht (Small study be swimming a variant of the front crawl. book of the art of swimming for self-study), More references to swimming are found in recommending the use of a "fishing rod" device to aid in the Babylonian bas-reliefs and Assyrian wall drawings, the learning of swimming. His books describe a three step depicting a variant of the breaststroke. The most famous approach to learning to swim that is still used today. First, drawings were found in the Kebir desert and are get the student used to the water; second, practice the estimated to be from around 4000 BCE. The Nagoda bas- swimming movements out of the water; and third, relief also shows swimmers inside of men dating back practice the swimming movements in the water. He from 3000 BCE The Indian palace Mohenjo believed that swimming is an essential part of every Daro from 2800 BCE contains a swimming pool sized 30 m education. The Haloren, a group of salt makers in Halle, by 60 m. The Minoan palace of Knossos in Crete also Germany, greatly advanced swimming through setting a featured baths. An Egyptian tomb from 2000 BCE shows a good example to others by teaching their children to swim variant of front crawl. Depictions of swimmers have also at a very early age. been found from the Hittites, Minoans, and other Middle Eastern civilizations, in the Tepantitla compound C. Swimming as a competitive sport atTeotihuacan, and in mosaics in Pompeii. Swimming emerged as a competitive sport in the 1830s in Written references date back to ancient times, with the England. In 1828, the first indoor swimming pool, St earliest as early as 2000 BC. Such references occur in George's Baths was opened to the public. By 1837, works like Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Bible the National Swimming Society was holding regular (Ezekiel 47:5, Acts 27:42, Isaiah 25:11), Beowulf, and other swimming competitions in six artificial swimming pools, sagas, although the style is never described. There are also built around London. The sport grew in popularity and by many mentions of swimmers in 1880, when the first national governing body, the Amateur the Vatican, Borgian and Bourboncodices. A series of Swimming Association, was formed, there were already reliefs from 850 BC in the Nimrud Gallery of the British over 300 regional clubs in operation across the country. Museum show swimmers, mostly in military context, often In 1844 a swimming competition was held in London with using swimming aids. The Germanic folklore describes the participation of two Native Americans. The British swimming, which was used successfully in wars against competitor used the traditionalbreaststroke, while the the Romans. Native Americans swam a variant of the front crawl, which had been used by people in the Americas for generations, B. Early modern era but was not known to the British. The winning medal went Leonardo da Vinci made early sketches of lifebelts. In to 'Flying Gull' who swam the 130 foot length in just 30 1539, Nikolaus Wynmann, a German professor of seconds - the Native American swimming method proved languages, wrote the first swimming book Colymbetes. His to be a much faster style than the British breaststroke. The purpose was to reduce the dangers of drowning. The book Times of London reported disapprovingly that the Native contained a good methodical approach to learning American stroke was an unrefined motion with the arms breaststroke, and mentioned swimming aids such as air "like a windmill" and the chaotic and unregulated kicking filled cow bladders, reed bundles, and cork belts. of the legs. The considerable splashing that the stroke In 1587, Everard Digby also wrote a swimming book, caused was deemed to be barbaric and "un-European" to claiming that humans could swim better than fish. Digby the British gentlemen, who preferred to keep their heads over the water. Subsequently, the British continued to the swimming competition, but only four events were swim only breaststroke until 1873. The British did, actually contested: 100 m, 500 m, and 1200 m freestyle however, adapt the breaststroke into the and 100 m for sailors. The first gold medal was won speedier sidestroke, where the swimmer lies to one side; by Alfréd Hajós of Hungary in the 100m freestyle. Hajós this became the more popular choice by the late 1840s. In was also victorious in the 1200m event, and was unable to 1895, J. H. Thayers of England swam 100 yards (91 m) in a compete in the 500 m, which was won by Austrian Paul record-breaking 1:02.50 using a sidestroke. Neumann. The second Olympic games in Paris in 1900 featured Sir John Arthur Trudgen picked up the hand-over stroke 200m, 1000m, and 4000m freestyle, 200m backstroke, from South American natives he observed swimming on a and a 200m team race (see also Swimming at the 1900 trip to Buenos Aires. On his return to England in 1868, he Summer Olympics). There were two additional unusual successfully debuted the new stroke in 1873 and won a swimming events (although common at the time): an local competition in 1875. Although the new stroke was obstacle swimming course in the Seine river (swimming really the reintroduction of a more intuitive method for with the current), and an underwater swimming race. The swimming, one that had been in evidence in ancient 4000m freestyle was won by John Arthur Jarvis in under cultures such as Ancient Assyria, his method one hour, the longest Olympic swimming race until the revolutionised the state of competitive swimming - his 10k marathon swim was introduced in 2008. The stroke is still regarded as the most powerful to use backstroke was also introduced to the Olympic Games in today. In his stroke, the arms were brought forward, Paris, as was water polo. The Osborne Swimming alternating, while the body rolled from side to side. The Club from Manchester beat club teams from Belgium, kick was a scissors kick such as that familiarly used in France and Germany quite easily. breaststroke, with one kick for two arm strokes, although The Trudgen stroke was improved by Australian- it is believed that the Native Americans had indeed used a born Richmond Cavill. Cavill, whose father Frederick Cavill flutter kick. Front crawl variants used different ratios of narrowly failed to swim the English Channel, is credited scissor kicks to arm strokes, or alternated with a flutter with developing the stroke after observing a young boy (up-and-down) kick. The speed of the new stroke was from the Solomon Islands. Cavill and his brothers spread demonstrated by F.V.C. Lane in 1901, swimming 100 yards the Australian crawl to England, New Zealand and (91 m) in 1:00.0, an improvement of about ten seconds America. Richmond used this stroke in 1902 at an compared to the breaststroke record. Due to its speed the International Championships in England to set a new Trudgen became very quickly popular around the world, world record by out swimming all Trudgen swimmers over despite all the ungentlemanlike splashing. the 100 yards (91 m) in 0:58.4[12] The Olympics in 1904 in St. Louis included races over 50 Captain Matthew Webb was the first man to swim yards (46 m), 100 yards, 220 yards (200 m), 440 yards, 880 the English Channel (between England and France), in yards (800 m) and one mile (1.6 km) freestyle, 100 yards 1875. He used breaststroke, swimming 21.26 miles (91 m) backstroke and 440 yards (400 m) breaststroke, (34.21 km) in 21 hours and 45 minutes. His feat was not and the 4x50 yards freestyle relay (see also Swimming at replicated or surpassed for the next 36 years, until T.W. the 1904 Summer Olympics). These games differentiated Burgess made the crossing in 1911. Other European between breaststroke and freestyle, so that there were countries also established swimming now two defined styles (breaststroke and backstroke) and federations; Germany in 1882, France in 1890 freestyle, where most people swam Trudgen. These games and Hungary in 1896. The first European amateur also featured a competition to plunge for distance, where swimming competitions were in 1889 in Vienna. The the distance without swimming, after jumping in a pool, world's first women's swimming championship was held was measured. in Scotland in 1892.[10] Nancy Edberg popularised women's swimming in In 1908, the world swimming association Fédération Stockholm from 1847. She made swimming lessons Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA) was formed. accessible for both genders and later introduced Women were first allowed to swim in the 1912 Summer swimming lessons for women Olympics in Stockholm, competing in freestyle races. In in Denmark and Norway. Her public swimming exhibitions the 1912 games, Harry Hebner of the United States won from 1856 with her students were likely among the first the 100m backstroke. At these games Duke public exhibitions of women swimming in Europe Kahanamoku from Hawaii won the 100m freestyle, having In 1897, Capt. Henry Sheffield designed a rescue can or learned the six kicks per cycle front crawl from older rescue cylinder, now well known as the lifesaving device. natives of his island. This style is now considered the The pointed ends made it slide faster through the water, classical front crawl style. The men's competitions were although it can cause injuries. 100m, 400m, and 1500m Freestyle, 100m backstroke, 200m and 400m breaststroke, and four by 200m freestyle D. Olympic era relay. The women’s competitions were 100m freestyle and four by 100m freestyle relay. The Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens, a male- The Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft only competition. Six events were planned for (DLRG) (German lifesaving organization) was established on October 19, 1913 in Leipzigafter 17 people drowned sideways. This style is now generally used worldwide. while trying to board the cruise steamer Kronprinz Wilhelm. In the same year the first elastic swimsuit was In 1935 topless swimsuits for men were worn for the first made by the sweater company Jantzen. time during an official competition. In 1943, the US In 1922, Johnny Weissmuller became the first person to ordered the reduction of fabric in swimsuits by 10% due to swim the 100m in less than a minute, using a six kicks per wartime shortages, resulting in the first two piece cycle Australian crawl. Johnny Weissmuller started the swimsuits. Shortly afterwards the Bikini was invented in golden age of swimming, winning five Olympic medals and Paris by Louis Reard (officially) or Jacques Heim (earlier, 36 national championships and never losing a race in his but slightly larger). ten-year career, until he retired from swimming and Another modification was developed for started his second career starring as Tarzan in film. His breaststroke. In breaststroke, breaking the water surface record of 51 seconds in 100-yard (91 m) freestyle stood increases the friction, reducing the speed of the swimmer. for over 17 years. In the same year, Sybil Bauer was the Therefore, swimming underwater increases the speed. first woman to break a men’s world record over the 440 m This led to a controversy at the 1956 Summer backstroke in 6:24.8. Olympics in Melbourne, and six swimmers were At the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, lane dividers made disqualified as they repeatedly swam long distances of cork were used for the first time, and lines on the pool underwater between surfacing to breathe. The rule was bottom aided with orientation. changed to require breaststroke to be swum at the surface starting with the first surfacing after the start and after E. Swimming innovation each turn. However, one Japanese swimmer, Masaru Furukawa, circumvented the rule by not surfacing at all The scientific study of swimming began in 1928 with David after the start, but swimming as much of the lane under Armbruster, a coach at the University of Iowa, who filmed water as possible before breaking the surface. He swam all swimmers underwater. The Japanese also but 5 m under water for the first three 50 m laps, and also used underwater photography to research the stroke swam half under water for the last lap, winning the gold mechanics, and subsequently dominated the 1932 medal. The adoption of this technique led to many Summer Olympics. Armbruster also researched a problem swimmers suffering from oxygen starvation or even some of breaststroke where the swimmer was slowed down swimmers passing out during the race due to a lack of air, significantly while bringing the arms forward underwater. and a new breaststroke rule was introduced by FINA, In 1934 Armbruster refined a method to bring the arms additionally limiting the distance that can be swum under forward over water in breaststroke. While this "butterfly" water after the start and every turn, and requiring the technique was difficult, it brought a great improvement in head to break the surface every cycle. The 1956 Games in speed. One year later, in 1935, Jack Sieg, a swimmer also Melbourne also saw the introduction of the flip turn, a from the University of Iowa developed a technique sort of tumble turn to faster change directions at the end involving swimming on his side and beating his legs in of the lane. unison similar to a fish tail, and modified the technique afterward to swim it face down. Armbruster and Sieg In 1972, another famous swimmer, Mark Spitz, was at the combined these techniques into a variant of the height of his career. During the 1972 Summer breaststroke called butterfly with the two kicks per cycle Olympics in Munich, Germany, he won seven gold medals. being called dolphin fishtail kick. Using this technique Sieg Shortly thereafter in 1973, the first swimming world swam 100 yards (91 m) in 1:00.2. However, even though championship was held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia by the this technique was much faster than regular breaststroke, FINA. the dolphin fishtail kick violated the rules and was not Breaking the water surface reduces the speed in allowed. Therefore, the butterfly arms with a breaststroke swimming. The swimmers Daichi Suzuki (Japan) and David kick were used by a few swimmers in the 1936 Summer Berkoff (America) used this for the 100 m backstroke at Olympics in Berlin for the breaststroke competitions. In the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. Berkoff swam 33 m 1938, almost every breaststroke swimmer was using this of the first lane completely underwater using only a butterfly style, yet this stroke was considered a variant of dolphin kick, far ahead of his competition. A sports the breaststroke until 1952, when it was accepted as a commentator called this aBerkoff Blastoff. Suzuki, having separate style with a set of rules. practiced the underwater technique for 10 years, surfaced only a little bit earlier, winning the race in 55.05. At that Around that time another modification to the time, this was not restricted by FINA backstroke rules. The backstroke became popular. Previously, the arms were backstroke rules were quickly changed in the same year by held straight during the underwater push phase, for the FINA to ensure the health and safety of the swimmers, example by the top backstroke swimmer from 1935 to limiting the underwater phase after the start to ten 1945, Adolph Kiefer. However, Australian swimmers meters, which was expanded to 15 m in 1991. In developed a technique where the arms are bent under Seoul, Kristin Otto from East Germany won six gold water, increasing the horizontal push and the resulting medals, the most ever won by a woman. speed and reducing the wasted force upward and Another innovation is the use of flip turns for backstroke. According to the rules, a backstroke swimmer had to touch the wall while lying less than 90 degrees out of the horizontal. Some swimmers discovered that they could 6. Kickboards- to develop the lower extremities of the turn faster if they rolled almost 90 degrees sideways, body in performing the different strokes. touched the wall, and made a forward tumble turn, pushing off the wall on their backs. The FINA has changed 7. Swimming pool- area of the swimmers to perform the the rules to allow the swimmers to turn over completely basic swimming skills. before touching the wall to simplify this turn and to improve the speed of the races. 8. Swimming Noodles – can be used as a pool toy, floatation device or tool for aerobic exercise. Similarly, the dolphin-kick underwater swimming technique is now also used for butterfly. Consequently, in 1998 FINA introduced a rule limiting swimmers to 15 meters underwater per lap before they must surface. After underwater swimming for freestyle and backstroke, the underwater swimming technique is now also used for butterfly, for example by Denis Pankratov (Russia) or Angela Kennedy (Australia), swimming large distances underwater with a dolphin kick. FINA is again considering a rule change for safety reasons. It is faster to do butterfly kick underwater for the first few meters off the wall than swimming at the surface. In 2005, FINA declared that you may take 1 underwater dolphin kick in the motion of a breaststroke pull-out. In 1998, Benoît Lecomte swam across the Atlantic Ocean, a total of 5,600 kilometres in 72 days, swimming 6 to 8 hours daily. He was accompanied by three sailors on a boat. The Rocky Mountain News disputed what he did could be described as having swum across the Atlantic. Sophisticated body skins were banned from FINA competitions from the start of 2010 after many national swimming federations demanded the action, and leading athletes such as Michael Phelps and Rebecca Adlington criticized the suits.
Definition and terminologies in swimming.
II. Swimming attire, facilities, accessories and equipment. 1. Accredited Meet is a competition where there is a full 1. Swimming caps- used to protect the head. complement of officials and all the rules of swimming will Silicone Swim Cap be applied. Latex Swim Cap 2. Automatic (Electronic) Timing (AOE) electrical Lycra Swim Cap equipment designed to measure the elapsed time 2. Swimming goggles- for eye protection. between the start and finish of a race in each lane. 3. ASA (Amateur Swimming Association): the governing 3. Nose clips/nose plugs body of swimming in England. Nose clips- are those little pieces of bent wire 4. ASFGB (Amateur Swimming Federation of Great padded with rubber that you can stick on your nose. They Britain): the governing body of swimming across the whole squeeze the nose so that the nostrils are kept shut and of Great Britain. water is kept out. 5. Backstroke flags a line of flags (not bunting!) suspended Nose plugs- Swimming nose plugs (nose clips) are above the pool 5 metres from each pool end. Used small devices designed to be worn on the nose and that to help backstroke swimmers judge when to turn. keep the water out. 6. Competitive skills - starts, turns, streamlining, start and finish speeds - all components of racing. 4. Pull bouy- pull buoys help you to learn how to swim 7. Consideration Time is a time for an event set by the and under which circumstances they can hinder your meet organiser that swimmers must be faster than in progress. order to enter. 8. Converted Time a time calculated using tables to 5. Swimming fins- Swimming with fins can help you to compensate for a change of pool length. A time swum in a learn a new swim stroke or to improve your swimming 25m pool can be converted into an equivalent technique. time for a 50m pool and vice versa. 9. Disqualification (DQ) indicates the swimmer has broken 31. SASA National Championships: senior and age group a swimming rule. competitions for all swimmers who make the 10. Entry form/disk the page(s) or computer disk upon qualifying standard to determine the best swimmers in which the team's entries for a particular meet are Scotland. submitted to the meet host or designated committee. 32. Session: any portion of a meet distinctly separated 11. Even Pace is a swim that is swum at the same pace for from other portions by time or type, i.e., heats and finals, each section - e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th 50's of a 200m senior and age group. swim swum with equal times. 12. Event a race or series of races in a given stroke and 33. Short Course is in 25 metre pool. distance. 13. FINA (Federation Internationale Natation Amateur): 34. Speeding Ticket is what a swimmer receives for the world's governing body of swimming. swimming too fast at a graded meet. 14. Final any single race that determines final places and times in an event. 35. Split time the time(s) recorded within individual 15. Graded Meet - At a Graded Meet a time cap is applied sections of a race. and only those swimmers below the cap are allowed to compete. Some graded meets may have both high end 36. Starter the official who starts the race. and low end caps. 16. Heat the division of an event in which there are too 37. Starting block / Plinth: a raised platform from which many swimmers to compete at one time. competitors dive at the start of freestyle, butterfly, 17. Heat Declared Winner means that there will be no breaststroke and individual medley races. final and the winner of the event is determined by 38. Stroke judge the official who inspects competitors to times alone when all the heats have been swum. determine that the stroke being used is legal. 18. I.M. (Individual Medley) is an event where all four 39. Streamlining the method of aligning the body so as to competitive strokes are swum in one event by one reduce resistance in the water. swimmer. Order: butterfly - backstroke - breaststroke - 40. Swim off an additional race used to determine the frontcrawl. finalists in the event of a tie in the heats. 19. Kickboard - a flat rectangular (usually) piece of foam 41. Timekeeper is an official who operates a stopwatch to used when kicking in training. record a swimmer’s time. 20. Lane numbers: lanes are numbered from right to left 42. Touchpad - a board at the end of the pool that acts as as the swimmer stands facing the course. a stopwatch. When the swimmer finishes and hits the 21. Leg: the part of a relay that is swum by a single team touchpad, it records the time. member. 43. Turn Judge is the official who ensures that all turns are 22. LEN (League European Natation) is the governing body completed correctly in a race. of swimming in Europe. 44. Timed finals / Heat Declared Winner: competition in 23. Licensed Meet is a competition that has been which only heats are swum with final. approved by the SASA. Only times from licensed and 45. Arm Cycle – the movement involved in completing the accredited meets can be used to enter most full arm action of a stroke. North District competitions. 46. Backstroke – a stroke where swimmers are on their 24. Long Course means in a 50 metre pool. back performing flutter kick and rotating the arms 25. Marshalling Area - the area where the swimmers alternately backwards. meet ahead of their race 47. Bilateral breathing – breathing on alternate sides, 26. Medley relay is an event where all four competitive usually either every third, fifth or seven stroke. strokes are swum in one event with four swimmers 48. Block – a period of work completed without rest as swimming in turns. Each swimmer swims one part of an interval session. stroke. Order backstroke – breaststroke - butterfly – 49. Breaststroke – a stroke where swimmers are on their frontcrawl. (Compare to IM) front with their hands moving forwards then 27. NEASCA is the North East Amateur Swimming Clubs outwards while the legs kick in a frog-like motion. Association comprising 6 clubs – Broch Seals, 50. Broken swim – training method where you try to beat Deveron, Garioch, Huntly, Peterhead and Ythan. your best time for a distance by breaking it into 28. Negative split: a pacing tactic where the swimmer smaller sections with short periods of rest. performs the second half of a race faster than the first 51. Build – an increase in speed during a section of a pool half. workout. 29. North District is the part of SASA that we belong to 52. Catch – the point in stroke where the hand begins to covering the North of Scotland and the islands. propel the body forwards. 30. Officials are volunteers who help to ensure that the 53. Catch-up – front crawl drill where the swimmer rules of swimming are adhered to in swimming events completes one full arm cycle before starting the arm and time trials. Officials will usually wear white. cycle on the opposite side. 54. Descend – to swim parts of a set progressively faster. Similar to build swims, but where your focus on time 74. Pace Clock - normally a constantly running single arm rather than on effort. (displaying time progression in seconds) clock with 55. Drag – the natural resistance created by an object as it different coloured ends - each pointing to 30 travels through the water. Drag cannot be seconds apart & used to assist swimmers and coach to eliminated entirely but can be reduced with an send swimmers off for each repeat swim in a efficient stroke. swim set - e.g. 5 or 10 seconds apart & used by swimmers 56. Drill – an exercise, such as catch-up, involving a for pacing or noting their swim times for specific part of a stroke and aimed at improving particular swim sets. technique. 75. Pacing an important procedure for distributing energy 57. Fins – training aid attached to the feet to assist resources in a particular race to achieve the best overall movement through the water. performance. 58. Flutter kick – a kick, performed in front crawl and 76. Paddles - flat pieces of plastic worn on the hands, backstroke, where the legs are straight and usually during pull sets. movement comes from the hips rather than from 77. Personal Best (PB) This is the fastest time that a the knees. swimmer has recorded for a particular event. 59. Interval training – repetitions of high-intensity activity 78. Placing (order of finish): determined by either the separated by brief rest periods. Used as a way of automatic timing system when available or by the meet increasing the amount of increasing the amount of high- officials when manual timing is used. intensity work that you are able to perform in a session 79. Programme (Start sheet) is a complete listing of all than if you did s continuous swim. swimmers entered in the events at a competition. 60. Kick – the leg movement a swimmer makes during 80. Pullbouy - a piece of foam that goes between your stroke. legs and helps you float while swimming without kicking during training. 61. Kick board – a training aid that you use with your arms 81. Qualifying / Consideration time (QT) the time a extended in front of you. Used during drills that involve swimmer must perform to enter a particular meet or gain the legs only. selection to a certain squad. 62. Length – the distance from one end of the pool to the 82. Recorder the official who records the results at a other. meet. 63. Main set – the central, often longest and most 83. Referee the highest ranking official in overall charge of challenging, part of a swimming session. Should be an accredited meet. constructed around a particular technique or fitness aim. 84. SAS (South Aberdeenshire Swimming) is a composite 64. Negative split – swim where the second half of a team made up of the 5 competitive clubs in South distance is completed in a faster time than the first. Aberdeenshire – Banchory Beavers, Garioch, Stonehaven, 65. Paddles – discs (usually made from plastic) worn on Upper Deeside, Westhill & District. the hands and used in drills to increase the surface 85. SASA (Scottish Amateur Swimming Association) the area, and therefore resistance, being pulled through the governing body of swimming in Scotland. water. 67. Pull buoy – a floatation tool used in drills, which fits KINDS OF BODY FLOATS IN THE WATER between a swimmer’s legs to hold the feet up 1. DEAD MANS FLOAT during drills that focus on the arm cycle. 2. TURTLE FLOAT 68. Streamline – body position that allows a swimmer to 3. SHRIMP FLOAT travel efficiently through the water. Used at the 4. PRONE FLOAT/GETTING HORIZONTAL beginning of a length after pushing off from the wall. 5. GLIDING IN A HORIZONTAL POSITION 69. Subset – warm-up set before the main set of a 6. JELLYFISH FLOAT training session. Used to practice drills and to prepare 7. TOWING a swimmer for the physical demands of the main set. 70. Tumble turn – an underwater somersault that allows the swimmer to finish one length and begin another by Pool Rules and Safety Procedures pushing off from the wall with their feet without stopping. The pool rules are posted for all patrons to see. One of your duties as a department employee is to enforce those rules. The pool rules are as follows: 71. Open competition: a competition in which any Pool Policies affiliated club, organisation or individual may enter. 1. No one may enter the Aquatic Facility unless supervised 72. One Start Rule is a rule applied almost everywhere by a Department of Recreation Lifeguard. now and it means that a swimmer is automatically disqualified if they fall or dive into the water 2. Showers are required before entering the pool area. If a before the starting signal patron is using the sauna they must shower before 73. Over the top Starts this means that the swimmer entering the pool or spa. should stay in the water after finishing their race, holding on to the lane rope, until after the next race has started. 3. Appropriate swimsuits are required for all swimmers. Street clothes, street shoes, thongs and see-through The body position should be high and flat. This position swimwear and diapers are prohibited. allows the hips and shoulders to ride high in the water creating the position for minimal resistance and maximal 4. Participants are not permitted in the pool area with ventilation. The ears, shoulders and hips should form a open sores, ear, eye, or nose infections or with bandages relatively horizontal line. or adhesive tape. Lifeguards reserve the right to inspect 2. Head Position and refuse admittance for health concerns. The correct head position is vital for achieving correct body position. The head should be laid back in the water 5. Individuals who have had diarrhea in the last two weeks so the eyes look upward toward the roof or sky. If the are asked not to use the pool. head is too far back, this creates arching of the spine and 6. Dispose of gum, food or drink before entering the ploughing through the water. If the head is too far Aquatics facility. forward, this creates a bending of the spine and lowering 7. No running, diving, dunking, pushing, pulling or of the hips and legs. horseplay. Also, playing on or around ladders, railings and 3. Kicking Action drains is prohibited. The kicking action is generated from the hips and upper 8. The use of starting blocks is prohibited, except for legs with feet below surface. Swimmers should use a competitive programs. continuous 6 beat action. Lower abdominal and back 9. Sitting or swimming over and through the lane lines is strength is important when doing backstroke kick. not permitted. 4. Hand Entry 10. The use of radios, tape or CD players is restricted to The hand enters directly in front of the shoulder. Arms devices with headphones only. should be fully extended and the little finger enters first. 11. Personal items are to be stored safely in the locker 5. Arm Action rooms. Personal items and strollers will not be permitted The hands initially sweep and catch in a downward and on the pool deck. outward pattern. They then sweep up and in maintaining 12. Lifeguards have the responsibility to enforce rules and the elbow lower and forward. They then complete a down regulations and have the authority to remove anyone for sweep keeping the hand 90 degrees to the body. At the unsafe or inappropriate behavior. completion of the pull, the hand releases the water. The recovery begins with a relaxed wrist and forearm, with the wrist firming on entry. Basic strokes in swimming 6. Timing Propulsion is initiated with the leading hand as propulsion 1. Freestyle is released with the trailing hand. 7. Hip and Shoulder Rotation The freestyle stroke, also known as front crawl, is Hip and shoulder rotation occurs as part of the natural the fastest and most efficient of the stroking sequence with natural levels generally being competitive swimming strokes. That's why it is always insufficient to create the propulsive forces necessary for used in the freestyle event of swimming competitions and optimal performance. Specific drills must be included in is also often the preferred stroke of experienced the training program to enhance the rotational capabilities swimmers and triathletes. of the competitive backstroker.
To swim freestyle, you assume a prone position in
the water. Your arms execute alternating movements. One arm moves backwards in the water from an overhead position towards the hip and provides propulsion. The other arm recovers above water from the hip towards the overhead position. Atferwards your arms exchange their roles.
Your legs do the flutter kick, which means they
are extended and kick downwards and upwards in the water with pointed toes. This is a simple and efficient kicking technique.
2. BACK STROKE a swimming stroke executed on the back and usually consisting of alternating circular arm pulls and a flutter kick. What are the essential elements of backstroke? 1.Body Position