Reactions 4

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1.5hef 1.5hef
1.Basic design parameter
Nu = 71044 N <--( factored load )
Vu = 0 N <-- ( factored load ) hef

anchor governed by strength of ductile steel

Bolt type = 1 <= for ductile = 1, for brittle = 2
 factor condition = 0.75 for tension
 factor condition = 0.65 for shear breakout cone for tension

anchor governed by concrete breakout,side face blowout,pullout, pryout strength.

 factor condition =  for tension
 factor condition = 0.75 for shear
Bolt type = 2 <= for stud = 1, for head bolt = 2 , hook = 3
Provide Grout = 2 <= for used grout pads = 1, no grout = 2
Condition = 2 <= for used crack conc = 1, uncrack conc = 2

2.Steel capacity of anchor under tension loading.

Nsa = n Ase futa
n = 2 bolts number of anchor in a group
bolt  = 20 mm Diameter of bolts or studs ( section for 2- Top of rebar )
number of threads = 10
e = 0 mm eccentricity ( ** in case of no eccentric = 0) NO! >120mm OK NO!

Nu,max,1 stud = 35522.0 N <= Maximum tensile force of single bolt = Nu/n + Nx e/[2xS] 63 425.0 63
Ase = 238.63 mm Effective cross area of anchor
futa = 800 Mpa <= < min( 860,1.9fya) OK
fy = 640 Mpa
Nsa = 190900 N edge 62.5 NO!

Nsa = 143175.0 N >35522.01 OK in single

Nsa = 286350.0 N >71044.02 OK in group

3.Concrete breakout capacity of anchor under tension loading ( sec. D.5.2 ) 487.5 >200mm OK

Ncb = ANc/ANco Ψed,N Ψc,N Ψcp,N Nb single anchor

Ncbg = ANc/ANco Ψec,N, Ψed,N Ψc,N Ψcp,N Nb groups anchor ( unit:mm)

n= 2 Nos the numbers of tension anchor in group.

hef = 240 mm <= this value should not be more 193.333333333333mm
hef ' = 240 mm <= Effective anchor embedment depth
Ca,min = 62.5 mm <= from figure 290 mm.
Ca, max = 360 mm <= from figure <1.5hef, OK

hef '
Smax = 425 mm <= maximum spacing between bolts<3 hef' OK
fc ' = 28.0 Mpa <= Concrte compressive strength e
In case = 2 <= if cast-in bolt = 1 , if post-installed = 2 Nu
In case = 3 <= if under cut anchor=1, Torque-controlled expansion anchor=2 or Displacement-control anchor expansion anch=3 , Adhesive anchors = 4
Anco = 518400 mm2 Projected area of failure surface of a single anchor remote from c a,min of 1.5hef or greater
Anc = 232375 mm2 <= Projected concrete failure area of group anchor by tension force. ( Plan of bolt group appiled tensile force)
Anc = 354900 mm2 <= Projected concrete failure area of single anchor by tension force.
 ed,N = 0.752 <= if cmin > =1.5hef = 1 , if cmin < 1.5 hef = 0.7+0.3x[camin]/[1.5hef]
 c,N = 1.4 <= for crack concrete(all case = 1), for uncrack section ( insitu = 1.25, post-installed anchors = 1.4)
Cac = 960.0 the critical edge distance shall not be taken less than
 ec,N = 1.00 <= Modifiled for anchorage group eccentrically in tension.
 cp,N = 0.375 <= Modifiled factor for post -installed anchor
kc = 13 <= Cracked conc (cast-in =10, post-install by used product test = 10(max), post install not used product test = 7 ) , Uncrack ( cast-in=10, and post-install = 13(max), )

Nb = 255764 N <= Basic concrete breakout strength cast in anchor = 10 √fc' hef1.5 , for post-installed = 7 √fc' hef1.5 , if 280 mm<= hef<=635 mm = 3.9 √fc' hef1.5
Ncb = 51852.1 N >35522.01 OK in single
Ncbg = 33950.8 N <71044.02 NO in group

The breakout concrete pedestal is not

Pass!! need reinforce bar transfer
tension load

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