English Phonetics and Phonology
English Phonetics and Phonology
English Phonetics and Phonology
Core/Electiv Core
Pre- ENG-304
Recommended Books:
Text books •
• Peter Roach (2000) English Phonetics and Phonology CUP
Quizzes 20%
Assignments 10%
Presentations 5%
Mid Term 25%
Final Term 40%
Along with the announced quizzes, there will be a number of unannounced
quizzes, which can be given at any time. Missed quizzes, whether
announced or unannounced, cannot be made up. Assignments not
submitted in time will not be accepted and would carry no reward
ENG-501: English Phonetics and Phonology
Quiz# 1
3 Description of English Vowels 4
Position of Tongue
Height of Tongue assignments
Position of Lips from the
Front Vowels recommended
Central Vowels books
Back Vowels
Rounded Vowels
Unrounded Vowels
Pure Vowels/Monopthongs
Quiz# 2
7 Introduction to Phonotactics 4
Introduction to Syllable
Syllable Structure
Syllable Boundaries