Elg11 Numbers

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August 2013 Edition

EYFS Profile exemplification

for the level of learning and
development expected
at the end of the EYFS

ELG11 – Numbers
Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in
order and say which number is one more or one less than a given
number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two
single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.
They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Exemplification of expected descriptors

This document demonstrates national standards for one of the 17 Early Years Foundation
Stage (EYFS) Profile Early Learning Goals (ELGs). It shows the level of learning and
development expected at the end of the EYFS.

The collection of evidence in this document illustrates the ‘expected’ descriptor. No one piece
of evidence meets the ELG as a standalone item; together they illustrate the pitch and
breadth of a particular ‘expected’ level of learning and development.

This document illustrates how information can be gathered to support EYFS Profile
judgements using a variety of evidence and forms of presentation. However there is no
prescribed method of gathering evidence, nor any expectation that it should be recorded as
shown in this document. The exemplification is not intended to be an exhaustive list for
schools to follow.

The examples in this collection include ‘one off’ observations, samples of children’s work,
photographs and contributions from parents. Many methods of recording a child’s attainment
are not included in this exemplification for practical reasons (for example video recordings).
Practitioners will also build up a significant professional knowledge of each child which will
not be recorded but which must be considered when EYFS Profile judgements are made.

When completing an EYFS Profile, practitioners should make a best-fit judgement for each
ELG. Practitioners must consider the entirety of each ELG, taking an holistic view of the
descriptor in order to create the most accurate picture of the child’s overall embedded
learning. Sections of each descriptor must not been seen in isolation.

Exemplification material should always be viewed in the context of a specific aspect of

learning in order to retain an accurate focus. However, practitioners should be aware that a
child’s learning and development are not compartmentalised. Focussing on one aspect of
learning will shed light on several other related areas.

The information in this document should not be regarded as either exclusive or inclusive of
any child, no matter what their background or family circumstances. It is intended to be used
without bias, preference or discrimination and schools and practitioners must ensure that
they operate within all aspects of the statutory EYFS framework.

Page 2 of 9 ELG11 – Numbers

h o w e d a spider she
‘ B’ proudl
had made
g o t 7 le gs now.
“Oh no! It
h av e fa llen off.
One mus g
to g lu e another le
I’m going
t it ’s g o t 8 again.”
so tha

During a game of skittles outdoors Joseph knocked three numbered skittles down.
He was able to calculate his score in his head. He added two and three together,
the scores of the two smallest numbers together and then added five to the other
five. He knew that he had scored ten in total. He also knew that this score had put
him in the lead.

During a hunt for the dinosaur eggs Harry knew which number clue that he needed
to find next. “You start at number 1, then you need to look for number 2, then
number 3, then number 4 until you find all ten clues.”
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Page 4 of 9 ELG11 – Numbers
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Page 6 of 9 ELG11 – Numbers
Hannah made a chart of the children outside. She listed
how many girls and how many boys were outside.
Hannah was able to say that “There are 5 girls and
4 boys. That’s 9 altogether”.
counted h
h ar t. “ Th ere are 15
c e
h i ld r en i n and on
c a
i l d o u t. I have put
ch se
l e a n d a line becau
cir c
o k e c a m e in later
Br o

Hannah made a chart. “This is circles for people who

are out and lines for people who are in. It’s a bit like a
register but it’s a chart”. Hannah went around looking
for children who were in class and who were outside.

e w a s p l a ying in t
Chlo three mor
ea . “ I n eed
maths ar e
d a s s h e added som
she sa i
to th e c ircle. She
s h e h a d more than
realised oo
d . “ O h n o, I have t
her frien
S h e re m oved one.
l with many”. e”.
p la y ed basketbal b o t h h av e the sam
d e c ided to ta
ke it “Now we
hild. T h ey
another c 4 turns eac
an d h a v e
in turns had
t ed as h er friend
y coun
Cheri-Ma you’ve ha
d 4!”
y tu rn n ow ,
W h e n playing
a go – “M on :
Obser vati was
she said. the h o p C h ristopher
lay ing with in the s t
opping lis
y e d p
y enjo h
Cheri-Ma matched
the s e h is s
. S h e able to u
tod a y
he next, m o u n ts . He said
o n e d o mino to t to add 2 a
spots from
umber str
n s a re 5 pence and
n g t h e n “the be a
recognisi to count t
he nce,
hou t h a v i n g
ba n a n a s are 3 pe
away wit the .”
ell d o ne Cheri-
h er th a t is 8 pence
spots . W altoge t

Page 7 of 9 ELG11 – Numbers

After looking at one more and
one less when counting. Hakima
drew this fantastic castle on the
whiteboard with five turrets. She
wrote the numbers 1-5, placing
one number in each turret in order.
Page 8 of 9 ELG11 – Numbers
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Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission
from the copyright holders concerned.

Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at Standards and Testing Agency,
53-55 Butts Road, Earlsdon Park, Coventry CV1 3BH.

This document is also available from our website at www.education.gov.uk.

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