EAP5 032302 2 Critical Literature Review LuongNguyenThanhThu 22003332

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Name: Luong Nguyen Thanh Thu I.D. 22003332

Class: EAP5-0323-2
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full) Electricity generation and health and
Ethical Issues of Human Cloning
Due date: 7/05/2023 Date submitted: 7/05/2023

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Lương Nguyễn Thanh Thư–EAP5-0323-2
Markandya, A & Wilkinson, p 2007, ‘ Electricity generation and health' , The Lancet, vol. 370, no. 9591, pp.
979-990, viewed May 1 2023

Nasrullah, Iqbah, R, BiBi, S, BiBi, S, & Anwar, F 2020, ‘ Ethical Issues of Human Cloning ’ , Journal of
Medical Sciences, vol. 40, no. 3, p. 103-106, viewed May 1 2023

In the era of industrialization and modernization, the application of science and technology in daily
life is becoming increasingly widespread. However, the impact of science and technology is not
always good for everyone, especially health.

There are some similar points of views in both articles on applying science and technology to life.
Both Markandya and Wilkinson's article and Nasrullah et al.'s article presents common analyses
concerning the possible drawbacks of science and technology. However, the two articles
"Electricity generation and health" and "Ethical Issues of Human Cloning'' offer many insightful
analyses with contrasting viewpoints on how science and technology affect people. While
Markandya and Wilkinson's article emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to
energy generation, which includes considering economic, environmental, and health impacts, the
other article focuses on the ethical implications of human cloning, highlighting the potential
negative consequences and risks associated with this technology.

One of the main points that Markandeya and Wilkinson make in their article "Electricity generation
and health" is that different methods of electricity generation have varying impacts on public health
and the environment. Moreover, fossil fuel-based energy production strategies are discussed.
Additionally, the author also mentions the energy policy and provides evidence that it causes
environmental pollution from electricity production. To sum up, the article "Electricity generation
and health" emphasizes the importance of taking a comprehensive and integrated approach to
achieve a sustainable and healthy energy system.generation that considers not only economic and
environmental costs, but also health impacts.

Similarly, the article by Nasrullah et al. share a common theme of highlighting the potential
negative consequences of scientific and technological advancements. However, Nasrullah et al.'s
article specifically focuses on the ethical implications of human cloning, covering a wider range of
ethical considerations related to this technology. While human cloning may have potential benefits

Lương Nguyễn Thanh Thư–EAP5-0323-2
such as curing genetic diseases, Nasrullah et al. argue that it plays a crucial role in carefully
considering the possible harmful effects and ethical implications associated with it.

"Electricity generation and health" by Markandya and Wilkinson is a well-researched and

informative article that highlights the potential health impacts of different forms of energy
generation. However, there are some limitations to the article that could be addressed to improve its
effectiveness. A limitation of the article is that it does not fully explore potential solutions to the
negative health impacts associated with energy generation. Perhaps it would have been better if the
article provided specific recommendations for policymakers or energy companies to promote
sustainable and healthy energy production and consumption. Furthermore, the article primarily
focuses on the health impacts of energy generation in developed countries, without fully exploring
the potential impacts on developing countries. Therefore, the authors should consider the potential
impacts on developing countries as well. Finally, the article's content overload makes it challenging
for readers to control both the information and the article's core theme.

In contrast, one limitation of the article is that it primarily focuses on the potential negative
consequences of human cloning, without providing a balanced discussion of the potential benefits.
While the authors acknowledge that human cloning may have some benefits, such as the potential to
cure genetic diseases, they do not fully explore these potential benefits. A more balanced discussion
of the potential benefits and drawbacks of human cloning would provide readers with a more
comprehensive understanding of the issue. Furthermore, the article primarily focuses on the ethical
implications of human cloning without exploring potential scientific or technological limitations to
the process. Because of these, it would be better if the author fully explored the potential limitations
or barriers to the technology's development.

In conclusion, both research articles share a common theme of exploring the impact of science and
technology on human health, but have different perspectives and analysis approaches. Despite some
presentational shortcomings, the article "Electricity generation and health" by Anil Markandya and
Paul Wilkinson is a good choice for a comprehensive overview of the potential issues related to
energy generation and electricity production. This article contributes to awareness of the health
for both adults and children, especially the elderly. Meanwhile, the article "Ethical issues of human
cloning" authored by Nasrullah et al. highlights various aspects of human cloning, exploring good

Lương Nguyễn Thanh Thư–EAP5-0323-2
and bad things related to health, psychology and society but readers should consider carefully
because of limited specific evidence.

Lương Nguyễn Thanh Thư–EAP5-0323-2

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