75122bos60681 Init m1
75122bos60681 Init m1
75122bos60681 Init m1
This Study Material has been prepared by the faculty of the Board of Studies (Academic). The
objective of the Study Material is to provide teaching material to the students to enable them to
obtain knowledge in the subject. In case students need any clarification or have any suggestion for
further improvement of the material contained herein, they may write to the Director of Studies.
All care has been taken to provide interpretations and discussions in a manner useful for the
students. However, the Study Material has not been specifically discussed by the Council of the
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E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.icai.org
Under the Revised Scheme of Education and Training, at the Final Level, you are expected to
apply the professional knowledge acquired through academic education and the practical
exposure gained during articleship training in addressing issues and solving practical problems.
The integrated process of learning through academic education and practical training should also
help you inculcate the requisite technical competence, professional skills and professional
values, ethics and attitudes necessary for achieving the desired level of professional
students while pursuing the Chartered Accountancy course. A good understanding of the theoretical
concepts, particularly, in the context of auditing standards would make practical training an
enriching and enjoying experience. While studying this paper, students are advised to integrate
the knowledge acquired in other subjects in a meaningful manner along with practical training. Such
learning would only help a student to become a better professional.
Know your syllabus and Study Material
The Study Material of Advanced Auditing, Assurance and Professional Ethics subject has been
designed having regard to the needs of home study and distance learning students. The study
material deals with the conceptual theoretical framework in detail. In each chapter, the topic has
been covered in a step by step approach. The text has been explained, where appropriate, through
illustrations, diagrams, tables, flowcharts, screenshots etc. You should go through the chapter
carefully ensuring that you understand the topic and then test your knowledge by attempting
The Study Material has been divided into nineteen chapters in line with the syllabus and further
bifurcated into three modules for the easy handling and convenience of students. For bare text of
Guidance Notes and Auditing Standards, the students are advised to refer the “Auditing
Pronouncements” which has been webhosted on the BOS Knowledge Portal by the Board of
Studies. For understanding the coverage of the syllabus, it is important to read the study material
along with the Study Guidelines.
Framework of Chapters – Uniform Structure Comprising of Specific Components
Efforts have been made to present each topic of the syllabus in a lucid manner. Care has been
taken to present the chapters in a logical sequence to facilitate easy understanding by the students.
Structure of the Study Material
The content for each chapter/unit at the Final level has been structured in the following manner –
S. Components of Each About the Component
No. Chapter
1. Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes which you need to demonstrate after
learning each topic have been detailed in the first page of each
chapter/unit. Demonstration of these learning outcomes would
help you to achieve the desired level of technical competence.
2. Chapter Overview As the name suggests, this chart/table would give a broad
outline of the contents covered in the chapter.
Though all efforts have been taken in developing this Study Material, the possibilities of errors /
omissions cannot be ruled out. You may bring such errors / omissions, if any, to our notice so
that the necessary corrective action can be taken.
We hope that the student-friendly features in the Study Material makes your learning process
more enjoyable, enriches your knowledge and sharpens your application skills.
(One Paper – Three hours 100 Marks)
(a) To gain the ability to analyse current auditing practices and procedures and apply them in
auditing engagements.
(b) To develop the ability to solve cases relating to audit engagements.
1. Quality Control
SQC 1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial
Information and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements
SA 220 Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements
2. General Auditing Principles and Auditors Responsibilities
SA 240 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 260 Communication with Those Charged with Governance
SA 299 Joint Audit of Financial Statements
SA 402 Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation.
(Note: Content of SA 200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of
an Audit in Accordance with Standards on Auditing; SA 210 Agreeing the Terms of Audit
Engagements and SA 230 Audit Documentation is covered in depth at Intermediate level.
Thus, application part of above SAs may be discussed in the form of Case Study at Final
3. Audit Planning, Strategy, and Execution
SA 300 Planning an Audit of Financial Statements; (Content is covered in depth at
Intermediate level, therefore, application part of SA 300 may be discussed in the form of
Case Study at Final level.)
2.13 Circumstances in which auditor is unable to continue the engagement ................ 2.17
2.14 Management Representations ............................................................................ 2.18
2.15 Communications to Management and with those charged with Governance ......... 2.19
5.2 Audit planning, Risk Assessment and Allocation of Work .................................... 2.36
5.3 Responsibility and Co-ordination among Joint Auditors ....................................... 2.37
5.4 Audit Conclusion and Reporting ......................................................................... 2.39
5.5 Communication with Those Charged with Governance ........................................ 2.39
6. SA 402 Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation ........... 2.40
6.1 Objectives of user auditor in accordance with SA 402 ......................................... 2.42
2.2 General Steps in the Conduct of Risk Based Audit .............................................. 4.13
3. Internal Control System - Nature, Scope, Objectives and Structure ................................ 4.18
3.1 Nature of Internal Control ................................................................................... 4.20
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7.3
2. The Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements ................................................................. 7.4
3. SA 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on the Financial Statements .......................... 7.4
3.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 7.5
3.2 Basic Elements of the Auditor’s Report ................................................................. 7.6
3.4 Auditor’s Report for Audits Conducted in Accordance with both Standards on
Auditing Issued by ICAI and International Standards on Auditing or Auditing
Standards of Any Other Jurisdiction .................................................................... 7.20
3.5 Supplementary Information Presented with the Financial Statements .................. 7.20
4. SA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report ............. 7.21
11. SA 720 The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information .............................. 7.52
11.1 Objective ........................................................................................................... 7.53
11.2 Obtaining the Other Information.......................................................................... 7.54
11.3 Responding When a Material Inconsistency Appears to Exist or Other
Information Appears to be Materially Misstated ................................................... 7.55
11.4 Responding When the Auditor Concludes that a Material Misstatement
of the other Information Exists ............................................................................ 7.55
11.5 Responding When a Material Misstatement in the Financial Statements
Exists or the Auditor’s Understanding of the Entity and Its Environment Needs
to be updated ..................................................................................................... 7.56
11.6 Reporting ........................................................................................................... 7.57
11.7 Reporting Prescribed by Law or Regulation ........................................................ 7.57
12. Duties of Auditors ......................................................................................................... 7.58
12.1 Reporting under CARO 2020 .............................................................................. 7.66
13. Illustrative Audit Reports ............................................................................................... 7.73
KEY TAKEAWAYS ................................................................................................................. 7.91
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE .................................................................................................... 7.94