Writing Task 2 Vocab
Writing Task 2 Vocab
Writing Task 2 Vocab
Band 8 Vocabulary
Lesson 9: History
1. archaeologist – someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and
other objects of people who lived in the past
2. era – a period of time known for particular events or developments
3. excavate – to remove earth from a place in order to find old objects
buried there
4. the Middle Ages – a period in European history, between about AD 1000
and AD 1500, when the power of kings, people of high rank, and the
Christian Church was strong
5. millennium – a period of 1,000 years
6. pioneer – a person who is one of the first people to do something
7. timeline – a line showing the order in which events happened
8. chronological – in order of time from the earliest to the latest
9. consecutive – following each other continuously.
10.imminent – (esp. of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon
11.middle-aged – in middle age; too careful and not showing the
enthusiasm, energy, or style of someone young
12.nostalgic – feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about
things that happened in the past
13.prior – coming before in time, order, or importance
14.time–consuming – taking a lot of time to do or complete
15.erode – to rub or be rubbed away gradually
16.inter – to bury a dead body
17.predate – to have existed or happened before another thing
18.span – extend over; to exist or continue for a particular length of time
19.in time – early enough
20.lose track of time – to be unaware of what time it is
21.on time – at the correct time or the time that was arranged
22.take so long – to spend a lot of time to do something
23.at the right time – at the proper time, at the right moment
24.formerly – in the past
25.Stonehenge – a circle of very large stones built in ancient times in
southern England
26.pole – a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up
in the ground to support things
27.ice age – a time in the past when the temperature was very cold
28.frenzy – a state or period of uncontrolled excitement
29.awe – a feeling of great respect, usually mixed with fear or surprise
30.sketch something out – to give some details about something
31.posthole – a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post.
32.post – a vertical stick or pole stuck into the ground, usually to support
something or show a position
33.ditch – a narrow channel dug at the side of a road or field, to hold or
carry away water.
34.carve – to cut out
35.chalk – a type of soft white rock
36.pasture – land covered with grass or similar plants suitable for animals,
such as cows and sheep, to eat:
37.henge – a prehistoric circle of large stones or wooden objects
38.astronomy – the scientific study of the universe
39.infer – to form an opinion or decide that something is true from the
information you have
40.nevertheless – despite what has just been said or referred to
41.hunter–gatherer – a member of a society that lives by hunting and
collecting wild food, rather than by farming
42.wear away – to become thin and disappear after repeated use or rubbing
43.the arrival of something – the time when a new idea, product etc is first
used or discovered
44.antiquated – old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society
45.consecutive – events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an
46.engrossed – absorbed
47.plait – to join three or more pieces of hair
48.bride – a woman who is about to get married
49.obsess – to think about something or someone all the time
50.skull – the bone of your head
51.oral diseases – diseases of the mouth
52.by no means – not at all
53.plague – to cause pain or difficulty to someone or something over a
period of time
54.acupuncture – a treatment for pain and illness in which special needles
are put into the skin at particular positions
55.therapeutic – having a healing effect
56.undertake – to do or begin to do something
57.forefront – the most important or leading position
58.treatise – a formal piece of writing that deals with a particular subject
Lesson 8: Health & Fitness – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary
Lesson 6: Environment
1. biodiversity – the variety of plants and animals in a particular place
2. deforestation – the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the
destruction of forests by people
3. ecosystem – all the living things in an area and the way they affect each
other and the environment
4. emission – the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc.
5. erosion – the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and
removed by the waves, rain, or wind
6. exhaust – the waste gas from an engine, especially a car’s, or the pipe
the gas flows through
7. food chain – a series of living things in which each group eats organisms
from the group lower than itself in the series
8. fumes – strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke
9. impact – the effect or influence
10.pollutant – a substance that pollutes something, especially water or the
11.refuse – rubbish; matter thrown away or rejected as worthless;
12.achievable – a task, ambition, etc. that is one that is possible to achieve
13.advantageous – useful
14.at risk – in a dangerous situation
15.chronic – (esp. of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time
16.conceivable – possible to imagine or to believe
17.devastating – causing a lot of damage or destruction
18.environmentally friendly – not harmful to the environment
19.fruitless – unsuccessful or not productive
20.futile – achieving no result; not effective
21.immune – unaffected; protected from or unable to be influenced by
22.impracticable – (of a course of action) impossible in practice to do or
carry out.
23.improbable – not likely to happen or be true
24.irreparable – impossible to repair or make right again
25.irreplaceable – too special, valuable, or unusual to be replaced by
anything else
26.irreversible – not possible to change; impossible to return to a previous
27.liable – legally responsible for the cost of something
28.pervasive – present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place
29.pointless – having no useful purpose
30.pristine – original and pure; not spoiled or worn from use
31.questionable – not certain, or wrong in some way
32.sustainable – causing little or no damage to the environment
33.taxing – challenging; needing too much effort
34.unattainable – not able to be achieved
35.unlikely – not probable or likely to happen
36.unprecedented – never having happened or existed in the past
37.worthwhile – useful, important, or good enough to be a suitable reward
for the money or time spent or the effort made
38.confront – to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person
39.contaminate – to make something less pure or make it poisonous
40.dispose of something – to get rid of something; throw out or destroy
41.inexorable – a process that cannot be stopped
42.inevitable – certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
43.toll – suffering, deaths, or damage
44.quest – a long search for something that is difficult to find
45.insurmountable – (especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it
cannot be dealt with successfully
46.insoluble – (of a problem) so difficult that it is impossible to solve
47.omnipresent – present or having an effect everywhere at the same time
48.shred – to cut or tear something roughly into thin strips – burrow – a hole
dug in the ground that an animal, such as a rabbit, lives in
49.den – the home of particular types of wild animal
50.ecology – the relationship of living things to their environment
51.evolution – the way in which living things change and develop over
millions of years
52.extinction – a situation in which something no longer exists
53.fauna – all the animals of a particular area or period of time
54.flora – all the plants of a particular place or from a particular time in
55.habitat – the place where a plant or animal lives
56.human nature – the behaviour and feelings common to most people
57.Mother Nature – the nature, esp. when it is thought of as a force that
affects people and the world
58.predator – an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals
59.prey – an animal that is hunted by another animal
60.repercussion – negative effect
61.scent – a pleasant natural smell
62.vegetation – plants in general, or the plants that are found in a particular
63.vermin – small animals and insects that can be harmful
64.disastrous – extremely bad or unsuccessful
65.domesticated – brought under human control
66.endangered – at risk or in danger of dying out completely
67.extinct – not now existing
68.vulnerable – able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked
69.adapt – to change something in order to make it suitable for a new use or
70.combat – to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful
71.eradicate – to get rid of completely or destroy something bad
72.hibernate – to spend the winter sleeping
73.tolerate – to bear something unpleasant or annoying
74.twig – a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, esp. one removed from the
tree or bush and without any leaves
75.coat – the hair, wool, or fur covering an animal
76.beak – the hard, pointed part of a bird’s mouth
77.hide – the strong, thick skin of an animal, used for making leather
78.scales – one of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of
fish, snakes, etc.
79.paw – the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog, or
80.claw – one of the sharp, curved nails at the end of each of the toes of
some animals and birds
81.thorn – a small, sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant
82.petal – one of the thin soft coloured parts of a flower
83.horn – a hard, pointed part, usually one of a pair, on the head of cows,
goats, and other animals
84.vegan – a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as
meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather
85.human being – a person
86.meerkat – a small, grey Southern African animal that sometimes sits up
on its back legs
87.endemic – belonging to a particular area; inherent
88.prickly pear – type of cactus (= desert plant) that has oval fruit
89.paddock – a field of any size that is used for farming
90.render – to cause something to change in a certain way, make.
91.larva – the active immature form of an insect
92.cane – the long, hollow stems of particular plants such as bamboo
93.toad – a small animal, similar to a frog, that has dry, brown skin and lives
mostly on land
94.controversial – causing disagreement or discussion
95.caterpillar – a small creature like a worm with many legs that eats leaves
and that develops into a butterfly or other flying insect
96.hedgehog – small animal with spikes on its back
97.executive – director, someone in a high position
98.slug – a small animal with a soft body like a snail without a shell
99.forage – to go searching, esp. for food
100. saliva – the natural, watery liquid in the mouth that keeps it wet and
helps prepare food for digestion
101. lineage – all the living things that are related directly to the same
living thing that existed long ago
102. marsupials – have pouch and teat, mainly in Australia
103. trace – to find the origin of something
104. foetus – a young human being or animal before birth, after the
organs have started to develop
105. equator – an imaginary line around the earth or another planet at an
equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole
106. proximity – the state of being near in space or time
107. scrap – to have a fight or an argument
108. primarily – mainly
109. litter – a group of animals that are born at the same time and have
the same mother
110. rodent – a type of small mammal with sharp front teeth
Lesson 4: Communication
1. accuracy – the fact of being exact or correct
2. communication – the imparting or exchanging of information by
speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
3. conjecture – a guess; an opinion or judgment that is not based on proof
4. dialect – regional language
5. fluent – able to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and
6. hesitation – the act of pausing before saying or doing something.
7. language barrier – absence of communication between people who
speak different languages
8. linguist – someone who studies foreign languages or can speak them
very well
9. linguistics – the scientific study of the structure and development of
language in general
10.means – a method or way of doing something
11.sign language – a system of communication for people who cannot hear
that uses hand and finger movements
12.vocabulary – all the words that exist in a particular language or subject
13.incoherent – expressing yourself in a way that is not clear
14.inherent – existing as a natural or basic part of something
15.clarify – to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more
16.comprehend – to understand something completely
17.converse – to have a conversation with someone
18.define – to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is
19.demonstrate – to show or make something clear
20.emerge – to become known or develop as a result of something
21.evolve – to develop gradually; to rise to a higher level
22.gesture – to use movement to express a thought or a feeling
23.illustrate – make clear or explain by stories, examples, comparisons, or
other means
24.imply – to suggest something in an indirect way or without actually
saying it
25.signify – to be a sign of something
26.stutter – to speak or say part of a word with difficulty, esp. by repeating
it several times or by pausing before it
27.there’s something to be said for – said to mean that something has
28.needless to say – of course
29.have the say – to be involved in making a decision about something
30.when all is said and done – when everything is finished and settled;
when everything is considered.
31.having said that – despite what has just been said
32.to say the least – to not describe something in the strongest way you
could, often in order to be polite
33.you can say that again – I completely agree with you
34.that is to say – used when explaining more clearly what you have just
35.marine – related to the sea or sea transport
36.odd – strange or unexpected
37.devastating – causing a lot of damage or destruction
38.recap – to repeat the main points of an explanation or description
39.connotation – suggested or implied meaning of an expression; V.
40.intimate – to make clear what you think or want without saying it directly
41.narrate – to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to
describe events as they happen
42.profound – very great or intense
43.youngster – a young person or a child
44.merely – only; just
45.intrigue – fascinate; to interest someone, often because of an unusual or
unexpected quality
46.pinpoint – to discover or establish something exactly
47.idle speculation – speculation that is unlikely to be true
48.ancestor – a person related to you who lived a long time ago
49.wander – to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear
purpose or direction
50.chit-chat – informal conversation about matters that are not important
51.Homo sapiens – modern humans considered together as a species
52.string together – to arrange a group of things into a series
53.grunt – to make a short, low sound instead of speaking, usually because
of anger or pain
54.archaic – ancient
55.hyoid – a U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue.
56.larynx – an organ in the throat which contains the vocal cords (= tissue
that moves to produce the voice)
57.ritual – a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly,
especially as part of a ceremony
58.burial – the act of putting a dead body into the ground, or the ceremony
connected with this
59.hearth – the area in front of a fireplace.
60.groom – to clean an animal, often by brushing its fur
61.social grooming – is an activity in which individuals in a group clean or
maintain one another’s body or appearance.
62.alliance – a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially
between countries or organizations.
63.opiate – a drug with morphinelike effects, derived from opium.
64.banter – conversation that is not serious and is often playful
65.smattering – a slight knowledge of something, or a small amount
66.gurgle – (of babies) to make a happy sound with the back of the throat
67.cling – to hold on tightly to somebody/something
68.soothe – to make someone more calm and more relaxed
69.primate – any member of the group of animals that includes human
beings, apes, and monkeys.
70.nomadic – a person who does not stay long in the same place; a
71.maiden – a girl or young unmarried woman;
Lesson 3: Childhood
1. adolescence – the period of time in a person’s life when they are
developing into an adult
2. adulthood – the part of someone’s life when they are an adult
3. bond – a close connection joining two or more people
4. brotherhood – friendship and loyalty
5. character – the particular combination of qualities in a person or place
that makes them different from others
6. childhood – the time when someone is a child
7. conflict – an active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or needs
8. fatherhood – the state or time of being a father
9. instinct – the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without
having to think or learn about it
10.interaction – an occasion when two or more people or things
communicate with or react to each other
11.motherhood – the state or time of being a mother
12.nature – the type or main characteristic of something
13.resemblance – a way in which two or more things are alike
14.rivalry – a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each
other for the same thing
15.sibling – a brother or sister
16.temperament – a person’s or animal’s nature, especially as it
permanently affects their behaviour
17.ties – the friendly feelings that people have for other people, or special
connections with places
18.upbringing – the way in which someone is treated and trained as a child
19.extended family – a family unit that includes grandmothers,
grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children
20.family gathering – when family members meeting together
21.immediate family – closest relations, such as your parents, children,
husband, or wife
22.maternal instinct – the natural tendency that a mother has to behave or
react in a particular way around her child or children
23.sibling rivalry – competition and arguments among brothers and sisters
24.stable upbringing – having a safe and secure family in your childhood
25.striking resemblance – impressive similarity
26.close-knit – involving groups of people in which everyone supports each
27.maternal – behaving or feeling as a mother does toward her child
28.parental – relating to parents or to being a parent
29.rewarding – satisfying or beneficial
30.accommodate – to provide someone with a room or place to sleep, live,
or sit
31.adopt – to take somebody else’s child into your family and become its
legal parent(s)
32.break down – of a relationship, agreement, or process) cease to
continue; collapse
33.endure – last; keep on; undergo; bear; stand
34.establish – to start having a relationship with, or communicating with
another person, company, country, or organization
35.have something in common – to share interests, experiences, or other
characteristics with someone or something
36.inherit – derive (a quality, characteristic, or predisposition) genetically
from one’s parents or ancestors
37.chaotic – disorganized
38.nurture – to feed and care for a child, or to help someone or something
develop by encouraging that person or thing
39.alike – similar to each other
40.play a role – to be involved in something, especially in a way that is
41.relate to somebody – to understand someone and be able to have a
friendly relationship with them
42.paddling pool – a pool that is not deep that small children can play in
43.sophisticated – (1) Having a thorough knowledge of the ways of society.
(2) Highly complex or developed.
44.tone – the general character or attitude of a person, situation, etc.
45.competency – an important skill that is needed to do a job
46.coordinate – to make various, separate things work together
47.recruitment – the process of employing new people to work for a
company or organization
48.hand down something – to give something to a younger member of
your family when you no longer need it, or to arrange for someone
younger to get it after you have died
49.enrol – officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a
Lesson 2: Business
1. boss – manager; the person who is in charge of an organization and who
tells others what to do
2. campaign – a plan consisting of a number of activities directed toward
the achievement of an aim
3. career – the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life
4. clerk – a person who works in an office, dealing with records or
performing general office duties
5. colleague – someone you work with
6. credibility – the fact that someone can be believed or trusted
7. employee – someone who is paid to work for someone else
8. goods – things for sale, or the things that you own
9. job satisfaction – the feeling of pleasure and achievement which you
experience in your job when you know that your work is worth doing
10.labourer – a person who does physical work, especially outdoors
11.manual worker – a worker who does physical work
12.manual work – work involving the hands, as opposed to an office job, for
13.niche – a job, position, or place that is very suitable for someone
14.occupation – a person’s job
15.overtime – time worked in addition to your usual job hours
16.perk – an advantage
17.profession – any type of work, esp. one that needs a high level of
education or a particular skill
18.prospects – the possibility of being successful, especially at work
19.qualification – an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you
suitable for a particular job or activity
20.retirement – the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually
because you are old
21.share – one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided
into, and that can be bought by members of the public
22.shift work – a system in which different groups of workers work
somewhere at different times of the day and night
23.supervisor – a person whose job is to supervise someone or something
24.takeover – a situation in which a company gets control of another
company by buying enough of its shares
25.wages – the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours
26.casual – not regular or fixed
27.demanding – needing a lot of time, attention, or energy
28.hospitality – the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and
29.monotonous – not changing and therefore boring
30.retail – the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops
31.endorse – to state publicly that you approve of or support someone or
32.invest (in) – to spend money on something which you believe will make
a profit
33.shelf stacker – shelf filler; someone whose job is to put goods on the
shelves in a supermarket
34.redundant – having lost your job because your employer no longer needs
35.next to nothing – very little; hardly anything; almost nothing
36.workplace – a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these
places generally
37.cosmetics – substances that you put on your face or body that are
intended to improve your appearance
38.skincare – things that you do and use to keep your skin healthy and
39.dermatologist – a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases
40.invaluable – extremely useful
41.work ethic – the belief that work is morally good
Lesson 1: Accommodation
1. Balcony – an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the
outside wall of a building on an upper level
2. Brick – a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and
3. ceiling – the upper surface of a room that you see when you look above
4. concrete – a very hard building material made by mixing together
cement, sand, small stones, and water
5. cottage – a small house, usually in the countryside
6. gadget – a small device or machine with a particular purpose
7. housing – buildings for people to live in
8. landmark – a building or place that is easily recognized
9. lift shaft – a vertical shaft in a building through which a lift moves to
different levels.
10.occupant – a person who lives or works in a room or building
11.platform – a flat raised area or structure
12.quarry – a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand, etc. is
dug for use as building material
13.residence – a home; the place where someone lives
14.steel – a strong metal that is a mixture of iron and carbon
15.timber – wood that is prepared for use in building, etc
16.airy – with a lot of light and space
17.conventional – traditional and ordinary
18.cosy – comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of
being small and warm
19.cramped – not having enough space or time.
20.disposable – used once then thrown away
21.exterior – outer; on or from the outside
22.futuristic – relating to the future, or very modern or advanced
23.high-rise – a tall modern building with many floors
24.mass-produced – produced in large numbers using machinery
25.multi-storey – a building that has several floors
26.ornate – having a lot of decoration
27.prefabricated – built from parts that have been made in a factory and
can be put together quickly
28.spacious – large and with a lot of space
29.state-of-the-art – very modern and using the most recent ideas and
30.ultra-modern – extremely modern; advanced
31.automate – to change a factory, office, or process so that machines do
the work instead of people
32.condemn – to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral
33.demolish – knock down, destroy thoroughly
34.devise – to invent something, esp. with intelligence or imagination
35.haul – to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty
36.hoist – to lift something heavy, often with special equipment
37.renovate – to repair and improve something, especially a building
38.skyward – in the direction of the sky
39.warehouse – a large building for storing things before they are sold,
used, or sent out to shops
40.tough – strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated
41.spring system – is an elastic object used to store mechanical energy.
42.mesh – to join together in the correct position
43.ratchet – a part of a machine that allows movement in one direction only.
44.unveil – to show or make something known for the first time
45.slack – not tight; loose
46.contraption – device
47.tenant – a person who rents a room, a building, or land
48.screw – a thin pointed piece of metal like a nail with a raised spiral line
49.heading – words written or printed at the top of a text as a title
50.obsession – something or someone that you think about all the time
51.consolidate – to combine into a single unit; to group together or join.
52.indebted – grateful because of help given
53.depict – to represent or show something in a picture, story, movie, etc.;
54.mixed success – successful only on few issues not on all of them
55.appliance – a device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an
electrical one that is used in the house
56.team up – to join another person, or form a group with other people, in
order to do something together
57.surround – to be around something on all sides
58.combustion – the process of burning
59.self-propelled – able to move by its own power
60.stack – to arrange things in an ordered pile
61.marvel – a wonderful and surprising person or thing
62.apparent – easily seen or perceived, easily understood
63.hose – a long plastic or rubber pipe, used to direct water onto fires,
gardens, etc.
64.drapery – cloth arranged in folds
65.blast – a sudden strong blow of air
66.overriding – more important
67.acquisition – the process of getting something
68.incorporation – the act of including something
69.turmoil – a state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety
70.masculine – of man; male
71.rough and ready – produced quickly, with little preparation
72.stark – extreme
73.pejorative – insulting, disapproving
74.cherished – bringing the pleasure of love
75.utopian – romantic
76.blur – to make something hard to see
77.deployment – the use of something or someone in an effective way
78.rosy – optimistic, bright, happy
79.exhort – to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something
80.self-indulgent – allowing yourself to have or do anything that you enjoy
81.free rein – the freedom to do, say, or feel what you want
82.spa – a town where water comes out of the ground and people come to
drink it or lie in it because they think it will improve their health
83.discotheque – disco
84.ebb – to becomes less strong or disappear
85.hectic – full of busy activity
86.imperative – extremely important or urgent
87.envisage – to have a mental picture of; visualize.
88.consumerism – the state of an advanced industrial society in which a lot
of goods are bought and sold