Extremely-High Sensitive Terahertz Detector Based On Dual-Grating Gate Inp-Hemts
Extremely-High Sensitive Terahertz Detector Based On Dual-Grating Gate Inp-Hemts
Extremely-High Sensitive Terahertz Detector Based On Dual-Grating Gate Inp-Hemts
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Dussopt, B. Giffard, T. Skotnicki, W. Knap, "Broadband terahertz
The authors thank NTT-AT Corp. for the cooperation in imaging with highly sensitive silicon CMOS detectors," Opt. Express,
processing the sample fabrications. This work has been 18, 7827 (2011).
supported in part by the JST/ANR “WITH”, a Japan-France [8] T. Watanabe, S. Boubanga Tombet, Yudai Tanimoto, Yuye Wang,
strategic collaborative research project. The experiment was Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito et al., “Ultrahigh sensitive plasmonic
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[9] V. V. Popov, D. V. Fateev, T. Otsuji, Y. M. Meziani, D. Coquillat, and
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Fig. 2. Experimental setup of THz detection with 200/600 GHz sources and
two TPX lenses.
Fig. 1. Schematic (upper) and SEM images (lower) of the A-DGG HEMT.
Fig. 3. Responsivity of sample #1-1 as a function of Vg2 (Vg1 = 0 V) at 200GHz.
Fig. 4. Measured responsivity at 200 and 600 GHz (Vg1 = 0V) for sample #1-2.
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