Extremely-High Sensitive Terahertz Detector Based On Dual-Grating Gate Inp-Hemts

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ThD1-4 (Oral) IPRM2013, May 19 - 23, 2013, Kobe, Japan

The 25th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials

9:30 - 9:45

Extremely-High Sensitive Terahertz Detector

based on Dual-Grating Gate InP-HEMTs
Yuki Kurita, Kengo Kobayashi, and Taiichi Otsuji
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
Email: kurita@riec.tohoku.ac.jp
Guillaume Ducournau
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), 59562 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
Yahya M. Meziani
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca 37008, Spain
Vyacheslav V. Popov
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, 410019 Saratov, Russia
Wojciech Knap
LC2 Lab., Univ. Montpellier 2 & CNRS, F-34095 Montpellier, France

Abstract—We report on an extremely-high sensitive terahertz

(THz) detector based on our original asymmetric dual-grating II. DEVICE DESIGN AND FABRICATION
gate high electron mobility transistors (A-DGG HEMTs) We designed and fabricated an A-DGG HEMT as shown in
designed and fabricated using InAlAs/InGaAs/InP material Fig. 1 [8, 9]. The device structure consists of an
systems. The obtained responsivity is 22.7 kV/W at 200 GHz. To In0.52AlAs/In0.53/0.70/0.53GaAs/InP heterostructure with selective
the best of our knowledge, this value is the record responsivity
doping in the InAlAs layer (the electron mobility is 11,000
ever reported for this frequency range at room temperature.
cm2/(Vs)). The spacing between metal fingers of the two sub-
Keywords—terahertz, detection, two-dimensional plasmon, grating gates is set to be d1 and d2 with d1/d2 = 0.5. This A-
high electron mobility transistor. DGG scheme breaks the mirror symmetry of the internal
electric field distribution of the 2D plasmon cavities in the
I. INTRODUCTION HEMT channel, resulting in enormous increase in responsivity
In the modern terahertz (THz) science and technologies, by orders of magnitude compared with those of symmetric
verious kinds of THz detectors, for example, Golay cells [1], DGG structures [9]. The two sub-gratings: G1 (with length
pyroelectric detectors [2], bolometers [3] as well as Schottky Lg1) and G2 (with length Lg2) were formed with 65 nm thick
barrier diodes (SBDs) [4] are used. These detectors except Ti/Au/Ti. The designed parameters of the sample we used for
SBDs are thermoelectric types so that they exhibit slow the experiment are shown in table 1.
response speed although having rather excellent detection III. EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSIONS
sensitivity. The SBDs can serve fast response speed but suffer
from poor sensitivity at higher frequencies due to their electron We estimated the responsivity Rv using the equation Rv =
transit-type mechanism. In such a situation hydrodynamic ΔU×St /(Pt ×Sd), where ΔU is the drain-source voltage induced
nonlinearities of two-dimensional (2D) plasmons in high by the THz radiation, St is radiation beam spot size, Pt is the
electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have attracted attention total source power of the THz radiation, and Sd is the active
due to their potentiality of fast and sensitive rectification and area of the detector. Figure 2 shows an experimental setup for
detection for THz radiation [5, 6]. Under the source-terminated THz detection. We used a 200-GHz source and two TPX
and drain-opened asymmetric boundary conditions, the lenses to focus the THz beam at the surface of the device. The
rectified dc photocurrent in the HEMT channel gives rise to a responsivity ΔU was observed by a lock-in technique. All the
dc photovoltage at the drain terminal. So far by utilizing such following measurements were performed under zero drain bias
a photovoltaic effect of 2D plasmons excellent THz detection condition, which gave rise to low noise figure of the detector.
sensitivities have been reported including 5 kV/W at 290 GHz Figure 3 shows the responsivity at 200 GHz as a function
from Si-nMOSFETs [7] and 2.2 kV/W at 1 THz from of the gate bias Vg2 (whereas the gate bias Vg1 for G1 was fixed
InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs [8] at room temperature. In this at 0 V) for sub-grating G2 using sample #1-1. We obtained the
paper, we demonstrate an extremely high responsivity of 22.7 highest responsivity of 22.7 kV/W at Vg2 = -0.9 V, close to the
kV/W at 200 GHz from our original asymmetric dual-grating- threshold voltage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
gate (A-DGG) HEMT [8, 9]. highest value ever reported.
We also conducted an experiment using a 600-GHz source.
Figure 4 shows the comparison of the responsivity using
sample #1-2. The magnitude of both frequencies is not so high

978-1-4673-6132-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

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ThD1-4 (Oral)
9:30 - 9:45
due to the gate leakage current, but we can see the shift of [3] P. L. Richard, “Bolometers for Infrared and milimater waves,” J. Appl.
these peaks (at Vg2 = -0.7 V for 200 GHz and -0.8 V for 600 Phys., 76, 1 (1994).
GHz). Considering the quality factor (given by the product of [4] E. R. Brown, A. C. Young, J. E. Bjarnason, J. D. Zimmerman, A. C.
Gossard, and H. Kazemi, Int. J. High Speed Electron. Sys., 17, 383
angular frequency and electron momentum relaxation time) of (2007).
a 2D plasmon cavity (defined by each sub-grating finger of [5] M. Dyakonov and M. Shur, “Detection, Mixing, and Frequency
G1) at measured frequencies, the detection are made in the Multiplication of Terahertz Radiation by Two-Dimensional Electronic
non-resonant mode. For this case the peak responsivity should Fluid,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 43, 380-387 (1996).
be obtained at the threshold bias point independent of the [6] W. Knap, M. Dyakonov, D. Coquillat, F. Teppe, N. Dyakonova, J.
radiation frequencies. Some new aspects are expected from the àusakowski, K. Karpierz, M. Sakowicz, G. Valusis, D. Seliuta, I.
measured results. Furthers experiments and device modeling Kasalynas, A. El Fatimy, Y.M. Meziani, T. Otsuji, “Field effect
transistors for terahertz detection: physics and first imaging
are needed, which will be a future work. applications,” Int. J. Infr. Milli. Terhrz. Waves, 30, 1243 (2009).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [7] F. Schuster, D. Coquillat, H. Videlier, M. Sakowicz, F. Teppe, L.
Dussopt, B. Giffard, T. Skotnicki, W. Knap, "Broadband terahertz
The authors thank NTT-AT Corp. for the cooperation in imaging with highly sensitive silicon CMOS detectors," Opt. Express,
processing the sample fabrications. This work has been 18, 7827 (2011).
supported in part by the JST/ANR “WITH”, a Japan-France [8] T. Watanabe, S. Boubanga Tombet, Yudai Tanimoto, Yuye Wang,
strategic collaborative research project. The experiment was Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito et al., “Ultrahigh sensitive plasmonic
terahertz detector based on an asymmetric dual-grating gate HEMT
conducted in IEMN, Lille, France. structure,” Solid State Electron., 78, 109 (2012).
[9] V. V. Popov, D. V. Fateev, T. Otsuji, Y. M. Meziani, D. Coquillat, and
REFERENCES W. Knap, “Plasmonic terahertz detection by a double-grating gate field-
[1] M. J. E. Golay, “Theoretical consideration in heat and infra-red effect transistor structure with an asymmetric unit cell,” Appl Phys Lett,
detection, with particular reference to the pneumatic detector,” Rev. Sci. 99, 243504 (2011).
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[2] R. W. Whatmore, “Pyroelectric devices and materials,” Rep. Prog.
Phys., 49, 12 (1986).

Fig. 2. Experimental setup of THz detection with 200/600 GHz sources and
two TPX lenses.

Fig. 1. Schematic (upper) and SEM images (lower) of the A-DGG HEMT.
Fig. 3. Responsivity of sample #1-1 as a function of Vg2 (Vg1 = 0 V) at 200GHz.

Table 1. Design parameters of the fabricated samples.

Fig. 4. Measured responsivity at 200 and 600 GHz (Vg1 = 0V) for sample #1-2.

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