Types of sampling
- Simple Random sampling
- Stratified
- Area or Cluster
Non Probability
- Quota
- Purposive or judgement
- Convenience or accidental or incidental
- Snowball
- Systematic
- Saturation
- Dense
Population and sample size must be clearly defined prior to data collection
Goal of sampling is to have a sample that represents a population as accurately as possible.
1. Double sampling example- Step 1: n' initial simple random samples are selected from a
population of N units. ...
2. Step 2: A second sample is then selected by stratified random sampling from the first sample. ...
2) Disproportionate- The sample ratio is not proportionate to the population strata ratio.
Advantage of proportionate over disproportionate
- Proportionate is more representative as compared to disproportionate.
- Sampling error is minimum
1) It is time consuming
2) Researcher might give importance to factors that are not significant to the study.
Advantage of Disproportionate
1) Less time consuming
Disadvantage of Disproportionate
1) It is less representative as compared to proportionate
2) Sampling error is maximum or more compared to proportionate
Area or Cluster sampling
Cluster sampling is a sampling technique used when "natural" but relatively heterogeneous
groupings are evident in a statistical population.
- It is important for geography
- It is used in psychology
1) A number of geography locations of the population are chosen at random and majority of
that area is interviewed or surveyed.
2) Incase the individual are heterogenous random selections of subdivision take place, also
called multistage sampling.
1) Sampling error is higher as compared to the other two methods
Non Probability
Quota Sampling
A quota sample a type of non-probability sample in which the researcher selects people
according to some fixed quota. For example gender
Researchers identifies different quotas of population and then selects individuals arbitrary
(chosen randomly)
1) It gives a better representation of certain groups within the population without over
representing them.
2) It makes comparison of the group easier.
1) Giving some weightage to strata of society
2) Time consuming
3) Higher sampling error because of inaccurate representation.
3) Researchers bias comes into play
Snowball Sampling
It is a sampling technique used when the members of the population are difficult to locate.
Collect data from few members of target population that he or she can locate and then ask
those individuals to provide information needed to locate other members.
The sample is said to grow like rolling snowball.
1) It is representative of the population.
2) Can have a huge sample size
3) Useful in studying social constructs and structures in organization
4) Locate hidden population.
5) Cost effective
1) Small sample size if not done correctly
2) Difficult to control bias of researcher and of the sample
( For example while collecting data if you ask a doctor and they ask an intern and not a
doctor then data collection can be wrong.
(If the list is not in order the sampling error is high and if list is in order the sampling error is
Example- If you want to pick the 5th tallest person in group they should be first put height
wise and then 5th tallest is picked. The sample error is low as compared to randomly picking
the 5th person in each group for their height)
Saturation Sampling
Any person who possess a trait of interest is taken in sample and in this sampling technique you
need majority of the population.
Dense sampling
More than 50% of the population becomes your sample
For example in a population of 10,000 you need to take 6,000
1) Not quick, time consuming
2) Costly
These two methods are used when the population is very specific or very small
Example- Out of 2000 patients 100 have mood disorder so only 100 is the target population and
sample can be 50 or more
Double Sampling
Initially sample of unit is selected for obtaining axillary or basic information only and then a
second sampling is selected in which the additional information is selected.
In the amity population AIBAS is selected initially to get the basic information then the first year
students are taken to get the additional information. This is double sampling is the concept.
Mixture of more than 1 method or sample to create a smaller sample
1) Representative of the population because sampling error is lower.
2) It is usually the most effective and practical way to carry out large surveys in the public
1) Consists of complex calculations
2) Time consuming
3) Costly
4) Complex
First take quota then dense because quota you are choosing according to gender or socio
economic status etc then you will get dense most of the population will be represented
If there is not a clear accept or regret decision of the first sample then a second sample is taken
and the decision is made based result of the combined sample