Hsslive-march-2023-qn-FY 446 CA
Hsslive-march-2023-qn-FY 446 CA
Hsslive-march-2023-qn-FY 446 CA
Name : ...........................................
15 ‘ ’ .
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SAY-746 1 P.T.O.
Answer any 5 questions from 1 to 6. Each carries 1 score. (5 1 = 5)
1. The base of hexadecimal number system is _________.
(2, 8, 10, 16)
3. Name the error which is due to improper planning of the program’s logic.
4. The multiple use of input or output operators in a single statement is called _______.
5. Write the keyword which is used to create symbolic constants whose value can never
be changed during execution.
9. List and explain the four freedoms for free and open source software defined by Free
Software Foundation (FSF).
FY-446 3 P.T.O.
12. Pick the invalid identifier from the following list and give reason for invalidity :
(world_cup, world.cup, world cup, 2worldcup, break, worldcup2022)
22. Categorize the following token and fill up the given table by placing them at the proper
places :
(93.5, “Football”, +, float, long, %)
FY-446 4
(world_cup, world.cup, world cup, 2worldcup, break, worldcup2022)
FY-446 5 P.T.O.
23. Explain any three fundamental data types in C++.
26. Consider the following URL and classify the different parts of the URL.
32. (a) List the various types of guided communication channels. (3)
(b) Explain any one guided communication channel. (2)
FY-446 6
23. C++ .
32. (a) . (3)
(b) . (2)
FY-446 7 P.T.O.
FY-446 8