Case Report Congenital Ptosis
Case Report Congenital Ptosis
Case Report Congenital Ptosis
Abstract :
Introduction: Congenital ptosis is the most common type of childhood ptosis. It manifests in
mild to severe forms that can induce amblyopia, astigmatism, strabismus, and psychological issue
in children.
Case Report: A 7 years old boy came to the Siloam Eye Clinic with drooping of the right upper
eyelid since birth. Prior to his age, his parents denied any visual problems and orbital disorders.
Physical examination showed Right Eye BCVA 1.0 with S+0.50 and Left Eye BCVA 1.0 with
S+0.25; good ocular mobility and MRD1 +0.50 mm. He was diagnosed with unilateral congenital
ptosis and underwent ptosis surgery with frontalis muscle suspension using autogenous tensor
fascia lata. The post-surgery outcome reveals a good result and no complications.
Discussion: The technique selection is determined by the clinical presentation and surgeon
experience. In this report, frontalis suspension surgery was chosen due to severe ptosis and poor
LMF. Fascia lata was selected as the material for the sling due to its superiority compared to other
Conclusion: Neglected congenital ptosis can seriously impact the children's quality of life. Early
diagnosis and treatment are required to preserve good visual development. As the treatment of
choice for this patient, frontalis muscle suspension using autologous tensor fascia lata on
congenital ptosis has excellent results and satisfaction.
Keywords: Congenital ptosis, frontalis suspension surgery, frontal sling, fascia lata