DLL English-6 Q3 W8

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GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 8


A.Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
B.Performance Standards The learners shares/express personal ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings using familiar words.
C.Learning Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements. EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1 EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, Pictures, Powerpoint Paper,newspaper, Powerpoint Pictures, Powerpoint
video presentation presentation presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson
B.Presenting Examples/ instances Let pupils read a short Let pupils read a short Continuation of the
of the new lesson story. story. topic.

Do you love animals?

Find out in the story how
Kamela treats animals.

C.Discussing new concepts and Read the story and Read the story and answer Summary of the topic: Narrative is a way of
practicing new skills #1 answer the italicized the following question: presenting connected
questions found within Two Pesos for Better Character is a person, or events in order to tell a
the selection. Life sometimes even an good story. Plot is the
By Ma. Rita N. animal, who takes part in series of events that
Santiana the action of a story. make up your story,
including the order in
“…Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, 1. People in a work of which they occur and
one hundred.” Meg counted
fiction can be: how they relate to each
the one peso coins from her
piggy bank. She was saving ● Hero /Protagonist- other.
up two pesos a day from her clear center of the story;
daily allowance to buy her all major events are FIVE STAGES OF PLOT
school supplies next year. important to this DEVELOPMENT
She knew her grandmother
only earns a little so she
character. 1. Exposition The
wanted to help by saving up ● Villain/Antagonist- beginning of the story
for her own things. In school, Opposition or “enemy” of where the author
when recess time arrived, the main character. introduces the settings,
Meg went to the canteen to
2. Characteristics of characters, and the other
buy food. Her Lola gave her
five pesos for the entire day. character can be information the readers
She looked at all the revealed through his need to know.
delicious food she wanted to physical appearance, 2. Rising action A series
buy. I need to spend three what she/he says, thinks, of events build from the
pesos only so I can keep the
two pesos for my piggy bank,
feels and dreams. beginning of the story.
she thought. She bought a 3. Types of Rising action is where
simple snack and went back Characterization the author builds interest
to their classroom. Why does ● Direct/ Explicit This is and tension in the story
Meg need to save two pesos
informative and often 3. Climax Also called the
from her allowance? Do you
think it’s worth the saving? uses the narrator, the ‘turning point”. The
On her way home one Friday protagonist or the climax often leads the
afternoon, Meg passed by a character themselves. reader to wonder, what
store. She peeked through ● Indirect/Implicit This will happen? 4. Falling
the window and saw a
beautiful pair of slippers.
more subtle method of action The event is
“This is a perfect birthday gift characterization relies on leading to the end of the
for Lola”, she exclaimed. the reader, to decide for story and the resolution.
Sometimes, she feels sad himself what it means. 5. Resolution The
hearing her Lola complain
Indirect or implicit outcome or “untangling”
about her back pain and
arthritis. She also feels sad characterization uses of the events of the story.
seeing the torn slippers that behavior, speech and
her Lola uses every day. appearance, as well as Three ways to evaluate
That is the reason why Meg the opinions of other narratives based on how
is determined to finish her
studies so she can make
characters. the author developed the
their life more comfortable elements particularly in
especially for her Lola. The the plot.
next morning, she bought a 1. Chronological
pair of slippers and ran home
with a big smile on her face. sequential is a narrative
“Happy birthday, Lola!” she technique in which the
said excitedly as she gave story has beginning,
the gift to her Lola. “Oh, dear middle and end. The
Meg! These are beautiful!
But where did you get your
events are explicitly
money to buy these?” asked stated from exposition to
her Lola. “From the two resolution.
pesos I have been saving 2. En Medias Res is a
every day,” Meg replied. “I narrative technique in
wanted to buy my own doll
but, it is your birthday so I which the story starts in
bought a pair of slippers for the middle without
you, instead.” “Oh, Meg. You exposition
didn’t have to. My slippers 3. Flashback is a
are still fine.” “Don’t worry, I
can always save up again. I
narrative technique in
realized that you are worth which the story has an
more than all the beautiful interruption of the current
dolls in the world,” answered story to show the scene
Meg. “Oh, you are such an from the past.
angel, Meg. I love you so
much!” said her Lola. The
two hugged each other in
tears. They enjoyed the
delicious soup that Meg’s
Lola prepared for dinner.
That night, Meg fell asleep
with a contented smile on
her face.

If you are Meg, will you

do the same?
What character trait
does Meg show?
D.Discussing new concepts and REMEMBER! First Person point of Setting is the time and Directions: Read the
practicing new skills #2 1. Characters refer to view. The narrator tells place (or when and story:
people, animals or the story from his/her where) of the story. It is
objects that talk and own perspective. It uses usually introduced
take part in the story. the pronouns I, me, we during the beginning of
The central character is and us. In this point of the story, along with the
called the protagonist. view, the narrator characters. When
Example: Kamela is a (storyteller) is either the examining how setting
Grade 6 pupil in a small hero or heroine contributes to a story,
barrio. (This is taken (protagonist) relaying there are several
from the story “Kamela: his/her experiences or a aspects to consider:
The Kind-Hearted secondary character 1) Place - where is the
Child”) In the story, the telling the hero or action of the story taking
central or main heroine’s story. place?
character is Kamela. Example: Call me 2) Time - when is the
2. Setting is the time Kamela. I am a Grade 6 story taking place?
and place in which the pupil who lives a simple 3) Weather conditions -
story happens. life together with my Is it rainy, sunny,
Example: One day, as family. stormy, etc.?
she was entering their Second Person point 4) Social conditions -
school gate, she heard of view. The narrator What is the daily life of
a soft cry. In the tells the story to another the character's like?
example, one day tells person or character Does the story contain
about when the story using the pronoun you. local mannerisms,
happened and school Example: Don’t forget customs, etc. of a
gate is the place where that you are Kamela, a particular place?
the story happened. simple girl who lives 5) Mood or atmosphere
3. Plot is a series of happily with your - What feeling is created
events that relate to the siblings and parents. at the beginning of the
central conflict in the Third Person point of story? Cheerful or
story. view. The narrator tells creepy?
Example: the story by relating all
a. Beginning: Kamela the actions of the
lives a simple life with characters using the
her family in a small third person pronouns
barrio who happens to such he, she or they. It
stumble upon a cute is the most common
puppy who was badly point of view in works of
hurt. fiction.
b. Rising Action: When Example: She is Kamela
Kamela was about to who lives simply with
pick up the wounded her family.
puppy she was stopped Omniscient point of
by her classmates view. The narrator is all
telling her that it was knowing. All the
dirty. thoughts and actions of
c. Climax: Kamela the characters are
explained to her known to him/her. The
classmates that animals pronouns used are he,
need love and care too she or they.
just like humans. Example: Kamela is a
d. Falling Action: simple girl who loves
Kamela’s classmates animals. She really
felt sorry about what cares for them.
they said and told Whenever she sees
Kamela they will animals being hurt, she
accompany her to a immediately helps them.
e. Resolution: Kamela’s
actions towards the
wounded puppy made
her classmates realize
that indeed animals
need love and care just
like humans.
4. Theme is the central
idea or belief in a story.
It is illustrated by the
events of the story and
the moral or lesson that
you acquire or get
relates directly to the
theme. So, when you
are trying to determine
the theme of a story,
ask yourself what the
author is trying to tell
through the characters
and events of the story.
Example: Animals love,
care and compassion.
5. Point of View tells
how a story is told. It
may be in the first
person point of view,
second person point of
view, third person point
of view or omniscient
point of view.

E.Developing Mastery Can you identify the Read the fable Based on the story DIRECTIONS: Evaluate
elements of the short below. Answer the above” Two Pesos for the story, “I Can Be a
story? Kindly answer the comprehension Better Life” complete the Star,” based on how the
following questions in questions that follow. table by answering the author developed the
your answer sheet. Write only the letter questions below. elements.
1. Who are the characters of the correct answer
in the story? on your answer I Can Be A Star
2. How will you describe sheet. By Ma. Rita N. Santiana
Kamela? “I can do this”. This is my
3. What does Kamela find THE FOX AND THE motto whenever things get
hard because I believe that
along the way? GRAPES God is with me. “Come, let’s
4. What is Kian sorry for? A hungry Fox saw practice”, I called my friend
5. If you were Kamela, some fine bunches of Armand one late afternoon
would you do the same? Grapes hanging from after our English class. He
called other participants to
Why? a vine that was proceed to the school
trained along a high gymnasium. Each one took his
trellis, and did his assigned place and started
best to reach them reciting the first stanza of the
by jumping as high poem. Then, the second and
so on until we successfully
as he could into the finished reciting the entire
air. But it was all in piece. “Good job, children! You
vain, for they were can win this,” Miss Villanueva,
just out of reach: so our English teacher
he gave up trying, I could still recall one of the
and walked away most challenging moments in
with an air of dignity my life three years ago when I
and unconcern, got sick of dengue. Nobody
remarking, “I thought could tell that I can survive that
time. But because I offered
those Grapes were everything to God, I have
ripe, but I see now nothing to worry. That moment
they are quite sour.” made me realize that only in
Read the following His hands can I be sure that I
can be a star and will continue
questions and write to shine even in the midst of
your answers on your darkness.
answer sheet. 1) Who is the main
1. Who is the character of the story?
character in the Does the main character
story? undergo a great change?
2. Where does the Cite evidences.
story take place? 2) Where is the setting?
3. What is the story What are the words that
about? tell where the setting is?
4. What is the main 3) Enumerate the
problem of the story? important events in the
5. From which point story. Are the events in
of view is the story the plot properly
written? 6. What is sequenced?
the moral of the 4) From whose point of
story? view is the story written?
First person, second
person, or third person
point of view?
5) What is the theme of
the story? Is it implicitly
or explicitly stated in the
6) If given a chance to
develop the parts of the
story, “I Can Be a Star”,
how would it be? Why?
F.Finding Practical application of How do you react when Who do you Are you willing to What makes you more
concepts and skills in daily living you are upset? consider your lucky sacrifice your personal determined in every
charm in life? Why? needs and wants just to challenge you have?
make your love ones Why?
happy? Why?
G.Making generalization and What are the elements of How can you Identify the How do we evaluate the What is flashbacking in the
abstraction about the lesson the story? character of the story? elements of the story? story?
H.Evaluating learning Below are sentences Read the story and Below is a short story. Below is a short story.
depicting the elements of identify the character, Identify its elements by Identify its elements by
a story. For numbers 1 to setting, plot, theme filling in the story circle filling in the story circle
4, write C if the sentence and author’s point of below. below.
tells about a Character, view by filling in the
S for Setting, P for Plot, table below. Write The WVRAA Experience
and T for Theme. For your answer on the By Ma. Melanie L. My Lego
number 5, write the letter answer sheet. Padohinog By Ma. Rita N.
of the correct answer on Santiana
your answer sheet. Graduation During It was February 2019 when my
sister, Ate Elay, joined the West “Mama, who took my Legos? “
the Pandemic I’ve been looking all over for
Visayan Regional Athletic
___1. Being resourceful By Ma. Melanie L. Association Meet (WVRAA) held
them,” yelled Kenken as he
threw his toys one by one from
is looking for ways or Padohinog at Roxas City. My family and I the box. “Ask your Kuya Toto to
means to solve the went to support her. We were help you find your Legos,” Mama
problem. fortunate enough that we have Rits told him. “I just placed it
relatives who helped us find a here yesterday, Mom. I couldn’t
___2. Elisa is a simple place to stay there. Our find my Legos!” he answered
accommodation was with frustration. Today is the day
Grade 6 pupil who before Kenken’s birthday and he
comfortable enough and the
studies in a small public foods were sumptuous. Mom is excited. Not finding where his
school in their province. favorite toys are almost ruined
was worried when before the his mood because he planned
___3. The West Visayas volleyball game starts, Ate Elay on inviting his cousins to play
Regional Athletic and two of her team mates got Legos with him. “I will not
sick. They suffered a headache. celebrate my birthday anymore!”
Association Meet 2019 During the game, the three of he shouted as he banged the
I was very excited to complete
was held at Roxas City. my sixth grade. But that them cannot play well because door of his room. “Your work is
___4. When Elisa’s feeling was suddenly replaced they were ill. There were more important than me, you’re
with worry when our country not helping me find my Legos.
parents arrived in Roxas instances when Ate Elay would
was hit by COVID19. The You don’t love me anyway!”
City to support her, she ask for a substitute because she murmured Kenken while his
situation was frightening. It really felt bad. Unfortunately,
was very happy. She has worsened when the said tears started to fall. The Legos
they lost their first game. But Ate were a birthday present from his
virus has become a pandemic.
was really inspired to People began to panic. Others Elay did not give up. She was favorite Ninong Dix when he was
play. Sad to say, a day hoarded foods and hygiene determined enough to get well eight. Kenken has been close to
the next day. She took her his Ninong Dix since he was
before their first game materials from grocery stores.
small. Not knowing who got his
Students stopped schooling. medicine and reminded herself
she and her two team Senior citizens and children that her team needed her. The most treasured Legos made him
mates suffered from below 18 years old were not feel like that was the worst day
next days were more exciting. in his entire life. How did Mama
head ache. Because of allowed to go outside of their We enjoyed watching Ate Elay’s
homes. Those who were Rits manage Kenken’s
it, they did not play well. every game. During their last disappointment? “Ken, may I talk
allowed needed to wear face
They gave their best to masks and follow health game, they won third place and to you?” Mama Rits asked in a
protocols such as social went home with a happy heart. soft voice. “No, I hate all of you!”
help their team mates distancing and washing of screamed Kenken. “Anak, I
win the game but still hands with soap and water brought you some Grahams. I
know it’s your favorite,” Mama
they end up losing. After and using alcohol every now
Rits said convincingly. “You may
and then. One day, while I was
the game, they were watering the plants in our come in, Mom,” Kenken
advised to drink a lot of backyard garden, I received a answered tenderly.
call coming from my class That soft voice made Mama Rits
water, take medicines, smile. Being a mother, she
adviser. “Hello, dear. Good
take a rest and have morning. It is with a heavy surely knew her son’s
enough sleep at night. heart to inform you that your weaknesses. Full of patience
completion program for this and love, she managed to talk to
Fortunately, their school year will be suspended Kenken without giving him any
headaches were gone due to COVID-19. I suggest serious punishment. “Discipline
is not spanking or shouting. It is
the next day. They you stay at home and be
a way of expressing how we
safe,” my teacher told me.
played their next games “Hello, Ma’am. Good morning. truly love and care for our
so well that they ended I am sad to hear that but we children. We have to teach them
could do nothing about it what’s good without breaking
up 2nd runner up. their hearts and lowering their
anymore. We’ll just pray that
5. Based on the story in this pandemic ends soon. self-esteem. It is pushing them
item number 4, from Thank you, Ma’am, for calling,” to do what they think is good
I said. The news really broke and have them realize the
which point of view is it my heart. I asked myself “Why consequences. If it yields more
written? are these things happening negative results, then, that
decision is not good and should
a. first person now?” I told my parents about
not be continued. If it gives more
the sad news. They too were
c. third person unhappy to hear it. “Don’t positive results and that is what
b. second person worry, my child, everything will God wants us to do, then, it is
d. omniscient be back to normal in God’s good.” Mama Rits recalled.
perfect time. Let’s just trust
Him,” my Dad said. Summer 1. Who is the main
came. I still hoped for our
completion program in school character of the story?
but it did not happen. Luckily, 2. Where is the setting
our teachers thought of a of the story?
“house to house” distribution
of our certificates and awards. 3. Enumerate the
“Issac, do receive your important events in the
certificate of completion and
your award as “With High
Honors”. I am happy to tell you 4. From whose point of
that you topped your class this view is the story
school year. Congratulations!”
my adviser announced written?
happily. “Wow! 5. What is the theme of
Congratulations, my son. Your the story?
Dad and I are very proud of
you. Let’s celebrate then!”
Mom excitedly said. I am really
grateful that despite the
pandemic, we have
successfully completed our
elementary education.

I.additional activities for

application or remediation


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