SUMMATIVE Test in Science Grade 9 3rd Quarter

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Naval School of Fisheries

Caraycaray, Naval, Biliran


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write the letter only
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is characterized by the warming of ocean surface temperature.
a. Altitude b. El Nino c. La Nina d. Typhoon
2. Refers to the source of energy coming from the heat of Earth’s interior.
a. Geothermal energy b. Hydrothermal energy c. Nuclear energy d. Solar energy
3. Which of the following refers to the group of stars that have recognizable pattern?
a. Asteroids b. Comets c. Constellations d. Stars
4. Which of the following is an indication of global warming?
a. Decrease of global temperature c. Rising of sea level
b. Increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere d.Rising of warm air in the atmosphere
5. What happens to temperature of air when altitude increases?
a. Decreases b. Increases c. Remains the same d. Varies
6. Which of the following volcanoes are sometimes referred to as stratovolcanoes?
a. Caldera b. Cinder c. Composite d. Shield
7. How many percent of the country’s total power generation is produced from geothermal energy?
a. 14.2% b. 14.4% c. 14.6% d. 14.8%
8. What do you call a volcano that has record of eruption within last 600 years?
a. Active b. Dormant c. Inactive d. Inert
9. Which of the following volcanic cones that have a steep slope, wide crater and called to be the most
abundant type of volcano? Example of this is the Paricutin Volcano in Mexico.
a. Cinder b. Composite c. Shield d. Strombolian
10. In the past, our Taal volcano erupted in which the hot rocks come in contact with water. What do you
call this kind of eruption that Taal volcano experienced?
a. Phreatic eruption c. Strombolian eruption
b. Phreatomagmatic eruption d. Vulcanian eruption
11. What do you call the natural warming process of earth that results when gases in the atmosphere trap
heat from the earth?
a. Climate change b. Greenhouse effect c. Global warming d. Weather disturbance
12. Which of the following stars that have 5,000 degree Celsius surface temperature?
a. Blue star b. Dwarf star c. Red star d. Yellow star
13. Which of the following help sailors navigate at the sea?
a. Gemini b. Polaris c. Taurus d. Ursa major
14. Why are the coldest places found at the poles?
a. Great amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface
b. Great amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas
c. Less amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas
d. Less amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface
15. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
a. The windward has no vegetation than the leeward
b. The windward receives more heat than the leeward
c. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward
d. The leeward receives more precipitation than the windward
16. Why can we see different parts of the sky at different times of the year?
a. Due to the revolution of the earth c. Due to the rotation of the earth
b. Due to the revolution of the moon d. Due to the tilt of the earth’s axis
17. Why do stars have colors?
a. It is because of the presence of carbon dioxide c. It is because of the presence of oxygen
b. It is because of the different locations d. It is because of varied temperature
18. Which of the following refers to material’s resistance to flow?
a. Acidity b. Base c. Shape d. Viscosity
19. Which of the following materials release by volcanoes during explosive eruptions?
a. Gases b. Mixture of hot ash c. Rock fragments d. All of these
20. Once the magma reaches the earth’s surface it is called?
a. Ashes b. Lava c. Magmatic d. Rock fragments
21. All of the following describes the uses of constellations, except________.
a. The Orion indicates the coming of cold season
b. The appearance of Gemini indicates the end of planting season
c. The Polaris is used for navigation
d. The appearance of Ursa minor indicates bad weather
22. How do people benefit from the energy within the earth?
a. Becomes a medical source c. Steam can be turned into electrical energy
b. Steam can be turned into fossil fuel d. Source of military weapon
23. How does climate change impact agriculture?
a. Decreased crop productivity c.Increased crop yields due to longer growing season
b. Decreased risk of pests d. No significant impact on food production
24. Which of the following volcanic hazards is most likely to occur during a volcanic eruption?
a. Ashfall b. Lava flows c. Pyroclastic flows d. Volcanic gases
25. Which type of volcanic eruption is characterized by excessively explosive release of gas, ash, and rock
fragments? Example of this eruption is when Pinatubo Volcano erupted.
a. Phreatomagmatic b. Plinian c. Strombolian d. Vulcanian
26. Which of the following does not contribute to global warming?
a. Illegal fishing b. Incineration of garbage c. Mining activities d. Reforestation
27. What factors affects viscosity of magma?
a. Gases b. Silica content c. Temperature d. all of the above
28. It is characterized by the cooling of ocean surface temperature.
a. El Nino b. La Nina c. Typhoon d. Altitude
29. Which of the following describes the constellations of Ursa major?
a. Outlines the formation of little bear c. Ursa major means hunter
b. Outlines the formation of great bear d. Used for navigation
30. Which constellation known for its distinctive “W” shape?
a. Cassiopeia b. Orion c. Scorpio d. Ursa minor
31. Which of the following constellations that resembles the body of the hunter?
a. Cassiopeia b. Orion c. Scorpio d. Ursa minor
32. Which constellation contains the brightest star known as Polaris?
a. Cassiopeia b. Orion c. Scorpio d. Ursa minor
33. Mauna Loa Volcano is an example of ___________.
a. Cinder b. Composite c. Shield d. Strombolian
34. Which of the following movement of trade winds involve in El Nino?
a. Trade winds moves faster c. Trade winds weakened
b. Trade winds strengthened d. Trade winds doesn’t move at all
35. How does climate change impact ecosystems?
a. It promotes the growth of diverse ecosystem c. It enhances ecosystem adapt in changes
b. It leads to habitat loss and species extinction d. It has no significant impact
36. Which processes is NOT typically associated with a volcanic eruption?
a. Lava flow b. Pyroclastic flow c. earthquake d. glacier formation
37. How do constellations change their position in the night sky throughout the year?
a. They disappear and reappear at different times of the year.
b. They change their positions due to Earth’s rotation and revolution.
c. They move in circular pattern.
d. They remain fixed in their positions.
38. What factors contribute to the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption?
a.High viscosity of magma and high gas content c.High viscosity of magma and low gas content
b.Low viscosity of magma and low gas content d. Low viscosity of magma and high gas content
39-40. Name the following constellations:


Prepared by: Checked by:

Archiel S. Juntilla Manelyn G. Trani
Pre- service teacher Subject Teacher

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