Capnography Com IOT - TESE UFPI

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IoT-Based Wearable and Smart Health Device Solutions for
Capnography: Analysis and Perspectives
Davisson F. T. Morais 1 , Gilberto Fernandes, Jr. 2,3 , Gildário D. Lima 4 and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues 5,6, *

1 Post-Graduation Program in Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Piaui (UFPI),

Teresina 64049-550, PI, Brazil
2 State University of Londrina (UEL), Londrina 86057-970, PR, Brazil
3 Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR), Londrina 86041-120, PR, Brazil
4 Federal University of Parnaíba Delta (UFDPar), Parnaíba 64202-020, PI, Brazil
5 Instituto de Telecomunicações, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
6 College of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum (East China),
Qingdao 266555, China
* Correspondence:

Abstract: The potential of the Internet of Health Things (IoHT), also identified in the literature as
the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), is enormous, since it can generate expressive impacts on
healthcare devices, such as the capnograph. When applied to mechanical ventilation, it provides
essential healthcare to the patient and helps save lives. This survey elaborates on a deep review of
related literature about the most robust and effective innovative healthcare solutions using modern
technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, Blynk, Bluetooth Low Energy,
Robotics, and embedded systems. It emphasizes that IoT-based wearable and smart devices that work
as integrated systems can be a faster response to other pandemic crises, respiratory diseases, and other
problems that may occur in the future. It may also extend the performance of e-Health platforms used
as monitoring systems. Therefore, this paper considers the state of the art to substantiate research
about sensors, highlighting the relevance of new studies, strategies, approaches, and novelties in
the field.
Citation: Morais, D.F.T.; Fernandes,
G., Jr.; Lima, G.D.; Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.
Keywords: capnography; Internet of Things; wearables; artificial intelligence; monitoring; mechanical
IoT-Based Wearable and Smart
ventilation; healthcare
Health Device Solutions for
Capnography: Analysis and
Perspectives. Electronics 2023, 12,
1. Introduction
The aging of the global population and the increase in respiratory diseases have
Academic Editor: Nicola
increased demand for monitoring support (capnography) for mechanical ventilation [1].
Francesco Lopomo
However, the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 and its variants)
Received: 22 January 2023 has pressurized the whole world’s health system. Therefore, the shortage of devices
Revised: 19 February 2023 that compose intensive care stations, such as sensors and electronic components, is a key
Accepted: 24 February 2023 issue [2,3].
Published: 28 February 2023 Studies point to solutions to integrate a global health system [4]. Moreover, this
not only faces the scarcity of resources or medical equipment and supplies but is also
needed to create effective strategies and protocols based on modern technologies that allow
joining devices to a data matrix, networked together with practices from the Internet of
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Things, which operate faster, safer, and more effectively [5]. Innovative technologies have
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
great potential, such as for obtaining, processing, cleaning, analyzing, and extracting data,
This article is an open access article
capturing insights, and promoting actions [6].
distributed under the terms and
In the severe context of the pandemic, with the lack of electronic devices, medical
conditions of the Creative Commons
equipment, and personal protective equipment (PPE), the medicine, engineering, and scien-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
tific communities came together to find effective solutions to help healthcare systems and
society cope with COVID-19 [7]. Concerns involved ethical, practical, and technologically

Electronics 2023, 12, 1169.

Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 2 of 30

beneficial protocols, including robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), microelectromechanical

systems (MEMS), embedded systems (ESP32), 3D printing technology, and radio frequency
identification (RFID), among others [8–16].
The capnograph appears in this scenario as an effective device to verify “if there is life
in patients” in intensive care units. It is a non-invasive, reliable, safe, fast, practical, and
easy-to-use technique, and this device can revolutionize mechanical ventilation support
and help to save the lives of a much larger number of patients with respiratory diseases
such as COVID-19 or other cases that require monitoring [17,18].
The application of modern general-purpose technologies by hobbyists grew signifi-
cantly at the end of the past decade, even though some of them have demonstrated little
audited technical feasibility. This advance enabled the use of these tools as “alternatives”
for the deployment of emergency devices and systems including rapid prototyping (3D
printing) technologies [19]. Robotic and telerobotic systems had also decreased the risk
of coronavirus contagion for front-line health care workers, thus making it possible to
fulfill processes safely, such as screening, investigation, monitoring, and therapy of patients
remotely [20,21]. Tavakoli et al. [20] pointed out excellent techniques related to robotics ap-
plied to intelligent electronic devices and advanced autonomous systems, such as wearable
robots that can be worn on the human body, with the function of inferring vital signs and
displaying their verified levels through a “biofeedback” pattern that helps and increases
their potential use [20].
Robotic, wearable, and autonomous medical systems can be effectively used to prevent
the spread of COVID-19, and in addition, are able to assist patient screening processes.
Therefore, smart technologies and digital solutions like telehealth and telepresence can
enable more efficient and safer healthcare delivery by decreasing, for example, risk to life
and contamination, among other benefits [20–23].
The scientific community has sought appropriate solutions to minimize the issues
posed by the coronavirus, particularly “saving lives.” The expectations around capnog-
raphy monitoring systems can be amplified [24–29]. Modern technologies (wearable and
smart) coupled with three-dimensional (3D) printing techniques, with the practices of
additive manufacturing (layer-by-layer technique), provide the potential for excellent
deployment [30].
Intensive care units (ICUs) that depend on monitoring support with mechanical
ventilation are tending to improve significantly in a vast scenario that allies health and
technology. This is the case of eHealth and the prodigious Internet of Healthcare Things
(IoHT) or Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) [31–37].
The community has contributed a lot to the healthcare field by presenting prospective
studies on the benefits of modern technologies that have enormous potential for imple-
mentation. Therefore, the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) or the Internet of Medical
Things (IoMT) can positively impact the future of capnography devices [38–42].
Innovations in healthcare, including the explicit applications of smart pills, home care,
personal healthcare, autonomous robotics systems, and real-time health systems (RTHS)
are examples that can integrate advanced systems with IoT techniques [43–47].
Smart devices that integrate wearable systems, such as the capnograph, can promote a
prosperous future for mechanical ventilation monitoring support by conferring essential
patient health care benefits [48–50], such as improved postoperative outcomes, increased
overall efficiency, faster response times, high levels of accuracy, and safety [51–53].
In recent years, surveys on monitoring systems that add wearable and intelligent
technologies have grown significantly. However, most of these works deal with generalized
solutions, even applications in the health area. Nevertheless, it is not a straightforward task
to detect and classify all the characteristics, criteria, and functions of smart and wearable
solutions. Plenty of topics must be considered, such as innovative technologies, smart and
wearable solutions, and capnography, as well as technical dilemmas like costs and security.
Therefore, this leads to some of the generalized studies available today, where many works
try to summarize everything or only focus on specific subjects. Given this heterogeneity of
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 3 of 30

studies, they might not be able to establish, present, and summarize a broad view of these
In [54–57], the authors focused on the performance and feasibility of smart and wear-
able solutions, including real-time solutions, remote access, data security, robustness,
reliability, accuracy, complexity, scalability, and continuous monitoring. In [58,59], the focus
was more on the characteristics of wearable solutions, such as design, robustness, and
accuracy, rather than on real-time functions and continuous monitoring. Nevertheless, the
authors of [60,61] have focused their research on real-time applicability, autonomy, data
security, robustness, reliability, and accuracy.
Even though these authors condense relevant points related to wearable and smart
solutions, there are still some relevant topics to be addressed. While some analyze wearable
and smart solutions and others deal with innovative and wearable technologies, none of
them deals with capnography.
In this context, this survey addresses a general and detailed overview of capnography
under three categories: (i) characteristics and functions of innovative technologies applied
to health; (ii) performance and feasibility of wearable and smart solutions based on IoT for
capnography, and (iii) open issues. Table 1 shows a comparative synthesis between the
strengths of this survey and other previous studies.

Table 1. A comparison between surveys related to relevant questions of wearable and smart solutions.

Abdulmalek Kashyap Chang Postolache Elhoseny He and Junaid Stavropoulos This
et al. [55] et al. [57] et al. [61] and Cercas et al. [56] Lee [60] et al. [58] et al. [59] Survey

Relevant Points
Year 2022 2022 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2020 2023
Designer (Portable) X X X
Easy to use X
Safe and comfortable
Real-time X X X X X X X X
Remote Access X X X
Autonomous X X X
Data Security X X X X X X
Continuous monitoring X X X X
Robustness X X X X X X X X
Reliability X X X X X X
Energy efficiency X X
Cost and economy X X
Accuracy X X X X X X X X
Complexity X X X X X
Scalability X X X X X

The main goal of this survey is to highlight IoT-based wearable and smart health device
solutions for capnography, in detail, so that future researchers seeking new proposals and
enhancements for the subject can easily find a roadmap to understand the current state
of the art. From this main goal, the major contributions of this survey paper are stated as
- By reviewing the literature and previous surveys on the topic, there is a related effort
by researchers to test and validate health devices audited by innovative technolo-
gies, especially flexible ones. However, these studies have gaps regarding relevant
points that this survey addresses, as indicated in Table 1 and discussed throughout
the document;
- Background study regarding capnography and mechanical ventilation monitoring
- Review of the main contributions pointed out by the research community on the topic;
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 4 of 30

- Analysis and discussion of the main features and functions of innovative technologies
applied to healthcare;
- A comprehensive review of the performance and feasibility of smart and wearable
solutions, emphasizing the importance and contributions of Internet of Things (IoT)-
based solutions for capnography;
- A performance comparison table of several IoT-based wearable and smart health
solutions, highlighting contributions, limitations, performance, and feasibility;
- Analysis and perspectives concerning relevant open issues and future perspectives
within the area.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the capnography
topic and Section 3 discusses the mechanical ventilation monitoring system. Section 4
presents the innovative solutions applied to healthcare and highlights wearable and smart
IoT-based solutions, while Section 5 discusses the performance and feasibility of wearable
and smart IoT-based solutions for capnography and brings analysis and perspectives
on relevant open issues. Section 6 shares the lessons learned, and Section 7 concludes
the paper.

2. Capnography
2.1. Backgroud
Capnography consists of a non-invasive technique used to monitor the level of carbon
dioxide in exhaled breath (EtCO2 ) and to measure the patient’s respiratory status [62–65]. A
characteristic of CO2 is its absorption of infrared radiation in a very particular wavelength
space [66]. A capnograph allied to a mechanical ventilation (MV) system can support
the remaining respiratory muscles, allow the application of specific therapies, correct
hypoxemia respiratory acidosis, and restore the patient’s health [64].
Capnograph use has become regular in surgical and anesthesiologic procedures in
operating rooms (O.R.). From 1988 and later, it has been used in intensive care units
(ICUs) in monitoring respiratory depression and airway patency (APRS) [67]. It can also
be used in cases of non-intubated patients because it is an effective mechanism for airway
monitoring [67–69].
About a decade ago, capnography gained notable attention in the anesthesia and criti-
cal care literature [70]. As a result, it became integrated into the World Health Organization
(WHO) and World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) international mod-
els, thus contributing to effective anesthesia practice as a “prescribed” safety monitoring
method [71].
However, the COVID-19 pandemic intensified its use in emergency ventilation support
as a “life-saving” measure in intensive care units (ICUs) [72,73], since this device could
offer people with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) outbreaks a much more
adequate and safer treatment than conventional monitoring treatments [74–78].
Improvements in monitoring techniques made it possible for medical science to iden-
tify five basic vital signs that healthcare providers need to monitor to check a patient’s
clinical status. These vital signs are heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood
oxygen saturation, and body temperature [79].
Ahrens [79] presents two more vital signs, capnography and systolic volume [80], in
addition to the ones described by Elliot and Coventry [81], such as pain, state of conscious-
ness, and urine output. For these authors, the combination of these signals provides an
accurate analysis of the physiological functions of the patient.
Therefore, the function of a capnograph is to produce sources of infrared radiation
through sensors that allow the calculation of CO2 levels in a breath sample [82–85]. Conse-
quently, this generates waveforms and numerical values for the exhaled breath that serve to
identify adverse respiratory events, assisting healthcare professionals in making diagnostic
decisions for the patient [86–88].
Bhende, M. S. et al. [86] described and summarized how expired CO2 (EtCO2 ) is the
measurement of CO2 at the end of expiration, i.e., the maximum concentration of expired
Therefore, the
Therefore, the function
function of of aa capnograph
capnograph is is to
to produce
produce sources
sources of of infrared
infrared radiation
through sensors that allow the calculation of CO 2 levels in a breath sample [82–85].
through sensors that allow the calculation of CO2 levels in a breath sample [82–85].
Consequently, this
Consequently, this generates
generates waveforms
waveforms and and numerical
numerical valuesvalues for for the
the exhaled
exhaled breath
breath that
serve to identify adverse respiratory events, assisting healthcare
serve to identify adverse respiratory events, assisting healthcare professionals in making professionals in making
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 diagnostic decisions
diagnostic decisions for for the
the patient
patient [86–88].
[86–88]. 5 of 30
Bhende, M.
Bhende, M. S. S. et
et al.
al. [86]
[86] described
described and and summarized
summarized how how expired
expired CO CO22 (EtCO
(EtCO22)) is
is the
measurement of CO 2 at the end of expiration, i.e., the maximum concentration of expired
measurement of CO2 at the end of expiration, i.e., the maximum concentration of expired
CO222,,, while
CO while PaCO
while PaCO222 is
PaCO is the
is the partial
the partial pressure
partial pressure of
pressure of CO
of CO222 in
CO in arterial
in arterial blood.
arterial blood. Therefore,
blood. Therefore, capnography
Therefore, capnography
is the
is the graphical
the graphical representation
representationof of expired
expiredCO CO
CO22 over
2 over time;
over time; the
time; the capnograph
the capnograph
capnograph is is the
is the measuring
the measuring
instrument, and
instrument, and the
and thecapnogram
the capnogram is
capnogram isthe
is thewaveform
the waveformdisplayed
waveform displayed by
displayed bythe
by thecapnograph,
the capnograph, that
capnograph, that is,
that is,aaa
graph of
of the
the COCO concentration
2 concentration
graph of the CO22 concentration over time. over
over time.
Bhende and
Bhende and LaCovey
and LaCovey [87]
LaCovey [87] define
[87] define capnometry
define capnometry as
capnometry as the
as the measurement
the measurement of
measurement of expired
of expired CO
expired CO222,,,
providing CO CO
CO 2 data
data in in mmHg
mmHg or or
. CO2 . COis is produced
2 by
2 2 data in mmHg or 2CO2. 2CO2 is produced by cellular metabolism and by
cellular cellular metabolism
metabolism and and
through the bloodstream
the bloodstream
the bloodstream to theto the
to the lungs,
lungs, where
where it
it is is eliminated
it is in
eliminatedininthe the respiratory
process [88]. Therefore, the capnograph is an essential device
process [88]. Therefore, the capnograph is an essential device in mechanical ventilation
[88]. Therefore, the capnograph is an essential device inin mechanical
mechanical ventilation
support that
that can
can detect
detect CO
CO 2 elimination
2 elimination levels
levels through
through the
support that can detect CO2 elimination levels through the lungs, tissues, and circulatory lungs,
lungs, tissues,
tissues, and
and circulatory
system andalso
and also
alsocheck check
checkfor lack
for of pulmonary
for lack
lack of pulmonary
of pulmonary perfusion [89,90], [89,90],
perfusion endotracheal tube malposi-
[89,90], endotracheal
endotracheal tube
tion, esophageal esophageal
malposition, intubation, hypoventilation,
intubation, hyperventilation, and
hypoventilation, disconnections in and
hyperventilation, the
malposition, esophageal intubation, hypoventilation, hyperventilation, and
disconnections circuit,
in among
the other things
respiratory [91,92].
circuit, among other things [91,92].
disconnections in the respiratory circuit, among other things [91,92].
2.2. Types
2.2. Types Capnographs
There are
There areare two
two types
types of
capnographs according
according to to the
the position
position of of the
the sensor
sensor in
in the
breathing circuit. two
The types of capnographs
aspirating sensor is according
placed outsideto the
the position
circuit, and of the
the sensor in
non-aspirating the
breathing circuit.
circuit. The aspirating
aspirating sensor is placed
sensor is between outside
placed outside the circuit,
the circuit, and the non-
and theofnon-
sensor is placed
aspirating sensor in is
the inThe
placed in thedifference
circuit. The them between
The difference
difference refers to the
them position to the
refers to the
sensor, as sensor
shown inis placed
Figures 1 and the
2 circuit.
[93]. between them refers the
position of the sensor, as shown in Figures
position of the sensor, as shown in Figures 1 and 2 [93].1 and 2 [93].

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mainstream
Mainstream capnograph
capnograph illustration.
Figure 1. Mainstream capnograph illustration.

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sidestream
Sidestream capnograph
capnograph illustration.
Figure 2. Sidestream capnograph illustration.
As theaspirating
the aspiratingsensor
aspirating sensor
sensor is indicated
is indicated
is indicated for
for for tracheal
tracheal intubation,
tracheal the collecting
the collecting
intubation, the tube
tube istube
close to
the to the
nasal nasal
the cavity cavity
or even
nasal cavity or even
evento close to
the to
close the intubation
intubation probe,
the intubation while
while the the
while distal
the one one
is at
distal onetheis at the
is distal
at the
end end
of end
distal of the
the tracheal
the tracheal
of tracheal tube [93].
tube [93].
tube [93].
Bhavani-Shankar, K.,etet
K., etal.
al. [94]explain
[94] explainthat
explain thatthe
that themain
the mainflow
main flowcapnograph
flow capnographfeatures
capnograph featuresaaaCO
features CO222
sensor positionedbetween
positioned betweenthe
between the
the endotracheal
endotracheal tubetube and
tube the
the the breathing
breathing circuit
breathing inmain
in thein
circuit the main
the main
unit. CO
is 2 is inhaled
then then inhaled through
through a samplea sample
tube tube connected
connected to a to a T-piece
2 CO2 is then inhaled through a sample tube connected to a T-piece adapter located
adapter locatedlocated
in in
the endotracheal
the endotracheal tube
tubetube and
and and breathing
breathing circuit.
Per these authors, the design of the main capnograph inserts new technologies with a
lighter infrared sensor attached to the airway adapter. The sensor scatters infrared light
through openings in the adapter to the photodetector normally located on the opposite
side of the airway adapter [94].
Thus, the type of technology may impact the device, as the position of the sensor
combines quality and versatility, as with the Microstream, an example of a sidestream
that is related to conventional models and requires a smaller amount of sample, around
50 mL/min [95].
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 6 of 30

Thus, the light emitted to the photodetector measures EtCO2 , and this conventional
technology suppresses sample demand through gas elimination. Measurement takes place
directly in the airway, where the waves form most prominently, reflecting EtCO2 in the
patient’s airway in real time [96–99].
For example, in sidestream capnographs, breath sampling is taken directly from
the breathing circuit to the unit’s internal sensor. These capnographs can be used on
both intubated and non-intubated patients [99]. However, they require external filters to
avoid problems with liquids and secretions in the lateral flow sampling system. Their
disadvantages and limitations of use concern dealing with liquids and secretions, since a
large number of breath samples limits the use of lower flow applications (neonates) [99].
Pons et al. [100] confirm that this technique involves some limitations, such as the
realization of water vapor, which needs to be balanced to avoid errors in CO2 readings. A
rapid process of heating the current sensor above the temperature can solve the problem as
it can unlock the airway adaptation spaces so that the sensor can tolerate high-humidity
Another relevant solution in sensor innovations concerns the circuits used and their
ability to limit power and not reach high temperatures, thus preventing burns to the
patient’s skin [101].
The first generations of conventional technologies presented major flaws and problems
related to techniques and structures, such as weight, size, and design. Thus, pulling the
endotracheal tube (ETT) could put the system at risk or break the equipment [99]. In
order to overcome these flaws, the designs of capnography devices were improved to
portable models with innovative sensors, which started to respond much more effectively
to issues such as size and weight, thus allowing ease of handling, comfort, safety, and
durability [102]. In these respects, respiration sensors may revolutionize the capnography
monitoring approach and consequently, medical diagnostic procedures. Including non-
invasive and individualized techniques, they can locate and identify errors and/or damage
to the patient’s health [102].
The diversity of airway adapters promotes numerous benefits, such as workarounds on
sterilization and/or cross-contamination problems when used on a single patient. Moreover,
experts consider this as the most feasible technique for neonatal patients because it adds
less than 0.5 cc of dead space [103].
According to Cui, Yu et al. [104] the CO2 sensor of lateral flow capnography is in the
main monitor itself, away from the airway, with a compact pump that samples gas from
the patient’s airway through a 1.83 m capillary tube to the main unit. The sample tube
is attached to a T-piece interposed in the endotracheal tube or else the anesthetic mask
Duyu et al. [105] explain that the gas diverted from the patient typically includes
anesthetic gases that must be routed to a gas scrubber or returned to the patient’s respiratory
system. Since the sample amount can be high (>400 mL·min−1 ) or low (<400 mL·min−1 ),
the safe and optimal rate of capnography in children and adults considers the following
value of 50–200 mL·min−1 [106–110].
Lateral flow capnographs therefore have the basic benefit of monitoring non-intubated
patients and those receiving concomitant oxygen administration using nasal cannulas [111].
Microstreams, on the other hand, can provide safe monitoring in the sedation process [112],
as they meet the standards required by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
and Joint Commission International (JCI) [113]. The innovative laser technology called
molecular correlation spectroscopy (MCS) has revolutionized lateral flow capnographs
because it does not use a sensor in the airway and can be used in intubated and non-
intubated patients of all ages [114].
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 7 of 30

3. Monitoring System for Mechanical Ventilation

3.1. Emergency Ventilators
Pulmonary respiration establishes gas exchange in human tissues. It maintains and
generates various vital metabolic functions when affected by pathologies or inductions,
as in the case of respiratory diseases, sleep apnea diseases, anesthesia, or congenital
abnormalities [115].
These respiratory dysfunctions can be either temporarily, totally, or partially replaced
by a mechanical ventilation system using two distinct methods [115,116]:
• Invasive: in cases where the device is triggered to the patient via an endotracheal tube
or tracheostomy
• Non-invasive: in cases where the device is connected to the patient via masks
Healthcare professionals can designate monitoring support (capnography) by mechan-
ical ventilation to patients subject to the following conditions: cardiorespiratory arrest;
hypoventilation and apnea; elevation in PaCO2 with respiratory acidosis; respiratory fail-
ure due to intrinsic lung disease; hypoxemia; and mechanical failure of the respiratory
apparatus [117,118].
To understand how mechanical ventilation monitoring support works, it uses the
following scheme: it checks the method as an appropriate way to ventilate the patient to
ensure the right amount of oxygen moves to vital organs and maintain arterial oxygen
saturation. It can also ensure efficient CO2 removal in addition to high PaCO2 levels,
provided there are no contraindications, or minimization of oxygen toxicity at the lowest
possible FiO2 levels. Due to this fact, it can avoid crossing the limits of alveolar pressures of
25–30 cm H2 O, which usually correspond to plateau pressures of 30–35 cm H2 O [119]. As a
result, it can impair gas exchange due to alveolar hyperdistention and consequent compres-
sion of the adjacent capillary and can cause lung injury induced by direct ventilation [119].
Otherwise, medical ventilation systems can cause stress and shear forces that usually
lead to lung injury. Stress is defined as the internal distribution of forces contrary to the
force exerted by a unit area, while the shear is the deformation of the stressed structure.
Clinically, tension can be assessed by transthoracic pressure [120].
In intensive care units (ICU) and emergency rooms, the use of mechanical ventilation
systems as a therapeutic measure can save lives [121,122]. Thus, Melo et al. [123] state that
mechanical ventilation (MV) consists of a method to support the treatment of patients with
acute or chronic acute respiratory failure [124].
Since MV totally or partially replaces spontaneous ventilation, it can provide adequate
gas exchange and reduce the work of the respiratory muscles and, consequently, metabolic
Experiments with MV have allowed new scientific discoveries and improvements in
capnography’s quality of monitoring. This is achieved by using several sensors connected
between the cannula and tracheal cannula (OCT) [125] and a circuit that measures the
CO2 value at the end of expiration, known as end-tidal (EtCO2 ) [126]. Therefore, the
impact of the disruption of global supply chains related to medical supplies caused by the
pandemic of COVID-19 has prompted the scientific community to gather their efforts and
use creativity in search of quick, safe, and effective solutions [127].
The new generations of IoT-based health devices could be leveraged as knowledge
discovery and dissemination techniques in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and
can still be applied in future pandemic crises, as they have excellent implementation
properties [128].
In this respect, the global health crisis has contributed to sharpening the use of modern
technologies in healthcare that were previously in general use, mainly using solutions
and techniques based on Internet of Things (IoT) standards, since they confer high-level
automation potential [129].
In the most severe period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the scientific community de-
veloped applications, equipment, medical supplies, and emergency systems to mitigate
the lack of such equipment and devices [130]. Thus, new designs of emergency ventilators,
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 8 of 30

such as “manual bags or resuscitation devices”, could be used in locations that did not
have access to mechanical ventilators. However, this type of hand-held device could only
be used for a short period (a few hours) [131].
The application of automated designs allowed the development of new projects with
manual bagging (BVM) to expand their usage time and implement other parameters, such
as open-loop control and the use of closed-loop sensors through assisted ventilation with
patient feedback [131–133].
In the interim, healthcare applications and systems have undergone a systematic and
operational revolution, including their techniques and functions. These changes have
promoted advances in capnography systems and mechanical ventilation through safe,
rapid, continuous, dynamic monitoring and ease of handling [134].
Ronen et al. [135] proposed an intelligent algorithm called the “Integrated Pulmonary
Index—IPITM” to support an intelligent monitoring system. They presented a device
implemented with low-cost materials integrated with open-source software and platforms.
Rahaman, Ashikur et al. [136] implemented a monitoring system based on the In-
ternet of Things to easily allow communication between numerous devices. This device
can provide functions for different sensor techniques, platform types (e.g., open-source),
and other applications. Therefore, the health crisis has converged on the progress and
re-establishment of new research areas in healthcare. In addition, it was favorable for
strengthening the Internet of Things (IoT) through its functions that can accelerate inno-
vation processes and implementations with hardware and software associated with other
technologies [137].

3.2. Use of Capnography in Mechanical Ventilation Support

Capnography is a technique for monitoring the concentration or partial pressure of
carbon dioxide (CO2 ) during mechanical pulmonary ventilation (MV) and can be used to
help with the real-time metabolic status of the patient. This method assesses the patient’s
respiratory status and analyzes and tracks their respiratory rate (or respiratory rhythm—
“RR”) factors during direct measurement of the expired carbon dioxide (CO2 ) portion and
indirect measurement of arterial partial pressures of CO2 [137].
When circulation is regular, CO2 production remains constant and EtCO2 changes
frequently with ventilation and then reaches PaCO2 . In contrast, during shock or cardiac
arrest, EtCO2 levels represent pulmonary blood flow and cardiac output, not minute
ventilation [138].
Aminiahidashti, Hamed et al. [139] confirmed that if ventilation (v) and perfusion
(q) are conveniently aggregated, EtCO2 can be equal to PaCO2 . It is usually 2–5 mm Hg
lower than PaCO2 . EtCO2 characterizes the PaCO2 of all ventilated alveoli, and PaCO2
characterizes the PaCO2 of all perfused alveoli. Despite this, the correlation v/q is close to
0.8, because there is usually some dead space (airways and alveoli).
Therefore, when the alveoli are not dispersed, the CO2 concentration is zero, while, in
the alveoli, the CO2 concentration is regular. Moreover, liquid EtCO2 usually decreases the
PaCO2 in case there is a v/q imbalance, as occurs with shock, CPR, pulmonary embolism,
and others. In this case, moderate ventilation amplifies the PaCO2 and increases the
EtCO2 –PaCO2 difference, as in asthma, atelectasis, pneumonia, and emphysema, where
the missing EtCO2 is found in esophageal intubation [140].
The waveform should generally be a rectangle with rounded corners, while irregular
shapes may indicate different situations, and the relationship of the amount, rate, and
shape of EtCO2 should be consistent or indicate improvement. Even if the EtCO2 waveform
analysis is considered simple, the healthcare provider needs to understand the formation of
the waves and the numbers produced. When capnography shows exhalation, the waveform
should measure and show the peak amount of CO2 at the end of exhalation [141].
Correct reading of a capnogram allows health professionals to evaluate the patient’s
clinical picture. They can follow some guidelines and verify that, although variation in
ventilation EtCO2 occurs with age, the readings considered normal, regarding quantity,
shape of EtCO2 should be consistent or indicate improvement. Even if the EtCO2
waveform analysis is considered simple, the healthcare provider needs to understand the
formation of the waves and the numbers produced. When capnography shows exhalation,
the waveform should measure and show the peak amount of CO2 at the end of exhalation
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 9 of 30
Correct reading of a capnogram allows health professionals to evaluate the patient’s
clinical picture. They can follow some guidelines and verify that, although variation in
ventilation EtCO2 occurs with age, the readings considered normal, regarding quantity,
shape,and andtrends,
trends,do donot
mennor norfor
women(of (ofall
the usual value of EtCO is 35–45 mm Hg
the usual value of EtCO2 is 35–45 mm Hg [141–145].
2 [141–145].
respiratoryrate rateofofaaregular
breathsper perminute
an exhaled
an exhaled COCO 2 2 amount of 35–45 mm Hg, an exhaled capnography waveformisisaaclear
amount of 35–45 mm Hg, an exhaled capnography waveform clear
measureofofthe theamount
amountofofCO CO2 2that
the incoming capnography translates into a rounded rectangle; when aperson
incoming capnography translates into a rounded rectangle; when a personexhales
CO 2 the graph goes up, and during the opposite it
CO2 the graph goes up, and during the opposite it goes down [146].goes down [146].
Duckworth[141] [141]explains
observing these phases (as shown in Figure 3), his analysis has more consistency.When
these phases (as shown in Figure 3), his analysis has more consistency. When
zero because the patient inhales, and CO2 is not eliminated.
zero because the patient inhales, and CO2 is not eliminated.

Figure 3. Illustration of a normal capnography waveform.

Figure 3. Illustration of a normal capnography waveform.

Phase2,2,whichwhichisisthe thebeginning
expiration,the theCO CO movesinto
2 2moves intothethealveoli
through thedead
examinedfrom fromthetheairways,
generatingaarapid rapidincrease
increaseininthe the
graph. Thisphase
checksthe theCOCO2 2emitted
emittedfromfromthe thealveoli
alveoliand andmixed
was the dead
dead space,
space, andandthethe graph
graph increases
increases as denser
as the the denserCO2 CO 2 gases
gases from from the lower
the lower part
part of the lungs rise and pass through
of the lungs rise and pass through the sensor [141]. the sensor [141].
Finally, Phase3,3,when
whenthe thesensor
capturesthe theCOCO 2-richgas
2 -rich gasthat
becauseit is
because it aisconstant
a constantvaluevalue the graph
the graph settles settles into a plateau.
into a plateau. Thus, theThus,
limit ofthe
thelimit of the
moment, themoment, the peak measurement
peak measurement at the
at the end of this endisofequivalent
phase, this phase, to is
theequivalent to the
EtCO2 reading.
EtCOthe end of After
2 reading. Phasethe 3, the
of Phase inhales again and
3, the patient transports
inhales again andclean air through
transports clean theair
through influencing
the sensor, theinfluencing
graph, which, the returns
graph, to zero, returns
which, and Phase 1 restarts
to zero, and [141].
Phase 1 restarts
As the capnograph presents unique characteristics, it can examine hypoventilation,
endotracheal intubation, and
As the capnograph inadequacy
presents unique incharacteristics,
the ventilator circuit
it canthat causeshypoventilation,
examine patient deaths
and sequelae and
endotracheal can detect
intubation, andtheinadequacy
location of the tracheal
in the cannula
ventilator or cannula
circuit (TCO)patient
that causes [147].
After intubation,
deaths and sequelae it makes
and thecan appropriate MV adjustments,
detect the location of the trachealcorrects
cannulathe main changes
or cannula (TCO)in
the fortuitous
[147]. acid, and integrates
After intubation, it makesathe non-invasive
appropriate procedure, which is simple
MV adjustments, correctsto the
and of easy
changes inaccess in some places
the fortuitous [148].
acid, and integrates a non-invasive procedure, which is simple
The potential of capnography
to operate and of easy access in some as an additional
places [148]. technique for monitoring ventilatory
function is a reality. It can be observed when dealing with patients with acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS are outbreaks caused by COVID-19 or anesthesia pro-
cedures in adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients who are subject to moderate or deep
sedation. In these cases, one can see how capnography is a fast, effective, and safe tech-
nique [149–151].
For example, during the most severe moment of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a
need for social isolation, sanitary measures, and safety protocols to save lives. However,
these demands were not enough to decrease the number of deaths and sick people. This
was due to lack of knowledge about the coronavirus, such as its form of contagion and
time of contamination [152]. In addition, there was an increase in the number of deaths
and sick patients from coronavirus worldwide. Uniting science and technology is essential
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 10 of 30

in confronting a broad crisis in the health care system aggravated by the lack of medical
equipment and devices [153].
After dialogues, discussions, and studies of emergency protocols, healthcare providers
in hospitals and intensive care units were forced to make quick, life-saving decisions.
Moreover, one of these decisions was about ventilator sharing practices combined with the
capnograph, which proved to be an essential and effective monitoring device to support
mechanical ventilation [154,155].
Capnography can promote numerous benefits, such as ease of use, patient comfort,
continuous monitoring, safety, and practicality in the administration of medications and
therapies, and can also improve the weaning process, unlike what occurs with a conven-
tional monitoring system [156]. It can then be used to let the respiratory muscles rest and
allow the application of specific therapies to correct hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis.
In addition, it recognizes defects in tube positioning, malfunction of the lung ventilator,
circulation damage, and breathing difficulties [157].
In summary, capnography can effectively provide the health network system or health
professionals with a fast and safe practice. It can help in the decision-making of physicians
and health care professionals and make possible the analysis and identification of images
of conditions that can threaten life and leave sequelae in the patient [158].

4. Innovative Solutions Applied to Health Care

As respiratory diseases have increased in complexity due to the increasing aging of the
global population in recent years and the severe health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pan-
demic (SARS-CoV-2 and its variants), the demand for devices based on digital techniques
(IoHT), such as the capnograph, indispensable for integrating monitoring and ventilation
support, has increased [158,159].
Singla [160] stated in a recent study that digital medical devices could represent a
revolution in healthcare services as they integrate innovative and robust technologies. This
means excellent performance and deployment potential through functions and mechanisms
to collect, process, clean, analyze and extract data and capture insights [161].
From this perspective, the academy has contributed to addressing remote patient mon-
itoring (RPM) methodology in various studies on “digital health systems and applications.”
In addition, it has explained the functions these devices can provide to healthcare providers
and physicians, such as effectively and remotely sending and receiving patient health status
data for analysis, consultation, and correct prescription [160,161].
Saha, Roy, and Chakraborty [162] proposed a device that can effectively address
the issue of demand for health care devices with the goal of monitoring patients and
environments or identifying disease-spreading elements and causes, such as COVID-19.
This prototype has demonstrated robustness and effectiveness when compared to
other similar prototypes. Since it comprises a network architecture with wireless and
wearable sensors based on IoT techniques, it also applies wearable and cloud technologies
to manage and monitor real-time patient data through a cell phone application [163].
Abdul-Jabbar and Abed [164] implemented an Internet-of-Things-based real-time
monitoring system for pacemaker patients. Their work is based on the techniques presented
by [163], and although it was designed for more general patient health use, it has great
potential for the implementation of capnography devices [163].
Anan, Safayat Reza, et al. [165] proposed an IoT-based remote monitoring system
for asthma patients called the “Asthma Tracker and the Asthma Tracker Website”. It
allows physicians to remotely monitor patients and recommends the appropriate treatment.
This device uses the Android platform, a website, and numerous sensors with ESP8266
microcontroller applications tuned with the Arduino Integrated Development Environment
(IDE). Its robust architecture consists of a MAX30100 pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor, a
GY-906 MLX90614 non-contact precision thermometer, a DHT11 humidity and temperature
sensor, a MQ-135 gas sensor, and an AD8232 ECG sensor [156]. The authors further
developed the back-end utilizing Django—an open-source web architecture based on
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 11 of 30

Python—and the front-end through a website application, hypertext markup language

(HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and jQuery. This device overall showed
acceptable results, mainly due to its ease of use and robustness of the sensors [165].
Wang, Yang, and Mao [166], on the other hand, suggested the “ResBeat” device to track
patients’ breathing level in real time, without contact, and for a longer time. This innovative
solution applied the tools of the usual 5 GHz Wi-Fi through bimodal data channel state
information (CSI). This was accomplished through a technique called “subcarriers to
modulation”, which has the function of sending data with orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM/OFDMA).
Singh, El-badawy, and Malarvili [167] implemented a portable capnography device
with a CO2 infrared sensor, an Arduino Mega2560, a 2.8” display, and a 16GB memory
card. This system included a dynamic framework to measure respiratory rate and estimate
the CO2 concentration in the respiratory system. According to these authors, the device
was implemented with specific algorithms for reading CO2 in the process of inspiration,
expiration, and respiratory rate. Moreover, it presented satisfactory results. Therefore, it
can be very useful to support monitoring in hospital and home environments [167].
Javaid et al. [168] evaluated that technique and creativity are abundant in the cur-
rent scenario. Therefore, the scientific community has been creating wearable and smart
solutions based on the IoT, which integrates its characteristics related to production pro-
cess, such as changes in time, material (spare), techniques, and designs (portable), with
applications in modern technologies and open-source hardware and/or software.
The Auto Tag solution was deployed by [169] in later work with new (real-time) func-
tions. To minimize errors in values, measurements, and false interferences caused by channel
hopping in RFID systems, the authors applied tuning techniques for a simple calibration
process following the precepts of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Yang, Wang, and Mao [170] proposed a very impactful solution (also) named “Auto
Tag” through RFID tag technology, available on the market, with a high potential for
implementation. To measure respiratory rate and identify respiratory problems and abnor-
malities, the system was based on an unsupervised uniform variational autoencoder.
Silva et al. [171] pointed out an experimental wearable device suitable for general-
purpose patients. The architecture included embedded technology and IoT-based e-Health
platform techniques to provide the functions of monitoring, processing, and creating
the database. It can be applied to artificial neural networks to check vital signs, detect
diseases and adverse situations, and send alert messages with patient information in
real time. The basis of this prototype applied the Arduino UNO R3 technologies, an
embedded platform, and included several sensors such as an AMS 5915 blood pressure
sensor, AD8232 electrocardiogram sensor, MAX30100 respiration sensor, and IR MLX90614
body temperature sensor. According to the authors, this model presented sensors with
excellent performance and performance [171].
Although previous studies have focused on one of these techniques (IoT or IoHT), none
of them has been able to combine wearable, smart, and IoT technologies with capnography.
Table 2 highlights the main contributions available in the related literature on the state of
the art, which can be used to check the current status of the survey, while showing whether
the solution applies to IoT, in general, or to IoHT.
When summarizing the contributions of the reviewed articles, it can be observed that
only four reviews do not address the Internet of Things topic. The others dealt with this
technology through new concepts and applications. Thus, the number of works that discuss
IoT-based monitoring systems in this study helps to support the importance of this study
and answer the questions raised by this survey. However, these lack a deep analysis of
pertinent issues, such as application to capnography, performance, and criticism. Therefore,
to overcome this gap, this study describes, in the following subsection, approaches to and
perspectives on IoT-based smart and wearable health device solutions for capnography.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 12 of 30

IoT-Based Wearable Smart Health Device Solutions for Capnography

Ahmed et al. [172] considered that an Internet of Things (IoT)-based healthcare system
is already an attribute of developed countries. In addition, with these techniques, they
proposed an automated, intelligent, and digital architecture to provide physicians with
remote patient health status monitoring support. The authors aimed to make the system
affordable and practical.
Dusarlapudi et al. [173] suggested a system that uses the techniques of IoT, telemedicine,
and unsupervised machine learning called the One-Class SVM method to collect data
and report about patients’ health conditions. This prototype applied the support vector
machine—SMV algorithm method to check patient data and produce deviation represen-
tation graphs through the Python programming language. This system integrated the
accelerometer ADXL335 to the Arduino microcontroller, using the software PLXDAQ to
compare the data of a healthy individual with a sick one to develop a diagnostic method
that can assist the health professional in his decisions [173]. It also uses a contactless
device with the usage of Bluetooth-tuned MEMS accelerometer technology and a Triaxial
Accelerometer with the ADXL335 sensor. The open-loop architecture enables the use of
numerous analog and digital signals to detect and correct errors [173].
The AIRE prototype proposed by Jara, Zamora, and Skarmeta [174] uses the protocol
called YOAPY to integrate sensors in an efficient, safe, and scalable way, including signal
elimination, data calibration, and real-time monitoring. This architecture can contribute
effectively to the perception and identification of problems in healthcare services, constituting
an essential tool for planning, formulating actions, and avoiding errors in the system [175].

Table 2. Summary of the most relevant contributions available in the literature.

Reference and
Title IoT in General IoHT Contributions
The researchers discussed wearable technology,
network architecture, wireless and wearable
sensors, and the Internet of Things, and
Cloud-Assisted IoT System for
developed a prototype that uses a mobile
[162], (2022) Epidemic Disease Detection and X
application; the authors highlighted that this
Spread Monitoring
model, when compared to other technologies,
demonstrated real-time monitoring, robustness,
and effectiveness.
The approach of these authors provides a
discussion of the Internet of Things related to the
remote monitoring system. They proposed a new
Real Time Pacemaker Patient electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring method for
[164], (2020) Monitoring System Based on X use in pacemaker patients. This model applies
Internet of Things IoT techniques, operates in real time with remote
access, and has the ability to send and present
data that is displayed on a particular website
( through the Wi-Fi protocol.
The researchers addressed and discussed the
disease asthma, remote patient monitoring
(RPM), and technological applications such as the
MAX30100 pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor,
precision non-contact thermometer GY-906
MLX90614, humidity and temperature sensor
DHT11, MQ-135 gas sensor, AD8232 ECG sensor,
Research and development of an Android studio, Java, and programming
[165], (2021) IoT-based remote asthma patient X languages. In their research they implemented a
monitoring system monitoring system that allows physicians to
monitor asthmatic patients from a remote area.
The authors even developed the back-end using
Django—open-source web architecture based on
Python, and the front-end through a website
application, hypertext mark-up language
(HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS), Javascript,
and jQuery.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 13 of 30

Table 2. Cont.

Reference and
Title IoT in General IoHT Contributions
The authors’ discussion covers monitoring,
wireless fidelity sensors, data preprocessing,
biomedical monitoring, fading channels, and
orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing—OFDM. They presented a
monitoring system called ResBeat, based on
5 GHz Wi-Fi techniques to exploit bimodal
Resilient Respiration Rate
channel state (CSI) information, including
[166], (2020) Monitoring with Real-time - -
amplitude and phase difference, for real-time,
Bimodal CSI Data
long-term, contactless respiratory rate
monitoring. Although the authors did not use
IoT, the device demonstrated effectiveness and
efficiency, as it was extensively tested in three
different environments, compared to two
alternative methods, and was considered to have
superior performance and feasibility.
The research addresses the pertinent issues of
capnography, discusses the technologies of
Design and validation of a
infrared CO2 sensors, and discusses
handheld capnography device for
[167], (2021) - - Arduino-specific algorithms for reading CO2 in
cardiopulmonary assessment
breathing. They developed a portable monitoring
based on the Arduino platform
system for use in hospital and home
The researchers contributed a detailed review of
types of modern sensors that are used in
everyday life, discussing associated
nomenclature and measurements for sensors, in
[168], (2021) Sensors for daily life: a review - - addition to the numerous applications of the
technology of these devices. Their study
considers a relationship with the health area that
attends to a variety of cases, including the elderly,
athletes, and patients at risk.
The authors’ approach considers a discussion
about the impact of the Internet of Things applied
to health, particularly in the vital signs
Unsupervised Detection of Apnea monitoring system, to assist patients with
Using Commodity RFID Tags With respiratory diseases. They implemented the
[169], (2019) X
a Recurrent Variational AutoTag system, applying an unsupervised
Autoencoder recurrent variational-autoencoder-based method
for estimating respiratory rate and detecting
abnormal respiration with commercially
available RFID tags.
The researchers addressed the application of the
Internet of Things in healthcare and discussed
RFID technologies, frequency-hopping with
real-time calibration for RFID systems. They also
Recurrent Variational Autoencoder analyzed the importance of monitoring
[170], (2018) for Unsupervised Apnea Detection - - continuous breathing in cases of apnea. To
with RFID Tags answer these questions, they suggested a new
method of respiratory rate monitoring system
called “Auto Tag” with the function of a recurrent
variational autoencoder for detection of apnea
and respiration.
The research discusses embedded technology
e-Health platform techniques based on the IoT,
artificial neural networks, Arduino UNO R3,
embedded platforms, and the application of
Prototype of On-Board Platform
various sensors, such as the AMS 5915 blood
[171], (2019) for Measuring Vital Signs X
pressure sensor, AD8232 electrocardiogram
Using IoT
sensor, breathing apparatus MAX30100, and IR
body temperature sensor MLX90614. They
developed an experimental wearable device
indicated for general-purpose use.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 14 of 30

Table 2. Cont.

Reference and
Title IoT in General IoHT Contributions
The authors addressed relevant issues of the
Internet of Things, (IoT) such as high
technicalization, robustness, and accuracy, in
An Intelligent Real Time IoT Based addition to studying sensors and
[176], (2018) System (IRTBS) for Monitoring X intercommunicating devices. The researchers
ICU Patient proposed an IoT-based monitoring system with
remote access, fast communication between the
health team, proactive and fast treatment, error
reduction and time savings.

Prajapati, Parikh, and Patel [176] suggested an IoT-based wearable device called
the “Intelligent Real-Time IoT Based System (IRTBS).” This system can provide real-time
monitoring, identify emergencies, quickly and securely send patient data, and check
communication delays. Therefore, it can help medical staff save time and reduce errors in
Dharani, J. M. et al. [163] developed the “health monitoring system-UPHM” through
smart sensors and wearables based on the Internet of Things (IoT) standard and integrated
cloud computing. Their prototype includes flexible, scalable, and general-purpose tech-
niques through smart wearable sensor technology, a LM 35 temperature sensor, a AD8232
ECG sensor, and a vibration detector, in addition to Arduino and Raspberry Pi 3 platforms.
This UPHM device offers healthcare services remote, continuous, and effective moni-
toring as it is constituted by IoT and cloud technologies. In addition, it relies on a so-called
“on-demand” control to enable the healthcare provider, when authorized, to check the
system information and make the best decisions [163].
Naranjo-Hernández, David et al. [177] showed a capnography prototype called “smart
vest” based on the MQTT protocol with open-source code. This system proved to be effec-
tive, non-intrusive, and robust. It was developed though wearable and smart technologies
and e-Health application tools based on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) standard.
This system was created to monitor the breathing of patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, this framework was characterized as a portable,
comfortable, and secure device with interoperability and scalability, which can exhibit
accurate capacitance and high detection sensitivity, as it uses the principles of capacitor
induction (LC). This system can also impart high sensitivity and precision capability to
efficiently detect patients’ vital signs [177].
Van Loon K. et al. [178] proposed the “frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW)”
radar system to check patients’ breathing through remote monitoring. This digital capno-
graph model presented unique and specific characteristics with great potential for the
implementation of new techniques that can improve signal-processing algorithms, such
as early identification of respiratory diseases and improvement of mechanical ventilation
Bae, Kwon, and Kim [179] presented the ubiquitous portable Vital (u-Vital) device
composed of a system called the vital block (VB), with the function of collecting a patient’s
electrocardiogram (ECG), blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), non-invasive blood pressure
(NiBP), and body temperature (BT) in real time. This framework applied the wearable
concept, offered a real-time sensing algorithm, and was based on the IoMT. Consisting of a
patient monitoring device (PMD) and a vital signs server (VSS), it can store and manage
the patient’s clinical data through wireless protocols such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth [179].
Chowdhury, M. F. et al. [180] developed a solution using a new generation of MEMS IR
emitters and detectors embedded in SMDs. Priya et al. [181] clarified that all types of health
data could be subordinated to a diversity of queries to deduce overly useful intelligence
and to mechanicalize and condition various manual tasks.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 15 of 30

George, Moon, and Lee [182] described an intelligent, wearable health system via an
eight-channel wireless device, using Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) technology. It consists
of a signal that can be transferred to a personal computer (PC) capable of processing and
classifying using MATLAB mathematical software.
The academy has pointed out new perspectives on health and monitoring systems.
For instance, in the study case proposed by Ronen et al. [135], the “intelligent respiratory
monitoring: clinical development and validation of the IPITM (Integrated Lung Index)
algorithm”, they presented an innovative device implemented with low-cost materials
integrated with open-source software and platforms.
Another impactful capnograph device was suggested by Chowdhury, M. F. et al. [180]
who applied MEMS IR technologies and an SMD-embedded technique based on the IoT. It
also uses non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology, considered one of the most sensitive
techniques to measure carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in the human breathing process. Although this
model does not use wearable techniques, its creators argued that it has excellent potential
for adjusting to these technologies. In addition, they pointed out that the system can
offer real-time and remote monitoring, as they apply a new generation of infrared (IR)
emitters and detectors. Moreover, they use the techniques of complementary metal–oxide–
semiconductor (CMOS) memory with patterns in deep reaction ion engraving (DRIE) [168].
Zaveri, Karan A., et al. [183] developed a modern and bold healthcare system to
monitor the vital signs of patients in a home quarantine situation. This device aggregated
an IoT-based heart rate measuring (BPM) system with a pulse sensor and NodeMCU
technology and featured native Wi-Fi integration features with increased processing power
and memory. Hence, this model can have a great impact in a crisis scenario, similar to what
happened with the COVID-19 pandemic, which, at its most severe moment, with the lack of
emergency devices, required changes in the production chain and new protocols. Therefore,
this system can be very useful because it integrates high-performance sensors with the
function of receiving and sending readings, within the established period, through the
Blynk application [183]. It can also provide real-time, continuous monitoring and enable
the physician to make appropriate decisions according to the patient’s clinical condition.
That is, the health professional can be warned in case of severity and request an ambulance
to send to a convenient location [183].
The wearable model suggested by Priya et al. [181] was targeted at patients who need
continuous respiratory rate monitoring, such as the elderly, Alzheimer’s patients, and
paralysis patients. This combines numerous excellent IoT-based functions. For example,
the doctor accesses the patient’s data and has the possibility to make better decisions
as appropriate [181]. In addition, this system includes data processing that is sent via a
low-power 433 MHz transmitter to the local server and cloud. This can be accessed by a
smartphone app at any time since they are stored in the cloud [181]. This architecture has
high-level sensors that can read any parts of the body of people with disabilities and allows
them to send a message through the Global System for Mobile (GSM); even those who live
alone can send a Short Message Service (SMS) message [181].
New generations of health devices can be leveraged for knowledge discovery and
dissemination techniques, and many new applications can be developed. For example,
Ketu and Mishra [184] confirmed this hypothesis by explaining that solutions with similar
characteristics to those addressed in this paper can positively impact the application of
the e-Health system. The techniques of these technologies have excellent potential for
expansion if combined with wearable technologies, IoHT, and smart sensors. To fulfill all
the criteria of this study, Table 3 then provides a summary of these solutions, highlighting
contributions, limitations, performance, and feasibility.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 16 of 30

Table 3. Summary of wearable and smart IoT-based devices for capnography.

Authors with
Title Contributions Limitations Performance Feasibility
The researchers talked
about wearable and smart
technologies based on the
Internet of Things (IoT)
standard and integrated
IoT Based Advanced cloud solutions. The
Robust, portable,
Universal Patient contribution of the authors Low-cost,
Needs to focus on flexible, remote
Dharani et al. Health (UPH) adds to the issues related to economical,
security and data access, real-time,
(2018) [163] Observation System innovative technologies effective, and
privacy continuous
Using Raspberry (Arduino and RaspBerry Pi efficient
Pi 3B 3 platforms), modern and
flexible sensors, scalable
techniques, and the
development of the
prototype health
monitoring system UPHM.
The researchers proposed
an automated, intelligent,
digital IoT-based Low energy
Internet of Things
architecture to provide Portable consumption
Based Patient Health
Ahmed, Zia Uddin doctors with remote patient Sensor instability and Real-time, and cost,
Monitoring System
et al. (2018) [172] health status monitoring patient data security continuous remote economical,
Using Wearable
support. The relevance of monitoring effective, and
Biomedical Device
this study consists of an efficient
affordable and practical
The authors’ discussion
covers the concepts and
COVID-19 patient
methods of wearable and
breath monitoring Robust
smart technologies, the Updating the system
and assessment with Real-time Efficient and
Dusarlapudi et al. accelerometer device, change in the
MEMS accelerometer- Remote access effective
(2021) [173] wireless modules, radio epidemiological
based DAQ—a Continuous solution.
frequency identification profile
Machine Learning monitoring
(RFID) tools, Arduino, and
approaches to the IoT and
telemedicine resources.
The researchers discussed
the complex issues related
to the personalized health
framework with patient
data, which can be dynamic
and incomplete. Therefore,
there are difficulties with
mining, analysis, and bias.
Robust, Low energy
Interconnection They contributed an
Jara, Flexible consumption
Framework for interconnection framework Needs to focus on
Zamora-Izquierdo Portable, and cost,
mHealth and Remote approach to mobile health security and data
and Skarmeta Continuous economical,
Monitoring Based on (mHealth) based on the privacy
(2013) [174] monitoring, remote effective, and
the Internet of Things Internet of Things. They
access, and real-time. efficient
applied the concepts and
methods of innovative
technologies to develop a
continuous monitoring
system for vital signs, with
remote access, wearable,
and with an efficient, safe
and scalable sensor.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 17 of 30

Table 3. Cont.

Authors with
Title Contributions Limitations Performance Feasibility
The researchers
investigated concepts and
applications of capacitive
sensing technologies and an
e-Health platform based on
the Internet of Medical
Smart Vest for Things (IoMT) to be used in
Respiratory Rate the development of a Low-cost,
Prajapati, Parikh and Monitoring of COPD respiratory rate monitoring Lack of qualified economical,
Patel (2018) [176] Patients Based on system for patients with professionals effective, and
Real-time, proactive
Non-Contact pulmonary disease (COPD) efficient
and quick treatment.
Capacitive Sensing during the period between
respiratory rehabilitation
and home exercises with
the following functions:
non-contact, portable,
intelligent, wearable,
low-cost and comfortable.
The researchers
investigated concepts and
applications of capacitive
sensing technologies and an
e-Health platform based on
the Internet of Medical
Smart Vest for Things (IoMT) to be used in
Respiratory Rate the development of a
NARANJO- Lacks security, Real-time, portable, Low-cost,
Monitoring of COPD respiratory rate monitoring
HERNÁNDEZ et al. interoperability and non-contact, effective and
Patients Based on system for patients with
(2018) [177] scalability comfortable efficient
Non-Contact Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Capacitive Sensing during the period between
respiratory rehabilitation
and home exercises with
the following functions:
non-contact, portable,
intelligent, wearable, low
cost and comfortable.
The authors studied the
application of
continuous wave radar”
technology to verify its
safety in measuring
respiratory rate and to Robust
continuous Algorithm Low-cost,
present wearable, Portable, non-contact,
Loon et al. respiratory unavailability and economical,
non-contact, non-invasive remote access,
(2016) [178] monitoring with radar inaccuracy effective, and
monitoring solutions for real-time, continuous
FMCW radar: a FMCW efficient
use by postoperative monitoring
clinical validation
patients. They developed a
reference monitor
(pneumotachograph at the
time of ventilation and
capnography during
spontaneous breathing).
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 18 of 30

Table 3. Cont.

Authors with
Title Contributions Limitations Performance Feasibility
The researchers discussed
wearable and smart
technologies, addressing
the potential of the Internet
of Things techniques
applied to healthcare. They
Vital Block and Vital proposed the ubiquitous
Sign Server for ECG Vital (u-Vital) handheld
Needs to focus on Portable, real-time Effective and
Bae, Kwon, and Kim and Vital Sign device composed of a
security and privacy processing, data efficient
(2020) [179] Monitoring in a system called the vital nlock
of patient data generation and solution
Portable u-Vital (VB) with the function of
System collecting a patient’s
electrocardiogram (ECG),
blood oxygen saturation
(SpO2), non-invasive blood
pressure (NiBP), and body
temperature (BT) in real
The approach discussed by
the authors shows the
importance of a portable,
low-cost, more widely used
capnography monitoring Robust Low power
MEMS Infrared
system, accessible to Real-time, portable, consumption
Chowdhury et al. Emitter and Detector
developing countries, that Sensor update non-contact, and cost,
(2019) [180] for Capnography
uses the technologies of a comfortable effective and
new generation of surface monitoring efficient.
mounted devices (SMD)
systems (MEMS).
The researchers analyzed
concepts and applications
of the Internet of Things
related to health, health
systems, Arduino
microcontrollers and
machine learning to apply
and develop an intelligent Portable, lightweight,
Effective and
Priya, G. et al. IoT Use Cases and prototype. They also Sensors with limited continuous
(2020) [181] Applications disputed numerous case capacity monitoring, real-time,
studies on the smart health remote access.
system. Finally, they
presented a wearable and
intelligent monitoring
system, based on the IoT,
which has a great impact on
the lives of patients with
paralysis and Alzheimer’s.
The researchers discussed a
novel technique for
monitoring respiratory
functions, such as
respiratory rate and tidal
Extraction and
volume, with the goal of
Analysis of
showing an innovative Robust
Respiratory Motion Need for further Effective and
George, Moon and multisensor approach with High level,
Using a research, analysis, efficient
Lee (2021) [182] application of a new multisensor, real-time
Comprehensive and methods. solution
wearable sensor technology processing.
Wearable Health
with the connection of
Monitoring System
acoustics and biopotentials
and implementation of a
lightweight and extensive
wearable vital-sign
monitoring system.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 19 of 30

Table 3. Cont.

Authors with
Title Contributions Limitations Performance Feasibility
The researchers discussed
IoT, NodeMCU, air quality,
oxygen separation level
(SpO2), LCD display, heart
rate, body temperature
sensing, cloud computing,
and the Blynk app and Robust Viable model
IoT based real time proposed a “Home Portable, real-time in a crisis
low cost home Quarantine Monitoring and continuous scenario,
Zaveri et al.
quarantine patient System” to monitor Sensor upgrade monitoring economical,
(2021) [183]
aid system using COVID-19 patients through High performance reliable and
Blynk app an application based on (processing, memory highly
IoT-cloud and Blynk. This and sensors) functional
system uses sensors that
collect essential data and
sends them to a central
server that stores them to
be applied whenever there
is a need.

5. Analysis, Discussion, and Open Issues

The previous sections discussed relevant issues about capnography, mechanical ven-
tilation monitoring systems, and innovative solutions addressed in the literature, with
an emphasis on wearable and intelligent devices (capnographs) based on the internet of
In this section, the main solutions discussed above will be analyzed and compared.
The following precepts were considered in order to filter the contributions referred to as
“high performance” with great potential for implementation: the use of robust and portable
devices, patient safety and comfort, autonomous and easy-to-use devices, improved usabil-
ity of care, and sustainable and continuous monitoring.
Vijayalakshmi and Deepa [185] also analyzed hardware and software that can be
applied in healthcare. This technology is proving to be very useful and impactful in
complex monitoring structures, as is the case with IoT, which is a creative and functional
technology that opens horizons in the medical field.
Specifically, in the context of respiratory diseases that require continuous monitoring,
the IoT is an excellent technology, as it grants efficiency in storing and processing data
while allowing physicians and healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely [185].
Wearable and smart technologies have also played a relevant role in monitoring
systems, demonstrating extraordinary potential for implementation in healthcare devices
combined with IoT techniques. Al-Halhouli, A. T., et al. [186] discussed the possibilities
and contributions of wearable sensors that can be applied to individualized health in the
case of a monitoring system for patients with infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.
According to Ahmed et al. [172], monitoring systems that operate with IoT-based
wearable and smart technologies can significantly decrease mortality rates. They offer an
automated system that works over the internet and brings together the following benefits:
ease, safety, efficiency, and speed of care.
Dusarlapudi et al. [173] designed a smart wearable prototype that applies “embedded
camera” technology and works as follows: the wearable module takes an accelerometer
reading and then transmits it by a wireless 433 MHz radio frequency module to another
Arduino board that has the function of sending data through the serial port. Then, it
uses the Parallax Data Acquisition Tool (PLX-DAQ) to generate an Excel file containing
data readings and interpretation graphs in real time. This device works by using the IoT
and telemedicine resources to send patients’ health status reports to the system-enabled
physician. The relevance of its architecture includes real-time, continuous, and remote
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 20 of 30

access monitoring benefits used for COVID-19 patients and/or other severe cases that
require respiratory rate (RR) monitoring [173].
Even though the devices addressed in this paper are excellent and capable of handling
several issues, changes in the epidemiological profiles of populations in the last two
decades have changed the actual framework, and studies converge on new solutions. For
instance, the global health crisis caused by the recent pandemic of COVID-19 has disrupted
production chain processes for medical devices used in the monitoring systems, such as
the capnograph and ventilators. This situation has led to a major shortage of these devices
worldwide [187,188]. Li, Wei et al. [189] explained that COVID-19 exposed the weaknesses
of the conventional healthcare system, and that healthcare providers alone would not be
able to cope with this scenario.
In contrast, this situation could have been made more flexible by employing some
creative and innovative solutions that had already been pointed out by the scientific
community even before the pandemic. Those solutions had excellent implementation
potential, as in the case of [174], which proposed the AIRE prototype and innovative
protocol YOAPY to integrate sensors in an efficient, secure, and scalable way. It sought to
solve problems such as signal elimination, data calibration, and real-time monitoring.
According to Jara, Zamora-Izquierdo, and Skarmeta [174], wearable and smart tech-
nologies based on IoT techniques can be biomedical solutions and still allow a balance of
social, economic, and environmental costs. This analysis recently confirms that among
today’s essential technologies, smart and connected wearable technologies have great
potential to help in the medical field.
Wearable devices based on the Internet of Things (IoT) have already developed greatly
in recent years. They can facilitate the gathering of health-targeted data to an effective
extent never seen before. Although there are still many challenges to be overcome, these
studies can provide government and healthcare professionals with important analysis
and information on the latest trends and prospects for using these technologies in “smart
health” [189].
The solutions presented in [163,176,187,190] can be considered innovative and easy to
implement, serving as models for new devices (capnographs, for instance). The prototype
“Intelligent Real-Time IoT Based System (IRTBS)” and the Advanced Universal Patient Health
Observation System (UPH) have enormous potential to develop, organize and execute other
monitoring systems in a continuous, intelligent, sophisticated and effective way.
Bae, Kwon, and Kim [179] built an advanced easy-to-use portable “ubiquitous Vital”
(u-Vital) system. This scheme is composed of a vital block (VB), a patient monitoring
device (PMD), and a vital signs server (VSS), which operates with continuous monitoring
functions based on IoT techniques. It allows data storage for further analysis and manages
the measurement of vital signs. In addition, the collected vital signs are sent via Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth to a VSS. The prototype then offers a real-time detection algorithm for the R-point
that refers to one of the waves that translates the ventricular activity and that corresponds
to the depolarization of heart muscles with long-term ECG analysis [179].
The prototypes suggested by [20,177,179] can offer an intelligent robust architecture,
low-environmental-impact, self-sufficient solution with a wide potential of use, and main-
tain the quality of the patient’s health. When checking patients’ vital signs, it transmits them
at the same time to a server and performs a real-time analysis through wireless systems
Wi-Fi Bluetooth protocols and efficient algorithms improving its use in ICU environments.
On the other hand, the model developed by Chowdhury, M. F., et al. [180] uses the
SMD embedded technique and MEMS IR technology, applied to capnography with a
new generation of infrared (IR) emitters and detectors and complementary metal–oxide–
semiconductor (CMOS) memory, standard in deep reaction ion etching (DRIE), and was
found to be very effective to provide real-time and remote monitoring.
The prototypes created by [169,170], called “AutoTag and RFID tag systems”, operate
with an active platform of commercial RFID readers and tags. Therefore, they can lessen the
action of unstable environments and still function as a ubiquitous, continuous, and remote
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 21 of 30

monitoring system with broad device integration. These technologies are considered low-
cost and they use commercially available materials and integrate the benefits of credibility,
security, and privacy [135,169,170,191]. As such, automated electronic devices with IoT-
based wearable and smart technologies offer the healthcare service a digital monitoring
system in real time and remotely. They can also identify emergencies, produce information
in a fast, time-saving manner, and check over communication delays [176,177,192].
Yang, Wang, and Mao [169,170] proposed the “AutoTag” solution based on an unsu-
pervised uniform variational autoencoder. This measures the respiratory rate to identify
eventual respiratory problems and abnormalities by using RFID tag technology. Initially,
the goal was to develop a system (AutoTag) to only monitor breathing and apnea [170].
However, the implementation presented in [169] suggests that the AutoTag system would
also answer problems related to other respiratory diseases. AutoTag uses IoT concepts
along with some sensors for respiratory rate monitoring and parameter calibration.
The ResBeat [166], a flexible respiratory monitoring system, was implemented using
bimodal channel state information (CSI) data. This device considers logging the ‘amplitude’
of bimodal CSI in real time to improve the robustness of respiratory level measurement
at different sites. ResBeat’s basic differences from IoT-based wearable systems refer to the
implemented techniques that achieve other purposes. The ResBeat model applies 5 GHz
Wi-Fi, bimodal channel state information (CSI) data, and “subcarriers to modulation” with
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM/OFDMA) [166]. Therefore, this device
can provide “flexibility”, while it is considered a “resilient system”. This is because it
integrates adaptive capability, data pre-processing, and signal distinction in respiratory
monitoring. The prototype demonstrated high performance with mutually complementary
data. Its performance was found to be satisfactory in all three test scenarios, demonstrated
by respiration rate evaluation, which achieved high-accuracy results [166].
Zaveri Karan A. et al. [183] proposed the “Home Quarantine Monitoring System”
to monitor COVID-19 patients through an IoT-cloud- and Blynk-based application. This
method supports secure and fast real-time remote monitoring and wide applicability when
compared to other devices available on the market. Moreover, it presents numerous benefits,
such as versatility, speed, security, and cost savings. The cloud technology of this prototype
can be adjusted to enable a fast and proactive connection with the healthcare team, as it
uses sensors that collect essential data and send it to a central server that stores it to be
applied whenever it is needed [183].
Priya et al. [181] developed a wearable health technology device based on smart IoT
techniques. It uses machine learning tools to assist people with paralysis in their routine
activities. It has functions to check, analyze, examine, locate and store medical data and
present statistical samples. An innovative function of this device is a “medicine dispenser”,
a pill holder attached to a bell with an alarm program to let the patient know when it
is time to take the medicine. It also has a pulse sensor that allows heart rate detection
to display the patient’s condition through the LCD panel, showing whether a patient
is agitated, for example [181]. This section has delved into some of the functions and
applications of different healthcare devices, in particular wearable smart devices applied to
the capnograph. It is understood that this state-of-the-art knowledge base can contribute to
the emergence of new solutions and advances in the healthcare research field.
Healthcare providers’ understanding of how to handle capnograph devices is vital in
treating respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19. Smart devices that detect data quickly and
securely and provide continuous monitoring may produce a real impact on saving patients’
lives, not only by providing better patient care but also by enabling better administration
of healthcare services.
The solutions discussed above answer some of the questions raised in this work. Such
models demonstrated extraordinary performance, including production flexibility; portable
and easy-to-use designs; safe, fast, and effective real-time medical analysis; remote access;
and time and resource savings. However, there are still some relevant open issues that
need to be discussed.
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 22 of 30

Open Issues
According to the analysis carried out in this study, the following open issues are
• Application of modern and flexible sensors in capnography. Modern and flexible
sensors can considerably reduce the cost of the capnograph in terms of development
and production because they are abundantly found in the market and considered
robust devices by the literature.
• Application of the IoT Blynk platform in capnography. The IoT Blynk platform
provides the ability to integrate and develop devices with remote and real-time man-
agement. It can offer to healthcare professionals a continuous and fast monitoring
system, since it has a robust, dynamic, effective, and efficient architecture.
• 3D prototyping technologies to develop capnographs. The use of 3D technology has
been an excellent alternative in device development, primarily “emergency” devices.
These devices were widely used in the most serious period of the COVID-19 pandemic
due to their low cost and fast production process. The use of 3D technology can
involve lightweight and comfortable materials, offering remarkable functions and
features, such as safety, ease of use, adjustability, and flexibility.
• Development of a flexible and intelligent monitoring system. This can promote
evolution in mechanical ventilation support and revolutionize healthcare systems
worldwide, making service stations in intensive care units much more dynamic and
safer. Furthermore, it may impact e-Health applications and help in other contexts of
pandemic crises in the future.

6. Lessons Learned
The capnograph is a basic device in anesthesiologic practices and in respiratory dis-
eases monitoring systems. In addition to improving and optimizing the mechanical ventila-
tion service, it is equipment that helps save lives. Even though recent literature has investi-
gated monitoring systems (emergency ventilators) due to the crisis caused by COVID-19,
capnography still needs to play a major role and be supported in academic studies.
The growing advance of the Internet of Things has led to the emergence of new
models of health systems that support cutting-edge technologies such as smart and flexible
devices. These can add excellent functions and prodigious features, including autonomy
and robustness, and can still be fast, light, secure, scalable, adaptable, portable, and easy
to use. In this study, open-source solutions were approached with the following aspects:
the usage of economical materials, easy use and maintenance, and a simple and fast
production process.

7. Conclusions
The context of the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was some-
how faced, with creativity, good cheer, and resilience. This has helped the scientific
community to analyze, reflect, and address the best measures and investment techniques
in protocols based on innovative technologies that could avoid a situation of “chaos” in the
global health system during pandemic periods.
The capnography devices studied in this paper proved to be viable and can largely
contribute to mechanical ventilation monitoring systems, both in critical and regular peri-
ods. Therefore, it is expected that this study can strengthen the dialogue between its peers
and contribute to future perspectives on the topic.
Based on this literature review, it was possible to perceive the need to develop smart
and wearable solutions based on IoT for capnography, which can offer real-time monitoring,
verify emergency situations, reduce communication delay, save time, enable medical teams
to make decisions more correctly, reduce possible errors, and save lives.
The essential factors that hinder the deployment of this type of system are performance
and technical and economic viability, which need to be aligned together. An option to adjust
these factors would be supported by studies and research applying wearable and flexible
Electronics 2023, 12, 1169 23 of 30

sensors available on the market with innovative technologies, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
6LoWPAN, RFID, ZigBee/IEEE802, and 433 MHZ receiver–transmitters. Furthermore,
embedded known systems, such as Arduino, RaspBerry Pi, NodeMCU, PIC, and ARM9 can
be adjusted to 3D prototyping methods considered flexible, safe, and easy to use, using light
and comfortable materials, with structured architectures and platforms, and structured and
connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) applied to health (IoHT, IoMT).
The accuracy and performance of the capnograph can considerably improve mechan-
ical ventilation. Its size, lightness, ease of handling, and flexibility are notable functions
that effectively support the continuous monitoring system and help healthcare providers
to develop a quality service. Therefore, smart devices that can quickly and securely detect
data and yet provide continuous monitoring can positively impact healthcare solutions by
providing better patient care and enabling better administration in healthcare services.
To improve the applicability of health monitoring systems covering the strengths
highlighted throughout this study, there are numerous important parameters that can be
increased. For example, to establish functions that can operate with security protocols,
Internet of Things standards applied to healthcare emerge as excellent resources, since they
can integrate devices that start working with continuous monitoring and remote access
in real-time. Other techniques have shown an impact on monitoring systems, such as
modern, flexible sensors and 3D prototyping technologies that, in addition to being low-
cost tools, have a faster production process, and use lightweight, adjustable, sophisticated,
and comfortable materials. Accordingly, this review answers pertinent questions and points
out other aspects related to the performance and viability of several healthcare solutions,
since the focus of this work is to present an analysis and check which perspectives place
wearable and intelligent solutions based on IoT in capnography.
In conclusion, this deep study of the state of the art demonstrated that there are
promising guidelines for studies to follow in further investigations regarding IoT-based
wearable and smart health device solutions for capnography.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.D.L. and J.J.P.C.R.; methodology, D.F.T.M., G.F.J., G.D.L.
and J.J.P.C.R.; validation, J.J.P.C.R. and G.F.J.; formal analysis, J.J.P.C.R., G.D.L. and G.F.J.; investi-
gation, D.F.T.M.; resources, G.D.L. and J.J.P.C.R.; data curation, D.F.T.M.; writing—original draft
preparation, D.F.T.M. and G.F.J.; writing—review and editing, G.D.L. and J.J.P.C.R.; supervision,
J.J.P.C.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: This work is partially funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds and,
when applicable, co-funded EU funds under Project UIDB/50008/2020, and by the Brazilian National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development—CNPq, via Grant No. 313036/2020-9.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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