Clinical Psychology Inherent Requirements
Clinical Psychology Inherent Requirements
Clinical Psychology Inherent Requirements
To assist students to make informed choices about their study, we have identified and set out below the
Inherent Requirements for coursework award courses in Clinical Psychology.
The University of Sydney welcomes and encourages applications from students with disabilities, and from
diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Where there are physical, intellectual, cultural, religious, or other
factors thatimpact on a student’s ability to meet the Inherent Requirements, the University will make reasonable
adjustments to assist the student to meet the requirements.
To successfully complete their award course, students must meet the academic requirements set out in the
Faculty and course resolutions – these are set out in the Faculty handbook. In addition, students in all
courses are required to comply with Australian laws and University rules and policies, including the Student
Charter 2020. The University of Sydney upholds the academic standards of each degree and discipline so
that all students graduate with the skills and knowledge expected of a graduate of the award conferred.
With appropriate supports and reasonable accommodations, students must be able to carryout
the list of inherent requirements described below, in order to successfully complete the clinical
psychology course.
Communication tasks
1. Comprehend spoken English delivered at conversational speed (including in noisy environments,
such as hospital wards and classrooms).
2. Understand and respond to verbal communications accurately, appropriately and in a timely manner.
3. Communicate clearly, audibly, and intelligibly in English.
4. Actively participate in group discussions.
E.g. participate in patient-based group discussion in class and clinic.
5. Read and comprehend information presented in a variety of standard formats.
E.g. you are able to understand hand written or electronic medical progress notes.
6. Record information accurately and make coherent notes.
E.g. write psychology reports, take notes while interviewing a patient.
7. Perceive non-verbal communication from others and respond appropriately (in context)
E.g. patient or client distress.
8. Communicate respectfully with people of different gender, sexuality and age, and from diverse
cultural, religious, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.
Physical tasks
1. Meet initial and ongoing immunisation requirements, including those introduced after commencement in
the course or program. Detail is available at
2. Independently carry and manipulate instruments, materials and equipment necessary for clinical care.
3. Attend clinical or practicum placements in a range of physical settings (e.g. urban, rural, hospitals,
clinics) and for the required number of hours, within a reasonable period. Detail is available at
Intellectual tasks
1. Gather, comprehend and organise information
2. Integrate theory and knowledge from various sources.
E.g. write treatment plans, reports and notes.
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Faculty of Science
The Inherent Requirements are likely to be particularly helpful for students with disabilities. Many
students successfully manage their disabilities with external support and opt not to notify the
University. However, the University’s Inclusion and Disability Services team assists hundreds of
current students with a disability and provides prospective students with advice about the support
services offered at the University. Where necessary, after confidential registration of a disability,
Inclusion and Disability Services negotiates reasonable adjustments for students with the relevant
Faculty. Adjustments to coursework and assessments may also be made for students with carer’s
responsibilities, or cultural or religious needs. These adjustments may include such things as building
and timetabling modifications, recording teaching material and special examination provisions. For
fieldwork placements, it may include negotiating with supervisors in advance of the placement for
reasonable adjustments. Adjustments must be reasonable and cannot compromise the academic
integrity of a course. Reasonable adjustments are provided to assist students to achieve the inherent
requirements, not as a substitute for them.
In the case of many university subjects, the Inherent Requirements are purely cognitive. However, the
health professional courses, in addition to teaching cognitive skills, train students to diagnose and
treat clients and patients. Students’ abilities to do this are assessed in structured examinations and
students are required to perform supervised care of clients and patients satisfactorily when on
placement. Patient and client safety must be ensured at all times and the healthcare institutions, the
registered practitioners supervising, and the University have a duty of care to these patients and
clients. Students are required to comply with relevant requirements for placement organisations (e.g.
NSW health). The health placement requirements are detailed on the current students’ website.
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Faculty of Science
What is an adjustment?
These are modifications or accommodations made by the University that have the effect of assisting a
student with a disability to participate or access something on the same basis as someone without a
disability. Common accommodations include aids to vision or hearing (which many people of course wear
every day). Inclusion and Disability Services at the University of Sydney works to support students with
disabilities, including negotiating reasonable adjustments for students. These adjustments are frequently
related to assessment, e.g. extra time in examinations, allowing students to type instead of handwrite, or
may relate to such issues as timetabling or access. Other assistance for fieldwork may include adjusting
hours of work and the allocation of the type of placement may also be adjusted where needed to ensure the
psychological safety of the student.
The University of Sydney has obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), the Anti-
Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth) to ensure that
reasonable adjustments are available. Adjustments must be reasonable and cannot compromise the
academic integrity of a course. Reasonable adjustments are provided to assist students to achieve the
Inherent Requirements, not as a substitute for them.
Can I enrol even if I am not sure I will be able to carry out some of the inherent requirements?
Yes. In fact, it will usually be unlawful for the University to restrict enrolment on the basis of disability,
or to discriminate against students with a disability in other ways.
What happens if I do enrol and I am unable to carry out some of the inherent requirements?
Assessment is carried out with approved reasonable adjustments. The Faculty of Science is accountable to the
external bodies that accredit its courses and must ensure that its graduates meet registration requirements. If,
even with reasonable adjustments, you are unable to carry out some of the Inherent Requirements, you may
fail an essential component of the course. In this event, you will be unable to graduate with a professional
clinical psychology degree.
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