Neurosecretory Cell
Neurosecretory Cell
Neurosecretory Cell
Department of Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, N.Y.
SYNOPSIS. The widespread occurrence of neurosecretory neurons in the animal
kingdom suggests a functional significance that is basic and special. The explanation of
the need for this unusual cell type lies in the fact that it forms a link between the
nervous and the endocrine systems whose functional interdependence forms the basis for
the effectiveness of regulatory mechanisms in the animal world. These two integrative
systems function in different ways. The neurosecretory cell, with its dual characteristics,
One of the most fertile concepts in the 1963; Nalbandov, 1963; Bajusz and Jasmin,
progress of endocrine research has been 1964; E. Scharrer, 1966; Weitzman, 1964-
that of the functional interdependence of 1966). Only some of these will be included
organs concerned with regulatory mech- in the following discussion whose central
anisms. Under physiological conditions, in- topic is the elucidation of the phenomenon
dividual glands of internal secretion do not of neurosecretion and its role in neuroen-
function autonomously, but rather as links docrine integration. Even at that, current
in an ever-changing sequence of events. In research contributions in this area are be-
their entirety, these glands constitute the coming so numerous that only a small
endocrine apparatus, one of the two in- selection of representative references can be
tegrative organ systems of higher organisms. given. These contain much of the docu-
Environmental stimuli affecting the en- mentation for the views expressed in the
docrine system reach it by way of the nerv- following pages and should be consulted
ous apparatus, the other of the two sys- for further orientation in this field.
tems of communication. Its makeup of in- If indeed nervous and endocrine com-
numerable links (neuron chains) is too ponents join forces by serving as alternating
well known to require discussion. What has links in chains of regulatory activities, there
not been fully appreciated, however, until must be means of communication between
very recently is the high degree of mutual neurons and endocrine cells, and vice versa.
interdependence that exists between the Are the signals involved the same as, or
nervous and the endocrine systems. And different from, those used between two
yet, the situation could not be otherwise, neurons, or two endocrine cells, respec-
because heterogeneous directives aimed at tively?
a given effector organ simultaneously, in The type of chemical messenger (hor-
order to be "effective" at all, must not mone) by which an endocrine cell com-
contradict each other. municates with either another endocrine or
The manner in which the two integrative a "final target" cell (such as a uterine
systems communicate with each other in muscle fiber) can also serve for conveying
coordinating the body's autonomic adjust- information to a neural recipient. A well
ments, and the outcome of this combined known example is the effect of circulating
activity, constitute Neuroendocrinology. gonadal steroids on special cell groups in
This young, but rapidly expanding dis- the mammalian hypothalamus, called "hor-
cipline encompasses many facets of mutual mone-sensitive neurons." These cells con-
interaction (see Scharrer and Scharrer, vert the information conveyed by such
stimuli into appropriate neural activity But after several decades of strife, the con-
and elicit two types of response. One is a cept of neurosecretion is now firmly es-
change in an animal's behavior, as during tablished, and its study has become a most
estrus, the other is an endocrine event and active field in contemporary biological
involves, somewhere in the relay system, research. A brief characterization of the
a step from neuron to endocrine cell. neurosecretory neuron may be in order
Since the recipient cell is one geared to before considering its special task of
communication by chemical messengers, mediating between the two systems of
the switchover from nervous to endocrine integration.
system could well be accomplished by
cerning both structure and function. The charge occurs at the axon terminal. Neuro-
production of a visible secretory material secretory granules reach this site by
marks the neurosecretory neuron as a gland proximo-distal axonal transport. Evidence
cell, and the fact that extractable cellular for the occurrence of this "migration" is
products act in the manner of hormones conclusively provided by the accumulation
places it in the realm of endocrine elements. of material at the proximal stump of the
The glandular products of "classical" surgically interrupted pathway, and by the
neurosecretory cells are polypeptides time sequence in the changing distribution
(bound by a carrier protein, neurophysin) of incorporated labeled precursors as deter-
and thus differ chemically from known mined by autoradiographic techniques
nations. The hypophysial portal system vesicles, a role most likely concerned with
channels "hypothalamic releasing factors" the release mechanism of neurosecretory
to endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary. products, to be discussed shortly.
Here the results are either second- or third- Little is known about a possible fourth
order neuroendocrine events (with one or vehicle for the conveyance of neurosecre-
two endocrine centers interposed). tory material. Various light- and ultrami-
A third possibility for the nervous system croscopic data suggest a release into the
to reach endocrine targets has been cerebrospinal fluid. The functional sig-
mentioned earlier and is exemplified by the nificance of this phenomenon is difficult to
control mechanism over the pars inter- assess. It has been suggested (Fridberg and
distribution parallels the sites of formation of the nervous apparatus is now firmly
and/or storage of catecholamine as deter- established.
mined by the fluorescence-technique (Fuxe,
et ah, 1966a). •
If it can be established that physiologi-
cally active catecholamines released from We may now return to the cardinal
neurons reach target cells by a vascular question, i.e., the reason for the existence
route, such as the hypophysial portal sys- of neurosecretory neurons. Their wide-
tem, these catecholamines would then spread occurrence in the animal kingdom
qualify as neurohormones. In this event, suggests a functional significance that is
endocrine system, there occurs a much its dual characteristics, and this cell alone,
slower and much less directed transmission seems capable of receiving messages in
of messages. The neurosecretory cell with "neural language," and of transmitting this
FIC. 3. Xeurosecretory cells acting as mediators between nervous and endocrine systems. The
diagram illustrates the relationship for the prototype of a neuroendocrine integration center,
the hypothalamus of higher vertebrates. (Reprinted from Scharrer and Scharrer, 1963,
Nituroendocrinology, Columbia University Press, New York.)
information in modified "endocrine lan- events in the ovary with periodic con-
guage" to a glandular cell (E. Scharrer, sequences in peripheral target organs, es-
1952). pecially the uterus.
Now that this crucial point has been Another example of complex neuroendo-
elucidated, we can present a scheme for crine interaction is the control of insect
all of the theoretically possible interactions development. Growth and metamorphosis
between neural and endocrine factors. A depend on gradual shifts in the relative im-
diagram (Fig. 2) shows how various af- portance of two interacting hormonal cen-
ferent stimuli from the internal and ex- ters, the prothoracic gland and the corpus
ternal milieus enter central circuits that allatum. Here the central nervous system
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