Numeth Transes
Numeth Transes
Numeth Transes
Newton-Raphson Method
The most widely used of all root-locating
If the initial guess at the root is, a
tangent can be extended from the
The point where this tangent cross the x-
axis usually represents an Improved
estimate of the root [xi , f(xi)]
Secant Method
A potential problem in implementing the
Newton-Raphson method is the
evaluation of the derivative
Although this is not inconvenient for
polynomuts and many other functions,
there are certain functions whicoe
derivatives may be extremely dia or
inconvenient to evaluate
SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS echelon form using elementary row
A linear system of n algebraic equations in The reduced row echelon form of a matrix
n unknowns x1, x2, is in the form: is unique, but the steps of the procedure
a11x1 + a12x2 + …. a1nxn = b1 are not
a21x1 + a22x2 + …. a2nxn = b2
Where aij (i, j ) and bk(k = 1,2,…n) are
known constants, and aij are the INDIRECT METHODS
coefficients. Iteration based
If every bk is zero, the system is Indirect methods are those that uses
homogeneous, otherwise it is iterations to find the approximate solution.
nonhomogeneous. This is done with an initial vector and then
successive approximations are generated
Numerical methods for solving linear that eventually converges to the actual
systems of equations are divided into two solution.
categories: direct methods and indirect Unlike direct methods, the number of
methods. operations required by iterative methods
is not known in advance.
Jacobi Method
Solution based Named after Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
These method transforms the original (1804 – 1851)
system into an equivalent system in which This method makes two assumptions:
the coefficient matrix is upper-triangular, 1. The system is given by
lower-triangular, or diagonal, making the
system much easier to solve.
Gauss Elimination
The Gauss elimination method is the most
familiar method for solving a system of has a unique solution
linear equations. 2. that the coefficient matrix A has no zeros
This method consists of two parts: the in its main diagonal.
elimination phase and the solution phase.
In this method, a system of equations that Gauss-Seidel Method
is given in a general form is manipulated A modification of the Jacobi method
to be in the upper triangular form, which is Named after Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-
then be solved by using the back 1855) and Philipp L. Seidel (1821- 1896)
substitution. This modification is no more difficult to use
Gaussian elimination, also known as row than the Jacobi method, and it often
reduction, is an algorithm in linear algebra requires fewer iterations to produce the
for solving a system of linear equations. same degree of accuracy.
It is usually understood as a sequence of With the Jacobi method, the values of xi
operations performed on the obtained in the nth approximation remain
corresponding matrix of coefficients. unchanged until the entire (n+1)th
Once a “solution” has been obtained, approximation has been calculated.
Gaussian elimination offers no method of With the Gauss-Seidel method, on the
refinement. other hand, you use the new values of xi
sensitive to rounding error as soon as they are known.
That is, once you have determined x1 from
Gauss-Jordan Method the first equation, its value is used in the
The Gauss Jordan method Is the second equation to obtain the new x 2.
refinement of the Gauss elimination Similarly, the new x1and x2 are used in the
method third equation to obtain the new x3, and
Gauss-Jordan elimination a procedure for so on.
converting a matrix to a reduced row